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Frozen Theory: The Trolls Are The Real Villains

Jun 03, 2021
Today's video is brought to you by a custom post. Hey bro, yes I know my hair is different. Thanks for all the comments in advance. J Roanoke just ended its longest streak in history of 90 degree plus days, so what better time to talk about Frozen. I'm pretty sure we make the exact same joke literally every time we make a Frozen video, which is apparently always in the summer, but today we're going to travel back in time to the Frozen video and talk about the


villain Hans. christian anderson's original villain for the snow queen fairy tale, the


or well, maybe more specifically if you go back to the original fairy tale, was the devil disguised as a troll and you know what they say the patrol the potato, although I don't know if they say that, but anyway, if that's not suspicious, then I don't know what it could be, so today we're going to discuss why


are the



in Frozen.
frozen theory the trolls are the real villains
Hello brothers, before we dive into the video I need to give you. Many thanks to today's sponsor, custom post. I love the mail so much that I literally wait with my two dogs Chewie and Indy for the mailman to arrive every day and every time he finally arrives, I always say: Jim, good morning, how are you? You went water skiing last weekend the weather was chosen right? and you might be wondering if it's really a true story and it's not his name is bill but bill is great because he has twisted water skiing stories because he brings me my mail, let's face it, 90 of the time they are coupons that I will never use.
frozen theory the trolls are the real villains

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frozen theory the trolls are the real villains...

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frozen theory the trolls are the real villains
Let's start with Hans. We'll find out when Anna is halfway through. -song about doors finally opening the potential to potentially meet the one yes I know I said potential twice in the same sentence but I stick with it she runs straight to his horse and then falls into a boat and then he falls the boat and then the boat almost falls into the water and then you're beautiful wait what fanzine is really super cute and adorable and before Hans even knows who Anna is he's being polite and respectful and charming all the good things all the good things, and then. she leaves because the coordination is happening and she's like oh no and then he actually falls into the water and you all know where I'm going with this because it drives me absolutely crazy if Hans has this big plan to take over Arendelle because he's in position 13 in line for the southern islands, so why the hell is he smiling under this boat here?
frozen theory the trolls are the real villains
Why is he smiling here? also Dracula, no, sorry, that's a deep one, the kind of smile you give after meeting someone who gives you warm feelings, our mom used to say when we were kids, whenever she made a big decision in life and that something like that would happen. give it warm fuzz like you know we walked into the new house and we had warm fuzz right away and not for nothing our mom's warm fuzz meter is incredibly accurate and I know it has nothing to do with this video but I think it's necessary . More can be said anyway Hans gets warm and then even moments after meeting for the second time they literally break into a straight up bop complete with choreography and you know I tend to agree with Kristoff you probably shouldn't marry someone with who I just met, you know that day, but if you meet someone that day and you can immediately start singing a song like that and dance, maybe it's that person too Kristoff, you're the one to talk to, you've known them for like two days.
Things seem to be going very very well, but here's a true love's kiss, it's not worth it, guess who I'm the bad guy, what's that reaction from Lieutenant Matthias, possibly one of my favorite moments in all of Disney, what's the Although really comes out of nowhere, like he's literally gone through this movie until the big reveal and there's no indication that he's anything other than a perfectly good guy, there's hot soup and glog in the big room other than They know, of course, that Kristoff is completely amazing and no, it's not that he likes ice as much as I do.
Well it's not but guys seriously how amazing is the ice oh but it's so hard to get clear ice and yes I have tried boiling water. First, thanks, it doesn't work and yes, I also tried distilled water. Well yeah, obviously I installed a super high fancy reverse osmosis ionization system and that doesn't work either. It really comes down to the way ice freezes. it needs to be properly insulated on all sides and you will almost always get some cloudy ice so the real trick comes down to how to separate the cloudy ice from the clear ice and it's actually not that efficient that's really the problem why my backyard Can't it be a perfectly


That's why I keep telling Jay that we need to have a summer house in Norway and he keeps saying yes. See what I'm dealing with here? I will never have it. clear ice i'm looking at listings right now anyway before the big reveal that hans is in fact a total polish it's like you know butt but like you know you crush it and use the thoughts buffy it's totally funny. There's no indication that this guy is anything more than a charming young man; there's soup and hot glog in the great hall, but that doesn't mean there isn't something literally happening within the movie that makes it that way and also to Be fair, the lovely people at Disney are actually trying to lead you astray here, They don't want you to be able to predict this is what's going to happen, but this is what the plan according to this lord act doesn't even make sense for example, why does he save Elsa according to his own plan?
Her goal was to stage some kind of accident to get her off the road. I thought that after we got married I would have to organize a little accident for Elsa like Hans, what are you doing? you found her in an ice castle on the side of the mountain, she was openly attacking people and the townspeople were terrified of her not to mention she calls for an endless winter and a giant snow monster called marshmallow and that helps, but still this is the most justifiable and accident prone death situation you could have asked for not only is he actively talking about her don't be the monster they fear you are you don't want her to be the monster they fear you are no That helps your cause, yes, no, I have no other way but to believe anything other than right now, he's really just trying to get her back to the castle and not hurt anyone along the way and yes, one could argue than the reason.
That he wants to keep her alive is because he still needs to find a way to end the endless winter, but even that is underlined later when he goes to kill her while the endless winter is still happening and he doesn't care. That changes? Why does he suddenly turn bad personally? I think it all starts right here where Anna gets hit in the heart with ice magic and Kristoff takes her to be healed and that's when the real


get in on the trolls, I guess they really like that. As we said before in the original fairy tale, Frozen is based on the villain being the devil himself disguised as a troll and, furthermore, in Scandinavian culture trolls are not known to be useful to humans at all, these characters do not. are.
It's exactly coming from a place of peace and harmony with humans, but I'll say up front that I don't think trolls are actively malicious or anything, I just think they have their own agenda and don't seem to really care. What happens to who or what is affected by the outcome? Their main goal, and I admit, it's strange, seems to be to get Kristoff married and they don't really seem to care what Kristoff thinks about it or the bride, in fact, just that. Consent happens to be cursed, let's be clear here, consent is not cursed and this same thing seems to be true when they adopt Kristoff's beauties.
I'm going to keep you this is not how adoption works, as we all accept when we meet him and Sven. who are orphans on their own, but we're also introduced to them in a dangerous workplace with a lot of grown men around them, as if one of them could have been their father, and these guys sure aren't letting this little kid run around there. and work alongside them without any supervision, and then it seems like no one notices that he's gone. Trolls don't check what his ancestry is, they just adopt him even if one of those men isn't his father, right?
I think one of them would say: Wasn't there a boy who used to run around here? But no, it just seems like everyone forgot and it's not like trolls can make everyone give up raw muffins, even memories of magic, to be sure, yes, trolls are. It's a bit of a strange case, as they generally seem kind, caring and helpful, but a lot of things don't add up and some of their advice is literally wrong. Let's go over that a little bit at the beginning of the movie we see. They cure Anna by literally making her forget things specifically that magic exists, but later in life Anna finds out that magic exists and has no ramifications, so what was the point of not telling her and having Elsa stay away from her for 10 years?
I mean, it tears both of them apart. Their completely separate relationships leaves them in complete isolation and leads their parents to search for some kind of cure that leads to their death, their parents are dead and in case you've forgotten, that's even more problematic because they were the literal king and queen. and it turns out that keeping the secret literally leads to Elsa becoming a recluse where she has absolutely no control over her powers because she fears them so much and it's not until she truly embraces those powers that she has control over them as well. the people of Arendelle.
He easily accepts this characteristic of his unscrupulous queen basically right away, what really happens is the power appears and the Duke of Weaselton confirms that their worst fears are that they are evil and then basically leaves before anyone else has a moment. to hack again. but it's completely clear that by the end of the movie the town is perfectly fine with this even though the eternal winter really could have caused significant problems for everyone's livelihood, in fact I feel like they should have been a little angrier about it. her, but they aren't, so what were the trolls so afraid of?
Also, Grandpa claims to be a total expert on powers and stuff, although he offers absolutely no solution on how to control them, the real solution ends up being. love, which may not be a problem, except that trolls are literally self-proclaimed experts on love. I understand your love experts talking about that, let's go back to their song Fixer-Upper where they are trying to marry Kristoff to Anna even though they are both not ready for that decision where they specifically sing the line, they take the fiancée out of the way, now at first they just try to ignore Hans completely and just marry Kristoff and Anna anyway, but when they make a feint and they know it. that the solution is to have true love's first kiss, that's when they rush her towards Hans and I think when they intervene and the way they intervene is more or less by taking Hans away from Anna, it's not until after they leave the trolls we start to I see Hans start to act like the villain and it's in ways that don't quite make sense as he monologues explaining that he would need to get married to take the throne because of his, you know, 12 brothers like 13th in line in my own kingdom.
I don't stand a chance, I knew I would have to marry someone on the throne somewhere and that Elsa would actually be the preferred choice but no one was getting anywhere with her but when did you try the first time you talked to Elsa ? After you proposed to Anna, he says that he would have needed to arrange an accident for Elsa after marrying Anna.I thought that after we got married I would have to organize a little accident for Elsa, but as we said before, she completely abandoned it. a lot of accident prone opportunities and now he's not going to marry Anna, like why does he make a sentence literally you were okay with marrying Anna and killing Elsa.
Marrying Anna will still put you in power and I don't even think you have to do anything. To get Elsa out of the way, I have a feeling she would just quit or stay imprisoned or literally leave, she's literally already gone, in fact I'm pretty sure she even offers to do it again, why would I did you bring here? I'm a danger to Arendelle, she wants to leave, you're about to marry the next in line, what is it? Your trouble telling Anna the plan is the dumbest thing you can do and doesn't make sense with anything else you've done.
You didn't try to meet Elsa in the first place. You didn't kill her when she had the chance. and you literally stopped others from killing her when they were about to. All that really seems to have changed is that the trolls realized that you were in the way of Anna marrying Kristoff, so let me see if I have all this right: you kidnap one child two, you erase the memory of another child , three, you subject another to a life of isolation, then try to marry two people who don't want to get married, at least not at the time, spoilers later and finally try to get the fiance out of the way by changing his memories and turning him into a villain, plus his kidnapped son may end up with someone he'll eventually end up with, he might call you sooner than he's supposed to, guys make sure you tune in. this Friday night at 6 p.m.
EST i.e. August 14th where we will host another live trivia challenge here on the supercarlin brothers channel. This week we will cover a mix of topics we discuss here on the scp channel disney pixar star wars harry potter marvel and maybe some of the latest Airbender questions do you have what it takes to be the champion of them all? Be sure to tune in this Friday to find out—in fact, just set a reminder on your phone. right now be like Hello super crawler brothers on Friday night at 6 pm. m. be there okay I'll do it see you otherwise guys for my question of the day what do you think trolls are?
The real villain from Frozen, be sure to leave your thoughts in the towel section below and guys, as always, thanks for tuning in, be sure to like this video and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already, if you want more frozen action from us, you can watch this video right here. where we delve into that early ice harvesting scene that's actually historically correct, so be sure to check it out until next week, bye.

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