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10 Questions In The Fallout TV Series We NEED Answers To

May 31, 2024
Where will you take it to the real world? You should see it sometime. Welcome to the works of Mojo and today we're traversing the Wasteland and looking for


to the biggest


we have after the first season of Amazon's Fallout


ended. We will be open to


. Plot Threads Plot Points and Character Revelations that were never addressed, but we hope to get


in season 2 naturally as we will discuss the main plot points of the


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10 questions in the fallout tv series we need answers to
Wizig listen, you should go home, miss. The inhabitants of the Vault are an endangered species. Here you come from a world of rules and laws. This place is indifferent to all that. The man who turned it on. A manhunt across the Wasteland that will put our three protagonists on a collision course, Zig is a fascinating character, we end up learning very little about him. The most important aspect of him is clearly his research that makes mold cold fusion plans a reality and is something so dangerous, he goes to Great Lengths to keep it hidden from the rest of the Enclave.
10 questions in the fallout tv series we need answers to

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10 questions in the fallout tv series we need answers to...

The biggest questions these events raise are how he came to possess the cold fusion plans and, in turn, managed to contact Moldaver. Listen, I don't know. who you are or how you know the things you do, but you will also cross that Wasteland if the Enclave is so desperate to get Wilzig and his research back, who started the Hunt and put a bounty on the scientist's head, this would apparently be a very important thing. for The Enclave they would want to keep at home, so why risk it falling into the hands of another Wasteland faction? You can change the future if you can bring me to Vltava, the state of The Enclave.
10 questions in the fallout tv series we need answers to
A Denisen from The Enclave is believed to have escaped. The Enclave is real. The last time we saw The Enclave in full force was in Fallout 2 before the Vault Dweller essentially wiped them off the map despite some stragglers, the faction was believed to be all but eradicated. However, in the Fallout series not only is it still operational, but it is also still conducting seemingly inhumane experiments, raising questions about how widespread the organization really was or if it is some sort of Splinter Group that was unaffected by the events of Fallout 2, moreover, what kind of experiments. Are they driving now?
10 questions in the fallout tv series we need answers to
Could they be related in some way to the brief shot we saw of what is potentially a super mutant in a gurnie? Will Zig also somehow has a surprising amount of knowledge about the vaults, down to their inner workings and residence, and has somehow managed to obtain the mold's cold fusion blueprints even though the vault's technology supposedly blocked them. . I think I know enough to know that you


to go home. Ghoul medicine. You turn it. Maybe. Maybe. Hey Yes. You don't


to have any vials. You are new? The story of Fallout is what appears to be medicine to curb the ISM of feral ghouls.
This Revelation completely changes a large part of the history we already know about ghouls and how they become the flesh-eating zombies we often encounter on our travels. However, what exactly is the substance and who created it? Cooper seems to have a ready supply of the substance until he meets Lucy anyway and is even being buried with IVs feeding him a constant drip, but how exactly does it work? These medications have somehow kept Cooper from going feral for over 200 years, but he only kept Raj for a couple of decades, so does it affect some differently than others?
Hopefully, this is something that will be expanded upon even more in the next season because we have all the questions that you don't understand, that you become. one of those that tells how the truth of Vault 31 works. Well, I think it's safe to say that they went crazy in the end. We learn the truth about the trio from Vaults 31, 32, and 33, but it seems like the residents of Vault 32 learn the truth for years. However, long ago this raises questions about how they discovered the truth, the truth and why this Revelation apparently led them to kill each other, we finally learned that Vault 31 hosts outbreaks, a program designed to let vault technology executives cryogenically frozen bodies oversee the Vaults' operations and the eventual day of Retrieval, while this would understandably cause tension within the Vault itself, why did this lead to the mass destruction and violence that Norman Chat discovered and why did no one from the Vault 32 attempted to contact Vault 33 with the shocking knowledge that maybe Norm's time with Bud's brain will do it? reveals some answers in the next season so what are Vaults 32 and 33?
Only people to control. Oh, when you say it like that it sounds downright morally questionable. Norm's fate. What are you going to start protocol 53? Stay still while Lucy explores the Wasteland and learns its ways. and practices Norm continued to be our man on the inside as he slowly began to unravel the Mysteries and Corruptions of the three Vaults 31, 32 and 33. After managing to make his way into Vault 31, many of Norm's questions were answered, but unfortunately the brain of the vault's caretaker and a Jar Bud trapped him inside and told him that the only possible way to survive would be to be cryogenically frozen in his father's old capsule, while Norm's fate is left ambiguous at the end of the season, no.
It seems like he had many options available and with Lucy still on a quest to locate her father, the only person who would really notice Norman's disappearance is Chad and given his cowardice towards basically everything, we fear both for the fate of Norm and him, that's why I suggest you wait at your father's house. Pod, unless you want to starve, there isn't much food here, except for the occasional very large insect. I would certainly put myself to sleep if I could mold myself at first. What if I told you how I know your father, who is really one of them?
One of the most shocking revelations was that the alleged main antagonist of the Moldaver series was not only not the big bad but, like Cooper, was from a time just before the bombs fell, in fact, he had worked for technology vault somehow and had even tipped off Cooper about the company's evil, however, this revelation only raised more questions: how did Moldaver apparently survive for over 200 years and not only that, but how did Moldaver apparently survive? She became the founder of Shady Sands and gained enough resources to build a small army to recover her lost research, assuming that Moldaver is not a demon since a single shot killed her, we can only assume that she was also frozen, but who and how was resurrected, as it was Mold Dav's investigation that led to the beginning of everyone's investigation.
Hopefully, Journey season 2 will provide much-needed answers. You look like your mother Cooper's family. I've waited over 200 years to ask someone a question. Where is my family? During the finale we find out that Cooper believes his wife and daughter are still out there, possibly in a vault and that Hank might have the answers he's looking for, but since we see Cooper running down the mountain with his daughter as the bombs fall to the beginning of the series, how did they break up and why would Hank know his whereabouts with Cooper's wife? Barb was apparently at the forefront of all the tragedy that happened to the world, how did little Janie end up with Barb again, most likely in a vault somewhere without Cooper, given that Cooper's family was presumed to be Albert Was he dead throughout the series until the end of this Revelation only? raises more questions about the last 200 years of Cooper's history guarantees us a place in the vault we have money we can buy a place in the vault one of the good vaults what is that supposed to mean who oversees the technology of the vault want to know How I know your dad, right?
Let's say everything about your little world was decided over 200 years ago. Voltech has always been a reprehensible company since the early days of Fallout history, using the vaults to experiment on their unsuspecting inhabitants, but the Fallout series implies that they could be even worse than we imagine, however, even though the world continues for over 200 years after the Great War, someone appears to still be giving orders to the various arms of Vault management after Cooper allows Hank to escape from Hank Retreats. into the desert and the outskirts of New Vegas, presumably because Cooper suspected he was going back to his boss, but whoever is left in charge of the vault technology is a brain in a jar, so the most obvious candidate would be Barb Cooper's wife and who suggested the vault.
Technology initiates the end of the world, but what would such a revelation mean for Cooper and Wasteland, or worse, could it be his daughter Jamie who now calls the shots, but there's always someone behind a will and that's who I want to talk to too? Cooper the ghoul I wonder if they will fix that in this new model. I suppose he hasn't wandered the moors since the day the bombs fell. Cooper has quite the reputation in the Wasteland and has become a well-respected bounty hunter; However, throughout the series' many flashbacks we see. that Cooper used to be a Hollywood legend and the poster boy for vault technology.
Cooper was always principled when it came to excessive violence towards the characters he played, but when we first meet him, he has no such reservations. We also see in the finale how he became disillusioned with the company and was somehow openly with his daughter when the bombs dropped, but how did Cooper become a demon and what made him so cold to the rest of the world and his survivors? Cooper is by far the most interesting character. in the series so far, but even with some of his backstory cleared up, he's also one of the most mysterious now that it's the closest we've had to an honest exchange so far cold fusion what you brought me is cold fusion It's unlimited energy and we can build a killer in our own world.
The McGuffin of season 1. Everyone was looking for what was in Wiig's head and it ended up being a complete prototype of mold cold fusion research that came true given the brotherhood's mantra to suppress the technology they would likely use. I'd prefer the artifact to be hidden away from the Wasteland, but how long can even the Brotherhood withstand that kind of power? Moldaver knew the potential of this technology and with his last breath he left his life's work in the hands of Maximus considering that his faith in the Brotherhood seems to be shaken due to his exploration of the Wasteland with Lucy, it is very possible that he will pass the great brotherhood hero to his greatest enemy.
This is not to mention the fact that many other Wasteland factions, including Vault Tech, are probably still on the hunt. for this technology, so it's only a matter of time before a new war for the Wasteland begins. War never changes. You look at this Wasteland it looks like chaos. What were the biggest questions you had after the season finale? Share your theories in the comments. Comments. Hate. Up here, did you enjoy this video? Check out these other Mojo Plays clips and be sure to subscribe and hit the bell to get notified about our latest videos.

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