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Mar 08, 2024
It's like New York City. Any corner you find yourself in is charming. Bami, we are back on track and we will leave no stone unturned. We've assembled a next-level group of people like the world has never seen before. Pinky Brewster Clovis and me. I toured all the restaurants eating and drinking the best foods Best of Wine Wine Life Wine Life Pizza Wine Pizza I


wine Pizza so you can confidently recommend these places to your friends without even setting foot in them. That's crazy. I present to you From Paris with


. Many years have passed, but Paris is still as familiar as the day I left.
from paris with love part deux the extended cut
We're still at the table with the phenomenal Wes. We continue where we left off. I think we get more beautiful with time, but that's the only difference. There is no such thing. As you see, my brother, I really like this, he is super beautiful. If you saw this on a Poland Spring bottle on the side of the road, you'd say someone peed, but this is the urine I'd drink. Masimo is a very special character. I was talking to Masimo one day and I tell him when you have problems and all that when you're sick and everything you're doing, he said glovis in the morning I drink a glass of my urine and it wasn't there and he wasn't kidding.
from paris with love part deux the extended cut

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from paris with love part deux the extended cut...

They explained to me that really no, it's not really a joke, it's really very good and I see that for the body it's exactly like natural Gatorade, it's a little strange to me. I prefer to drink this, so we will go on a pleasure trip again. I mean, are you ready to drink, eat, see good people smiling, dance, hit the floor, swim? I'm ready to go to the floor, fight with an alligator, yeah it's going to be a very complicated summer, that's the best way to explain it, it's just a very complicated summer we just got a close up of these handmade senagal shoes look at the style those are fire let's not be like I said you have one of the best styles eh no no don't end up that you have a great style that bird right there right now tried to catch you but couldn't it won't go to the same place twice true it's like lightning the unique how you feel so we are in Ramy's place uh he my brother a Shar Des Artist, one of the most important men in my life and, more than that, he took this place that is more than 150 years old and did it at his manner.
from paris with love part deux the extended cut
It used to be one of the biggest and most famous comedy clubs around. Paris, everyone's been through here, yeah, all the Jackie gleon, if you take like, uh, Rodney Dangerfield, I don't know how they say it, but in England, mon Monty Pon and stuff like that, Monty Python is exactly the same Brooks , Albert Brooks, Eddie. Murphy, he's been there, no, but this place is a melting pot of good souls and thank you for inviting us to be with you and for creating this place, he didn't invite us, he didn't invite us, we just said we'd go.
from paris with love part deux the extended cut
I see you there. Tell me, there are a large number of characters that are always present and that make up the fabric of relax. Michael Jordan has really left his mark and there is Mic Johns. This is the beginning of the weaving of relaxing and hanging out. To meet you Nice to meet you too Yes, thank you very much I want to do a class Theory 101 hang out How to hang out This is beautiful The only thing that really matters to me is hanging out I know bro, this is my first wine, bro, what do I do This is yours if it is called Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror On The Wall exactly this is the longest wine that I keep 8 months with the whole grape and it has a 9.1 color but when you see the color you imagine that it is going to be very you know. strong and it's not soft like a kiss yes, without tongue, it's very nice, it's not because I like you, I would tell you this it sucks if I didn't like it, I like it a lot, I like it, I know you're Direct, what is this aspes, Directly Chinese chicken wings.
I care what they say. There is no better combination on this planet and fried chicken and natural wine. I agree with you, you want to share with them. These guys are not stupid. opening next to the African Hair Braiding place I'm going to give you these bangs, can you give me these dreams? Yes too, I can't give you Paris is a magnificent city, all kinds of little paths and secret arches and everyone comes except me. Don't drink wine, it seems crazy if you could see inside this man's soul, yes, it's pure, it's like pure gold in this heart, you're a great guy here, brother, peace, let's walk until the beginning of June, brother, it's 5 minutes from here.
I'm ready, I have to pee, that's the place bro, this is early June, now there's a table, this is early June, one of the best restaurants in all of Paris at the exact moment we're here, now same, we will be. here a little bit later in the week, but we came here just to try a little bit just to make sure it's not poisonous. Do you really like this guy? Okay, when one of our good ones not only want to make sure this is from mayorca shat pakita you know we drink together from sh Pak it's good it's very good and this is our daughter makes the cover really it's always good to let the children express themselves this is what I love June 30 Outside Music wine good people come good food ah life early June is a restaurant that hosts chefs from all over the world during our visit.
The chef was Michael Yan Chefi from Poland. He now lives in Shanghai and cooks Sichuan style food and Guang Dang, naturally, the Shanghai chef. Mr. Shanghai, how are you, sir? well how are you? See you here, you've got smoky bonak, chilli dressing, white button mushrooms and French chillies. Beautiful, thanks Chef, that's really good, that's fire because the Ki of the SP, yeah, the spice is what it is, it's French sesan, bro. strong but then he cools it down with the cream they don't use that kind of cream in San I love this I love this isid I love that it's super post chicken three ingredient dish Ginger CH and a chicken look at that chicken skin oh my god brother, god mine, this is crack, that's good bro, just boil the chicken and put herbs in it and to make it taste like this, you want to put them in a damn choke, change the style, more content, it's phenomenal, they care a lot, this is good. endless with this guy from one place to another wine to wine food to food this is literally an endless schmus Borg of the best you can have in Paris spring onion pancake chicken meat beef Tong three different types of Aini tribes and a bit mint and parsley salads damn it, there comes a point where I'm too drunk to talk, now it's good, it's a complicated summer, it's a very complicated summer.
I want to tell all the people in the world that at some point you can't eat the entire menu, but it's okay to look at the. menu I just wanted to say hello how are you brother how are you brother are you fine I'm fine greetings greetings to you can I take a picture of course my man do you want some smoke I'm not fine thank you okay yeah I'm really high, ready, I like those, those are sick , man, stick with it 100%, you understand, we do it right, take care of yourself, come on Jack Jonah, the master of chocolate, the best, the best ever, exactly the best chocolate ever.
Jac Jonah is your go-to guy for chocolate, but not just chocolate, he also makes a wide selection of sweets, caramels and other assorted treats. He makes sweets for more than 200 of the best shops, restaurants and hotels throughout France. He looks at the hogers, looks at how beautiful the mosaic is. It's art his laboratory was just a modernized modern design in a classic Parisian building stunning this beautiful store magnificent magnificent do you like pach ice cream? is this yes, come on, I love it, okay, pach, it's crazy, hey, it's like the most tremendous Twix you've ever tried. your life which is something else something so beautifully wrapped is like a small gift it's like crazy I say artist of light who remains human can see your may wow thank you that's beautiful wow a precious scoop wa I know no, this is crazy because it is the most delicious expression of pistachio it is not too sweet this is like I don't know what to explain it is almost cream it is not it is not incredible look how beautiful this texture is it is like fresh whipped cream beautiful air when you eat it you get the cream that stays , it just disappears leaving an incredible pistachio flavor.
It's so incredibly delicious and thoughtful that it's hard for me to even articulate how good it is because I don't want to sound like an idiot, this is it, this is it, no, this is it. this is this there is nothing else this is nothing like this thank you oh my god brother please that's crazy now we are going to open a beautiful beautiful champag jaos, the best champagne ever and he is very, very good friends with Jackie, look at the cabbage. I'm so happy to be here with you guys, this is, it's better than water, what's in here, what's this about Gabriel Caper, bro, Caper in chocolate, holy, holy, my God, this is crazy, It's incredible, magnificent, oh, my turn.
I don't know what to do I wonder what to do I don't know what to do Che caramel passan food caramel yes of course it's ridiculous it's like this it's like Fu it's the craziest texture this is absolutely amazing and it's not this. It's wow I don't even know what to say about that man did you do this? you did this together this is beautiful we will never do it never don't do it you no no that's crazy that's crazy normally I would strangle someone if you say I like you but I like you maybe you're okay yeah whatever Whatever we have to do, this is a wonderland for adults, you know, it's like we're kids again when you're here it's marshmallow, marshmallow, show me who you are. you're going to put your face under here don't take it, okay, that's not good, this is the best guy ever, that's my, that's my guy, he's the crazy one, ha, come see us with us in T.
I mean, please, new Mo, you have to understand that Jack was one too. a Cooper Jack had the two-star Mish restaurant twice when he was the head chef, it was his restaurant before he made chocolate, yes, yes, yes, and he said that for him you would meet one of the best chefs in this world. in Paris just doing our thing and we found out that we were able to capture a table at tablea jacqu is a good friend of Bruno vju originally a food critic and writer Bruno verju started his restaurant table 10 years ago, when he was 54 years old and Minutes after he We left his dinner, his restaurant was ranked number 10 on the list of the 50 best in the world.
I like the shoes, the pants, everything is a vibe. I'm serious, you were a chef 10 years ago. No, no, no, I am totally self-taught, you know, I am a former medical doctor and then I was a businessman and I was also explaining to the action that you work with an extremely typical and


icular producer, he said that he tries to achieve it by bringing the best ingredient, yeah, you know. My point is that I never give an order to my producer. I always say, send me what you have when you think it's the best in quantity, you have a few pieces a lot and we'll make do with that and it's Super amazing because every morning is Christmas, we open the box and say, oh, BL, BL, let's to do like this, this is my dream, like if it ever was, you know, I step up and start, maybe trying to do something like that. open a restaurant or cook I just want to cook yes every day something new and fresh I don't want to have things in the refrigerator on Friday as far as I'm concerned you know it's impossible to repeat every day I don't want my boys to do that because When they start repeating, they don't put their soul, they don't put their art into the story, they're just like machines producing food, you know, you come at all of this from a very different angle, yeah, yeah, because I went to culinary school.
I worked in the kitchen all my life. Everyone's goal is to produce the same thing every day, so when someone comes it doesn't taste any different than the day before, so you go. It will be a very interesting dinner with very interesting people. What do you have here? It's tuna. I love how you're treating it. Like H, yes, yes, it's h, but it's tuna. It is an incredible


because it is very fat and very collagen at the same time. I know, it's amazing, look at this jiggling, you see what I'm saying, look at all the fat inside, it's amazing, it's amazing, it's greasier than dkey, it's like jiggling tuna.
A5 tuna, that's a nice skill right there on the oysters inside. the CIS you have the cucumber and a little Japanese rice vinegar just a piece of cucumber rolled very softly inside the vinaigrette the santa gra like Indiana Jones and eternal youth these are them, the eggplant and it is the bread that has been bitten recooked with cream and hazelnuts. Heck, we've even heard of that cream and hazelnuts for bread. That clam is huge. That's crazy. I'll eat 20 of those CL when you cook razor clams, it usually gets tough. This is incredible. I hope everyone can do it. try something like that it's really surprising, extremely surprising, you see this technique, the bread inside the knife, Clan, clean that up, it's like lying, you know, 1999, my first gift, it's the first gift, oh, you're friends, wow , 99, bro, ah, you look so fucked.
Oh my god, are you kidding me? I have some dumi ltis cooked like rizoto calamari on top and you have some lobster even beautiful oh wow oh wow it reminds me of something like my wife, she's Colombian, she makes rice and beans, you know, that's how I love lentils I love lentils it's a big mistake press a little incredible man each dish has been out of control what else what else do you know what I mean as if we had already been so happy another same year eh, the same year this was a good year for my damn look at that color, so for everyone, incredulous, it's incredible, it's incredible, oh God, what is that, what is it, I never smell anything like that, it's G ins, no one has this wine in the world.I think you know it right now, but it's still young, the best in the world, yeah, this is beautiful, it's so deep, you know, there's so many different things that I smell, this is just grapes, this is grape, this is a grape , you understand we have gra, you can do that, you know, that's why we do fuing from par like the curator of this I think I spent two two a bottle of 9 that's like an investment in real estate this is a bottle that you drink with Friends, think about the value that you can sell or whatever, a very important amount of wine, your mind is beautiful, but I take it to approximately 37 ° in butter, in which we infuse the shell of the ler grill so that the flavor is fresh.
Grill, but I never had anything like that before, it's amazing because this is the first time you're talking about it, I hope it's not the last. hit you on the ass this is Gangster right here this is so good don't make me look fat that's us with all the bottles we drank five oh this is Perfect that's another level ah Parry's Butcher is a stall in M ​​Des Rouge, which It's one of my favorite places, but it's more than a shop, it's a way of life run by Louis Marie Martin, a former wine merchant. Lou has created an all-day Steakhouse Wine Bar.
Simply an amazing place. Louie prepared a very special lunch with everything from AED dried pigeon that has been painted daily with Jura wine to an Italian donkey steak that he smuggled back from Italy. What a lot of characters in the Paris buter. One of my favorite chefs. Isia tomorrow. Job. here at the bach in Paris, for about 9 months, customers can choose any piece of meat they can see here and we cook it for them. Served with vegetables. You can cool down here. You can drink here. You can eat here. You can make it weird. Meats, man only looks for the best, there is no one, he will not be ashamed to serve something that is not good, look, that is very beautiful, every piece of meat we have is a specialty, all the meat is from France, so I travel everywhere to select the producer and a Once I find a very good and good quality one, I decide to stay with them and don't change, it is a mixed store between a wine bar and a butcher shop, which means you can buy meat to take away or you can select. a piece and we cook it for you with a very good selection of wines I dry palomino for a month then we are going to put a little Maga de La 2015 for the Vintage a little for them a little for me tell me what this does so that the magma with the alcohol in it will keep the pulp very safe for the mons and it will be very tasty because with all the fats, you can see all the white F that will taste like M in the end, so let's try it for lunch. and the whole lever from the inside because they're still inside, yes, of course, oh, it's a beautiful little bird.
The plump bird has to paint it beautifully. I saw this one in my window the other day. Um, where does this dove come from? They are from Brittany, it is close. to the sea it's a sea pigeon it's yes, yes, it's growing uh just a few kilometers from the beach M this is beautiful that's the color you want eh mm yes it almost looks like it's a bit of ham or something P yes exactly when you have finished a dragon you have to burn it I have it I like it perfect like a dragon you know the smell of the skin singing is incredible we well or more we will not be perfect we will be ready for lunch now let's go get some lamb yes please brother that's for brother, cut it straight until you touch the bone, perfect hmer, that's it and finish with the knife, cut the shoulder, look how beautiful this is, like all this soft little meat, look at that, did I do it or not, okay, no , it's okay, it's all. good, perfect elimination, beautiful, here we go, now we are going to eliminate both from the inside, in mhm, there the fats, the kidneys, the balls, put them in the back of your truck, beautiful, what you should know, look at that, maybe I have to break it, no. look at that like AIX, you know this is what we have to do like this and we can fight.
This is too big to fight, it's too big, there are too many crazy knives to leave them, you know, I'll take the last pissing action. you know what is something very special that is about to come out of this refrigerator this is today special drye dkey let's C let's see what's inside dry age dkey is a Dunkey chops, dry it for 2 months and the dunke is from of where is this in Italy it's special look how beautiful that meat is marble it's unique it's very unique this is like a wagu chop exactly let's cook let's make sure no one touches that cute donkey in the corral look at this fat pigeon, oh beautiful , it's a big piece of me, beautiful, this is a beautiful technique here, I usually don't like kidneys, but this is clean and delicious, especially you know it's fresh, you take it straight from the so you know.
Where is it from Yes, it is a healthy lunch. Well, I'll go see my brother. Thank you for this. You have to have your vegetables. That's the best way to eat. It's like that. Right here, the best product you can find and treat it with respect. Everything that is cooked. in the same blancha it just creates this next level of flavor, oh what a way to open, look him in the eyes, it's not an emotion, you don't see in the eyes, cold, him, the best


h, a cold opener, a cold opener , we have a donkey that this brother is going to test.
It's not so bad H It's amazing, it's very tasty, the meat, very tasty, it's so delicious, yes, crazy, it's incredible, it's a special donkey, eh, Don, and they bathe in it, it's delicious, how do you you feel good We are making a new season, yes, right now, without end. endless excellent would you like to try donkey is very low thank you well true poy do you want some we we it is fine I understand Spanish too Mery thank you I don't even know what to say after that, but you are welcome interesting true it is good very good thank you it is from Italy from Italy the butcher brought it home with him oh wonderful this is his place greetings take care enjoy yourself enjoy your time goodbye phenomenal my god the mang the wine gives something really very good my god almost my lies I don't know how to explain but it's true that they give it a m it's tremendous it's lamb stew with a quav tomato onion garlic herbs on top like minat and cilantro and I'm going to put parsley and Arisa and yogurt on the toasted bread it's a number one show it's good to see you brother it's good to see my boys Che Paris It's an international city, you don't need me to tell you that and the tacos here in Noal are amazing, what do we do?
I need asala I've been dreaming about that assala bro make yourself this what are you doing chichón oh so that's there yeah oh my Lord that looks amazing yeah please yeah honestly some of the best tacos that you have never eaten anywhere. Mexico Queens Anywhere, yeah bro, straight, you see, I moved to Paris in 2011 and I started working, like making tacos here in Paris and I've been doing the same thing since 2011, but people love Mexican food here in Paris because we do the same thing. Mexican food as it is in Mexico we never adapt to French cuisine this is uh chicharon the pork with uh ginger tomatillo ancho W simple with refried beans oh thank you how beautiful that is oh my God how good brother oh my Lord I want to make but I eat beer with t of course brother this is the best thing in life here next next wa next oh my god shisso with ques fresh brother amazing I want more Stu, tell me if you want more maybe one more thing H he is making the tortilla every time with the Masa now same one by one one by one one by one this is beef with the cheese crushed on the floor so you mess it up oh look at this, take it, take it, take it nice and crunchy look how incredible the crunches are You get here and that beautiful plate It's crazy, simple, nothing, no, really.
Thank you very much for coming. You know, I had never had kebabs in Paris before my Mech Kebab fixed it. Immediately, literally every dish was phenomenal. What I like the most is when the meat turns what we have there Med yes different meds of uh different regions of turkey dis oh yes so these are sardines uh we serve them with Sor so you put the sardine on a Sor sheet uh you roll it up like a joint the freshness of the S will also give acidity with the pickles, oh my goodness, look at this beauty, I make a bang and joy, look at that, a beautiful smoke, yes, it's like a good barbecue, you know, like smoked meat, the pi kicks, yeah, so this is a classic too.
Turkish dish that is C moco based on toasted almonds and chives and this is isot which is like a smoked spice M everything is ridiculous Bravo, do you want to cut the meat? mhm, this is my life, vo, this is Turkish chicken, we make it 48 hours of preparation, we grind the chicken before so that it is still juicy and after this we make the marinades, wait, you put it in brine and then you marinate it ex, oh Oh my gosh, look at that, oh, we came here a couple of years ago, but the food scene now isn't that bad, it's not that bad.
H, it's evolved a bit I'm a dish Boy, this is a dish, this is the donut juice, that's the meat jeo on the side, brother, this is a French sauce Kebab, look at this beauty, this is a chicken dish shuarma, of course. you have the roasted pepper lab you have the bread you have the salad on the side pepper paste pickled cabbage oh well it's fire this is how you roll the proper pita bread so this is onion and py and sum The is the white sauce Sala is the red sauce that is the pepper paste then you will have the pickles that give us aity and the touch everything is about balance it is about acidity freshness to balance the meat and the juice this is beautiful this makes me happy this is great this is great thank you very much very much it's not crazy very special it's almost not fair I haven't eaten anything I didn't like so these are the chicken wings oh just marinated chicken wings look how beautiful those wings are they can't even fly with that little ass , this sweet chicken, right, I love sweet chicken, you know, I like to eat wings out, wait a second, I need to think about everything, love, let me tell you something, chicken is a chicken, until it really is a chicken and it really turns into a chicken. tonight here really turned into a chicken, well I gotta give you a good grip on Gable, come here, um, thanks man, oh feel better, amazing, amazing, it's like New York City.
Any corner you stand on is charming, more charming than the next. It is so beautiful here that you really have to appreciate the old architecture. What century are we in now, uh, 21, didn't Tony tell Chrissy that he's taking this family into the 21st century? Yes, exactly, no trip to Paris is complete without a visit to Double Dragon, the sisters. Tatiana and Kya will literally heal any ailment you have physically, mentally, spiritually. I'm ready to eat. Where do you want to sit? Do I have to sit down? I can stand up? You can stand if you want to stand I want to stand here, okay?
I want to be by your side, how have you been, good, good, everything, everything moves and shakes, yes, the last time I saw you, I was pregnant, yes, and now I'm fine, these are the bows, they are stuffed with cheese and kimchi, oh my goodness. and a kimchi mayonnaise, be careful, it may be spicy and cheesy, oh, it's like the most delicate donut. K kimchi, yes, wa wo, does it work well, delicious, delicious? Double Dragon is literally one of my favorite restaurants on Earth, it's not even about the restaurant it is. about chef Tatiana she is on another level the family oh my god it's like what are we doing now it's just about choices the choice here is like yes it's just yes it doesn't matter what it is this is C line funa blue or raw prepared with oil of ginger cilantro wow this looks amazing line C funa blue that is so beautiful that lion Quon is so beautiful I like everything you make literally all of this is dynamite it is filled with uh cheese SCA ham M and it can be very spicy okay, that I hope, but you will be Okay, I hope it's wrapped like the Lumia skin.
This is incredible. It's the craziest jalapeño popper. Buffalo Wild Wings eat your heart out. The mix of French and Filipino products. It's like the most incredible explosion of balanced food I've ever had in my life. life in this place is really incredibly delicious maybe you should try an orange wine when spicy food is better you have it in meat tar oh my god from Normandy it has mint red onions lots of lemon juice lots nuk, a lot of chili, oh. Oh my gosh, that's better than any cooked lap I've ever had in my life, oh M, oh, some veggies, thank you, this chili peanut salad.
Look, I love crunchy bits and everything in this is amazing. Peanut spicy and a little crunchy. It's really not fair what it is. This is the best lunch and dinner I have ever had. Oh my God. You've been here for a while. You always make one of our delicious firsts with Tatiana every time we come back here because the restaurant keeps getting better and better. I'm so happy to have caught you right now at this moment. I mean it, thank you. Thank you so much. We catch you at the perfect moment. How long has it been?
This is for you. Kimchi. This is fire. These are the garlic and bow chicken wings. Summer truffle, damn, this is a crispy rice salad with peanuts and beautiful edible flour. This is the Filipino dish of Tong. It's barbecue omelette with hers. What should we have the first wings or something all together? This is going to get messy, very dedicated, very beautiful, beautiful, crispy smoky. It's amazing let me try this beautiful little omelet oine it's very similar to a scallop M mmm everything together you havereason the Filipino national dish adobo M adobo pork adobo so it's roasted pork belly this is likea party we should invite Baba to this party who is that Jean Claud vanam so this is the kind of food that makes you want to eat more another dish barbecued zucchini with chipotle sauce and peanuts how are your vegetables with such a beautiful color? everything is so brilliant not him, that's friends, well, very important, two bottles of WI a day, six fruits, six vegetables, very important, that's the formula, it's like he's from Atlanta, in a 5x white t-shirt, Look at the way this man uses the new dance, he's killing it right now.
Those are going to be in the vineyard. Can we send desserts or whatever you think? Okay, so this is called a bug bug. She is a donut with cinnamon sugar caramel underneath and she is a braided donut. Did you braid the donut? I can't like her. you just take it to another you just braid the donut thank you and coconut ice cream You're an alien I swear you're an alien I swear you guys are aliens bro it's ridiculous it's really crazy it's really amazing and it's beautiful no, it's just getting better better it's very strange that I keep my cigarette no, it's really incredible you really elevate everything every time I see you you are the next level because it's the two sisters the gang every time you take it to another place, another place, thank you thank you for doing it I always had it there is no way I would leave without seeing them this isow I always say this is my favorite place they read it is my favorite place but this is now number two or one one by one by one and 1 see I had that look turn turn that and then turn it Al no to the other side Me no back Flip Flip Flip no to the other side one more time oh my Lord oh my Lord him thank you thank you very much We return to visit our old friends Jess and Rober de Laro.
They used to make their version of yakatori, but now they opened Fero, a wine and ice cream bar. It was a perfect place for the boys to hang out. We have always done it. I wanted to open an ice cream shop and when the C wine next to our restaurant, the rigal, was for sale, we thought, hey, why not both of us? They're both a real passion, so we've always had wine, it's like this crazy rabbit hole. that you just go lower and lower and the ice cream is just delicious. We try to have ice cream where you can really taste what it is.
It's usually based on the seasons, but we have tons of classic chocolate, Mexican vanilla, and olive oil ice cream. so we've become really well known people end up spending their evenings here, they'll start with a glass of wine, then they'll have some shuie, they'll have a second glass of wine, they'll have an ice cream, they'll go back to Vino back to shuri on the way back to ice cream it's like you already know, choose your own adventure. The wine game has really gone to the next level with our current song. He lives and breathes. What's up man?
How do you feel? I'm fine. Good to see you. Good to see you here, we're bro, the legend, Robert, boy, the legend, clo, so I feel like in this group, I'm like an amateur, no, come on, you're kidding, you're the real deal, but you know we got to Babas there. you need to learn about Babas, if you don't know about Babas, you need to know him, he is one of the best wine producers. Head it in your head, oh it feels so good to head the soccer ball, oh legend, I like it when you did it.
You like the head like that, right, I'm sorry, let's go guys and have a drink. I never drink, I never drink, I never drink, I never had a glass of wine in my entire life. It's never ever the first time. I'm very happy on the first day. Greetings, greetings, greetings, beautiful moment of life. shant the alcoholic red berry gator look when you treat one that's when you start having fun that's when you start having fun they had a restaurant called rig Maro next door he only made yaka now we changed it to Just Pizza he could just do it all he's like I want to make pizza and serve ice cream and wine.
Can I try some ice cream? Just a few spoonfuls, a couple of small ones send me a Jour, aha. Jasmine Cherry tastes like the red layer of toie pop with the bubblegum in the center what chocolate I'm usually thinking on the hit yeah I mean that's a blast too yeah definitely what was your favorite flavor of that red red , I like red or the flavor, I like yes, red or the flavor, no, that's all. ice cream, yes that's a hit, they have a different style too. I can say that some are more like ice cream. I don't have a glass, you don't like to drink anymore.
I know, give me a glass. Excuse me, can we have a? glass for people who are thirsty poor thing you don't have a glass Chin Chin this is really good this brings back the Earl Stones of the mouth Mexican vanilla is like rum it is like something that is very similar very similar brown licorice no not licorice but liquorous Brown like Henny likes to eat yeah, it's like bourbon I really enjoy it, I really love how you can drink outside here, it's phenomenal. The style I want to live is to be able to enjoy a glass of alcohol on the street, why can't you ocracy? a man can't even be a man with a drink in his hand peanuts shiny peanuts that's delicious yes that's just peanuts peanut butter sauce how do they make all of these so good each one of these is cold cloves gr no I don't love coffee , TRUE?
I love coffee. Oh yeah, Nitro, yeah, this is my favorite. Gold Brew is my favorite. The chocolate after the Gold has an incredible finish. Thanks brother. Olive oil. Olive oil. Here comes the Lord of liquids. No, this is really good. subtle, elegant but profound, you put it with p go. I enjoy it a lot because I know you like a good wine, maybe we can do this, no, yeah, it sounds great, you've been doing it for a long time bro, beautiful for life, from wine to food, love everyone and two . good people, oh I mean this guy, he's like the Godfather's grandfather of a real, real, real video culture in Champagne, like everyone, there are so many students, proo shatan, all these guys worked with anel to learn how It is about the vineyard first, what champagne never is.
He said they just put in some green grapes, threw in a bunch of sugar and boom, and it really changed people's philosophy around how you make great wine first and then make champagne. I don't know if you're going to agree with me but this is not champagne this is wine it's for sure we were having that conversation jaos delicious balance very special equili is beautiful is blonde blonde blonde blonde yes of a so it's all BL so it's beautiful strong crunchy the butter is on point, it's really very good, wow, it's beautiful, it's Thum, it's from Monday, it's beautiful brother, when you make a burger or a good sandwich with this, it's absolutely beautiful, you have the nuts, You know, you have a nutty flavor. really beautiful, oh my god, that's called piece of life, it's a beef pantam, what is it that this beef salami is crazy like the best weight loss gym I've ever stepped foot in the weight loss gym?
Oh yeah, I should have some pizza, please, damn, I've been hearing about that. this forever I've been waiting my whole life we ​​always eat ice cream first and then pizza I know he was wearing the Timberin you know he's having a I's about to fall he's wearing Tims come on come on our rigal restaurant is currently on a Pause so during this period we called a friend of ours, Dan, who makes the best pizzas in the world. He kind of took over the restaurant as a pizzeria, so I prepare the dough the day before, everything is naturally fermented, there is no yeast. 100% sour dough, one of the things people always love to talk about is how many hours they ferment the dough.
Fermentation is like a bell curve that goes up until it reaches its point and then goes down, as you want to get. Up to that peak point, it doesn't really make much difference, so my personal preference is to do it in about a day. We were able to mix a lot of the ingredients that Riger would conventionally use, but we put them on a pizza and I think one of the things that made this really fun was taking the strict food angle, but doing it with pizza. They should probably do it with the real SE. Oh, there is a real problem that they had no idea about the country.
Let me put it. action my brother Sal, I'm done with the decisions today, the pizza comes out like a classic, oh, this is like the pure pie exactly pure, super pure, it almost tastes like the dough tastes like a GP almost yes, no, it's very good. Lord buffal mozarella wow it smells so good it's tremendous, the crust is absolutely perfect and the beautiful thing is that you have a Croc in the vegetable crunch of the French and it's because there is so much water in cette normally it vaporizes yes yes they stick together, this is St like it separates everything it's its own piece bro cette nah loca crazy potato pizza p oh my god the face is like a marap lemon cream sauce okay and then we finish it with a lemon preserve and the Potatoes are put raw on pizza. go raw they are raw and then they just cook for 90 seconds in the oven W that's why you're getting that amazing crunch in your veggies eh yeah EXA oh my gosh we were all in love with the crunch of the cette the lemon why bring the lemon? in the W potatoes, right, Chef, so this is the Buffalo R, my Lord, which looks white but heavy, yes, yes, it is really a text, the cheese is R, really, very beautiful, I like it a lot brother , it's the first time they made the tribe, it melted, the tribe melted. melt melt it's the first time we've done it actually good lemon brother good lemon everything is like hitting you still want the dough to be able to have flavor and also have a flavor it's about a trade off, you know?
I really think you've created that perfect balance, I mean you said this is Dan Dan has created the perfect balance, really good, then you went crazy, did you ever hear clov R, oh, all I smell was a cigarette, but I I like that cigarette. sausage wine life wine Life Pizza wine Pizza I love wine Pizza bro Literally this is the guy I have the hoodies from this is this is delicious this is the man here action Bron in Paris we're doing it big yeah man , we are back in Le just hanging out at the market. There are so many amazing things here.
We had to go back and have dinner somewhere else today. We're with Clovis' friend Michael at his impeccable De Bron. I met him once, but I won't remember. I don't know what he's talking about. I remember it all, but I'm sure I'll remember it now. This guy has one of the best restaurants in Paris. uh, these are Shardon and Sav, but very light. You know, this is a friend. I saw this drawing it's new let's open it brother you open you open a couple of bottles a couple drinking non-stop how many days have we been doing this yourself that's the number of days greeting so you want to have some dishes to share can I do it? some things for you I would love to yes, yes, whatever you want, what does this mean, does it mean something good, it basically means that they cook with fresh products directly from the producer, it's beautiful and he's the best owner of the year because he's so good. a very good boss he knows exactly the game you know how to deal with people that's good that's not good he did it for that he did it for that incredible it's a kitchen made only with beautiful products made with creativity it's a kitchen of it's a soul food, yes yes soul food you must try it if we can't explain it so this is the smoked duck breast made like a salad with homemade vinegar made with a text of hot peppers, strawberries and peas and a vegetable reduction, reduction of vegetables, that's magnificent. oh my god, that's ridiculous, no, that's not good, that's ridiculous, ridiculous, that's crazy, no, wow, holy wow, this is amazing, give me that, give me that, give me that, because it's hot, cool today , Royal C, made with fresh almonds, pickled cucumbers, cherries, fig infused cream. leave olive oil and a predution don't touch it I know you I know you're going to do that oh my Lord this is so ridiculous all together with the cucumber yes the F the next one is one of my favorites okay oh first eat with your don't say anything eh oh good smoke try it and then I'll tell you, so it's c with poorly glazed nutty and smoked eggplants with beet puree and gastric sauce, yes that made my knees weak, let me hold on You're here, let me hug you here because this is a man incredible.
She is so beautiful that she has no pretensions. What is her name? I don't even know her name. What is the name? There is no name. The children of the market. Oh yeah, we don't like this. Know? we can do whatever, you don't have a restaurant, there is no formula, that is not a formula, so we can do what we want, we can express ourselves how we want, you are free like children, you know, these are market children, brother, there are good vibe here. You are right about opening in the market, why would you want to have a place where you are close?
You know, music, good friends, good freshness, good project, more and good wine, of course, of course, there's something on the other table you need to see blue lobster blue lobster wow, one in a million there aren't many blue lobsters around I don't want to waste it I like it raw wait, wait, I need to get high, so this is the wine I make with Oran. 2018 this product only for cloes greetings to me I'm happy to try this brother and you have you have a box to go home and you know that already ah don't lie to me you're on the camera I you see that I hope oh like this exactly this is more juice juice it's like boom this is pure juice juice thisIt smells amazing from China, it's like candy, thanks guys, so I like it, thanks guys, that Victor woo, oh yeah, that's what I had when I was a kid at the dentist, so that's for dessert, God mine, so it's called sweet water noodles, it's a street snack in changu, a handful of very chewy noodles instead of sesame, b, hazelnuts, with a little old-fashioned monosodium glutamate and a little chili oil.
The key to this kind of thing is not to get it in the next year and I win, it rains, the city is clean, a little freshness, beautiful wine, amazing spicy food, what else? Amazing chef, we came last time.I was upstairs when we arrived I was Pi who was drunk the first time I'm drunk now but in a better way hesty it's delicious thank you very much brother you have to do the same kind of fueled hug the music turns Paris into It was a big party and coincided with the opening of Chop Chop Clover and a friend's new store, where, you guessed it, you could drink wine for the event.
All the bosses were there, the butcher Babas Bou Ramy, of course, Ramy, the curator of the idea there and there. that is my brother for life this place L deserti gives me the possibility to do something else but just look at the place 147 years ago he gave me the key to this place and the last artist is him now it is me and Chop Chop is a new way of do it Ramy I say why don't we take this place that is nearby and make a place or people can come to drink wine buy pasta with olive oil and people come to enjoy all together that is the concept so officially in 25 minutes, it is well, Chef, you wanted to have a glass of wine, can you explain this wine to us?
So this is an end to opening this store where we want to do something special and personal, that's life, that's the name of the bottle. Long life. To buy, buy and Shop Des artist, this MZ was out of this world. I'm not sure what Lumi made different but the taste was amazing this was one of the highest and you can get from the butcher cucumber 36 mon garlic ioli it was like sausage circles studied abroad in Algeria congratulations my friend you came back for the theme of American staples made in Paris I would like to draw attention to the Dumbo Burger, this mat of meat before you is the best expression of a Smash Burger that I have tried to date. dined here approximately 47 times Circle S he took such good care of the beautifully dressed bun look how perfect having this Smash Burger would already be a valid reason to visit Paris the bun is toasted to perfection mother's homemade recipe chopped raw onion and pickles tomato sauce mustard there's nothing left to say I have to put poison on my lips so I don't eat anymore I can't eat or drink anything else I have a uh let's go to Bistro Tel my brother beautiful place food for the soul real bris Pro just beautiful food and Voila, what Let this be a lesson to all of you, if you feel like eating somewhere during a trip, go there sooner rather than later.
Here I was. It would be considered Parry's best bestiary and had more support than the I5. What is it? called uh from Torell I know Torell Torell I beast from Torell we are in bevel one of the best beasts in all of Paris and I can't even eat anything or drink anything else, you know, I can't even go in because I know they're going to crush me, I know that they do, no matter what you have to do to make it a special dining experience, of course, so we eat here, yeah, we eat here, it's perfect, we're out here, what else do we have a bench?
I think they have AO oh look at this one, this is special, it's made with the wine of the B, so the soy is cured in the wine that tastes like won that tastes like won, brother, it's crazy the taste you see, freshness is not. dry at all it's crawling here someone said sausage today I'm just cooking I'm just cooking now I'm just watching I'm just watching from the side no more wine no more you I can't really I have no taste that's why I want a juice like here's my brother this is exactly what i need now kinda like fresh juice right this is the real original ratat wait i can't even look at it now everything is making me sick I'm serious, I can't even drink the juice, I just need water.
This andette is the recipe of the chef's grandmother who had a butcher, so when she opened the place here, she was a very good chef, she never took it out. recipe but this is our grandmother's original recipe wow I'm completely done but that all looks very good I hate not being able to try this now this is like a cold lasagna it's called a thousand that looks amazing I that looks good that looks very well one piece is very delicious amazing if I have something else than that it's over for me garlic pril olive oil oh the garlic is so tight then how are you still eating brother oh my Lord the best oh my Lord He is the best of the pirates oh no no no oh my Lord brother we will return another time because I know that today you are not hungry but I am very sorry because oh my Lord oh oh this is cold blue exactly it is ham V and with red wine reduction look look oh it smells incredible brother I'm not leaving to lie oh my God no man that's too much that looks incredible you can't eat another s another oh here we have the Supreme which is a beautiful part of the chicken with a fresh and beautiful vanon sauce cream Mor this is a piece of fart this It's French gastronomy and then we have mashed potatoes with the meat juice the meat juice of at I'm completely done but that all looks great, I hate that I can't try this now everything looks great I didn't realize account I don't really know what happened I don't know what happened I haven't slept in days It feels like you've been here, mon Parry, there are so many incredible things. here Meats wine tacos vegetables meatballs ice cream Kebab completely finished until next time AR Rea D you cu oh la la M nod to all my friends who made this possible see you very soon I love you peace oh

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