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Fallout TV Show Season 1 Explained | Breakdown | Recap & Review

May 11, 2024
I don't think it's a prerequisite to have ever played the games the new Prime Fallout video series is based on to get caught up in its Strange World, and if the online discussion is any indication that being too attached may work for you. cons, fortunately, it seems so. I was in a pretty perfect position as someone who has enjoyed countless hours of fun playing these games without having too much interest in the different developments that have occurred over the series' long and complicated 26-year history when I heard from the Creator of Westworld. They were involved in the production of a Fallout television


fallout tv show season 1 explained breakdown recap review
My hopes were simple. I wanted to see them flesh out some of those weird elements that hooked me when I first played Fallout 3 and turn them into a story that would make great television. I think they nailed it, especially in In the First Point, there's an attention to detail present that can only come from people who have a loving relationship with the source material. On the second point, I'll just add the caveat. I think the first


was a solid introductory fic, there's a lot of it. world-building necessary when trying to appeal to a wide audience, especially people who have never played a Fallout game, the endless references to them were enough to keep me interested, as was the new information they presented, which we'll talk about in this video, but on some level, because of that, the story only begins at the end of episode 8, where things go from here, we will decide if this is just a quirky and well-crafted alternate timeline post-apocalyptic story, based on a really popular part of Ip. where Walton Goggin steals every scene he appears in or a great television


at the time will tell you so and if friends are to be believed, time is the ultimate weapon, although the devil also has some pretty good ones in his arsenal to explain what happens.
fallout tv show season 1 explained breakdown recap review

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fallout tv show season 1 explained breakdown recap review...

In the first


of Fallout, I'm going to take a page from their book and clarify a few details that I think might help set the mood or perhaps resolve it, since presumably you'll only see the entire season if this is your first introduction. In the Fallout Universe there are a couple of key distinctions to note: the show in the games it is based on takes place in an alternate timeline that split from R sometime after World War II, there is no A single incident that you can consider The Point of Divergence simply shares our story until it goes in a slightly different direction, although it seems that the birthday party in the opening scene takes place in the 1950s, the floating home assistant robot is a sign that it's actually in the future, which, as you can see, is not exactly our future.
fallout tv show season 1 explained breakdown recap review
I won't go too far into the differences, but we will say that they are not limited to technology or the retro-futuristic aspect of things before this version of humanity reached the point of nuclear conflict in which it evolved. In its own direction, the changes affected all aspects of life, but a large part of the premise is also that regardless of those alterations, people are people and human nature persists. The introduction of each game in the series begins with the declaration of war, the war never changes as a way of setting the stage to maximize dramatic effect, the show saves this until its final episode, but to a certain extent, if only there was one thing What you need to know about the games, that would be all, but I'll give you a couple more.
fallout tv show season 1 explained breakdown recap review
Things that might be useful to know: The first game came out on October 10, 1997 and the Moldaver code is trying to get from Hank 10197. It's a reference to five additional mainline games having been released since then and they were titled Fallout 2 Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas. Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 function as independent stories in the Connected Universe, which is the wasteland of what used to be the United States. The event we see depicted in the opening sequence of the television show is known as the Great War that lasted the nuclear apocalypse. 2 hours from start to finish and came on the heels of a decade-long traditional war between the Fallout timelines and the superpowers of the United States and China.
This was a clash that began in 2066 over control of Earth's dwindling resources. The bombs were dropped on Saturday, October 23, 2077. And as we see when the show's current story picks up 219 years later, in 2296, the world never truly recovered, the games jump around the timeline in the years following the Great War, but almost all begin in a similar way or more. specifically in a location similar to the one the show features in the pre-war years. Vault Tech Corporation won contracts from the federal government to create a network of underground shelters known as vaults, the stated purpose being to protect the population of the United States if a nuclear war broke out, but then they only commissioned 122 of them, which would only provide room for a fraction of a percent of all Americans.
On top of that, as we see in the ending, the purpose of the vaults was subverted to become a SL preservation reorganization project to recreate society. The tone as it comes from Barb Howard is that it's a chance to make war obsolete. The current social setup has an inherent friction that will always lead to war. The industry bosses and tentacles of the military industrial complex who have a seat at the table at the meeting in the final episode believe this is a result of things take shape without intentional guidance, so they want to use the vaults for experiments to figure out how to create the perfect conditions for Humanity, the obvious flaw in This Logic is that these are the people who are currently running things in a way that makes us got into this mess in the first place, but that's getting a little ahead of itself, as I mentioned, each installment is a standalone adventure and the show begins its story with the event that set things in motion for a completely new cast of characters, the famous Hollywood actor Cooper Howard connects things because he never reached the safety of the vaults and experienced the process that exists in the games called ghoulification.
I won't delve into everything. that's known from the games because I tend to think that the show gave us the details it wants us to know about where we are in the story, we didn't witness his transformation, but we get the idea that it's related to the exposition. Due to radiation, this has significantly extended its lifespan. He's still going strong over 200 years after the war and comes with some other advantages, like radiation resistance, which we see when he can drink the irradiated water in episode 4 and I promise I'll win. Don't worry too much about the games.
I'm sure there will be no shortage of videos like this if you want to watch and my channel focuses on TV shows, but one of the things that got me hooked on gaming was the sound design, the guerrilla counter sound effect when they approached the water brought back some memories. Another fun one is when the ghoul first approaches Philadelphia in episode 2. There's a sound effect that sounds like the Spurs you hear in Gunslingers and westerns, but. if you listen closely, it sounds more like bottle caps, which is the in-game currency we see Maximus use to fix his power armor in episode 3.
Getting back to the gfic, there's also a drawback that's evident in his withered skin and missing nose. , but also in the Constant Fear You Might Go Wild, we see it in episode 4, when they have to go on the show's version of a side mission to replace their chemicals at super duper Mart, where they're harvesting organs before they she leaves Lucy wants to free the prisoners and the two guys running things try to warn her that they can't free them all when she insists that we take a look at some Pharaoh's demons who immediately attack and kill their captors and another demon named Martha who is in the middle. transforming has to be belittled for ghouls to exist on a scale ranging from almost human like Cooper to the feral variety that essentially kills zombies.
Cooper is not just any target, he is known as the target and he is not just a great character thanks to Walton. Goggin's stellar performance is also a foundation, as we know that he was generally a good guy before the war, when Lucy meets him, he definitely isn't anymore, so his transformation serves to show what 200 years of trying surviving in the Wasteland can do to someone. I'm not 100% clear if taking massive amounts of drugs, which as I mentioned, are known as chemicals in games actually stops him from going feral or if he just believes that and has become a massive addict as a result.
I guess the important thing is that he believes that and needs to continue making them to function, it must be taken into account that the inhabitants of the wasteland do not accept ghouls very much, for this reason we hear the owner of the store tell the ghoul that his kind They are not welcome in Philadelphia, which would be a good idea. normal reaction in the pre-war flashbacks, we not only learn who Cooper Howard was, but we also get information about the politics of his time beyond the fact that he is performing at a child's birthday party, most of of what we see is related to his movie star.
His lifestyle seems pretty normal. I guess it probably wouldn't hurt for his wife to be a high-ranking executive at one of the world's largest corporations, whether as the season progresses you start to see a thread of hyper-nationalism or intense patriotism with an equivalent of the Red Scare from our timeline that takes place in Hollywood in Fallout 3, you can learn about a government project called Project Brainstorm, which was a plan to include covert and overt messages of extreme patriotism and loyalty in popular media. The retrofuturistic appearance can be misleading because it can invoke the idea of, quote, better times, there is a technical explanation: transistors were never widely adopted in the Fallout timeline, where there was more focus on nuclear power and technology that explains why devices and appliances look different and why even years into the future.
They haven't gone completely digital, but the aesthetic is somewhat different. In an interview before the show's release, Jonathan Nolan and Walton Gogin said that the series takes place in a world where the United States did not experience the Vietnam War, the Watergate Scandal or the Woodstock-type counterculture. of the 1960s and never had a conversation with himself about his own sins and transgressions, they say that America remained in its Eisenhower era of arrogance until it came to an end with the Great War, if the devil is the character connecting the lines of time, so Wilzig is the The person who connects the characters in the current timeline is a bit of a mystery, as is The Enclave, which is the organization he works for at the beginning of the games.
A lot is known about them, as they are basically the bad guys of Fallout. 2 and 3, but they don't have much of a presence in the west during Fallout New Vegas, which makes it hard to tell what they're doing in the labs I was working in in the show, it presents them as a mystery and I think that's probably okay for now, I think we'll learn more about them in the coming seasons in Fallout 76, which is the last Fallout game to be released. There's some hint of a relationship with the vault technology or at least the vault dwellers in The Enclave, but I won.
I won't spoil that here, as this may be part of a larger story. The program is trying to tell. I guess what matters if you haven't played the game is that in the post-war Wasteland, different factions are buying up control that Wilzig has access to. What we will discover later is a cold fusion reactor that is capable of generating unlimited energy. He takes it and escapes from his research position with his dog CX404, whom we see save from cremation after noticing that he was a bit underweight when he was a puppy. Small detail, but something you might want to file about how The Enclave operates.
Wiig is trying to bring the reactor to one faction, but quickly falls under the attention of another one called the Brotherhood of Steel and also the ghoul who breaks through. the world as a bounty hunter Maximus is the character that gives us a look at the Brotherhood of Steel, which is a faction that plays various roles throughout the Fallout games. The Brotherhood is similar to The Enclave in that a lot is known about them from the games, most of which the show did not feature, broadly speaking, there is a paramilitary order focused on post-war technology with chapters operating in what used to be the United States in the classroom scene in episode one, the instructor says his duty is to secure the Wasteland.
When the initiates become Squires, they will help the Knights find and identify pre-war technology.war. He adds that they are the seekers and preservers. There are more reasons why they do that, which I suppose the show will make clear now that Maximus will be a Knight in season two, the most recognizable thing about the Brotherhood is his power armor. If you played the games, you know how Maximus must have felt when he got his hands on Night Titus' suit for the first time in one of the flashbacks in episode 6. We get a brief history of the introduction of power armor during the Sino-American War when Cooper meets Bud Adkins who was working for West while they were developing the first set which was the T45 and what the Brotherhood uses in the show is the evolution of that thing called the T60 that was released just before the nuclear apocalypse we don't get a lot of information about Maximus' Brotherhood chapter, they have access to a cool-looking airship, and take orders from the Commonwealth chapter whose name refers to the area that used to be Boston Maximus is interrogated by the elderly cleric Quintis after his aspiring friend Danne is injured.
He promotes him to the rank of Squire, pairing him with Night Titus and sending him to the Wasteland. Maximus is a main character who was born on the surface, but was taken in by the Brotherhood after losing his family, this led him to live a sheltered life which, from what we see, was somewhat cult-like and quite different from ours. main ending.character Lucy from Vault 33, since most games start in a vault, Lucy is the most recognizable character in the show as a vault dweller, she spent her entire life underground where she was provided with everything, it's a bit strange and they never come out, but they're safe and, considering the alternative, it's a pretty good setup.
Her sheltered life means that she has no idea of ​​the outside world beyond what she has been taught. Her father is the supervisor in charge of her vault and she has a younger brother named Norm. Life Falta is a potential partner she is not related to, so at the beginning of the series she requests to participate in an exchange with Vault 32. In interview, gives us a summary of his skills and activities, which include the Young Pipefitters Association. Intermediate Gymnastics Club fencing team and rifle shooting. She is passionate about teaching American history with a focus on ethics and, when we see her doing some of her activities, she looks like she can handle herself.
All of these details are a nod to the game's main statistics. system that is called special because you can distribute points between your character for strength, perception, resistance, charisma, intelligence, agility and luck, when she is approved for the program, her life is turned upside down while she grew up thinking that her Vault was fostering a community that was preparing for the Reclamation. The day they would rise from the Vault and rebuild the Society. Vault 33 is actually part of the three Vault plan that Bud Askins came up with. It is connected to Vaults 31 and 32 with 31 housing sprouts, which are vault tech employees who were cryogenically frozen in 2017 77.
The plan was for their most loyal employees to survive to remodel things after the radiation in the surface would reach a level where they could repopulate the Wasteland. Lucy's Vault and Vault 32 were for breeding so that the vault's technology executives could produce viable offspring that would be aligned with her Vision. In flashbacks, we see that her father Hank was an assistant to the ghoul's wife, Barb, and the Lucy's brother, Norm, will go on his own side quest later to discover the truth of their situation only to be trapped in Vault 31 with Buds Buds and forced to enter their father's empty cryopod at least until next season.
Lucy's arranged marriage ends up being kidnapped by a character named Maver and what I assume is a group of Raiders she hired for the job, we'll later learn is connected. to the new California Republic, which has a history dating back to the first game, were at one time the model example of post-apocalyptic success and the greatest economic and political power in Cali, California, one of the things the game does well. program is to play with the expectations of the people who played the games, for example when Lucy's Vault was connected to 32 by an underground tunnel, they immediately felt bad, since that is not something that was familiar among all the vaults you visit while you play, this was a hint about the experiment that turned out to be something you could never expect after Moldaver kidnapped her father and Lucy began her journey that matched what the games protagonist experienced.
This is a good way to introduce the world. It's a key component of how you experience it in games. This could have been an outdated repetition of what players already know or a pointless exercise in fan service. Somehow they managed to avoid both. The other hurdle the TV show must overcome is that the players are no longer in control of the characters and have become passive observers. While stories are what Drive video games make the decisions that affect them, they're where the magic happens, so the show has to find a way to make it equally engaging to watch, and while I love it, they nailed the tone both visually and in dialogue. and there is so much attention to detail in the set with so many familiar objects from the game, what impressed me most was how they played with the parallels between all these very different characters because you have to put them all together and Wiig's head is a pretty good way to do so, but if we are going to invest in what television can really do when it works well, you will need more.
Maximus grew up in the Wasteland with nothing but that led to a life with the Brotherhood that is almost as protected as Lucies as a vault dweller who had everything. These are things that can connect you and you have radically different backgrounds and there's sure to be a lot you can learn from each other. Something important since Wasteland is about survival, Lucy. and the ghouls' philosophies couldn't be more at odds when they first meet, but we see them make nearly identical discoveries that lead to disillusionment as we jump back and forth between timelines as Lucy tests the outside world and discovers that things were never what they seemed in the vault and that the worldview inherited from his father and, by extension, the technology of the vault was a lie.
Cooper Howard fought for freedom as a soldier and believed he was living the American dream. It's a little thing that starts to unravel that. dogs are not allowed in the vaults, and while he dismisses most criticism of the status quo until the moment he reunites with his friend Charlie White Knife, at that point something begins to click: the United States government has Putting the responsibility of preserving humanity in the hands of the Vault Tech is a corporation and that means its primary purpose is to make money for its shareholders. He uses the term fiduciary responsibility, which means they are obligated to make those shareholders as much money as possible, regardless of where they are located.
On the scale from capitalist to socialist this is an obvious problem with the first when we talk about the end of the world it becomes a problem to alleviate those tensions and the fear they generate because it produces income, it is not difficult to say. So together, continuing the conflict serves his best interests for Lucy, it's just a matter of being deceived and not having the option to make her own decisions. She was the ideal Vault dweller, practically an ambassador of her way of life, all backed by that All- The American can do Spirit, okay, DOI, she even grew up watching Cooper Howard movies with her father and if we talk about the ways where the show added to the story, I'm totally fine with using it for Vault boy's origin story in his famous thumbs up.
That's something almost everyone knows, even if you've never played the games you've probably seen that I also enjoyed the two-part reveal of showing where the thumbs up came from in episode one, something they were taught to do in the Marines. in case of a nuclear attack and then seeing him suggesting he do it in the blue Vault suit in the episode 3 photo shoot. The original Vault guy turning into a ghoul wasn't something I saw coming in the other area where I thought it the show would sell as it introduced us to the characters and the world was how it balanced the brutality of Wasteland with a bit of absurdity.
This also feels true to the games, the way they described the violence certainly seems familiar and I give them credit for pulling it off. in a way that adds to what's going on instead of taking away from Lucy using a stim pack after getting that stab, which is the in-game way of healing your character, it was a joy and worked to poke fun at some of things. We have to suspend disbelief in games in general. I hope that's not something they come back to again and again because that could lower the stakes in tense situations as the story continues, for example we see Moldaver expire in the final scene afterwards.
With her goal of activating the cold fusion device, could she have been saved by a stimulation pack? She didn't remove it from the scene because it was something they touched on in the first few episodes, but if they go there too often, it seems that way. could and that applies to many things, there is a point where the demon says that the Wasteland has its own golden rule. You'll get sidetracked every damn time. This is a hilarious reference and reminds me of every time I logged into Fallout 76 to make one. something really quick and then spent an hour doing 10 unrelated things before I realized what happened.
It was good for a laugh and being self-referential in the right way, but I hope that doesn't become a regular feature of the show because well, there's enough of that already. that in games the show works best when it sticks to the character's main mission and when they come together, the world comes into focus. This happens to Lucy and Maximus on their way to Vault 4 and during their time there, this is when Lucy breaks down. It really starts throughout the first few episodes, I started to feel like there weren't as many people in Wast Land, not as much as I expected because they had these hints in the trailers that Shady Sands, the original capital of the NCR, was nearby, since Approaching a sign that melts Lucy's perception of reality, as she sees that 34,848 people once lived there, it begins to become clear that something has happened on the West Coast since the last game she visited there.
Lucy can't believe that Civilization started again without any input from the Vaults who were all working for Reclamation Day when they would be the ones to do it after Maximus tells her it didn't work anyway she wonders what happened he explains to her. which is the same thing that always happens everyone wants to save the world they just don't agree on how this is some kind of spiritual successor to war, war never changes and it won't be the last time one of the main characters revisits this matter. From there, they enter a Vault Tech Medical Laboratory and end up in Vault 4, which was the promotion.
Vault that was in Cooper's commercials in the old days even though there was a rag involved in her arrival Lucy couldn't be happier to be back in a vault to celebrate, she asked Maximus if he wanted to have sex and the awkwardness involved around him made me favor this romance for the first time. I'm not sure what the Brotherhood of Steel is doing in their compounds, but how do you get to what I assume is your 20s surrounded by a group of young men and still think of ejaculation as something akin to a pimple popping the Brotherhood The mutations are just the tip of the iceberg, but it turns out not to be that horrible. as she thinks at first after reaching level 12 and that's not to mention the surface dweller ceremony she entered.
It turns out that all of these people are refugees from the NCR. and the bombing of Shady Sands and in the grand scheme of things, nothing that happens in Vault 4 is that important on its own, it all just serves to point Lucy in the right direction and give Maximus a taste of what How good life can be in the Refuge. ser and fills in some of the blanks about what happened to NCR along the way, but that's the only place where the show lost me, there's a scene where Lucy is in a classroom and we get a line of time of events.
Related to the new California Republic, if you've just discovered Fallout through the show, then I will say that none of this should cause you any alarm. What happened to me is that I was trying to put things together and before Lucy saw the Shady Sand sign. I figured the bombs Maximus had referred to must have happened sometime after the end of the last game featuring the NCR, so I looked that up tomake sure and it turns out that everything happened in 2281 with the information I was waiting for. revelation and then when he looked at this board the date listed says 2277.
I've been thinking about this for a few days and I have no idea what it's supposed to mean, it could just be a mistake, it could be hinting at something else that just doesn't It's obvious and until they explain more that's where I'll leave it. I imagine this would be controversial and I was right about that, but I can't say I agree with the opinion coming from people who seem like I'll be the most upset about this. I'll come back to this when we get to a different scene. However, since I already mentioned Cooper's unraveling, we're finally ready to talk about the ending coming in the strongest episode of the group that is titled.
I mentioned at the beginning that it felt like it was just getting started in episode 8 once the world building was removed and here I'll add that if you're going to do it like that, you better make it count and Wow, they couldn't have structured this episode any better for the story they were trying to tell. They set things up to play out in a way that builds tension and then drop bomb after bomb to answer some questions. and those answers have maximum effect and leave you wanting more if you strip away all the details, you have a character who for 200 years has been trying to make sense of something he learned about his wife, you have a crusader who first appeared as villain who finally achieves her centuries-long goal after exposing what we thought was a wholesome father who did some incredibly macabre things for what he thought were the right reasons and you have the obligatory Vault-dweller who began her journey as a true idealist learning everything you need.
Thought I knew it doesn't make sense anymore, what this whole sequence carries is Walton Goggin's reaction as he listens through his listening device as a who's who of some of the most notorious Shadow companies in the game gather, we have representatives from vault tech westtech Repcon Big MT and While you can search for them if you want spoilers for the different games, the one that might be most important in the future is the Robco representative, Mr. House Cooper, who is listening because when he met Mal DAV, she encouraged him and gave him the device and you get the feeling he was hoping to prove her wrong, instead what he gets is a look behind the curtain to his horror, he hears his wife offer vaults to these titans corporate and defense industry experts so they can From the Ultimate Monopoly, we heard about Bud's proposal for vaults 31 through 33 and some of the other ideas being thrown around describe the vaults you'll find when you play.
It should be noted that Barb is the spokesperson here just before she takes over. After the meeting, she receives a message from her in her pit boy and we see her look at a mysterious figure she watches from above as this happens. Norm heads to Vault 31, where he discovers that the Overseer is Bud's mastermind in the Fallout version of the universe. from arumba, as I mentioned, Norm has an idea of ​​the big picture of his vault and sees Bud's choices and the stasis of his plan, but I would be surprised if this turns out to be the most interesting vault managed by the vault technician because I remember that Barb told Cooper, that she worked so hard to get them a place in a special Vault for administration where there will be supervision from the others, that's a little vague, but I don't think she's talking about Bud Asking's Vault, he wasn't even there. in the technical vault.
For a long time, I'm guessing there's another one where the real VIPs would be Hank as his assistant and I don't think someone like that would be in the same vault as, say, the CEO of the company, when Lucy finally confronts Malav in Griffith Observatory, which is where he operates with what remains of his NCR wing, he learned some hard truths: not only is his father a pre-war surface dweller, but he is also responsible for bombing the shadowy Sands, because his mother discovered that civilization was returning to the surface. and tried to join them, of course this goes against btech's grand plan and as Malav points out, they still deal with their competition the same way they did 200 years ago, he also finds out that his mother became into a demon as a result and casts her out.
Out of his misery before all is said and done, Hank begs Lucy to let him out of the oversized bird cage he sells, but she is unconvinced when Maximus leads the Brotherhood of Steel to the observatory and he breaks in in an attempt to save Lucy. Hank convinces him to unlock the cage before Lucy convinces her father to do what Moldaver couldn't get him to give her the code to unlock the cold fusion reactor. She is able to activate it, but she is distracted by the power armor. The Knights arrive on the scene. I joke that the Brotherhood was lost, but seriously, this faction that Maximus grew up with really felt like a mess.
They are able to take down this small faction of the NCR, but they have a technological advantage and it seemed. as most of those with the t60 armor had come from somewhere else nothing we see with the initiates or aspirants as they refer to them in the show is very honorable or what you would expect to see in a group that considers themselves the Guardians of civilization before launching their assault. Elder Quintis hinted that he felt the same way and throughout the whole idea of ​​starting a new faction that he would be the head of with people like Maximus acting while his sword Quintis tells him that he has been searching. seeking a lifelong home for him and that he should build one with him before meeting Lucy, this would have been exactly what Maximus wanted to hear when Hank gets one of those power armors and knocks him out stealing his power. opportunity to escape.
I imagine this will set him up to have a journey that will end in the same kind of disillusionment that the other main characters experience this season. In the next one there would be no ending without the demon appearing. After Hank is freed, he shoots him in the face without killing him, which is a pretty badass thing to do if you do it on purpose. We had seen the culmination of the pre-war timeline that ended with the Revelation that broke the man he used to be. Voltech was doing all the shady things I've already mentioned, but when Mr.
House asked Barb how they could guarantee results for their big investment, she responded by dropping the bombs themselves, which of course is crazy, but As Barb puts it, this would be an opportunity. Tragedy killed all those people, but for the people in that room it would also be an opportunity. She goes on to say that it's really about making more obsolete and all that nonsense. I guess you have to tell yourself if you're making decisions like this. I thought this was a pretty cool twist, it seemed pretty consistent with some of the other conclusions you'll get if you play these games long enough.
I'm curious to see if the implication is that they actually dropped the first bomb because there never is one. p button at the time who dropped the first bomb was always a mystery in Fallout history. It was introduced that way on purpose last year. One of the original creators said in an interview that it was China and I kind of took that as the truth. "I haven't been involved in the games for a long time, so at this point that would just be their opinion, but on that note, I wonder if the show is saying that, without a doubt, Voltech dropped a bomb and got both parties will retaliate." I've seen quite a few takes that this was now Canon as how the war started, but it's interesting that they still left it open.
I'd be fine with that, but it also seemed a little strange that Cooper had his daughter at work with him right before it happened, if Barb was in the planning either way, seeing this side of his wife was the beginning of the end for Cooper Howard the idealist, which makes you wonder if seeing this side of his father will have the same effect on Lucy, it's a really nice touch that when the demon hears Betty suggest dropping the bomb, a young Hank is standing right in front of him. him and when they are face to face at the observatory, he launches into saying that Hank used to choose. he finishes his wife's dry cleaning and then gets to the question: he has waited 200 years to ask where his family is.
He'll have to wait a little longer because Hank pauses and decides to let him go, then adds his own twist. in the motto of the series that says that war never changes, you look at this Wasteland it seems like chaos, but there is always someone behind the wheel and that's who I want to talk to when Lucy tries to make Les understand why she let Hank go, he explains to her that's where it's headed. and it is easier to track a trapped pig than to ask him where he is going. He gives her the option of staying with Maximus, but she would probably be killed in that scenario when the Brotherhood takes over the observatory, so he gives her the option of telling her she can come.
She meets her creator, she accepts that and after kissing Maximus goodbye, promising to find him and kill her golden mother, they set off. Maximus finally wakes up and discovers that Moldaver is gone, having been seriously injured in the battle, but returns to activate the reactor, she lasts long enough to see the city begin to light up again and asks Maximus the question of What do you think the Brotherhood of Steel would do with infinite power. She also suggests that he could stop them and then she dies. she comes in and sees an opportunity, takes advantage of the situation to make it look like she killed Malver and we cut to the Brotherhood singing all hell Knight Maximus, we see the ghoul and Lucy start their journey and then we see where Hank and I are going.
I just want to say that putting K mclocklin in t60 power armor is something I think you should do if you have the chance. What an amazing photo, I had no idea what I needed to see and there's even an extra Deathclaw skull on the ground for good. In this final scene, we see him under the glowing desert sky, the Mojave Desert sky to be exact, and we see him arrive in New Vegas, making for a fantastic season finale for Stinger. This is part of the reason why I was so surprised that people jumped to Some of the conclusions based on the date I mentioned on the board tell me that we are going to get some answers about New Vegas in the next season and possibly spend a amount considerable amount of time there.
This season ends here and I have a lot of questions, which means I'll continue with another video sometime this week. I enjoyed it quite a bit, it looked great, the cast was fantastic, lots of fun references, easter eggs and stuff like that that you keep finding in each A single frame can be a little tricky, but Fallout was never very subtle and I like the direction in the which seems to be heading. I think this is a great setup. I think it's almost guaranteed that there will be more seasons to follow and I'm looking forward to seeing where they go from here and I think it's a great place to leave things.
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