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May 16, 2024
You got it, no, no, you can't use your hands, yeah, you just ripped off the ice block with your hand. Now the hammerhead is a hammerhead shark and it's going to eat you, it's time not to


the dice, that's right, my name is. Andy and this is my son Ryden and we make toy videos and today I was right, he was so ticklish right, oh I really got you, didn't I hear? So I won't tickle you, no, no, no, I was joking. Don't eat your dad anything, yeah or anywhere, but it's time not to


the ice, this is a classic game and I saw it in the store and I thought, oh my God, he's never


ed it, so I bought it and?
father son play don t break the ice
What we'll do is take this to that table, we'll look at the box, take it out, I'll explain how to


and then Ryden will duel me in a full battle, it's called don'. Don't break the ice, but don't hit it. Yes, that's what we're going to do. Are you ready for this? They have given you the power to carry the box. Ryden, no, don't eat, talk, tell people not to hit your dad. and you're hitting yourself with the game don't hit yourself don't hit people don't just don't hit here's the funniest box guys it's really cool because you can look at it with your eyes yeah that's what I normally use to see things I can look at you, who did you see?
father son play don t break the ice

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father son play don t break the ice...

I watched Henry, they watched Henry and YouTube, yeah, what's up Henry? Yeah, here's the front of the box that says "don't break ice ages" from three inches and up, two to four. players, that's the pretty standard number of players, but from three years old it's a little more basic, so if you're younger, if you're three years old, maybe Rufus Rece, do you see the ceiling? in the new youtube you see rufus again I don't know no, he's in the back, you see him, he has the yellow shirt on, yes, it's okay, rufus can also play because he's three years old, it's okay, but yes, he has a photo of penguins sliding. on the ice and then it has a real photo of kids playing what's his name is Ryden I want to break the ice his name is I want to break the eyes and I'm going to call this guy this guy's name is uh Kevin no yeah his name is Kevin no, I want to change the name, what is the name of ponytail professor ponytail that sounds like a superhero kid on the back of the box there is professor ponytail again Kevin but he shows you the game, can you see what he has? a little frame with ice cubes in the middle, they're actually just plastic, you won't freeze your fingers, but you could do it with, um, if you're Rufus, the guy in the yellow shirt, like that, then you have these little plastic hammers .
father son play don t break the ice
We're basically trying to break the ice but not let the penguin fall, whatever you do, don't let the pigment fall, let go of the edges, you can't let that happen, so it says number one, pick a block, take it out very carefully. or fill it. Upstairs the penguin, they called him something like I called Kevin, Philip the penguin, which is a great name. It could fall to the last player who didn't make the penguin fall, he wins and clearly Kevin won because he looks how happy he is, you know? he's happy that a prototypical professor lost, but he's fine, they probably played again and then she won.
father son play don t break the ice
The sides of the box are the same all around. She says not to break the ice. Here's a Phil the penguin pointing at Pat the penguin who fell on his face oh no he's laughing okay whatever I don't know why there are two penguins but there are and then the barcodes at the bottom They literally say don't break the ice, okay that means don't break this ryden, fake anything. no no no no who put this tape here here we have a lot of ice that's ice what does that look like oh and here it is here there is more ice here is the ice here there is some more ice and then we have the penguin the hammers um and the frame right there this is the ice right and these are the ice no yeah okay so we're done with the ice right here we're going to put this on this piece of ice that says hi, I'm phillip snow Nice to meet you can you help me cut some ice blocks to make a new igloo, but that water is cold even for me, don't let me fall?
Okay, so, yeah, I don't really even need to read the destructions. because I know how to play it so let's set it up let's fight and Ryden really likes hammers actually guys that's the roundabout yeah and these are little things that hold up the ice am I confusing you yet? Look at this frame, do you know what would happen if when you were a baby you could use it as a table, except nothing would have been placed on it? So here are our hammers, our frame, and our penguin mod that we're going to flip. It's over, it's okay, I ruined it.
I had a very good idea and I ruined it. So we're going to make a square like this and we're going to push it down and I bet you they'll go on this one. That's probably the way to do it, oh, it worked, I broke my leg, not my leg, but I broke the leg of this look, it worked, so, okay, so let's put, fill, the penguin here, here this. look you might know what I don't know how much this was it was probably 20 bucks actually they should have made it look like a penguin not like a plum look at it it's just purple omg so go ahead it's like a great piece and he's still there, so we're pretty much ready to play, yeah, so we take turns.
I'll let him go first because he's the youngest. I don't know if those are the real rules. He says the youngest player goes first. um and then I go so we take turns hammering blocks so I don't get confused I was joking when I called all ice except the ice um the ice is the white blocks and then the frame is technically ice but it's the frame the penguins right here and we have the hammer hammer things we are good at playing well guys what they do is take tons of crushing knife and then whoever makes the penguin fall loses yes and no you crush the penguin you crush the ice Okay, wait, wait, wait, don't pre-smash the penguin.
It's okay, we didn't hit your


either. Okay, you literally told people not to do this at the beginning of the video. Okay, go first, Ryden, but look, look where he is. Standing tall, this is one of the big four, yeah, so strategically anyone is aligned with that, that's risky, so you go first. Okay, you're going to try hard. God, it takes a long time. Come on, he keeps hammering. One block. Okay, Block One. I've finished now. I'm going to ping that, I don't think it's allowed, but I think we should roll, we should give him the hat, give him the hat, it adds a little bit of flair, wait, I'm going to go for this one, let's go good.
Hey, if you make another one fall, okay, okay, okay, it's up to Ryden which one you're doing so he doesn't tell you what to do. That was very easy. Okay, I'll take my chances. I'm going to go to this corner. We have to clear it. by this background you are doing the other corner, okay, watch out, you got it, oh no, no buddy, you can't use your hand, yeah, you just ripped off the ice block with your hand, you're supposed to hammer it. Yes, look, now the hammerhead is a hammerhead shark and it's going to eat it, give it back to me.
Okay, it's my turn. Alright. Calm down here. Keep it up. Go. Go. This. It was so easy. I did not do it. Wow, that was three tracks, he only did one in Philip's line, it makes it structurally not structurally less stable, okay, I'm going to go, I'm going to go for one right here, I just did three, yeah, count. I just did three, even though I'm supposed to do one, ooh, risky business, that was very well done, buddy, he's getting it, you're getting this hammer thing right, I'm going to do the other one, this might cause him to fall .
Shut up, yeah, do it right, okay, I'm going to play, I'm going to play life to the limit, okay, phillip, please stay with me guys, look what we're working with here, look at this, I think I'm good with it . you're going to try to do it here I'll film it I'll film it do it that was so easy geez you're good at this oh no here's a line we can do but when I do it it's them you're going to fall I think now I think you lost no maybe He didn't know, okay, try it, I don't see it, oh my God, how am I going to do this, oh my God, I'm sorry, buddy, well, you got something. options here now this is getting intense do you care wow that was super easy for you wasn't that good? wait if you understand this I'm going to oh my god okay so structurally speaking if I get this you lose because there's no way you can make it survive oh my god what oh I won I won okay dude it's Like it's not even you, it's like the most talented person in the world couldn't make this work, but you at least have the fun of smashing the penguin sorry phillip you fell sorry philip you fell sorry phil you're getting hit in the face don't hit poor phillip don't do that they're going to tickle me yeah here we go that was don't break the ice that's a fun game that's why it's a classic because it's been around forever and it's still fun to this day. do you like it?
Yes and your face likes it. Yes. My face likes it. My face is wow. Okay, this feels interesting. Don't pay attention to yourself. You are smashing too hard now, don't do this and I would like to point out that Ryden didn't do anything wrong there because we were both successful on all the returns. The only reason you lost is because you went first, but you could easily be wrong. and just press the wrong block and then send Philip falling yeah but that's it guys I hope you liked the video guys like subscribe yeah subscribe now if you want to see more videos hit the subscribe button , it's right below, it's free.
Easy, it's both and you'll sign up for more videos and we'll be back. Now we make videos about twice a week and that's it if they get a chance to go out and play and it's nice. outside, do it, if not, do something creative inside, I always say that, right, Ryden, yeah, but that's it guys, we hope you like the video, see you in the future, peace to the soft dice mustache, Oh, peace out is what you were supposed to say and I'm going to take my mustache and go somewhere else with it. I took the piece abroad.

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