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Jun 05, 2021
You're going to make it, man, you okay, yeah, okay, how's it going, Ryan? Well oh, we're filming a YouTube video. Wait, what do you think we were doing? Yeah, yeah, okay, so wow, okay, put them down, okay, so on the previous one. videos, we've reviewed some


potato chips, okay, we decided that we really enjoy the


taste of chips, so what we're going to do is give it a try. Not all the lazy guys are killing it with their flamenco style. series, so I don't have all the fiery versions of chips, but I have a lot and we'll try them all and see which ones we think are the best. to rank them from the most delicious, the most delicious different things, from the most delicious to the least delicious, okay, in our opinion, there is one very exciting one, well, they will all be the same spice, well, if there is one that stands out , yes, because I mean extra


spicy. crispy cheetos, those can be, but um, but since they're different brands, they could be spicier or less spicy, they're actually about the same brand, they're just different brands, so ruffles puts cheetos, it's almost kettle, everything It's owned by Frito-Lay, so it's the same company that actually scammed me too.
flamin hot spicy showdown
Okay, we'll do these last ones. Cheetos are last because they make them extra hot, so these have the potential to be the spiciest. We will do them at the end. I do not really like. cheetos, but what a shame man, you're getting into them today, I know, I like cheetos puffs, but I'm not a big fan of regular cheetos, I mean, I'll eat them, but where do you want to start? I love dill. pickles, this is actually the one I look forward to the most, so I'm okay with that, okay let me, I love pickles. I'm setting aside a lot of these here so you can take them one by one. at the same time, okay, so we have Lay's spicy pickle flavor.
flamin hot spicy showdown

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flamin hot spicy showdown...

I love it. I'm not going to pass. I'm not going to go through the foot, the ingredients, the ingredients in all of them because everything is going to be the same, but. There are a lot of ingredients here, the hottest thing here will be the spices, it has a pepper, it has a pepper, it has, it looks like a jalapeƱo, you can't see it, it's like a strange combination of helping you and uh, I have red peppers, cayenne pepper, what? Do you like pickle boy? Do it for twenty thousand dollars. Are you ready? Yeah, let's see what happens.
flamin hot spicy showdown
It's pretty good. I'll give it like a 2-1 spice. It's not that much spice. I don't think it's very spicy at all, but delicious. i wasted one, well i wasted a friend, flavor wise they are pretty killer, yeah it tastes like it has the salt, like the salty, the pickle, the pickle flavor, yeah that definitely shines brighter and the house


as a background, it's like a dill. pickle hop with flamin hot and not a mass of flamin hot pickle okay, yes if they said change the words I know right, dill pickle flamin hot absolutely fine, keep that on your side, you are in charge of keeping our ranking good, so that's the middle for the moment, okay, we're going to go to doritos, flamin, hot nacho, the next one at the end, maybe I can't tell because all the heat that's been in this guy we can bounce back and forth back, see that these are much more covered, incredibly more covered. look at that boom compared to the lays like not even comparable not even comparable okay you can eat it okay grab just get yourself a dorito man yeah right?
flamin hot spicy showdown
I love doritos lauren cheers it definitely makes it a little spicier yes but I can't taste it. because it just tastes like regular dorito to me, honestly I agree, so do you think this is better or worse than the pickle? I don't know, probably like um, let's talk about fractions here, probably like one more fraction. I eat half, do you like pickles better? um no, I thought I like pickles better, but we can go with your scale, I honestly don't know because they're pretty much on the same level, okay, but I love doritos, okay? We'll keep them, we'll keep them stacked together, man, let's move on to the bed ruffles, fiery ruffles, same thing here, I'm actually a big fan of ruffles, I like mia, it's hotter when you mix them together.
I think this has about the same amount of dust as the last one, it definitely looks dusty on this, my hands are covered, there you go, Doritos socks, yeah, grab some, okay, do you like ruffles or your boy with ruffles, yeah . I'm not overselling it, I mean, I'm pretty good, I like the original cheese nest, like sour cream and cheddar cheese ruffles, they're actually pretty good and I'm not the sour cream guy, okay Greetings, let's see what happens, sour cream. and onion, this tastes like a normal steering wheel, almost yes, it's not the hot dog, no, I can't even taste the heat, I can barely taste it too, it's almost a little weird, I like to taste the potato like these are the most potatoes fried. so far yes, but they are not, no, there is no burning hotness at all, yes, almost compared to the less doritos, I think the doritos are a little bit hotter, okay, okay, you are ready to put them in the last place, yes, I think so. move them all the way down so this is in the middle, yeah, that's not really on camera, but it's okay now, where do you want to go next? do you want to go to the hot flamin cauldron or do you want to go to flamin hot lamone doritos I'm going to do this, okay, I like lemons or any lime, I love lime.
Actually, I'll be surprised at how coated these things are. I love pillow chips, man. I've never actually tried one. This is a good chicken for dipping. Oh, okay then. um kettle chips, I've only ever eaten um I only eat sour cream without nuts, okay, um, what is it? I don't know, it's like sea salt, yeah, they're like leaving all the black pepper ones, yeah, that's like sour cream, not sour cream, it's salt. and the vinegar ones, quite coated, quite coated, it's interesting to see which style of chips have more coating than others, like the ruffles, which were the least, the layers were evenly coated, but not as much, yes, these are super coated because this is like something similar to a coating, but just this different style chip, go ahead, oh boy, this is a good one right here.
I like this, I mean, it's good, but I can't take the heat off. I'm trying the spicy flamin. No, you're not getting it, I mean, it's not spicy to me, but I'm getting the fiery flavor. Okay, this is a little controversial to me. On our small scale we're going to put that here. Well, this is it. where we are currently sitting we have flamin hot ruffles at least it puts pickles flaming hot seconds doritos flamin hot leads right now it's here or here I would say hmm dude, I like pickles better yeah, me too, are you okay? let's move it here, okay, get it out, okay, we're getting to it, man, fire, okay, man?
You're doing well, though yeah, okay, okay, hot, fiery lamone doritos, these could be a little wild card, much less coated, come on. hot compared to compared to one of these guys, I guess it's okay, I guess it's kind of similar, okay, I'm lying, it's pretty similar, okay, you'll make it, man, you okay, yeah, okay, here a little bit of everything. Well, let's see what happens. This is a tacky situation and it tastes pretty good. An incredible amount of lime. I just got that punched me in the face. It's a lime punch in the face. I don't know how I feel about it.
As? sorry I think it's pretty good honestly okay I love lime this is the tastiest chip we've had so far okay man I don't know if you're going to put it in I think these two are still probably my favourites. You're going to put your slide right here, yeah, that's what I was going to do, dude, I agree, I don't even do that, but this is you, the expert snack man, we're using you, okay, now, for Last but not less important. let me see the joker, okay, extra flamin, spicy, crunchy, what's the spiciest thing in it? spices, I think so, I don't know if there's anything different this time, no I don't think so, no, spices, yes, just all the scooters now, okay. this is how they look super coated of course this one so they remind me of boko clubs oh they do yes they do zelda I just won that game right?
Yeah, okay man, we'll see what happens on Sunday. I'm not. getting some heat, I think it tastes good. I'm focusing on the heat and I think it's definitely the spiciest. If you had a couple of them, I think it's the spiciest, but I mean, I'm still sitting at less than a 1. Flavor-wise, it's not that flavored, we're on board, we're on the same page here now, right? where would you put this in our? We gotta do the final ranking now, man, place the Cheetos, place them really on flavor to flavor, okay, let's see here. okay, you're saying spicy ruffle flavor, less extra spicy cheetos flavor somewhere in here, that's what I'm saying dude, I like them a lot, yeah, I like them a lot and then I would, um as far as spicy, but maybe I would change them for spices or for the spicy flavor you think these are spicier than that yeah, I'm not going to try any of them you're crazy you're crazy thank you okay so you're saying that the two best ones are spicy pickle and spicy nacho flamin um Yeah, I think it's uh, I agree with you, I think they're kind of interchangeable.
Personally, I would give a slight thumbs up to the pickle, but I don't know because I love pickles, so I might do that, but that. I love doritos I get it man doritos just taste amazing this is like the new kid in town okay I mean this definitely has a lot more spicy flamin seasoning so I'm going to go ahead and give it to you I'll give because We're not talking about pickle chips versus nacho chips, we're talking about flamin hot and this has a lot more flamin hot seasoning so now I'm going to say that I agree that this takes the winner okay it's Time to put them all together. on a chip yes, we need a base.
I'm going to put that in that. Alright. I'm going to build mine right inside so the camera can see. I'm going to throw mine behind the chip bags. I'm glad you remembered that. this because I always forget this part no, I always remember it oh, I know you do, it's okay, I got it, I don't care, this is going to be incredibly filling, honestly, it looks like a dessert, it's really okay, we have similar ones um , there are build styles built in here, okay man, it'll be really funny to watch you try to get it right, it also tastes like a lot of spicy flamin.
I don't feel any spiciness when it's all together, it just tastes good, that's how it was. pretty tasty, although I like the aftertaste pretty good, well this has been our hot and spicy chip


with my resident snack expert, ryden schrock rodden, thank you so much for joining, you're welcome in the description, thanks, no problem , the description is There's going to be a link to Ryden's toy channel that he does with his uh, his dad, um, turbo toy time, it's really hard not to say taco game time, turbo toy time, um, it's fantastic channel, crushes, so if you don't know, keep in mind.
I hope you enjoyed, see you next time, hey, I'm Brian Ames. Please click the subscribe button you see right there and you will subscribe to my videos. From now on I will eat a lot of peppers. Man, it's going to be great, bye.

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