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The Tragedy of Snow White's Voice Actress

Jun 02, 2021
Today's video is brought to you by a heartfelt Hello Brother Ben, have you ever heard the story of how they chose the right girl to


Moana? It's just a great story truly fit for a princess after days and days of choosing hundreds and hundreds of girls. On the last day, the last person to come is the young Alii Crevallo and she makes it, she is so good that the directors don't even need to meet her in person, they just watch the audition tape and know that she is the one, although they do . She calls her for a fake follow-up audition even though they know from her that she already has it and they ask her to go through a bunch of different emotions like can you give us sadness? could you give us happiness?
the tragedy of snow white s voice actress
Could you make us even happier as you imagine? We just told you imagine, we told you a moment ago that you got the role, how would you react and then they reveal that it's totally a hoax and that she has the role and then she gives a really emotional reaction and it made me want to cry? Her mom cast me as Moana and I really want to go see Moana and I'll link to the video in the description. It's really cool, but it's really a Cinderella story where this girl basically came from nowhere and landed. The role of her life, I mean, she had no other film credits to her name, but she has since acted in live action, so she acted at the Oscar.
the tragedy of snow white s voice actress

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the tragedy of snow white s voice actress...

She has been on television shows. She's been in movies. She has a show coming out on Netflix. exactly the future. and the success you'd expect for a young woman who landed such an important role early on, but the Cinderella story is worded correctly because if it were a Snow White story instead, well, I'm afraid it would be so much more. Disappointingly, today we discuss the sad story of Snow White's



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the tragedy of snow white s voice actress
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the tragedy of snow white s voice actress
What is the most interesting? What you're doing in the studio now, well, right now we're making a future tie-in cartoon, a feature-length cartoon, yeah, as I'm sure you know, or maybe not, because this happened in the


of the 1930s. White was the first full-length animated film and was nearly ruined. Disney Walt had originally budgeted only $250,000 for the production of Snow White, but he ended up spending more than six times that amount, meaning more than $1.5 million, literally having to mortgage his house. continue production and six times the budget, that's crazy, it's so much, it's like going out and buying a Honda Accord and coming home with the Ferrari like, oh my God, I really hope it was worth it, luckily for him , although it was worth it.
The film was released on December 21, 1937 and was greeted with a standing ovation from the crowd who were simply amazed. Walt Disney, who created these lovable characters, brings a new medium to the cinema for a greater chance of being the first animated feature film in history and in color. sounds like what and Disney has more than made back the money, they could have spent 1.5 million on it, but since then, at the box office alone, Snow White has grossed 418 million dollars, which does include several re-releases in theaters during the decades that used Disney. doing this thing where every 10 years they re-released a movie in theaters so that new generations could get to know their classics and I have to say that it was super effective that the best animated movie of all time was back in theaters.
You do, but you might still be thinking that well, geez, 418 million doesn't sound like a lot by today's standards and you'd be right? 418 million dollars, geez, what a failure, but unfortunately those numbers do not reflect today's standards, if indeed. Adjusting for inflation, 418 becomes 2 to 2.1 billion, which means that this movie that came out in 1937 is still in 2020 among the top 15 most profitable American films of all time and that's still at the box office without even including other sources of income. other sources of income, I mean basically every other animated movie they've ever made because the money they made from Snow White they used to buy 50 acres of land and build studios in Burbank, California, where they're still making movies today, like Disney was literally at the foundation. built by Snow White, which brings us to the voice


for Snow White because Shirley, the woman who voiced this character, brought her to life, launched everything and had a successful and booming career, who wouldn't want the voice of Snow White?
White in his movie, but who am I kidding? You all know his name, say it with me now, but no, of course, you don't know or I don't know, maybe you did, I wanted to high five, but either way I don't know. I totally blame you for not knowing because the movie came out 83 years ago to begin with and even if you're a huge Disney fan, I bet you probably haven't seen Snow White recently, but here's the thing, even if you had made. even if you saw her yesterday and even if you had a crazy photographic memory or something, you still wouldn't know her name because watching the movie is not enough to learn her name because her name is not in the credits, yes this is true in In fact , none of the voice actors are when the opening credits roll, you'll notice it only lists the production staff, the directors, the writers, the people who wrote the music, yes, the people who sang the music, no, that's fine , but surely in the after credits. well bad there are no post credits in the movie, it just ends with the closing of the book and that's it, but don't worry guys, I can tell you that Snow White's voice actress was a woman named Adriana Cassilotti, actually if you want to know something . funny in a strange twist of faith now the movie is on Disney plus, after the movie ends there are a series of silent black screens that simply list similar voice actors and people who did the dubbing in other countries, which which ironically means you could finish watching the movie.
English version of Snow White and then I learned the dubbing actress for the Spanish French Portuguese Dutch and Italian versions of Snow White but not the English one but certainly her name must have appeared on the posters advertising the film oh no, it's not there either. well, the arc of the home video box, although that shouldn't have anything, okay, no, it's still nothing. At least she was introduced to the audience at the film's premiere. Oh hi, she wasn't even invited, but I like this little part. story that doesn't mean she didn't attend the voice of prince charming harry stockwell actually approached her before the premiere and thought it would be fun if they went together which they did and introduced themselves to the ticket guy and said hey, We are



and prince charming, like where are the voices, the conductor said I don't care who you are, if you don't have a ticket you won't get in, so they waited until the ticket collector was looking away and then he turned away.
It sneaked in anyway if you really want to find his name, although the only place I've seen at least on Disney Plus is if you scroll down a couple of screens to the details section, you can see it right here, but even then it doesn't list which character played, I mean, he's the best, so you can probably guess, but still, as scandalous as all this may seem, I'll at least say that not listing the names of the voice actors in the credits was common practice back then. so I'm not sure why that was the practice, it seems silly to me, but that was the case, but it was still like the first animated feature film ever, so this is really the first time this ability was implemented .
It was displayed in such a way that, if you ask me, it seems like they could have written the rules themselves, but on that note, here's another strange fact. Miss Adriana Castellati didn't even know why she was acting, it was a feature film. She was initially told that it was something a little longer than traditional Disney animations, which at the time were 10 to 12 minutes long, so she thought, I don't know, like 20 minutes or something. She had no idea it was a full movie until later. saw the finished product, but hey, at least she made almost a thousand dollars, according to Adriana herself, in an interview she was paid 20 a day, which ended up adding up to 920 over the course of production, which seems crazy for the success of this movie.
That number isn't adjusted for inflation, but even when it is, you're only talking about 17,000 and that doesn't seem like enough for this movie that changed everything, but here's the thing, even if that was just common practice or the salary common. For voice actors back then that wasn't even the best, the best is the blacklist because Adriana's voice was so unique that Walt didn't want that voice to appear in other productions when they asked her to be on Jack's show Benny, America's most popular radio show at the time, Disney responded, I'm sorry, but that voice can't be used anywhere.
I don't want to ruin the illusion of Snow White. Basically, hey, if people know that you're Snow White's voice, then when they see to Snow White They'll think about you and not Snow White, so I'll need you to not be into other interesting things if you want to watch a video about how Robin Williams eventually breaks this idea into a million pieces by playing the genius that you are. I can check it out right here, I don't know, but yeah, Snow White was the last real role that Adriana really got, she had a very minor role in The Wizard of Oz, Romeo though and other than that, she had another small role in It's a Wonderful Life , but really that's all.
Disney eventually hired her to perform as Snow White in disguise for promotional purposes while they were on tour, but she eventually outgrew her and they hired her to re-record. I am wishing. Snow White's grotto in 1983 for the Disneyland attraction, but what surprises me is that despite all this, Adriana still seemed to channel all the grace of Snow White, she actually had a wishing well outside her house with a photo of Snow White and if she rang the doorbell, the sound you would hear was the song I'm longing for and inside her house, sitting at her piano, there was a signed photograph of Walt Disney and statues of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
In an interview she did in 1993, she admitted that she felt that she probably deserved more money, but she knew that if she wanted it she would have to ask for it and if she asked for it she wanted to do it in a friendly way. She thought the time to ask would probably be when Snow White came out. for home video and that actually happened a year later in 1994, the same year she was honored as a Disney legend in some sort of Disney hall of fame, but I'm not sure if Adriana asked for the money or not and he died anyway. she only two years later, in 1996, at the age of 80.
But oh my gosh, it's such an incredible story. I mean, fast forward to today and there couldn't be more than a 180 on the situation. I mean, voice actors today are usually huge. names to start and if they are not their stories they are part of the promotion of the film that video of alii crevallo that we showed before has more than 5 million views on youtube for me at least what they could do is on disney plus just add a screen black more credits to credit the original English voice actors so it can't be that difficult, right?
Also just a request to everyone watching, just pay people for their work and if you are working for people for free please. Ask for payment, your time and labor are valuable and again, Disney, if you're watching or know you've heard about this on Twitter frompeople watching this video please just a black screen after finishing the movie listing the actors that's all. We're asking for guys, thank you very much as always for watching today's video. Remember to leave a like if you haven't already and subscribe so you don't miss any future Disney action if you want to check out the Disney vault he explained to you.
You can watch this video here, but Ben, until next time, I'll see you in another life, bro.

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