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The Complete Chronological Timeline of Cooper Howard (Fallout Season One)

May 30, 2024
Welcome everyone, today we are discussing the




of the demon, as well as the man he was before his flesh became read and he took drugs to survive. Howard Cooper, he was a soldier turned actor, so I guess drugs helped him. I also know before the world ends, but of course that's just speculation. Discussing this video will contain theories for


2 clearly stated as theories. The purpose of this video is to be a resource. I want to hold it to a higher standard and create this. for more than just entertaining myself and my community, something that will help us in the future, like understanding where he's been and what he's been through, and that Tred will eventually use him so we can find out where he's going, but without further ado preambles.
the complete chronological timeline of cooper howard fallout season one
Let's get into it and think too much about an Amazon Prime show about a video game. Howard Cooper's story begins like anyone else's, when he was a small baby. I assume he was a human at birth, but as we know nothing about his parents or this time. Period, I really want to point out that stranger things have happened in the Fallout Universe. My best guess, however, is that they were ranchers, this due to a passing line in episode 6. I don't think I could prove that the business bought us a ranch in Bakersfield. Going back to being a real cowboy again by telling us that Coupe was a real life cowboy before his name meant anything else.
the complete chronological timeline of cooper howard fallout season one

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the complete chronological timeline of cooper howard fallout season one...

In my experience, Apple tends not to fall too far from the tree. I think his early days were married to wearing overalls and a real life. cowboy hat probably a family business could poop may have been quite well versed on the ranch when he served in the army this certainly gave him the advantage when he auditioned for all the western roles later as well. I think he even looks back at this moment. lovingly, his house has horse wallpaper, he smiles when Janie reads Roosevelt's Little House on the Prairie and his dog is a wounded breed, his Persona became a big movie star without him having to continue milking cows, if he had I bet he was very grateful for that. experience while he clearly enjoys being away from her as a movie star, although when things get tough later, returning to that life wasn't too difficult for him, perhaps Janie was reading this book to Roosevelt because it reminds him of home. of the. when he was a little puppy and Cooper was smiling because Janie loved a story about country life, he was closer to being away from all the madness of Hollywood and Voltech again later, rather than if she hated the country


ly, although the general point is correct.
the complete chronological timeline of cooper howard fallout season one
It's before Cooper Howard was John at the first Thanksgiving, he was learning to rope like a real ranch. Leave us the cow spot, we take it as it arrives at some point in its early life, meet Barb, we know it was before the war because of this line here and while you were at war I stayed home I checked the mail every day waiting by the phone every night and every night I drove myself crazy imagining the worst, but this first


has a lot of gray and subjective areas. The timeline is very flexible here and will benefit from flashbacks in


2 to further define when everything is happening right now.
the complete chronological timeline of cooper howard fallout season one
We only know that they met before the war, but we have no idea how or where her adversity was highlighted in Country Living with this line here and what. I would? You would look pretty and help me raise chickens. No, which makes me think this isn't the life she's had before. A country boy is very likely to meet a city girl. Later in this video we have a theory. about Barb's intentions with Coupe, which could also date back to this time and ultimately how they met and stuff like that, but let's not get too far ahead.
You have ambitions, don't you? This brings us to the American war based on the Fallout story. 2066 marks the beginning of this war, it was a big war after China moved to Alaska because resources were dwindling around the world, at least that's the story that shaped the conflict, everyone just believed that and you know, we know how, how. the narrative in this world works well: the United States formally declared war in response to all Americans across the country considering what it meant to be a true American, and Cooper certainly felt that patriotic calling as a good guy who, of course, leaves. bar behind for an unknown amount of time, although I think it would probably be around four years at the end of this analysis.
This line in episode 6 tells us that he was a power armor user. I used the T45 when we almost lost the great state of Alaska to the Reds, the T45 was the first armor that existed and was known for being like a shopping cart. He later says that it was something that was difficult to navigate, but he got the job done and it was because Bud personally supervised. The release of this armor is the first of its kind, you know, I oversaw the release, you know, the design flaws were ridiculous, but they sure looked cool. It was released in Fallout Lure.
It was released in 2067. The T-51 power armor is also released before the end. of the war in June 2076, but we know that he used the T45 and had enough experience with it to have lost a good number of men due to design flaws for which, again, Bud is largely responsible, as the project manager, project management was never behind me. I'm more focused on HR R&D now that we know he used the T45 and became intimately familiar with its flaws when they nearly lost Alaska in 2074, the US retreated into mainland China, and the invasion of Alaska became a little easier to defend. , so it seems like a point between 2066 and 2074 because after this point they were not willing to lose anything, the war was a lot of companion theft until the T-51 power armor came out and finally gave us that advantage.
We also have this line in the episode. two about basic training not being what it used to be good, I guess basic training isn't what it used to be, which makes me think he's remembering his time in basic when this was part of his training, he's making fun of Maximus's ability to control what is. essentially a human-shaped tank as if it really wasn't that difficult. Rule number one read me the manual. This shapes the timeline even more, as we know it would have gone through the basics when the T45 didn't exist at the direct start of the war in 2066.
The United States was quick to look for answers during this time, so let's be generous with it. the response time seeing this yielded a positive result in Alaska with the first appointment of the armor as a mainstay in basic training which would have made westtech the company behind the Power armor is billions in 2067 when it was invented and let's just say it took a single additional year before all basic training in the US had enough models of this power armor to train new soldiers in this winning technique, just as all the power armor already sent to Alaska is a generous change but it is fiction and again they rushed to find solutions against a real threat.
Cooper actually had to join and go through the basic process that puts us around 2068 to 2069, after that point we would have to guess the length of service still lines up with four year intervals, um, but I haven't really found any. documentation saying the same thing in Fallout history, but I think this would make his service definitely at the beginning of the C-American War, but no. Right at the beginning, because you know, when the T-45 came out, the T45 was like part of his basic training and I think he probably spent the least amount of time possible assuming four years and he took out the bombs dropped in 2077 and the wiki.
You have your son around 7 years old, so let's say he was born in 2070, of course this is just a guess with a notable wiggle room of about a year, maybe more on each side before and after assuming it's your son , it would have to be close to have it. she is pregnant, so conception sometime between 2068 and 2070. I think the final approximation when he begins his service is between 2069 and 2070. We may see a moment in season 2 where he realizes he will be a father shortly after of leaving for the military and also contributing to his decision to leave as soon as possible to provide for his family more safely.
We may see a pregnant Barb waiting by the phone for a call about whether her husband is going to be okay while happy, carefree news is delivered. sponsored by n's 25th anniversary plays in the background too if we get that 25th anniversary commercial that would put the year exactly at 269 so fingers crossed that I'm Baby Ruth calling a beautiful cinematic shot right now the only ones other things we know about This time, um, his time in the service is that specifically he was a Marine and he learned the thumb trick during this time, when I was in the Marines, they taught us that if they ever dropped a bomb really big, they told us to wait. your Thum is like that besides knowing Charlie White Knife are you kidding me Charlie I serve with that guy I have meetings and all we know is they fought together in Alaska and saw some pretty devastating things because of this line here we saw people die together Fighting in the north is a fool's errand, and again, I take this to mean that Cooper has seen his fair share of combat and Charlie was probably a pretty close friend, at least a comrade who didn't succumb to the defects of the power armor.
Just like the good men he lost along the way, those design flaws here have cost the lives of many good men and women, the PTSD side effects of this war were pretty well documented in history, so that you can explore that's also something I want What's really included in this video is the annexation of Canada while this war is being fought. The United States is running out of resources, leaning on Canada to the point of protest which eventually leads to the United States taking over completely and killing the protesters on the spot to end it. and for everyone, seriously, some amazing moments that could paint this prewar, this preg era of the Great War perfectly, so many things could litter the background like Barb Waits by the phone or maybe in the barracks while the American soldiers have to concentrate in killing innocents.
Canadians are simply trying to protest or maybe riot to further shape the large scale narrative control the government has been doing long before it was a conspiracy to even think that, but again, just a theory after the Navy military service. Cooper returns. He marries to find a new girl named Janie and they eventually move to the big city. This is a cult just like any other, assuming he leaves the military around 2073 and 2074, this leaves him for five or three or five years to become a superstar. to voltech and then get bombed huh, so they're in Hollywood working and acting from the suburbs of stardom, it's not clear what the early stages of this are like, but he quickly becomes a star, the voice, the face, the body, then he supposedly did it.
He grew up as a rancher, he knew how to be around guns, horses and lassos. It really makes sense as what people say they did and what they actually did. He appears to have starred in six films in total, including one with his dog Roosevelt. This was his last film appearance with the California Crest studio in Dead Horse Man. Now the first time we see Cooper acting is in this final scene. They have some problems with the script and Cooper wants to talk to Bob, the head writer, about this Bob Bob. around here anywhere Bob has been fired C what studio he fired and Cadillac Bob was fired because there was talk in town that he was a communist.
It is incredibly important to consider this point, as during the pre-war, Great War pregnancy scenes we have a bit of the toxic culture being established, people are being expelled for various reasons, labeled as communist, red or pink and then ignored by the rest of pseudo-educated society so that they do not end up being associated with them. Cooper sees this happen and the first screen time is here with Bob. Look, it turns out Bob is a bit of a communist. Cadillac Bob Cadillac Bob. What a shame, he is a great writer. He hears this moment as a fact and lets it drop.
He stops considering the writer whose opinion he valued most. because someone said that someone said that he was a communist, I mention this for a reason, but let's keep moving in general. Cooper does pretty well in Hollywood, he makes friends, he works with his army friends, which I guess he helped get there, but I can. I'm not sure they'll raise their kids together and enjoy a nice life with different opinions on Taffy and not wanting to be the bad parent, horrible Taff, um, you gotWhat to ask your mother, please mommy, they do a great job of painting this loving picture of a happy couple and despite the unrest around the world and the toxic culture around them, they are thriving.
That's when Barb convinces Cooper Howard, former military hero and silver screen superstar, to become the face of Voltech, the company that sells the end of the world. I made it in your color and see if it fits now. I hope this unpleasant lighting was enough because now that I'm really analyzing and considering when Barb started working at Voltech let alone moving up the ranks to be someone who works in the big room here, it really seems like something nefarious might have been going on behind the scenes. on the scene for a long time. This thought started when she showed him her new uniform for advertising and said that they had made it her colors at this point Voltech was working on. vaults all over the country have power and money and influence and now they just need the face of the people who are trying to convince this man to be their spokesperson and I think that's because, as we were just told, it's about of his personal code, he is the friend, whom America considers a moral compass, he is the sheriff, right?
And of course, that leads us to seeing him meet the suits for the first time, where we hear this line on behalf of the entire Voltech family. We wanted to say how delighted we are. That barb could use his connections to get to him and then details that he's never made an announcement before and it was only because his wife asked him to, but I really want to highlight how insidious that phrase is. The entire Voltech family is thrilled that Barb can use her connections to get to him. This may be nothing more than creating the sinister feeling for the audience.
She's supposed to be onto Voltec at this point in the show, but she really feels like a Freudian slip by saying that she went through connections to get to him. She liked that she did more than just ask her husband for something mutually beneficial. It was an effort. This passing line and the devilish orange glow made me really look at the timing of it all. I want to highlight that this is just a theory, but perhaps it's worth considering whether Voltech sent Barb to Cooper Howard early on and had a big influence on the creation. the good guy turned war hero, turned superstar in a very quick way, like in a very quick period, and then becoming America's sheriff and morally strong love if season 1 was about showing us the crazy mentality that it was needed for Bud to be in this room maybe.
Barb's big reveal comes next or even far in the future as this could be used well during some sort of finale to make Cooper snap because here it's just you, your gun and your personal code that brings order to the Wild West because yes I realized that your weapon and your personal code were developed by a corporation so that the world would smile at vault technology instead of banding together and realizing the truth. I think I would feel some way about it if Cooper and Barb ever did it. In similar positions in the future, you may have to reflect on which pieces were actually part of your personal code and which were fabricated, but I digress.
The goal of this section is to highlight Cooper Howard as a Voltech star and a star he became. The first photo shoot here is where he created Vault boy's signature pose and the executives have dollar signs in their eyes the entire time, these two just look at Barb for notes on how to interact with Cooper like he's a kid or someone to manage. or something, this photo shoot leads to a full video deal and we see Coupe smoking in Vault 4 before giving the propaganda outlines about hating communism and then showing how this family will live in this Vault full of scientists.
This is when Cooper finds himself. meets Bud Askins before reconnecting with his wife, who quietly runs things with her back to him, even plans the rap party without his knowledge, and is generally just uncomfortable with his touch here, which I think It's pretty normal when you're at work, but she still walks away and we have this line, the things I'm willing to do for you never cease to amaze me, and if my theory about their relationship is true, it'll have a wonderful added depth to it, This, of course, brings us to the party every time. The time that Coupe has been in Hollywood has made several friends although here Sebastian is the only one who was not afraid of being seen with the spokesman for the end of the world showing us that the rumors were already affecting Cooper and how this.
The narrative about communist radicalism is spreading through Hollywood because he became the face of Voltec. His liberal friends felt they saw his true colors and dipped the knife into Charlie White. He didn't want to be seen at the party, but at least he's still trying to find a middle ground later. With someone of different beliefs during the scene, we get a shot of this newspaper despite all the forensic files I've seen. I couldn't improve this image any further to see the date I did this in the past with other Jonathan Nolans. TV shows and part of me really thinks everything here is just blurry text.
I hope they show us this prop at some point behind the scenes or something, but it seems like they don't want to reveal exact dates because it might restrict them when they're not intended to be This headline here is about Giddy Up Buttercup and I tried to cross reference it from that with some of the timeline, but we really only know that this company started in 2042, which doesn't really refine our window here. From this newspaper we can isolate this moment between 2074, when the United States first invades mainland China, and 2076, when the T-51 power armor is released and finally sent to win that war effort.
I'm leaning more towards 2076 as that would give Cooper a year or two between this point and the bomb dropping, which I think adds up well. Cooper was offered a film role around this time, seeking the seventh of his career until radicalism in Hollywood began to affect him and actors refused to work. the spokesman for the end of the world and that brings us to him with only one friend to tango with at this party te bolim codsworth I'm always ready to serve oh no no no no thank you during this event we also have this line Here about the conversations of peace that affect their quarterly results.
The negotiations are having a serious impact before. We'll have to talk to DC about that, ideally before a quarterly projection which we'll then learn more about here as all nations race to secure uranium and control it. of neutral energy a shortage has emerged that turns even allies into potential competitors, which I really think is hinting at Canada, but we can't be sure, although we do know that's happening in this day and age and we heard this line again with the Charlie White knife. but they can't sell vaults if these peace negotiations take place and then again at the big meeting.
Sure, the rumors about peace negotiations have set us back a bit, but we're here to give you one last chance on the day the world leaves. Negotiations were scheduled to continue today as the White House did not comment on the president's whereabouts. I was really hoping I could further isolate the date with this because bomb dropping is a pretty hard anchor on this timeline, but peace negotiations can happen constantly during a conflict, it looks like we're getting within a year or two of that legendary date when everything goes down, but yes, all this time we know that peace talks are taking place, at least that's the story they're selling sometime after this party. we see him feeling the pressure of the world finally weighing on his shoulders, he decides to sit down with his wife, have a couple of drinks by the jacuzzi and start an argument, they talk about working in other places and living somewhere else, everything she has done It's basically ignoring it. he at this point really feels like she's just handling this man and taking deep breaths whenever she can appease him, but I don't want to let my confirmation bias influence my opinion too much here, obviously you know what I think.
On the surface, this is a stressed-out end-of-the-world conversation about what next steps you know for your family and every couple has been there, that's always a stressful thing, but then she reveals that they're headed to one. of the good vaults and I simply lose all ability to be objective with me, 31 to 33 volt friends were not the end all Beall volts for voltech. I don't think this is the good vault she is talking about because it is later revealed that it is simply Bud's idea for a vault system as they are comparing all the vault systems that could exist so this is something which we still need to see a good vault and find out how she made it out alive, assuming she did it all, which I believe.
However, the point of the scene is that things are not well at home and Cooper has not found peace with his wife over the anxiety of conflict creeping through the world. All I'm saying is we have this life, do you really want to spend it? you're nine to five working with these. I need this job hit, so he calls his old war buddy Charlie White Knife. I don't have much more to add about him that I haven't already done. They fought together and are now both actors with varying degrees of success, he represents the side that emphasizes that Voltech might have incentives to end the world and, boy, was he right, he invites his former war buddy to a secret organization in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery, then they have another argument about why dogs aren't allowed. in the vault, she dodges the question about who made that rule, probably highlighting that it was her or someone she needs to keep hidden, and then says this, but if billions of people are going to lose their lives, I'll do whatever it takes to make sure the people I love, which is you and which is Janie, are not among them now for me, this delivery was sincere, truly sincere, it really seems that she loves him here as she loves her own son and maybe I'm wrong or maybe she started. having feelings along the way, she then says this.
I have worked hard to make sure that we go into a special Vault for administration where we will monitor all the other vaults and if you needed proof that she is not in Vault 31, this is because she does not monitor all the other vaults 31 monitors two other vaults with plans to be the people running things on the surface, but I think we all know that all the other vaults believed that they would be the ones who would survive and be running things. once you know they opened back up everything she's doing makes it much bigger than a single volt system and again I can't wait to see what does it really mean to monitor all the other vaults for save all that?
Grae Taffy for the rest of us, not great. Cooper was considering moving to Bakersfield in this conversation and they finally shut him down. This brings us to Hollywood forever. This is when he met Malav. We found out that this organization does not trust Voltech and really. This meeting was only for Cooper to expose the ideology that he knew was being labeled as communist. This shows that he is willing to seek the truth even if it comes at a cost, but this moment 100% came at a cost which we will dive into momentarily. We learn that Moldaver helped create unlimited cold fusion power, but Voltec and specifically Barb's division at Voltech bought all of his research before it was finished and kept those secrets forever.
This really makes Cooper question his wife and really makes me want to see the things Barb was doing while playing the role of a worried wife sitting by the phone, you know, waiting for that call from her war-ravaged husband, because that is really all we know before she's working there before she somehow finds herself sitting in this meeting again and While you were at war I stayed home I know you I was checking the mail every day I was waiting by the phone every night and every night I was going crazy imagining the worst Barb quickly becoming one of my favorite characters here because she has so much potential for these big reveals, we need to know how she got here.
She feels like she's the number two endgame villain, but Cooper is eventually given the listening device and keeps it despite the misgivings we have. He sees the device and immediately looks for it, pairs it with his pit boy, after more hesitation he realizes that a good country boy wouldn't go to a vault without his dog, so he keeps his spine going and then pretends to have him Failed an oil change. car so he could take her and he snuck intooffices so he can be within range of the transmitter he hides in his office as the big day unfolds and he realizes that his wife is more than he knows Voltech is there to offer the other.
The companies that run the capitalist world have their own vaults, each company with complete privacy, at least you know they believe they should do whatever they want with the people inside those vaults to make sure their investment is sound and they can somehow leave the other side of the world. Wasteland, as richer people, they themselves create the plan to destroy the world with nuclear weapons. I talked about this in a previous video, but I think the showrunners have created some sort of tournament. Arc here, this first season he was friends with Voltech next season, I think he might be robco.
Next could be Repcon or Westtech or Big MT and finally finish off Barb is the other vault tech rep in this room before they have to defeat the man behind the Shadows. Here what Cooper is hearing, however, is the most important thing that breaks him. The whole world is torn apart, he hears true villainy after expecting his wife to be the voice of reason, and truly, his entire world is about to be turned upside down. Why the hell is Cooper Howard working kids' birthday parties? What more money Alam so we know he got divorced? after hearing her speak because of the alimony line and we can estimate that time was between 6 months and 2 years ago.
I wish we could refine that window even more, but it's what we get, we see that he is a worker performing at a child's birthday party. of the silver screen and I think we can pretty accurately assess why you're giving the thumbs up, yeah, you know, given the state of everything, I'd rather not do it, if that's okay, why not, that's what you're famous for, leave B, he refuses to do this. characteristic move and asks them to respect the refusal in light of everything that happened at the beginning. I thought it was related to a war or something that was happening around the world, but he says that this is not his thing anymore because he was abandoned because things got worse.
There's a tension between him and the company that owns the image of him doing this much like his friend Sebastian, they probably made that character and any resemblance simply can't be replicated. Doing this may have gotten him into more trouble, as I have to imagine Voltech has done it. literally a vault of lawyers at his disposal they abandoned him because I think his wife finally found out he was the one spying on my pit boy he's been acting strange the transmitter is always on no, no, I can fix it myself, I just need to figure it out towards where the pit boy is trying to convey I am, I'm heading now and she probably found out because he wanted to address the crazy stuff he just heard, he probably brought it up and I think she's too far gone to listen. out of fear of putting a dent in the ship for her and her security or she actively wants to benefit from the end of the world, as she said at the meeting, she decides to divorce him because he can no longer be managed and to save face, the company will probably adopt a strong anti-communist stance to discredit him and quotes he goes to those meetings in Hollywood Forever.
I'm not a communist, Mr. Howard, that's just a dirty word they use to describe people who aren't crazy. This ruins it. His liberal friends who saw him as the spokesman for the end of the world are. he's already gone, the most popular company in the world just said he was communist, so that's the end of any conservative relationship, he'll instantly be blacklisted because of the weight that comes with it, partly for the reasons we saw before he helped perpetrate, no one questions what they hear. they just accept him, he will be overthrown for the same reasons Cadillac Bob was a communist.
Cadillac Bob Cadillac Bob really wants to, oh what a shame, he's a great writer, one of the best, but he tried like someone named Cadillac Bob could be. a communist Cooper will probably be left alone with his daughter. He doesn't have a job because the world thinks he's a communist or a traitor and that's highlighted perfectly by the line here about being a pinko, yeah he still took my money. I think he also moved to Bakersfield because of this line here, although it's not supported by much else. Those cows would take it as if it were correct to tell us that she is part of the family business, although on the surface it only means that she is a pretending to be a cowboy for the children's party that he is working anyway what we know is that he loses his wife and she has some pretty crazy power on her side it really seems like she could have taken everything from him.
I'm surprised he was with his daughter when the bombs fell if any of them really meant anything to Barb but maybe and listen to me I'm writing non-stop my fingers hurt the theories won't stop I'm down a rabbit hole maybe he moved to the country with Janie as a way to protest Barb, a big Nuclear Gambit with his daughter and the end of the world because he knew she wouldn't let the bombs fall if they were 2 hours away in the country, but when the bombs fall 2- An hour's drive isn't going to be enough, assuming you have this power, you might have called off the nuclear weapons blast earlier because at least your daughter would get to one in time, at least one of the good ones in time , that is to say. until they have a little boy's birthday party which conveniently brings them back to civilization, where I guess Cooper got her to a vault in time, then something happens to her, but there's a big area there that we don't know if she made it . to a vault, we don't know for sure if his son is alive.
I really hope that Roosevelt is still alive and it's a deathclaw or something that he's still out there somewhere. We get this line later and it seems like it could mean that his wife and daughter are part of this equation in some meaningful way, since together I've waited over 200 years to ask someone the question, where is my family? We know this was October 23, 2077 and is early in the morning, as is well documented in Fallout lore. Bomb drop that marked the start of the Great War a final note before jumping 200 years into the future in the story of Fallout V 12 was a vault in Bakers Field that was designed to never close this was so Voltech could study what happens when humans are openly exposed to radiation like this.
I'm not exactly sure if they could have gotten there in time, but it would be cool. The Vault was introduced in Fallout 1, so it'll be like an awesome throwback to see here and now that I am. Thinking a lot about Barb, maybe she knew that the vault in Bakerfield was designed to fail, which led to why she was so against them moving there and stressed about the need for a good vault, ultimately. This vault led to a ton of demons and seeing him as one of ours. The main characters have this beautiful trait. I'm thinking we might see this in the series.
I imagine they make their way to Vault 12, since everyone else is as you know in the middle of the chaos while we try. to find out what's going on and why the doors don't close, I think it's a very shocking scene and I hope they do, that's what happened to you, radiation, something like that, this of course brings us to the present. well, almost since the world ended, our golden god here has gained some reputation, he is alone, he has somehow survived all this time and it seems that the skills he learned in the army and the ranch gave him a great advantage when was found in In the Wasteland, we don't know when he disconnects from Janie, but we do know that he develops an independent attitude that not many enjoy.
This was probably because he became a ghoul and many humans treated him and the other ghouls like lepers. We can see some types. of like the traces of that underlying feeling there uh with this line here you know you're nice you're not welcome here, like when he meets someone from The 200-year Gap that we don't really know much about, but He's also a ghoul that the shake He can be so cruel that it seems that during this time he probably faced more difficulties related to his identity as a ghoul, feeling even more like an outcast, so he is left alone, stays alive, and becomes a legendary bounty hunter.
He stays alive. using various chemicals to keep the ferils away how long ago did you start making Wasteland a long time ago, it's a lot versus good, I've always been good at making money, Roger, because if I didn't, it would turn into the wild demons that we see. Throughout the season we learn that he has some time in Gap's dealings with this man. Come on, we're old friends now, us and this man. I probably still have some of your l in me somewhere and again this man 28 years old. I did well, but we. We don't really know much more than that, we know that these are relatively new relationships because he has lived an unnatural amount of time for a human and we can confirm that he was looking for his family during this time, specifically his wife with this line here or so Maybe you're still looking for her, then of course she meets Don Pedro somewhere on that trip, we need more information about their relationship, something happens between him and Coupe, for which Coupe pays the price, this is where we meet him for the first time.
After the Great War, Don Pedro has our friend dug up once a year. He cuts off some pieces and puts it back underground. The Three Thugs here dig him up and give him a new bounty that seeks the World of Tomorrow and they lose their lives. it's a big result that he knows very little about other than it's going to take him to California and mul thought you'd be interested this way they're also running dead witch molding so the demon is going after Ziggy Wilzig this man is escaping the enclave with some investigation about the cold fusion system that Moldaver lost to Voltech buying its companies back in the day in true Fallout style.
This little side quest is about to throw you back into the main story in a big way. His first stop is here in Philadelphia. unwelcoming town and announces that essentially the entire world is after this man, but he will be the one to bring him in, he is 200 years stronger and has more experience than all of them, his levels in the game must be through the roof and this scene is a testament to how little he is affected by Wasteland is just another day at work this is where he meets Lucy for the first time and Maximus Lucy finds him as a gift two shoes trying to find a moral justification for intervening in a situation that is clearly bad.
Maximus is the man who doesn't think twice about whether he has the right to intervene to stop what is clearly a murder. I won't cover any of them in this breakdown as they will each have their own surprised timelines. I think you might be a demon he fights. Maximus, while Lucy takes a break with the scientist, then finds this good guy here showing us that not even the end of the world could make it cold for dogs, starts tracking down the escaped tag and takes him to the middle of nowhere. He's missing a head, this is the first time they've really shown us the magic that keeps him alive.
Although alive may not be the best word to use, he eventually finds her, but not her head, knowing immediately that it was a gulp of fault, and then uses her as bait that ends in nothing, nothing beneficial to either of them. two, his stash of chemicals is broken in the process, making the stakes a little more real for him, they travel through the desert until his lips are dry and Lucy is begging for radioactive water. this moment where he suddenly darkens Vault boy's image now that we have the full context for this, it's pretty clear that he resents this image in the new America he helped create, he probably destroys this image of himself whenever he can and I really think that speaks to the torture this man has put himself through all these years.
He was used for evil and then probably isolated from the rest of the world before the world became what he did and he could only wish he had done something sooner. It was too late, so that's when Cooper meets this demon that he knows from the past and he feels some kind of empathy for you. He remembers how good the food was to try the Blamco macaroni and cheese ice cream and apple pie. He handles this moment well and something about this feels like They both came from a common place like maybe it was Vault 12 or some Ghoul Society.
I'm not exactly sure about there, but the ghoul is about to return here. Cooper's stash had just run out and it was only a matter of time before it was wild, it makes him smile and laugh at the thought of food having flavor and his last thought was about his mother's apple pie. . He left him before he lost the Humanity of him, which was truly a kindness and speaks to that personal code underlying Cooper. Howard still clings to him, then realizes Lucy's last name was mlan and remembers the fresh-faced boy who served his devilish wife. This ultimatelyIt acts as a little tool that lets you know that you are on the right path for your quest and that you keep going. ass jerky and toes, Lucy mlan, it's not all cans and jam here honey, sometimes Fell has to eat and then they swap fingers and we get to the super duper Mart Lucy has fun shopping while the devil takes a little nap. he was suffering and needed the medications the store offered, she of course wakes him up with a reminder of the Golden Rule and goes on with the rest of the day, gives him some medications and then the whole store is filled with treats that she was just too dumb to loot because she's literally a newbie, that detail is so funny to me.
I love it. He surrenders until he sees the tape of his previous life as part of the system that hated communists and spread propaganda with his image. Wait. You like the taste of lead, communicate, son of a, then he wakes up to the sound of his old friend like a bad dream that never ends and he sees the bright, shining faces of the government. This is when we meet this man called Sorl, he claims. ghoul status for the other lessers as a legendary bounty hunter during the 200 year gap and again that he is looking for her wife in some significant way or maybe you are still looking for her since we know he is looking for the family her. she probably has her daughter, otherwise the ending would have been like Hey, where's that world-ending wife of mine instead of where's my family?
The demon manages to instigate a fight and, of course, gets out of there avoiding being eaten by his pigs. He takes us to Coupe torturing this little Wasteland family. This man is another of the people he crossed paths with during his 200 years. Cooper located this man because his son was one of the people who helped pay for Ziggy to be transported safely. Moldaver, what did you do? What is that envelope? He eventually reveals Mul's location and then the ghoul kills him anyway, leaving the girl and the father behind, so I sincerely hope one of them comes to avenge his fallen family at some point, although that was really the whole story.
Which is why the kid had to die anyway, but you know, I mean, how are you not okay? The ghoul finally arrives at Red Rocket where he meets this good girl again, she is named dog and we finally arrive at MAV. he shows up mid-battle to literally dismantle the Brotherhood of Steel, just so he can have a conversation before reinforcements arrive. He does what he does best from time to time, finally appearing before Hank mlan, which brings us to the pinnacle moment that defines what the ghoul has been. After all this time, where is my family?
This last line from Cooper perfectly details his next steps, but there's always someone behind the wheel and that's who I want to talk to and you could stay here with him or you could come meet your creators. After the management, he goes after the person responsible for making all of this what it is and I have little doubt that he is thinking about his wife, at which point he is determined to write down the mistakes he couldn't make 200 years ago and enlists Lucy . to help, he doesn't want to knock the butts off the buds, he realizes that and doesn't really care about that Vault if it doesn't highlight how little that Vault means on a grand scale.
I don't know what it does well. but the goal is simple: meet his creators in the final scene, show them walking through Hollywood together. Cooper Howard's story in season 1 was easily my favorite. The amount of backstory about the world that we got to see through it was amazing. The amount of depth that he could have done and already has done now that I sat down and really studied every part of what it took to turn this man into what they made wonderful. I have high hopes for this character and hope they continue to dive into his backstory as well as putting him and Lucy back center stage as they try to find the truth in a world built on lies.
I really want more of the pre-Worst Before The Great War, uh, pre-American War, as well as some of the scenes that show it during the 200 years between the past and the present, but with that we come to the end of the video, be sure Subscribe to get more information. Digging into content like this was a huge effort. It took me a long time to check everything to make sure I have a general timeline that is as accurate as possible and I hope that eventually reflects in what I'm doing. I've created here, we'll cover Lucy's story next and finally Maximus.
I can do Norm too if he does well, but right now my focus is on the main three. I'll also be diving into Severance shortly after, please be sure to comment. Like and you know, subscribe to join the ritual culture that appeases the algorithmic gods that will eventually convince us all that we really should be in a vault, but a special thanks to everyone on Patreon if you want to support this content which is again this. It took me a long time to complete it by myself. Your donations on Patreon are a huge help, but the most important thing is that if you don't feel like adding your money to the mix, just join the community and say something in the chat.
Praise this series that could have just as easily failed and how the Warlords of the Western world are back in the Helms of making magic. This is our community and the space for you to exist is right below this video. I promise I will never censor you unless you are actively causing harm or want to. sabotaging this friendly little space where we can come up with theories about stories we love, please keep that in mind, thank you for being here, I love you all so much and I can't wait to talk to you all again soon before we leave.
I just want to give you a big shout out. Greetings to the people, the community, the fandom in general that contributes to Fallout Wiki. This is one of the most elaborate and in-depth wikis I've ever seen in every fandom I've ever been in, whoever it is. keeping this, whoever adds it has my respect forever. Because of this, I was able to reference the timeline. I was able to reference when it all started and where it all came from. I could only make this video and that's how it will be. in depth because of the work everyone did before this and it allowed me a central repository that I could always reference and I always know and make sure I was on track, you know the general timeline of this new material from me and everyone the others who definitely use this resource thank you for what you do

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