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Jun 03, 2021
Why do I also put my hair up with a makeup brush? But you know, that's what makes me weird. Where? Where is it infused? Today is probably the most excited I've been to film a makeup video in a long time. I couldn't wait to play with this entire collection. Today is about Selena Gomez's new brand called



, if you haven't heard of


. Beauty, I'm shocked because this blew up in the makeup world at first, it was getting some backlash because people were like, oh my gosh, another celebrity makeup brand and I felt similar in the sense that sometimes it feels like that. a lot of them are launching and it's every other day it's like this person's new brand, this person's new brand, but at the same time, if it's going to be good, I don't really care, rare


feels different because it feels like a more natural and focused day to day life, not so much.
hmm my thoughts on rare beauty by selena gomez
Glam but more like that soft natural ethereal beauty that I feel a lot of people are heading towards, so I feel like this is released at the right time and since it's not called Selena Gomez beauty, I think it was a very good choice of her part. You know, I want to keep it as its own brand, it's a rare beauty and I really like the name. I like how the brand looks so far. I have the entire collection here. I received the PR kit which I was very excited about. I have not done it. I've seen no videos about this yet, I haven't seen any reviews, I've seen a lot of positive things about it, although on Twitter and stuff, people really liked it and they released it with a bunch of different products, so I'm going to go in and see what's here I haven't opened this box yet and we're going to play together with some makeup.
hmm my thoughts on rare beauty by selena gomez

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hmm my thoughts on rare beauty by selena gomez...

I'm very excited, so if you guys are excited about this video, please like it, subscribe to my YouTube channel and let's play with a rare beauty. I think what intrigues me most about this collection so far, from what I've seen online, is that it's very focused on creams; It seems like most, if not all, of the products are a cream-based formula or liquid which I think is really unique for a brand to launch with mostly cream liquid products. I feel like most brands focus on powders because they're so much more common, but I feel like we're in that kind of era. where people are moving away from powders and want that more natural cream look i.e. the brighter vibe or like now morphe 2 i got.
hmm my thoughts on rare beauty by selena gomez
Would you be interested in seeing a review on morphe 2? I didn't know how anyone felt about it. Morphe is one of those very loved or hated brands, well here's the little brochure that comes with it. She looks absolutely beautiful. Welcome to a rare beauty. It takes courage to put yourself out there as a creator. He's constantly being vulnerable and I admire that. that the rare beauty community is full of unique voices, lives and stories. I created rare beauty to break unrealistic standards of perfection. I firmly believe that you are not meant to look like everyone else and that is what makes you weird, whether you enjoy putting on a full face or just want to play around and feel creative or barely wear makeup.
hmm my thoughts on rare beauty by selena gomez
This is makeup made to feel good without hiding what makes you unique. I can't wait to see how everyone uses these products. Be sure to label an unusual routine. so we can repost her looks a


quote. I get it all day, every day, that I'm not sexy enough or I'm not cool enough or if I did this I would be accepted. I promise you that each and every one of you is. made to be who you are and that's what's so attractive and beautiful, don't forget that even when it gets tough, we have a weightless liquid touch foundation that I've heard nothing but good things about and it comes in 48 shades that launch with 48 shades it's a big win, it's amazing when I see brands do this and for her to do it was a very, very smart move, releasing like 12 shades automatically sets you up for criticism and failure, and rightly so, I'm very happy . to see that it's a nice balanced range of shades and a lot of shades to throw in, which is amazing, the liquid touch highlighting concealer.
The foundation's 29 Liquid Touch Brightening Concealer is 19. always an optimal brightening foundation 26. I'll use the foundation today, I'm always optimistic. four in one mist 24. erase and shine touch up kit 26. that's like a blotting powder. I had never used blotting powder before. perfect strokes matte liquid eyeliner 19. harmony eyebrow pencil and gel 22 dollars wow there's like a full, full, full face here with gratitude moist lip balm 16 positive light liquid highlighter 22 soft liquid blush twenty dollars lip soufflé matte lip cream twenty dollars touch liquid foundation brush 28 touch liquid multitasking sponge 14 touch liquid concealer brush 16. wow they really did it I mean this is a huge, huge launch so I'm really impressed with this let's take a look and see what we have.
Took some of the sponge off, it was kind of stuck to the kit so when you take it off there's like a hole in the sponge now I like the vibe of the brand it feels very very 20 20 to me I don't know if you guys are great, so the sponge got pretty big, I'll say it if you look at the sponge, I don't know. If you notice, but it's very porous, it's not one of those like, it has a soft look, not like microfiber, but like a Beauty Blender type sponge, like it has more texture, so I'll start with the foundation.
I'm going to pull my hair back to know that drives half of you, if not 75 of you, absolutely crazy, when I don't do it, why do I also pull my hair back with a makeup brush, but you know That's what makes me weird, is that right? I'm going to start with the primer and this is the brightening primer base. I normally don't use primer. Normally I just like a good moisturizer, but I want you to know to try these products today and give them a full test. through it all, so I'll let you know the packaging is really nice, it feels really nice and sturdy, it's not too much, it feels really clean, really fresh, this is what the highlighting foundation looks like when I spray it on my hand It looks like it's going to be shiny like it has a pearl finish, so I don't know if that's something you're interested in, but I'll put it on and see what it does.
I would say it is completely unscented. I don't feel like I smell. There's no scent on this, it doesn't seem like there's any artificial fragrance added to it, which I appreciate, it seems brightening, it's like putting a dose of Huda Beauty, like body gloss, face gloss, on a bunch of moisturizer, so that has that pearly tone. finishes but it also feels moisturizing, it doesn't feel like you're just putting a face gloss on it, it feels nice and hydrating, a little bit sticky and then I'll look at the foundation shades and see what we're doing here. They sent three w which is warm this one is 200c I'm going to say it's going to be a little too dark and then this one here is 180w by the way this is what the packaging looks like here I really like it it's very simplistic Unscented too just amazing.
I also like this type of applicator. I don't know what to do. I think I'll use 190w because I'm a little self-tanned. I'll use the second one if it shows up. Bad, although I will change again and use the sponge. I don't know if this is supposed to be full coverage. Let me see. Oh, made in Canada. Let me see what this says as far as the base is concerned. elixir that barely sits there while creating coverage and boosting your natural shine, okay oh, it says shake before use, which I didn't. Oh, I'm shaking a little there.
I'll try it with the foundation sponge but I'll also try it with a brush. For anyone who normally uses a brush, I'll say I'm about 50 50. I'll do the right side of my face with a sponge so you can see since I've already started here, I can tell from the beginning. Putting it on I like the finish, it looks natural and the skin doesn't seem to have too full coverage but it definitely has a good level of coverage. I would call him a solid mid-high. I know if I like it. The feel of this sponge, if I'm honest, is a little disgusting to me because it almost feels dry and crunchy.
I can't really explain it, but because it's not that soft Beauty Blender feel that it doesn't have like a luxurious one. I feel it on my skin, it almost feels like using a washcloth or something, I can't really explain it, although it's working very well. You know, let's try a brush on the other side and see what it's like. I'm going to use my ecotools base buffer. brush, I've been liking this lately and by the way I ended up using shade 190. I feel like it's a little yellowish on me but everything they sent is warm let's try that amount there yeah the foundation smells just like Mixed Ingredients no It has no artificial scent.
I like the way this foundation looks on the skin. It has a little fuller coverage than I expected so you might want to use a little less but it looks great, I don't know if this color combination was absolutely right for me or not but you know you just work with what you you have and usually when you get to the end of a full face, you don't even realize it. I think the only thing missing from this collection to make it a full face would be bronzer from what I'm seeing here hmm yeah I feel like that's the only thing so maybe a liquid bronzer in the future would be really cool.
See the comparison between the brush and the sponge. I'm going to say either one works. I feel like I got a little lighter coverage with the brush side. Maybe I just used a little less product. I'm just going to grab my sponge and something. check it out just to make sure both sides look similar, but I feel like everything evened out really well. We'll see how it wears out throughout the day. Turn off the lights so you can see, but you can still see the skin coming off. I feel like it looks nice and hydrated, it doesn't look super dry but also not too dewy which I can have with some foundations.
I think specifically the Fenty uh hydrating foundation is so dewy on me that it's too dewy, which It's hard for me to even admit that because that's never been the case, but it's just as dewy as the same thing with the Anastasia Beverly Hills illuminating foundation or whatever you call it, too, too humid. I feel like this looks pretty good. I could use a little bit more right there, my nose crack is always a little bit small on the back, so that's the skin and I feel like now I like the way it looks. I don't have any problem with her.
I also have three different concealers to choose from. These are the shades here, I have 180w, 200c and 190w. I think I'm going to combine them and go with 190w because that's the foundation I went with and the bottle of the concealer, the packaging instead being perfect. round type it's more of a mm shape it looks cute I'm not going to go overboard with the concealer either I'm just going to make a little dot here this has a dot so you can definitely go in yeah this sponge is a no for me I'll just say it.
I feel like it could be better. My nose looks a little dry. I don't think it's the foundation, but it's almost like I didn't hydrate enough, which I probably did. It's not because I just used the primer and had a hard time finding the words, so maybe I didn't hydrate my face as well as I could. I exfoliated this morning so it should be fine, but I feel like my nose looks a little extra dry so that's something to keep in mind. There is a brush on this side. I will say that I like the finish of a sponge better, but I am not going to recommend this sponge.
I would recommend like the floral beauty sponge, the Colourpop sponges. nice beauty blender overall it's nice I don't like the texture I wouldn't use it again but I will say the finish on the sponge side looks a little better but overall it still looks good after the base is It stays on my skin for a minute and maybe I applied too much it looks a little cakey. I'm going to dim the lights a little so you can see what I'm talking about. Oh, bad road, take it down well. So before it looks a little made up, it's not bad, but it's not my favorite and once the rest of the faces are on it will probably get better, so I'll move on to the other products we have here.
I have four different blushes and I'll show you what we have here, so these are all the blush colors. Naturally, I'm heading towards this one right away, which is the shade Bliss that is so pretty. This one is also extremely beautiful. it's joy, I always gravitate towards more peachy blushes, we also have two pinks, this one here is grace and then we have this one that's happy, I think I'll do a little combo of these two, but this one is the one I'm heading towards more, that's a blessing, so I'm going to open up that it has the exact same applicator as the concealer.
Wow, it's smoother than I thought. It's thicker. Let me try this guy. Did I apply too much? Yes, I can remedy that, although I think it's more pigmented than I thought. I thought it was going to be a little more transparent. I added a little bit of that to the tip of my nose just to add a little bit of color, maybe a little bit higher up. Here, so I was going to use this blush, but I feel like it's going to be too vibrant for me. I feel like this is a lot of blush for my face but it's great because I feel like they will work on a variety of skin tones, this is actually more pigmented than I initially thought it was going to be, oh I forgot there were brushes so we have highlighters liquids.
Also, and these are really beautiful, I think theI will show them all. I think you guys probably really want to see that here are all four liquid highlighters and I'll show them all off on my arm for you. This is the highlighting tone. really pretty, this will probably be the one I'm going to go in with, this is the enchanted shadow, this one is beautiful, it's mesmerized, wow these are really pretty, they're thin too, they don't feel at all, that thick. thick whipped feeling they are nice and thin I feel like they will blend really well this is the shimmer of the shade oh that really pretty gold is okay I feel like I feel the shimmer mixed with a little bit of that initial shade that was illustrated mix them up a little bit, I think I'll try to start with just this one so we can see how it looks on its own, okay, I took this too high in my dark circles area, it's minimal, it's not that much. like I thought it was going to be, I do this with my finger just to see what it looks like.
Well, I feel like I prefer the application with my finger because I didn't turn it up too much, but it's very subtle. I don't know if it's very, very, very subtle, although it does seem a little intense when you first put it on. I think I'm going to mix some of this gold with it so I can get some. less coldness and a little more warmth, okay, so this is what we're looking at as far as the highlighter goes. I feel like it's quite, very subtle, not too shiny, so if you want more of that, like a natural pearly lip from within a look that doesn't look over the top, you might like this for me, not that I don't like it , it's just that I usually like a little more oomph, I think I'm going to blend those shades on the back of my hand since I just already have them there.
I'm going to apply a little more spray. I feel like it's a very, very, very natural finish and it's really pretty. I'm not impressed, but I like how easy this is to work with. that something like the cover fx drops, which can sometimes create a kind of streak where you're like, oh, you feel like you have to work really fast, and sometimes they can mess with the foundation underneath, I don't really feel it. This is disturbing at all, so I feel like it's nice, let me turn off the lights a little bit. Look, I want to do it a little bit on my nose, like I normally would with highlighter.
Oh, the lights are still going out. Well, my


on this are not what they are. I'm going to give it a little more time. I'm putting a lot of highlighter on my nose because I feel like I need to match the colors I put on my nose. face and I only use that one, I will say I normally put highlighter on my nose but it definitely messes up the base of my nose so that's something to keep in mind and I don't know if this is something I should like. something I should have kept more right towards the cheeks and then used it as my other highlighter on my nose, you know, probably okay, I'm going to do my eyebrows real quick so I can look human.
I feel like I'm watching right now. kinda ok so they sent the warm brown shade and this is the brow harmony oh i usually don't like pencils like this you have to judge if you like them they are more like the anastasia brow definer i like mine be That I like it with a really fine tip like the Brow Wiz or like the Covergirl pencil or the Nyx pencil. This one has a much wider tip so I think it can definitely still be used no questions asked, but this is not the type of brow pencil I normally use.
I feel like they're a little thick for me, you know, sometimes I struggle a little, I also naturally lean towards cooler tones for my brows because sometimes I feel like they can look too warm, man I'll say I'm not thinking at all of this at the moment, but I expected to like things a lot more than I feel. I feel like the things I'm trying are good, but they're not as good as they are for a very specific number of people. people but for me I don't know if I'm one of those people that likes certain products and I definitely want to keep trying them because the first impression is that's a first impression that you're not going to have.
Completely understand how you like things until you actually give it another chance. How do you see it prepared with other makeup that you like because the thing is, I'm doing a full face of rare beauty right now, but that's not how I would realistically do it. I usually combine my makeup with other products that I like to get the full face that I want and love. You know what I mean, so naturally I would use my curves bronzer with this and I think I'll still use it now as a full face. I feel like the products together don't give me exactly what I like and need as far as a full face goes and not in a bad way, just like, oh god, look what I'm talking about, it's just not really slim. enough that I feel like I can get precision lines.
I feel like I'm getting these huge thick eyebrows which aren't really my thing but I think you know what I mean, it's not that these products aren't good, it's just that I naturally wouldn't use all of these together and nothing more, you know, so this is the eyebrow gel that comes on the other side. Selena's eyebrows look absolutely amazing in this promotional photo, oh it's too dark, I like the way this product is like separating my eyebrows, but yeah, I think we can see that it's too much pigment. It's like I didn't expect things to turn out this way.
Try to fix this somehow. I have the problem that I need a spoolie and I can't find a spoolie, my eyebrows look like an absolute dog, wait, I look at it like it's too heavy. I feel like it's raising my eyebrow hair a lot, but it seems like a lot to me, this is not a color I would wear. I would choose a much colder tone. I prefer a clear brow gel, I think because it's too pigmented for me. Why am I having difficulty with this? I've heard nothing but good things, and that's what makes me feel like sometimes I'm doing it wrong or like I don't know that these eyebrows are horrible and this one is horrible, okay, let's apply some of that concealer like was this brush that I actually have in my hair.
It will work for this, take a little bit of concealer on this brush and just clean up my brows a little bit because right now they look really sloppy and I don't like it at all. This is not a step I normally do. I need to take in with my eyebrows, so this is actually more work for me if it's a thinner pencil and I have more control over it. I feel like I don't have to continue with the second step of cleaning up my brows with concealer, so that's something I should keep in mind. I'm going to go ahead and say that I personally would pass on the brow product because it's not the type I like, but if you like brow definer type products.
You might like this. There are no eyeshadows in this collection, which is fine with me because I have way too many eyeshadows. I'm going to tidy things up a little with this stain, oh, it's blotter sheets, no dust? What are you waiting for, right? powder, I'm confused, a powder-infused sponge, a refillable compact containing oil-absorbing papers and a radiant powder sponge, for every easy touch-up on the go, okay, so I'm guessing the sponge is infused with powder? How the hell does that work? Where is it? infused what not, I like the packaging but infused it doesn't feel infused Am I stupid?
Okay, I'm going to use one of these brushes. I'm going to use this one here for bronzer and everything because I'm going to When using a little bit of bronzer I feel like my face looks very dull and needs a little more, so I'm going to use this one here, a rare beauty, it has no name, It's a little dense. and short, very, very soft bristles. I feel like I should use a cream product. I think I'm going to use it with my Fenty shortbread cookie. I'm going to dive into that, since everything else is cream.
We could also keep it cohesive, I like that kind of removing the base or is it adding on top um this side looks like it's adding on top, the other side looked like it was picking up the product below and I can tell that because it looks like my skin was turning a rosy red color instead of adding this tan top layer. It's a very dense brush, like it's not flimsy at all. There's no mascara here, so I think what I should do is keep my natural eyes as they are and pull. I'm going to put on mascara, so I'm going to do it real quick, but it's not going to be a freaky beauty, so I'm just going to put it on like my covergirl exhibitionist mascara, in the waterproof version, and I'm going to curl my lashes real quick and then we can move. on the lips, which I feel like are the next steps so I'll be right back, okay so the lashes are done and I feel like the face looks more put together now I feel like I might even go for a little more blush, strangely, um. because before I said I didn't want to, so I'm going to take a little bit of this shade because I haven't tried this one yet and it looks very pretty and this is the Joy shade, it's more or less like this. orange coral tone I'm going to take like oh it's so bright, okay, very bright, oh I think it was a mistake, I think it was a mistake, oh my God in heaven, hallowed bee, oh my God, it's okay, absolutely no the face looked perfectly great until I just did that oh my god why are they so pigmented?
If you have a deeper 100 complexion, if you're my skin tone or lighter, I'll say, take it, mix it with a little bit of moisturizer, then take half of it and then try that. because look how silly this looks now everything looked so cute and then I lifted it up like a king now you take a little bit more of that and put it on the other side just the excess here because I need to like even this even the excess is too not too much that actually looks pretty good damn I'm going to take some concealer and put it on my hand and try to tone it down because it looks really silly okay we've tried it. product today is okay, that's something I can say, we've tried it and now I know what to tell you, it's okay, it looks better, it's toned down, shoot, it looked so good, you know, that's the curse of makeup, you like it alone a bit. more and then you say okay so now we're going to move on to the lips and there are products like these kind of matte lip whips that come like that and then there are also some lip balms.
Look here I'm going to try one of the lip balms just to see them because I think I would end up choosing the other product oh comfortable very very slippery very slippery this is the shade I praise oh very light scent but very nice scent I can't even identify what that is? I really like that scent? I do not know what it is. Oh, and these look magnetic. Oh, that's nice and it has a flat back and a rounded front. These are pretty. I like the shape of these scents. As for its aroma, I can't. put it on but it's so nice oh baby I just moved this is the shade bless okay they definitely have pigment but they're not overly pigmented you can see they're like a softer color we have this one here which is grateful. this is the shade, let me see, so they are very comfortable, almost a coconut oil feel.
I don't call them coconut oil, I'm just saying they have a coconut oil in them, how they glide on very easily, like this, oh, and this. one is like a light color, so if you just want a balm, oh that's good, I'll say these packaging, because they're this color and texture, you can see I had like a little bit of foundation on my fingers and I was like on disrepair. I mean, it's easy to clean, but that's something to keep in mind as it might start to look a little gross if your hands are dirty for some reason.
I'm really gearing up for this shade today just because of the rest of my face. it's so off I'd like to try this one, this is the hero shade, this isn't the shade I would normally use, I want to take a little bit from there and stroke it, but because the face is so natural I can get away with a lip a little bolder what is that coconut the coconut I can't say it's very nice the smell of this is actually very nice also I have to say I'll hold it up high so I don't have to pull out each individual color but I really love how The tubes have the color inside which makes it incredibly easy to grab the color you want without having to take it out and open it, like Mac lipsticks couldn't be any worse because you have to open them to see what these are, you just know what color you are taking.
I'm doing that as a blurred lip look, you know, because these have that kind of matte finish, it's pretty easy to get them. comfortable, although they are not like a liquid lipstick where it feels like they dry down at all, like it doesn't go that far. It feels very soft. I'm going to take a little bit of that light shade of balm and put it on top. To see how this adds shine, I will say as pretty as this packaging is, look how it clicks, it doesn't come together, so it could easily, I feel like it's going to fall into your bag because it's so loose here, it's not. like a super strong magnet.
Well, now I think I'm going to use the spray. Oh this one is made in Korea. everything is made in different places this is the ever optimistic four in one spray it says shake well it's a firm spray it doesn't feel super smooth you can see it left some stains it's not like one of those sprays that they're super like a soft mist, it's a little bit more like spraying yourself and your face, you know, I'm going to put a little bit of gloss on top of this because I don't really love it when my lips look even.
I don't like that very much, you know, I'll leave it because it's lipstick, I'm going torun a brush through my hair, brb, okay, this is the full face with rare beauty, I'll zoom you in turn. the lights go down and we can see what everything looks like, so let's go down two levels. I will say on camera. It looks very good in person. You can see it well. I will say. Let me look closely at my own face under the light. Alright. I like the look of my skin for the most part. I will say that I have used foundations that I like better.
I think it looks good, however my nose doesn't really react that well. It looks dry and I exfoliated my face beforehand. maybe it's that I didn't moisturize well enough because I only used the uncommon beauty foundation but I feel like it looks good, my nose doesn't look very good and I would never say this looks amazing on my nose but the rest of My skin looks pretty decent. I feel like it looks a lot like skin. As far as the foundation goes, I can't say yet, I mean it feels moisturizing but it has that pearlescent pigment, it was something I would normally do.
I don't use it on a day to day basis, I like to just have a really hydrating base and then I like to put my stuff on top. I don't know, that's something I would ever use personally and it feels almost disconnected from this collection along the way. like everything else was so natural and it feels like it should be like one of those really creamy gels like moisturizing primers but then for it to have shine it felt a little too natural but not really I mean I guess . if they want everything to be super shiny then I feel like that makes sense but yeah that's it okay the base is pretty good I'm going to say out of 10.
From a first impression I'm going to give it a seven it's not like a complete top for me, but it's not too far down the list. I would use it again. I want to use it with my base routine underneath where I like charlotte tilbury magic cream or vegan milk moisturizer which I like. this one is very thick or like tatcha water cream or one of those really moisturizing foundations. I want to try it with that one but I feel like it's pretty good. It's not the best I've tried but the coverage is very nice and I've seen that a lot of people love it, so I'll give it a seven and a half.
It's not the most amazing foundation I've ever used, but it's certainly far from the worst, so I'd say it's pretty good. as far as blushes go, high read pigmented okay hi hi highly pigmented I will say I would get it I would gravitate towards that blush here even this one is super pigmented but this shade for my skin is probably the only one that I would realistically use or use the tiniest, tiniest amount of the others because you saw what it did, it was like instantly too much blush and that was like a dot on my cheek so that's something to keep in mind.
It's so pigmented it will surprise you and I'm used to blushes especially from brands like this where they are more naturally oriented. I'm used to them being half as pigmented as before or about a quarter as pigmented. pigmented like cosmetics m they drop blushes whatever they're called like they're inside like serum blush those are more like what I was imagining this is like where it's like a wash of color this is like in the color of your face so That is something in mind: highlighters are natural and I will say that I really like their colors, but do I like my pants on them?
No. I mean, I think they're pretty, but I don't think they're the most revolutionary. thing I've ever tried, but I don't think the third one, I don't think they're trying to be, I think they're pretty and the colors give it that natural wet looking shine and it does. Stay clingy, so if that's something that bothers you, you might want to avoid it. My face feels a little sticky. It's not that it dries, but it's not that it doesn't dry. Dry as if you feel it. like the excess on my hand, it feels kind of sticky, almost not non-sticky, but it's a lot like if you put Vaseline on your hand, it has that greasy feeling, but it's not terrible, especially if you like that creamy finish. but it's not going to dry to be dry to the touch by any means, it definitely has that kind of stickiness, drying on things.
I don't see anything positive in that for me, it's the drying. I'll show you what I'm talking about when I say this, they say it's infused, but like where, oh, there, oh, okay, I don't know, I'm just guessing, but for me I don't know if it would be worth the money. in this it's really cute, I love the way it looks and I don't know, I just guess I'm more of one of those low maintenance people where it's like I'm never going to take out blotter sheets. I'm going to use like a piece of paper towel or like a piece of toilet paper or something like I don't know maybe or just like my hand I don't know once I'm out of the house like I'm not going to like take out a blotter sheet, this is not the kind of person I am personally, but maybe you are, so maybe that would be a really good thing for you and I feel like when I hit that all over my face, I feel like that. like it reduces the shine a little bit, so maybe that could be really beneficial for someone, but for me I'm never going to put out a product like that, maybe I would if I was on the red carpet, but I'm not.
Well, no one is giving me the red card. I will also say that the eyebrow product is not for me, but that is because I don't like eyebrow products that have that tip. There is nothing against quality. My eyebrows really look great in the way they resemble the fluffy 20 20 eyebrows that everyone loves. I would go with a different color for me personally, I would choose a slightly cooler tone. This one for me is too warm but I feel like the product itself is okay and works well although I also feel like the other pigmented side, the brow gel side, was too dark for me and I had some issues with it and had to take out an extra spool, so it's less foolproof for me than just not using it, you know what I mean?
Because I had to take out a second product and then I had to take out the concealer and the little brush, but that wouldn't have happened if I had used a brow product that had a little bit of a pencil and a spoolie on one end, you know, like that. it's like gravito, but if you like products like the brow defining style where that big triangular tip is, you might really like this for me, I'm going to say it's a pass, but that's just because it's the opposite of what that I would ever gravitate towards when it comes to eyebrows, everyone is different, you know, everyone has different preferences, it doesn't mean it's bad, it just means it's different, the spray, um, I don't know, I notice it. anything with the spray, but I didn't use a ton either.
The sprayer is not super fine but keep that in mind if you really like that super fine mist, but if you don't mind you can use it. I mean, I don't know if it made enough of a difference to buy setting sprays, it's something I don't normally use that often anyway because I don't use a ton of powder products for me, setting sprays are more on the go. to bring down the powder on my face, so when I'm mostly using cream products, I usually don't use a setting spray because I don't feel like I've ever been in my life like, oh, that really locked me into my makeup.
I just feel like it kind of messes with my makeup, you know what I mean, like it doesn't like it to last longer, I don't know, maybe I'm just someone who maybe I don't know, I'm going to say the same thing. One thing I would really overlook is this sponge. Now you can better see the type of sponge I'm talking about without having to turn off the lights. See what I'm talking about compared to a typical beauty sponge. Let me see. If I can find another beauty sponge, okay, this one is super dirty because I was using it the other day, but you see how the pore size is completely different, this one is like a real kitchen sponge, you know, versus this one is like a Soft, nice, dense, but also very similar to a soft sponge.
This one is like it doesn't have that thing about backing away slowly. It's like the shape is fine, but I don't like the way it feels or I just don't know. I feel like I've used better sponges and then lip products. I can see myself reaching for the bombs more often. In general, I always orient myself towards the clear. That's right, I'm a clear ass. That's who I am as a person and I can't change who. I am and I could, but I don't want to, that's fine, so I always go for a light or nude shade.
Today I chose a lip with a more pink tone. I will say that the comfort of these is very comfortable, they feel like a very soft cloud. They don't have any dryness at all and I really like that the color of the product is the color of the tube so I will say it is a lip product, if you like that really matte lip look these are kind of like that and they are comfortable, very very comfortable like I was saying I feel like they could have used a much stronger magnet because they are very similar you see what I'm saying like it takes no effort to be able to just Fluffy all over so if you pull this in your bag will be a mess, but it is a good product and I really like the way it smells.
A very, very pleasant smell. It takes me somewhere. I do not know where it is. I don't use eyeliner because I don't feel like today's look is more of an eyeliner, is it the tip of a brush? Yes, I don't feel it and the color looks nice and black. Let's see if it dries and becomes matte. pretty nice transfer proof oh the concealer I feel is ok too, it's not the highest coverage concealer I've ever used but neither is the foundation. I feel like they are a good complement to each other. I'm not getting a ton of creasing or anything, I do have a little creasing on my eyelids where I used it, but you know, I'm not wearing any eyeshadow, I didn't put anything on, so I'm not surprised that happens with any concealer that I use.
I didn't establish it in general, what do I think of the strange first impressions of beauty when trying it? I think it's okay. I think it's a good addition to the world of makeup. I like how the packaging looks. I like how the products mostly performed. a personal preference for each individual person for me I feel like it's a good solid first launch but I will say there are things for me that I would do differently specifically this type the blushes I love how pigmented they are although I thought oh God. God, it's too much for me, but for someone with a deeper complexion, I think it would work and look great.
I mean, these show the highlighters. I feel like giving it that really dewy natural look. It depends on what you want. As in makeup, if you're someone who wants to look completely glamorous, this probably isn't for you. If you are someone who wants to look more natural, radiant, soft and minimalist. I feel like this is more of a brand for you, a product that they could add. In my opinion, I think it would be good to include a liquid bronzer in the collection. I feel like it could be really beneficial because for me it's the only product that I wouldn't want to create a full face with, but I think. what they have is pretty good, I'll give it like a 10 like a seven, just the whole line, it's easier for me to use than the shimmer, the shimmer is on the other side of the spectrum, not pigmented, too natural for someone like me.
I need that middle ground, so I need that seven, you know what I mean and I feel like it's pretty good, I'm not one to pull my pants on, but mostly it's like seven and a half out of ten, which I think is Pretty good, what I do think is incorporating it into my makeup routine. I'll like things a little more, so maybe I'll use the lip products more often, maybe I'll use the foundation and concealer and then the rest. of my full face of makeup that I like normally, you know, like my hourglass products or my fenty and you know, mixing it all up maybe I like it better, but as a full face of weird I'm going to give it a solid seven seven and a half, so it's pretty good, nothing blew me out of the water, but nothing's bad, you know, it's pretty good, you know, so I hope it's useful to you, I don't know if it is, I really hope so. and I think it's because when I hear the hype about it online it's like when you're someone saying you have to see this movie and you're going to die laughing the whole time.
I'm not even kidding, it's the funniest movie you'll ever see. Have you ever seen in your entire life that you put your pants on like you're crying and if you're not peeing then you don't have a good sense of humor and then when you see it you're like, um, you chuckle a couple of times and Are you like it's not funny or was this too overrated, the excitement was so strong for me, it was like waiting for sky goddess Dewey and I'm mainly experiencing it as a question mark from sky goddess Dewey, but it wasn't too overrated , you know what I mean?
I just feel like you know everyone has done it. different preferences, everyone has different skin and everyone has different things they like and don't like and to me I feel like it's pretty decent. I hope this video was helpful to you yes I hope it helped you see what it looks like on someone like my skin maybe you need to see it on several different people watch their videos watch several reviews before you go maybe try it I think this sells at sephora yeah just at sephora it says so you can go into a sephora if you can I don't know how social distancing works and all that.
They have a wide variety of really good things andsolid ones to try, so it's one of those where you can choose what kind of things you find interesting at any time and I feel like you're not going to be too disappointed with any of this. Well, thank you all very much for watching. I hope you like this video and that it has been useful to you. Let me know anything you want to tell. Leave me in the comments what you would have done even if I hadn't told you to do it and tell me what you think, even if I told you not to do it, frankly, you would do it more because I'm not your real father.
Well, thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video. Bye, I can sit here and do this all day. I can remember myself. I can remember myself. What is happening in the race car? Oh my God, bending over so impossible. God, I'm spelling everything right, so this is the full face and now I'm going to say hello to you on camera.

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