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FENTANYL KILLS: Jetaya Lucero's Story

Mar 26, 2024
my daughter jeta died from fital poisoning on june 7, 2023 she was 19 years old and people should be aware of fitel, it is a devastating drug that destroys families, i am not saying that families are separated, but i want to say that the entire Family is affected by this not only the parents but also the siblings. I try to talk to as many people as I can and I will do everything I can to spread the word that this is a real thing, this is a deadly thing that my daughter went through. some difficult times early in her life and caused her to go into a downward spiral and we got her all the help we could, with mental health issues, all the hospital doctors we could and she was not a good statistic. for mental health or the justice system when you try to help your daughter and they failed her and you take a girl who has a lot to live for and makes some mistakes because she wasn't an angel, she wasn't. the perfect girl, uh, she made mistakes, but you try to help them and do the best you can, but she was a beautiful person, I mean, she was amazing, she had a smile that everyone remembered at the celebration of her life.
fentanyl kills jetaya lucero s story
She got cards. people could write a memory about her and almost all of her cards said her smile. What they will always remember about her was her smile and her laugh. She wanted to be a special education teacher. That was her goal in her life. She had a gift that was amazing one of her best friends had autism and since kindergarten she knew how to help her best friend and the school brought them together because at such a young age Jaya knew how to help her girlfriend she graduated from high school while she was in a facility and had many opportunities to go to school for free, do whatever she wanted to continue her education and she got out of control and started making bad decisions and even though we tried to help her, um.
fentanyl kills jetaya lucero s story

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fentanyl kills jetaya lucero s story...

It didn't work and we received a phone call the morning of June 6, 2023 saying that Jaya was in the hospital in Lawrence Kansas and they said she didn't look well. She needed to call the hospital and talk. for them and they found


residue in her purse and I'm like fitel residue that doesn't make sense you know you don't hear about fanol you rarely know where we live so I called the hospital and they said her brain was going bloating, it doesn't look good, we have to get there so my husband and I got dressed, let the dogs out and started our way to Lawrence and it was the worst trip of our life, I mean just cry, cry and pray . and it took forever, it should have been a 45 minute drive and I felt like it was taking hours and hours and um, uh, I have a very strong faith and I was just praying to God, please let her be okay, please let her be okay. be fine.
fentanyl kills jetaya lucero s story
My husband was driving and we were on the road and I felt a hand, a weight on my right shoulder and I will never forget it because I get goosebumps every time I think about it and I looked up and it was a silhouette of Jesus. and he just said to donate his organs and I turned to my husband and said Lee Jesus just told me that we need to donate his organs and he was crying and he said absolutely Absol absolutely like that. Looking back, I now take that as God preparing that for us. she was gone, my husband had just retired from being a respiratory therapist, so once we got to the hospital and walked into the IC ICU room and looked at Chatea, we both looked at each other and knew she was gone, that she was gone. they would keep alive. with a rest respirator and all the tubes, they put cooling pads on her trying to keep her brain from swelling and they had her in an induced coma, but we knew we had called our other children and some other family and J.'s best friends and we let them know so everyone could go to the hospital and um, so we feel like we were lucky because we got to spend some time with her saying goodbye to her um and uh, we actually had other Miracles in the hospital where we only had a few people in the room. in the room and this light over her bed was starting to flicker and it was only when our daughter, who was her birth mother and birth father, were around her on the bed and we were at the feet. and the light was flashing and it was almost like a sign that she was saying hey, I'm fine, I'm fine and we had a piece, you know, a lot of pain, a lot of pain, an unimaginable heart, um, but, we have pictures of her.
fentanyl kills jetaya lucero s story
We put pictures on her door so the hospital could see what she looked like, we told them we wanted to donate her organs and they said we'll talk about it later and I said, "Okay, you know, they said you know who we are." I'm just not sure I know they talked about transferring her to KU and we were like no no we know she left and the day went on and you know we were with her and her friends came over and we just spent some time saying goodbye. and hold her hand and tell her that we love her and then, uh, the next thing which was a Tuesday the 6th and then a Wednesday the 7th, we realized that we needed to rush home to get our medicine because we had a medicine that we had to take every day and we forgot not knowing what we were going to encounter so we ran home and showered and got warm clothes because hospitals are cold and we came back to the hospital and they were done drinking or doing this uh I can't.
Remember it was like the final brain test that showed her brain was beyond inflammation and there she was and you know, she just verified what we knew and we went back in and the Midwest Transplant Transplant Network was already there . They called them because they knew that was our wish and they said come here we want to show you something and then they took us to a computer and they turned it over and they said look this we said what they said Jaya signed her driver's license she wanted to be an organ donor and uh, we say wow, you know amazing, so she made that decision, you know, even though we had said it, but she had already made that decision, she was going to try to save some lives, so they were a A fabulous group of people talked to us about everything, they talked to us and stayed with us the whole time, then they did the apnea test on Jaa and that's the final test where you know she couldn't survive, so we were able to have a hero walk to chat, You know, our friends lined the hallway, they put a beautiful blanket on him and we chose two songs to play during the hero walk, the first one was Luke Bryan because he went to the moon and back.
Jaya and I went to every Luke Bryan concert we could go to, he was like the favorite, I mean she loved him and to the Kan City Royals game we went to the Royals all the time, but then we also chose his song favorite Christian, which was by Corey Ashberry and it's called Reckless Love about the shepherd with the 99 or 100 sheep in the background and one gets lost and leaves the 99 and goes and finds the one and she was the one and God took her to house God took her home and that was clear when the ambulance doors closed and we watched the ambulance drive away and that was the last time we saw her and we found out that she saved the lives of five people.
We get a little bit of hi


like the ages and where the organs went, which is really cool. I've written down every recipient I've ever heard of and I'm like a little kid who goes to the mailbox every day to see if I have another one. But you already know. I'm trying to talk to as many people as I can number one, people should carry a closed zone with them everywhere, they should have it on school buses, they should have it in church offices, warehouses everywhere, it's so important that It is almost as important as CPR. the blockade zone can save the lives of many people, they tried it in cha, she was too lost, she saved the lives of five people, there is someone with her heart, her lungs, those are two women, they got them, one man stayed with his liver and two out of every two gentlemen. a kidney each, that's a saving Grace, you know, you just feel good one of these days.
I want to meet every one of them, just let them know, but um, yeah, I miss her. I mean, we had a special kiss. I will never do it. to receive that kiss again every day it didn't matter where I went if it was just to the store if she left we would say I love you and I would kiss her on the forehead and then I would turn my cheek and she would kiss me on my cheek, that's one of the Bigger things I miss besides his smile. Lawrence detectives are working on it and we try to talk about it every 3 weeks, but they can't say much because it's ongoing and I don't ask. a lot because I don't want to interfere or you know something that I shouldn't know because I don't want to ruin it I want the people who gave it to him to pay I don't want more people to make him die, I don't want the families to go through what we have gone through what we my children go through, that's their sister, you know, my youngest son, who is almost 25 years old, is going through a very difficult time and, as he gets older, my oldest son is also going through a difficult time.
I mean, you know, you think about her or you see something, you go to the movies and you think, oh, I wish she were here, you know she would love this, you know, but she won't, she's gone, try that one. pill or someone puts it in a drink or a joint or something and that's it, it's over, it's over.

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