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ADLEY SURPRiSES for YOU ❤️ Valentines Delivery from Mailman dad! my morning routine and heart merch

May 31, 2024
You better call the tune. Hi, hi, hi, hi, snowman, how are you doing? your dog barked again at my house snowflake yes, he is at my house again snowflake and when you come here, can you bring me more of those products? I really like them this time I want the pencil case with I want the pencil case with my ugly the sketchbook and the crayons okay, okay, I got it, I'm on it, I'll be right there, uh, keep an eye on the snowflake for me, sorry, okay, bye, okay, goodbye, snowflake, okay, one more run, okay, do you want to water the plants, okay, never.
adley surprises for you valentines delivery from mailman dad my morning routine and heart merch
I fed you before, so you have to be real easy for me, okay, come in, no, come here, for alley, br


, yes, that's right, please, friend snowflake, how did you escape this


? get back in the car come on yeah that's your


those are your art bags so they have your uh interestingly sketchbooks inside with some crayons and then okay I knew you'd like those have the best everyone's day Goodbye, come on, come on, snowflake, don't cause any more trouble. Should I invite my friend? I think I should, maybe he can knock on the door, where is he? he lives maybe he lives here hi welcome to the metal office oh hi evelyn hi uh do you want a skateboard with me I don't have an a on my skateboard I know you like the a no oh okay what's up you're funny would you like that? come to my house I will welcome you because I want I need someone to help me open the ugly pencil bags could I do that with you I want to do that can we do art later?
adley surprises for you valentines delivery from mailman dad my morning routine and heart merch

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adley surprises for you valentines delivery from mailman dad my morning routine and heart merch...

Yes, okay, let me call and see, meet Me at one I think I'm sick and I can't deliver Is it almost here? Snowflake, how did you get here so fast? Oh, Snowflake, come in, hello, have you seen Snowflake as soon as he heard me coming here? He just ran away, he seriously smells like he came here sorry, come here buddy, I think he just likes it here, okay, oh, these were yesterday's deliveries, yeah, I like the black one, oh, that bounces , okay, we will choose two pencil cases and we will use two pencils. ooh, i have another client named nico, i bet he'll like this one.
adley surprises for you valentines delivery from mailman dad my morning routine and heart merch
I'm going to use this one and this one looks like candy. I want this. I like these two. I'll give this one to Navy, my friend. Oh me. I'm going to give this one to mom, my friend, this one is really for me, it's a good idea, keep one and give it to a friend, so what's inside these? Oh, you can get them out the other side. Oh, those are amazing. I want to see it. I know a diamond. I also have stickers, check out those dinosaur stickers from Niko. Hey, it looks like his shirt I gave away.
adley surprises for you valentines delivery from mailman dad my morning routine and heart merch
Oh yeah, you saw that vlog, that's cool. I will call her. Did you just burp well? Your breathing is so soft. This is the strangest


. have I ever done it you didn't even put all the dishes from yesterday I'm okay with the messy house oops okay let's color oh I didn't know you made crayons you have good colors I hope you have purple green blue all the colors of the rainbow if you color dark is red if you color Of course it's pink, oh I see it's a little trick I learned in art school you know before I was a postman I wanted to be an artist, what was that for?
Listen, okay, I'm sorry, what's wrong? I'm going to draw something for you and you draw something for me. Oh, okay, okay, oh, even say br


on the pages. I didn't know that's you. Okay, yeah, okay, I'm done oh yeah, well, I'm done. I made something for you, rainbow and it says my name, oh thank you, that's as cool as all the colors. I'll save it forever every time I make my deliveries and I'm bored, I'll just look at what I made. you, this is a pterodactyl holding a


and additionally says oh, it's for you, thank you, yes, okay, let's try another one, this time draw something for your pet, so I will draw something for your attack and you will draw something for my pet, so I'm drawing it for Fluffy, the fox you're driving for snowflake, okay, snowflake will love these, how does it ride on snowflake? um, it snows like a snowflake and I don't put an e at the end, it's not stupid, I can't even hear it, okay?
Alright, now take your petal, take my snowflake, come here buddy, I don't know, it's so fast, I'm sorry, I love my plants upstairs, are you sure it's safe? I made this very good excuse, Appley, are you okay, do you need it? ah oh she's crazy okay she'll be fine you okay up there yeah okay you're still okay yeah okay I'm jumping down you'll catch me uh yeah I'm not good at catching people are you sure? yeah okay here I'll catch you in this basket just jump no you have to catch me okay my hands okay okay I just did it I caught her my car I'm a hero of nothing if you ever need me to catch you just let me know I'll catch you new, okay, snowflake, are you ready to get it, okay, fluffy, ready, come on, okay, snowflakes, I mean, okay, fluffy, I mean, fluffy, okay, you go first, okay, thanks friend, It's a lot of rainbow snow and I write that we also snow snow, yes, he loves me. put it on his neck so he can always keep it that's where he likes to put his things he always keeps hello snowflake yeah okay uh this is from me and from snowflake to fluffy okay she wants me to hang it where he normally sleeps a sometimes he sleeps next to her normally sometimes he sleeps next to the toaster well, I better go because I still have deliveries to make, but thanks for letting me come and hang out, you're seriously like one of my best friends, let me see your best friends have a smoothie.
Okay, okay, uh, like, okay, yeah, okay, see you later, can I keep this? It's really cool, it sure takes all the colors you could ever need. Okay, thank you, sadly, have the best day ever. Bye, see you, call me if you ever need someone to catch you. again ok that was a lot of face maybe tomorrow will be long too thanks for watching the pipes oh hi vlog uh if you like any of this Niko and Adley stuff we have it on and me I will make sure to deliver it sooner.


day have the best day ever bye good


vlog what did i just say okay he said it's the morning vlog good morning vlog don't think that part is a funny ending clip

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