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Intervention: 9 Years of Meth Addiction Makes Tiffany Violent and Erratic | A&E

May 30, 2024
This program contains themes and language that some viewers may find disturbing. Discretion is advised. My name is Tiffany. I am 25


old and I am from the city of Escon. Come here where there is less wind when I am with my son. I feel happy inside, oh yeah, I don't think he's an addict, but the drug I have the most problems with, I guess, say no is


. When you inject


, it immediately goes up your arm to your throat and feels hot. and if it's really good, coughing up meth gives me an instant euphoria and


me feel like I can solve all my problems or I don't know how to conquer the world, no I don't think I'm an addict because I choose when to use drugs and when not to use them and when I feel like I need to stop doing it, I quit right away and it's not a problem.
intervention 9 years of meth addiction makes tiffany violent and erratic a e
She always likes to tell me that she's been clean for 4 days, that's always 4 days. I have been fine for 4 days, she thinks she is cheating on me but she is not. She used to be a beautiful girl. I'm not kidding. I had never seen such a pretty girl in my life, but not now. I don't know when Tiffany uses the myth, she constantly picks her face and arms, she looks horrible, she just has


behavior. I guess I should sit in one place and think about all this and feel like she can be two, three, four different people at the same time, one minute she's fine talking to you and then you say the wrong word to her, she blurts out: no, I'm not a friend.
intervention 9 years of meth addiction makes tiffany violent and erratic a e

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intervention 9 years of meth addiction makes tiffany violent and erratic a e...

I'm starting to get angry because you don't listen to me. Meff was a doctor. Ally, uh, abuses her mother by trying. to suffocate her with the pillow, hit her, step on her, we told her that she couldn't come anymore until she could get help. I sell drugs because it's an easy way to make money. Now you have 20 dollars with her Pleasure on top of her constantly. Seeing her follow her I hate dealing with life so I'd rather sit there and get high into nothingness what she's going through is the worst thing I've ever experienced in my life When Tiffany was born, that was one of the happiest days of my life. life.
intervention 9 years of meth addiction makes tiffany violent and erratic a e
In my life, I really appreciated that moment. Tiffany and I were always together, shopping or going to little craft fairs, everywhere we went. Tiffany became friends with her and it was always like people were attracted to her. We might have the most special bond of all the grandchildren around us. My grandparents have always gone beyond everything you can imagine, they have always given us what we wanted, what we needed and much more. Tiffany was very popular at school, she had many friends over and she was very kind-hearted. She was beautiful, I have to say she could be a model, it's not because she's my granddaughter, but she could, she really could be a model.
intervention 9 years of meth addiction makes tiffany violent and erratic a e
Tiffany never had her father's love and affection so she was getting it elsewhere when my father came home just really very tense there are a lot of fights constantly a lot of arguments my mom got into a relationship very quickly I was mad at her for it I was angry at that guy who got divorced and then dated someone else I think it was hard for her and me. My mother's relationship started to become very chaotic and distant, out of control and I would say it almost broke down. Tiffany started getting into more trouble after the divorce.
She started hanging out with boys who had a bad reputation. My mother kept trying to find what. was wrong with me and why and fixing it just seemed like something was going on that I kept inside for a long time and I try to convince myself it was a dream because you always hear about people telling and no one believes them and it causes all this you know whatever. I tried to talk to her about it but she wanted to act like it didn't happen. She made her promise me that she wouldn't tell anyone. My feeling was that it needed to be brought to light and that it had to be dealt with immediately after I told her that she went into the next room, picked up the phone, called other family members and immediately told them and from that moment on I will never trust my mother again.
Tiffany was completely and totally captivated by mathematics She was elated to be a mother I wanted to feel needed I guess to have a purpose a place in life she stopped using drugs while she was pregnant to go back to who she really was a very outgoing, motivated and fun girl When little David was born and I held him in my arms. It was the best moment of my entire life. Little David made me feel complete. He made me feel like there is a reason to try every day. On the outside it seemed like they were some kind of great happiness. family but he was always putting her down she is the worst I have ever seen her.
I'm afraid that little David will lose his mother and then I'll lose my daughter. My grandparents have done everything they can to help. I mean they would never turn their back on me. Do you have $20 or $30? Yes, on the wall. Well, I've never told any of my grandchildren what to do. I try to stay out of their way as much as I can. I know if she's going to rehab what I'm most afraid of is that grandma is going to find out grandpa did things behind her back now she's going to explode I wanted to go but I'm scared to death she's at this point in her drug abuse injecting methamphetamine into her veins Every day when she wakes up it is a bet whether she is going to live or not.
What I hope is that the


takes place tomorrow and we have her in the car and we get a letter that we have in hand to the judge to say that she is already in treatment and and I asked her not to let what happened in your house happen in my house I don't want anyone to come to my house to try to take her away she won't go with an option you also have to change this is not just about her, ask for help and This is what help looks like. I hope that by the time she leaves court tomorrow we will all be around her and tell her. how we feel like we're going to have to come to her hell no we're not going to do this right now oh text me right now you need help you need help come on I'm trying to save you you know how much you care no don't understand me try to help them They think I'm high so you can check my eyes you can check whatever you want right now I'm not high I'm Candy Finegan I'm the


ist in the intervention program and her family asked us to come help her, we're offering her 90 days of truly exemplary treatment and she's turned this into a three-ring circus.
It's embarrassing that she is explaining our family problems. make you feel good look at my brother from there it's all thanks to you I was clean what are you telling me I was clean now they want me they're trying to make me react for television and that's stupid if you want to see what living


looks like and kicking and yelling at those she loves, you have to witness it, we just have to get away from her at this point

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