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Jun 01, 2021
We're back for an


video with almost 23 million subscribers so make sure you subscribe and like in three seconds for good luck three two one okay mom you said you wanted to do the intro happy parties to everyone, we are very lucky to have you all. here today you are the best gift for me and for my wonderful husband, let's not forget, it is love that sustains us, I love you guys, I love you too, where is the piece of paper that is good, can you, can you, Can you give me some credit, will I give you?
family surprise each other with presents
You get a lot of credit, that was perfect, you did it, no, that comes from her heart and she wants to say that whatever she says is fine, so what's going on tonight? Today we are going to do our


gift exchange. Everyone received gifts for everyone here. Then who? ready to give the first gift, okay, I'll go first, the first gift is for me to die, come on, so I actually lost, uh, never mind, I opened it, you lost what nothing, I actually lost a pair of dark shoes and blacks, yes, there it is. you go so basically he gave you the pair back, okay it's a new pair okay let's see if this makes up for it.
family surprise each other with presents

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family surprise each other with presents...

I'm trying to see that, oh my God, it's okay, everything is okay, yeah, thanks br


, it's worth the sacrifice, it's worth the sacrifice. hey, I'm going to take good care of these, I've got the valences fresh, come on, okay, who's next, who wants to give a gift next, okay, I'll just give one gift next because no one wants to go and I don't think we can anymore we're doing the youngest to the oldest, dari, uh, I know I already gave you a Christmas present, but this is for both of you because I know you guys love this, so enjoy, hey, why do we get gifts like the first?
family surprise each other with presents
I'm not angry. about it, thank you, watch movies, let's open one right now, let's choose one, the movie experience, movie theater, you know, yeah, my favorite sweet candy skittles, come on, hey, cyrus skittles, come on, come on, okay, this one It's a gift from anyone, Marcus, oh yeah, go ahead. looks like headphones let's open it you know banana is full of potassium it's good for you okay I feel like we've already received two gifts let's give something okay take it it's huge so this is from me and Maddie everyone um , all your


are here, we're lazy, you guys can open it together, so we think it's important for you to know that people are warm for Christmas, so we bought you all a pair of comfy pajamas, um whoa, there are pajamas for you , so the girls get the long sleeve and us guys get small pajama shorts and small for Maddie and Yvonne and medium for mom.
family surprise each other with presents
Okay, yeah, yeah, I'll go with whatever, which one is mine, which one was mine, Dad, can you spread them out? Please, yes, wait, wait, oh yes. oh, these are friends oh look, no, actually, although yes, I actually love you, you're welcome dad and maddie from mom and dad, hey, the gift card is for the girls, okay, and then, and the chocolate, and then everyone has a Santa Claus, thank you and Then the box is for you dad, thank you mom, I love you, we should open it however you want, I mean, like Maddie and dad getting all the


one after the other, we have a foot


at Starbucks, yeah that's good, you know you got a flat tire. the moment you walk into the shop to fix it, just put some air in your car and then go, that's awesome, nice, okay, okay, Marcus is for you, oh, thanks, what is it?
Yeah, open it up bro, Spiderman, that's so weird. -out a Spider-Man action figure like when he first made his own suit, you know, let's show it to the camera. Wow, that's great, should I put it in the box? Yeah, bro, thanks, actually, thanks, that's Spiderman, he's my favorite avenger, so and. It's more valuable with the box, yes, and it also means that it represents something made by himself, you know, because he made his own suit, it's social media YouTube and not racing, yes sir, thank you. The next thing is to get one for the attitude, well, here's my gift to science.
Look, I knew it. You know, I love Star Wars, yeah, and it reminds me of Luke's dog and Luke and Evan's blue dog, which is, come on, the box is yours and the gift card the chocolate is okay hey I have different sizes wait okay thank you that never adds chocolate thank you very much it's for lucas and ivan uh okay so this has a lot of it from last year because last year you remember I had my funko pop collection and they got me a deadpool a big deadpool right, yeah, and um, so i got you back oh this is exciting that's the biggest funko it's like blue size yeah it's crazy everyone download a new game for free don't worry buddy it's free on the app store make sure you download it, it's a lot of fun, so i have some society in me, hey, i just got like three gifts, these are like whoever wrapped them, they're good, what does that do? portable like LED light, it does that's exactly what it says a little yeah, music or something, I don't know if it plays music, but it's like, I think they're waterproof too, honestly that's new bro, it'll look cool in your living room it's very nice thanks marcus here's my gift for nori no me brother it's master chief remember we always play halo 2. thanks lucas and this is my favorite color right now I don't know why I'm really like that No I know, I vibe with this color, it's like a camouflage green, this is like Christmas, yes brother, like I said at the beginning, you are the best gift for me and my wonderful husband, well, we appreciate you and you know you worked very hard. to raise us and everything and we love you and we heard something from the brothers, yeah, for the holidays, you know, but Cyrus is everything, thank you, it's every parent's responsibility to raise their children, okay, there's this, we did it very good, yes, you did.
Alright, this is from me to Maddie. I thought she was great. I think you are doing like this. Yes, these are great. What you say at the same time. Yes, girl. Three things at once. We have one more gift for all the brothers. it's for all of you, okay, so we can all use it in some explanations about this, what they are, so you know how you got the air pump. That is, if you have a flat tire, you can fix it right here, you don't have to wait. until you go to the store and all that flat tire, this is, you know, sometimes you like a video and then you pump something and stuff and you don't have an air pump, this can be used outside in your garden or for your El car is like a converter, right, yeah, it's a converter, right, but I can say it's okay, so you can just plug it in and then the pump that I gave you, plug it in and then you can pump your ball, the balls that none of They have? an air every time I want to play they don't have it practically what our father is doing is that every time something stops us he wants to keep going that's why I have to keep us well yes, but can I say something that will solve this? 10 flat tires oh that's good you guys need to learn how to do that okay these are natural fruit rolls okay what's it called what does it look like now I'm talking about this right now if you haven't tried it , try it right now. a very natural bitter taste all natural these are pomegranate yes oh the pomegranate is good this is pomegranate I don't like that it sounds like I'm not kidding these are dogs they are so comfortable for the newspaper here's a gift from me and Yvonne for darius oh how many times did you go today dory honestly we've already been twice brother wow and we're going to go again after this hey maybe we'll see it well so this is a gift for lucas and yvonne what's not to say? open this is a joke no oh thank you sweet ending to the video bro make sure they brush their teeth often.
I want this, some word for Christmas for the fans, yes, try to spend as much time as possible with


and friends. loved ones what about you Marcus don't listen to the hate mom life is good boss I wish you all a happy and safe holiday and you sally be yourself I'm sorry make sure you do poop today, where were you Maddie, I literally told her that in two seconds? I love you so much, make sure you watch our latest video we came out with.

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