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May 01, 2020
I, I, welcome back to over r me to another video, thank you very much, God bless you all, I hope you are all on stage, still in subset, I hope you are all safe and healthy, wash your hands, social distancing Are we out of food in our house? We're moving in with our mom and dad We're Ovitz for a day We don't know if it's forever We just know we're moving And they're not expecting us at all So let's go ahead and knock on their door Me, Lilly, I just walked down the street because I live in the same neighborhood, but we have a gift for them, we all gave them a gift, you know, a little message, subscribe guys, you didn't know we came out with new music. video I'm Lukas and Marcus Channel.
our parents kicked us out
Make sure you follow us on Spotify. If we get a million plays on the song on your playlist, you know, we'll release another song, so be sure to follow us on Spotify. One million, that's all. I'm asking you like you don't care, you know they're going to be surprised, like all of us here aren't, what are you going to expect, you guys move back, yeah, okay, we're out of food and water. welcome, I told you that the house is where your mommies are, hey, come on, come on, no, no, no, it's not just that we just received it, you came just for something because we were preparing lunch, so it will be ready soon, so why don't you come up and I'll see your rooms, yeah we don't know how long we'd stay here cause we'll have waterless showers when I stay, yeah yeah it's all about being smart, surviving, the fittest king in the world Hill, this is where you guys grew up, huh?
our parents kicked us out

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our parents kicked us out...

They make double beds. videos of everything yeah you said it yourself at the door and just do it with the Jew 7 that was so long ago huh yeah that's what she used to be all blonde but not redone so my grandpa actually it stays in my room and the sides are transferred to this room from here you want the guest room, although yeah this room didn't really look like that, it used to be more like me, but now there are a lot of stuffed animals everywhere , why is it so good that you did it? I don't know, man, this.
our parents kicked us out
It's a little Greek, your eyes are blinking, it's not crazy, I don't even fit into this any better, yeah, I don't fit into this video, I have to, I have to sleep in a king size bed or a California king size bed , bro, that's crazy. I'm still comfortable though, yeah, okay, let's move on to Cyrus' room, yeah, let's go. Wow, just like old times, sorry, whoa, whoa, what are you doing? Oh, I'm just getting roses, bro, but I'm actually in my room right now, we got all these videotapes that I used to wash all my favorite movies, Broly, yeah man, Harry Potter, little soldiers, Pocahontas, what, yeah, there's a lot of extra stuff in here too, maybe they also use my room for storage a little bit, yeah, I see all the stuff that was. here yeah this is really new here wow gymnast doing a pretty crazy flare my dark fear I actually find interesting yeah these are my medals from when I was in gymnastics and yeah wow where are the other ones?
our parents kicked us out
Summer, you have like a hundred of them, honestly. to look for them, they could be down in the basement, yeah, what are the brothers doing, no, come on guys, lunch is ready, come on, come on, gosh, give me a lack of food, so brother, starvin, Marvin, That's right, four of them, yeah, that's Maya, oh. we're eating there mom oh wow just like old times okay look I'm taller than you in this picture no how times have changed how times have changed the kitchen belongs to the baby now he's chasing me around the kitchen how are you supposed What am I supposed to be? to go in like we said we ran out of food so we went back to mom's house hey hey we're going to make money David wow this is lovely to have the whole family together again.
Make sure you text the number three zero one two four five. two two zero one two I'm getting direct text messages from the Dover brothers, in fact Luke is texting them right now so yeah I've done enough with this promo let's eat come on I'm going to have shmita and sweet potato fries . oh I left it, coordination, you forgot how to be a mom, water, excuse me, he won't let me, I don't need to see, you know you need to be, but I already touched it, it was great to have some Orbeez, uh, full. your room tomorrow morning, mom, did you know that all of these are still coming out of the jacuzzi?
So, for mom, you think they will be ready by now. Yes, you unloaded your double tank and still the game dough is ready? It's free on the App Store and there are new updates. go download a new game we dun there are millions of people playing in basements my mom played everything with mom go yeah okay it's weird because I don't remember this being that small. I remember vaping this small, so it's more of a slide for the small ones. I know we grew up. What were you reading? That's work, friend. I have been needing a new cage for Malachi for the last month.
I finally got one, thanks mom, yes, well this is a real bow and arrow that my dad has kept here for a long time, yes. I see him in a lot of trouble because I would come here just to shoot him for good times ha Cyrus oh yeah back everyone up and this is crazy that you actually have to like him. Oh, whatever you hit, they'll kick us out real quick. Anything, I'll just leave this for now. I miss my photo sticker. As a friend, there are so many things here. Hey? I don't understand. This place is like a Hollywood studio.
They just got everything you need here. Viking bow and arrow. Hat, I don't know if it's a Viking hat, but okay, boy, well, now I have something I can expose Darius with. Oh my gosh, does that mean you're riding a horse with a leotard on? Yes, yes, that's it, that's it, exposed. way you have a count ok guys, ok guys, it's time for a challenge, it's time for a challenge Cyrus, you've got the jumper. I remember, because it hurts a little without shoes, but come on, we're going to have a contest to watch. Who can take the most steps with this jumper?
Okay, come on, sigh, you first, what you've got, what you've got, what you've got, yeah, you've got it right, it hurts without shoes, but let's try it one more time, oh, I guess so. I guess it's not a game, the game, take that bell off of me, I'm telling you what we're definitely not, about the house empty-handed, where's mom and dad? Hey, you're definitely not leaving here with the Empty hands, what are you doing here? I'm cutting dad's hair. the same way I used to cut your hair when your little kids know there's literally a picture in your room that looks like a closed razor, yeah, because then I wanted to cut my hair and I thought my mom could cut it.
I'm your Mom, so we have to know, I want to get rid of my hair because being long I thought it would be the best barber shop in the neighborhood, the only thing in your foot in the middle, yes, I cut it the same way, I need my your little one . Guys, it's always good to have a shortcut because it grows more. I have to disagree with dad, like I'm trying to grow my hair, so I feel like this is the right hairstyle, that's fine, but I like my hair to grow back, like I realized how much. like this house like a fun house like it's so random Wow, what's so hard now?
I'm really right, why not put up with this back scratch? What else do you want? I need to give you a dream. I'm a good mom. I'm fine, it's fine, we didn't come here just to live here. You have a prank from your


at least once, buddy, it's not that bad, although true, it's not that bad. I don't know, maybe it's a little bad, let's try it, it might get us


out. outside because this is what she did this in the first place mom dad you have water because my water we are fine well what happened to that child?
I told you there would be no more friends in this house, let's say you need to get out of this house, right? Now hey, come on, come on guys, sorry, clean, they tested me. I am negative. I am negative. Negative. Please get out of here. I love them. See you. I love them. I mean, this is nothing compared to 20 million war bees. Let's leave them, yeah, yeah, he's like the boys love you.

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