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FALLOUT Explained: Every Clue That Vault Tec... [SPOILER]

May 15, 2024
welcome to the heavy


s show. I'm your host Paul and in this video we're breaking down Fallout, the series reveals something big at the end and throughout this video I want to break down the


s so come with me to browse through the heavy


s ahead and if you don't want to be mess up, then save the video. Please send a thumbs up if you enjoy it and also leave any hints below that you think we might have missed without the path. Thanks for clicking this now, let's get into Fallout. I do this. For the love of the game, okay, so let's get into it by opening the Vault and revealing all the


s that said


technology dropped the nukes.
fallout explained every clue that vault tec spoiler
The episodes contain some subtle production design choices as well as side-by-side callbacks that reveal clues that I went back and rewatched the series and there are a handful of lines of dialogue that play out in completely different ways once you know the plot. turn or first appear in the form of balloons at the party, which are all Voltech colors, although initially it seems like they could just Due to Cooper's colors, we all realized the connection between them and Vault Tech fairly quickly, this implies who have an older brother role and are Lac in many aspects of society.
fallout explained every clue that vault tec spoiler

More Interesting Facts About,

fallout explained every clue that vault tec spoiler...

Voltech's colors are all over this party, from the balloons to the cake for the houses. The decor is simply set to T for this series as one where the lines between capitalism and humanity are incredibly tangled now later in the scene, when asked to give a thumbs up like he should, he doesn't make eye contact and instead initially looks down, it seems like he's just sad about something, but as we learn that his wife is a big play at Voltech, knowing this, this scene plays out a little differently, as if it wants to get rid of any association with the company, another big hint that Voltech is Behind this, if you look at the horizon throughout the opening, the only one skyscraper that is not destroyed like the Voltech building, even when the NES approaches, the tall building remains intact, which could support the idea that there was a strategy behind this, personally.
fallout explained every clue that vault tec spoiler
I think it's the showrunners who clue us in and give us a little clue as to what's really going on now. From here we fast forward to the quote-unquote present day and Han calls Lucy a sugar bomb. This is the name of the serial sponsor from 219 years earlier, which might initially make you think it's just a cute nod, however, it comes from the fact that Han was present at the time the bomb was being made. of sugar. It also gives the idea of ​​something destructive wrapped in something that looks sweet. By looking at you, you pretend another.
fallout explained every clue that vault tec spoiler
A subtle clue emerges when we see the wallpaper in the Voltech


s that has atomic designs, this suggests that the company may be involved in the nuclear aspects of things and not just the Vault stuff. This really caught my attention on a second watch and it's a very clever way. A way to literally hide things in plain sight is also something that's a little tricky in episode one, but I still feel like it works well. Less than a minute into the episode, the radio reporter says that the president is not in the negotiations and that the negotiations were scheduled to continue. today, as the White House made no comment on the president's whereabouts, this could suggest that the government had some knowledge of an imminent attack and there are several shots that build on this, they clearly have meetings that resembled a war room of Doctor Strange Love without also dealing with nuclear weapons. in the sense that it was the heads of the government who played with the idea that corporations are behind this and although episodes 2 and 3 are a little clearer in Clues, there are some scenes that make you stop and wonder exactly what you're seeing in episode 2 when Lucy tries to de-escalate the situation, it makes sense for her to follow an extremely corporate moral code.
She was raised by someone who is trained to be a manager and therefore that is why the vaults themselves are like many corporations now in the episode Barbara Nodu and Coopa ask the Voltech executive if the suits really protect against radiation. The look she gives the executive makes it seem like information that isn't ready to be published yet, and possibly this is because they haven't tried on the suits. This could suggest that they know a nuclear bomb is coming or that Lo are developing the suit themselves along with the suit for episode 4, which contains a handful of clues that Hank lived in 2077 due to how the ghoul reacts at the beginning of the episode.
Lucy tells the ghoul that her last name is Mlan, making him realize that it is probably related to someone she met before she knew that someone high-ranking in Baltech bears that name and due to the dwindling population there wouldn't be many left. with him for Lucy, which would also make no sense because in episode one, Woody says that "they" have never opened the door to the outside, this also makes you wonder what Hank said to Mala in episode one, which is: I think that I know who you are in episode 4. It should be pretty obvious that Hank has spent time outside the Vault and the concept of The People Who Survived 200 Years Ago has been established pretty well.
Another thing that episode 4 establishes is a darkness in Hank that hasn't been hinted at before the ghoul mentions that Han would be excited to engage in cannibalism if it were a necessity, but the big clue in episode 4 occurs when she cuts him off. the finger to the ghoul, he says, there you are, little assassin, and this could mean that he is seeing her transform as a person, but it could also mean that he has seen the Darkness of H appear. in Her Daughter, this is one of those lines that reads a certain way the first time you see it, but the show is filled with many lines that have a deeper meaning.
Another hint that Voltech is more evil than your standard evil corporation occurs in episode 5. When Lucy mentions that she knows about the dropping of the bombs, we know that she was raised using voltech propaganda, so the use of falling has a very significant meaning. touching. Falling implies innocence or an accident or something that was not done with malice, this could be seen as your promotion. Voltech's stance of staying away from accountability even down to how they want history to be taught. One of the most insidious clues comes when it's revealed that Vault 33's motto is when things get dark.
Vault 31, they should have raised some flags that Vault 31 was controlling the two and this made them cause famines and as we come to know in episode 5, of course they sent the bombs, episode six also starts with a scene of flashback in which Cooper has a bit of friction with his wife, who learns quite a bit. At the top of VTech, while there is nothing incredibly suspicious about these flashbacks, they do seem to indicate that Voltech sees the end of civilization as a certainty, they are also well prepared for what is to come and are investing billions in hundreds . of vaults instead of being a plan B since this flashback takes place before the series opens Cooper's line about hoping that bombs don't fall in the first episode which plays out a little differently, this is because a Even though they ask him, he doesn't say what he thinks. will happen because of this, it is likely that hearing his wife say that Voltech should drop the bombs is what prompted the divorce and 958 Matt Barry's character also says that the world is a product indicating how vault technology does things , you know which way the wind blows and it's that a world ruled by people wearing pocket protectors at a pool party the future, my friend is products in 2112 we listen to vtech's the devil man line and it highlights how the US .have outsourced the survival of human rights to voltech, so the US government has outsourced the survival of the human race to VTech, which answers why the president also knows this and it's just about doing. their investors happy and therefore nuclear weapons have to be abandoned and no dog things, Vault policy only shows a damn partner now.
We learned in episode 7 even that some of the vaults were used for experimentation, this is what Vault 4 was used for and it implies that Vaults 31 to 33 may have also been one at this point if you don't suspect Vault 31 and the shape. in which it's being controlled so I have a damn position in a vault for S now you skip to episode 88 and then we get the scenes that take place before the big reveal our damn clua counter went off like I just ran into a red trail in the flashback scenes. Baskins mentions to Cooper that she has a training program for up-and-coming executives which we later learn is likely the motivation behind Vault 31 in the past, when Cooper is about to meet Han.
His wife's secretary mentions that she en In a meeting about vertical integration, this again establishes the fact that Vex behind the bombs in the vaults took an approach to create the problem and the only solution towards the end of the world when Cooper first came to the meeting, but Askins mentions that there are rumors of peace talks taking place making investing in Voltech seem a bit like buying The Lord of the Rings - a good idea in theory, but for some it will be worse than the viewing figures of the power rings after discovering that all the inhabitants of Vault 31 are cryogenically frozen.
The Baskins rumor mentions that the training program for up-and-coming executives has been well executed because the Buds Buds are all Voltech employees and have been frozen since before all the bombs dropped. If you pause it on the names, you can even see Betty Pearson's. which cements The Twist about her Betty Pearson happens to be the supervisor, so all the clues are there to fill out her backstory. The last big clue before the reveal that Voltech sent the first bomb also comes from the fact that Malova reveals to Lucy that Han has been around for a long time, has spent so much time in the Wasteland, and is from the past.
Malava probably knows who really sent the bombs. She also had a level of Intel in the past that made her suspicious of Voltech in the first place. It wouldn't make sense for her to spend all her time hunting down Voltech employees if she wasn't absolutely sure she was bringing True Justice to the perpetrators now, even though the show perfectly laid out the clues for the big twist being that Voltech actually abandoned the bombs, not


one agrees that it is as clear as that tank. Hunter 44 on Reddit pointed out some suggestive edits that may poke holes in Voltech's shot first.
The theory is that it confirms the suggestion that Voltech drops the bombs first rather than them actually doing it. First, ultimately, it could be that it doesn't really matter who sent the bombs first because the reality is that each proposed party likely sent them after seeing that the line had been crossed. I think of Oppenheimer when he says that he worries he set off a chain reaction and then realizes that he probably did it. I think that's pretty applicable here because it seems like all the suspects were playing a game of chicken and just didn't realize that we know for a fact that Vex sent one and that it was for Shady sanss under the direction of Hank mlan, the clues throughout the show they don't really provide any satisfying options for who could have Sho first and, practically speaking, the show won't introduce a gameplay element as an answer to its big question.
Anyway, that's the video and thank you very much for watching and let me know below if you saw anything else, leave a like on the video and if you want to support the channel as a member of the Spoiler Society, click the join button. You get early access to the videos


week and it's a great way to make videos like this make you want to watch something else. Then check out our full breakdown on screen right now where MD goes over everything from the series he's talking about. about the major easter eggs, the ending too and yes definitely head there right after this, also a big thanks to M the streamer for helping with the script and going through all the episodes one by one to find these little clues that I will link. a link to his website in the pin comment and yes, cheers again tomorrow for all your hard work without the huge thank you for clicking on this.
I have been your host Paul, you have been the best. See you next time, take care. peace

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