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FALLOUT 4 A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - Can You Beat Fallout Worst Gun Only Challenge

May 30, 2021
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the power of Reanu Keeves. Look at this man. He is capable of destroying entire worlds with the nuclear explosion of him. What a strong being this is not the face of a man who now has access to nuclear weapons. I believe he is Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I'm the cool Brit and today we were playing Fallout 4. That's right, Todd Howard's latest and greatest creation is here and we're going to play it and before you jump to the comments section, Fallout 76 doesn't count. It will never count. Damn, Todd, what have you done?
fallout 4 a perfectly balanced game with no exploits   can you beat fallout worst gun only challenge
You used to create


s as incredible and illustrated as Skyrim, the best


of all time. Some would say it's true that those same people probably didn't play the game long enough to realize that there's actually


one copy of Dungeon. and hit 74 times God bless Todd Howard in his illustrated game creation. Still, we're playing Fallout 4, an absolutely fantastic game set in the post-apocalyptic hellscape of America, where nuclear war has destroyed much of everything you loved about living, most importantly, the tea is gone. :'( and that's why it's not a world worth living in, but don't worry, I don't have to live in this world.
fallout 4 a perfectly balanced game with no exploits   can you beat fallout worst gun only challenge

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fallout 4 a perfectly balanced game with no exploits can you beat fallout worst gun only challenge...

Instead, we will create a legendary hero to roam this world and live in it for us .Today, ladies and gentlemen, you are our hero. You have probably already guessed it, it is none other than the legendary greatest destroyer of all known universes. It is beautiful, it is majestic and, most importantly, it is impressive. It will literally take your lungs out, so I'm going to do it. I'm going to show the lovely ladies and gentlemen at home how we're going to take Reanu Keeves from being a level 1 character in the world of Fallout 4 to becoming a level mega destroyer. 420 with the ability to destroy everything in the known universe.
fallout 4 a perfectly balanced game with no exploits   can you beat fallout worst gun only challenge
But Naturally, how can we prove that Reanu Keeves is the most powerful being? Well, Reanu Keeves will take the


weapon in the game and turn it into the most powerful weapon the Fallout universe has ever seen. I am, of course. talking about nothing less than the pipe gun. On paper, he is actually pathetic. He's pathetic too, but in the right hands and with enough


, we'll take the humble pipe revolver and turn it into something that could go toe-to-toe with the Death Star, so it's time. To prepare, ladies and gentlemen, grab a cup of tea, sit back, relax, and if you're feeling extra fantastic, you might even like this video, oh my goodness.
fallout 4 a perfectly balanced game with no exploits   can you beat fallout worst gun only challenge
Thanks, new Fallout 4 game. I wonder what kind of world awaits us. You know, ladies and gentlemen, I spoke with Reanu Keeves today and he accepted a once in a lifetime opportunity and a very special discount. The first 5000 people to like this video, Reanu Keeves himself will come to you while you sleep and he will place a small nuclear bomb at the end of your bed. This nuke can be used any way you want, whether it's to defend your land for the Queen. to simply invading someone else's tea farm. The choice is yours, but Reanu Keeves has been very generous.
Now, as soon as we enter the world of Fallout 4, we will be on the hunt for our first pipe gun. Now the pipe gun has a base damage of 13, but in reality, with the right mods, it can get that low. As a 10, I know that it is the most terrible weapon, that it really causes damage and, consequently, we are going to put it to good use. Ah, here we go, ladies and gentlemen, for the creation of Reanu Keeves. Oh, it's going to be good. Your eyes are one of my favorite things about you. He barely has eyes.
Look at that, my God, they're so small. Let's assume he's something like Reanu Keeves, but still, my God, this is it, ladies and gentlemen, he's back. It's Reanu Keeves. Now, if you've never heard of it, you might be thinking about waiting a second. He looks an awful lot like Keanu Reeves No No, this is a completely different human being. This is Reanu Keeves, the cousin of Keanu Reeves, who until a few moments ago was held entirely within Skyrim's Toddverse. He has never been able to escape and Todd Howard must use every one of his magical tricks to ensure that he never reaches the mortal plane of existence, otherwise we will all be destroyed.
Luckily, Todd found a new way to distract Reanu Keeves and that's by throwing him into the world of Fallout 4. Now, naturally, Reanu Keeves wanted to get here himself for more expansion and more worlds to destroy. So we had to fight Todd Howard, the creator, to get here, where he now got the fantastic, huge scar of him. Let's go find energy in the Fallout 4 universe. We have a pipe gun to go find and then a world to destroy. Ah, here comes the man in the vault, lovely material to give Reanu Keeves the fantastic stats of him. Alright, let me take care of those sales.
Oh, hello Vault Technician. Ah, the Vault technician is apparently talking to just a piece of wall here. Oh my god, he makes Reanu Keeves look like an absolute giant. Alright. It's time we gave Reanu Keeves the stats on him. Of course, the most important thing is his name. Ah, there's Reanu Keeves, now naturally when it comes to Reanu Keeves stats. Let's max out all the stats that matter. The most important thing is strength, perception. We have no intention of having charisma, although he is naturally very charismatic and luck is also not necessary for the sole reason that we will achieve almost everything in creation.
Oh perfect. The definitive statistics of a destroyer. Let's do it. Goodbye strange vault man. Good. Ah, here's my son Shawn. Hello. You look nothing like me, you little worm. And besides, I will survive you mainly because you are a mortal and I, Reanu Keeves. I'm immortal, yes, of course, let's go. Seeing that the world has been set on fire Ah, yes. This is what the world is about to end. Fantastic news, ladies and gentlemen! Doo doo doo - Doo. This is everything I was looking for. Goodbye everyone, neighbors. Bye bye bye! Oh Lord. What was that?
OMG my games just crashed on Fallout 4 please don't say you killed my son. Don't say you killed my son. I just created my son. This is Todd Howard's problem when he knows I'm exploiting games. He is on the trigger trying to destroy it at any moment. Well, thank God, Reanu Keeves was saved. He managed to perform a quick autosave before the game decided to evaporate. And then we're going to go to the vault. What is it? Vault 111. I was going to say vault 169, but no, that's a vault that probably doesn't even exist. So we go to Vault 11 (111). just run straight through the front door and leave.
It is a fantastic moment of adventure. Ladies and gentlemen straight to the vault feel sorry for all these people who are going to be dead. But hey, that's the joy of life. Reanu Keeves is saved and knows what else he does, and there's the nuclear explosion. Fantastic. Well, that will provide some great entertainment. Ah, fantastic. It's time for us to jump inside our lovely cryo pod and of course when we get out everyone we know will be dead. Which is great because with everyone dead that means there's no one to worry about. Jump jump jump jump jump I know what's coming next, Todd.
Let me skip it. Oh no, it seems our wife is dead. This is terrible news, but it is fantastic news, if you want to continue with the game, I highly recommend you take the wedding ring because it is free money and it is fantastic. We have our first weapon. It is now a 12 millimeter pistol, contrary to common gaming options. This weapon is actually not the


weapon in the game. You see, it's normal. When you do a tutorial so the game just gives you the worst weapon. Imagine, instead this game decides to give you a weapon that actually isn't terrible.
This weapon is actually positively acceptable. I think it does a solid 15 or so damage and can be upgraded to do a lot more. Oh, even if one hits all these pesky root roaches, all we have to do is steal our first Pip Boy and then escape this vault. and here we are Fantastic Reanu Keeves with


one hundred and five health and a weapon that he does, oh yeah, we can see 18 base damage. In fact, our stick even reaches 22. These are pretty decent numbers, but logically we're looking for the worst to start with. So where is our terrible tube revolver?
Well, we have to escape and go into the wider world and find it until we get it perfect. We are ready to finish and leave the vault. The tutorial is over. The world at large is ready for us. Ah, there we go. The world in general is nice and blurry and here a barren hellscape appears. Perfect exactly as I remembered America, of course in the sanctuary. We discover our first weapons bank, which of course is quite important. It allows us to improve our guns to have much more. better damage results. For example, the standard pistol here only has 18 damage.
But it can be upgraded to about 30 or something, which of course is much better. We don't need such a thing though because we're going to twist the tube gun instead. into a true destroyer of worlds. One that will make this puny 9mm pistol, and indeed almost any weapon in the game, look like a potato tied to a sling. Oh, and here, of course, at the Red Rocket truck stop, it's doggo. Hello, Doggo, you are my friend. Oh Lord. That? Todd Howard, what kind of game mechanic is that? I greet the doggo and they launch me through the universe.
You're going to be Rhian O'Keefe's dog. If Keanu Reeves can have his dog in John Wick, I have mine. So our adventure continues, ladies and gentlemen. We've discovered the city of Concord and of course there Preston Garvey is busy fighting a group of rather weak Raiders in some sort of majestic last stand of the Minutemen and surely we can go and help. But we're really just going to do it to see if we can locate a pipe gun. Now if we don't find a pipe gun here, there is a pipe gun location on the map and I hope that one of These Raiders are going to be lucky enough to give us the worst weapon in the game and it's fantastic.
Here we go. We've saved everyone and Preston Garvey is there to give us a free gun. Oh, lovely. Yes, it's exactly what he wanted for a short laser musket. Oh, it's terrible, what we need now is a pipe gun. You have a shotgun, which is useless to us. You have an automatic tube gun. Ok, this could be now. The automatic tube gun is without a doubt. Possibly the worst weapon in the game, as you can see, its accuracy is not the best. It has a 12-round magazine and if you shoot. Those bullets go very fast and in random directions.
It also deals only 10 damage per hit, making it essentially one of the worst weapons in the game. Anyway, now that we've secured a pipe gun and some fantastic random parts. of junk resources that I have collected on the map. We'll return to the red rocket and hopefully begin the process of creating the most powerful weapon in the game. Oh, and actually, we just found a default pipeline. gun ransacking this safe here, lovely. Now, if you can't find a pipe gun through natural generation means, then don't worry, ladies and gentlemen. Just go to your map and go to the railroad site this way if you're heading that way.
There, inside the main station, lying on the ground, is an unmodified pipe gun, like the one we picked up anyway now that we have our default pipe gun. We're actually 50% of the way to creating the most powerful weapon in the game. Now what we have to do is go to the good neighbor, who is actually around here on the map. So it will be a little difficult to get there, but don't worry, we will make it there too. In fact, we're ready to level up, which is great because it allows us to get our first point in the gunslinger trait, which means non-automatic pistols deal 20% more damage.
A good start because it now means that our pipe gun can do 15 points of damage Wow! 2 more damage per shot, incredible. Sure we could use that 10 millimeter gun and now get 21, but come on, where's the fun in that? So our adventure begins when Dogmeat and I must cross almost half of the map to locate the next one. As part of our majestic Puzzle, along the way we will face many


s, but fear not. With our fantastic and very weak weapon we will achieve it. Now, we've arrived in Lexington, but we still haven't gotten to the place we need to get to, which is the fantastic Good Neighbor Pirate Haven.
Oh beans, that's a turret! Well, we're not going to go that route, although it looks like dog meat is going to cause it. *sigh* fight Raiders, what a


it is What a challenge it is So, so many of them, the good news is that they drop the correct ammo for our gun OH BEANS, that's another turret. It's not the place. I wanted to go in. No, Reanu! Oh, that's our first comeback of the game. I suppose it will be the problem of wandering around an area where we are at 100% of a very low level. Okay, I'm out of here.
We can believe that Dogmeat is behind temporarily. Everything will be fine. ActuallyWe don't need to fight here, there's nothing good we can gain from here except a bunch of bullets to the back of the head. Now when you think about it, what is the strength of the pipe gun? So, the biggest advantage of the pipeline. weapon is the fact that ammunition is close almost everywhere. It is the cheapest ammunition in the game. It is the easiest ammunition to find. The only drawback is that it is also the weakest ammo. It doesn't do much damage for that reason.
For that reason, we need to find a way to take the gun. from being absolutely pathetic garbage to becoming the most damaging weapon in the game. Now it's about finding your way to a good neighbor, just execute whatever combat engagement you have, you only need to get there once, and then you can fast travel there for any time afterward. So just run. Honestly, that's the best advice I can give you: run, run, run. If you encounter danger, try to run and pass it. The AI ​​in this game is not amazing. So make sure you use the terrain to just get out of the way and here we have it after going through literal chaos and mass murder.
In fact, we have made our way to the good neighbor, this little entrance here. Seriously, that's it, we're being chased by super mutant dogs, super mutants, and a group of gunners are shooting at us. So it's time for us to leave the horrendous wild wastelands of America and instead enter a much safer and happier place, the Good Neighbor. Oh, I'm sure they'll be very kind to us here. They are called good neighbors, they must be very friendly. Ah, hello friend. Oh, apparently I have to pay the insurance. No, I'm Reanu Keeves, get my friend away. Alright, here we go.
We have made our way to the good neighbor and this is where we discovered the amazing gun, gun, gun store. It's a lovely shop run by old KL-E-0. Now KL-E-0 is cool because it actually sells an item. we are looking for Fatman launcher except wait. She doesn't actually do it, it's not in her inventory. He's sitting right here next to her now. Of course, if we crouch down and steal it, everyone in the good neighbor will spot us and 100% kill us. So instead, hold E on this bad boy and just go up the stairs. go anywhere where you won't be detected anymore, like right here where we're really hiding, then we can drop the fat guy on the ground and then just steal it from him.
Let's go now to the AI, absolutely nothing has changed. But yes, the second most powerful weapon in the game is now ours. Thanks KL-E-0 and you don't even know what happened. It's like the old Skyrim exploit and I love it. So we have our new weapon, The Fatman. It deals 472 damage, making it the second most powerful weapon in the game. The only drawback is that it fires mini nukes, of which we don't have any. Mini nukes are hard to come by and consequently this weapon is very situational and rare, it can hit most enemies in the game but can also kill you in the process and has a very limited supply of ammunition, so which, honestly, you're better off selling these bad boys unless you've come up with a way to combine the power of the mini nuke with the pistol's plentiful ammo.
Oh no, that's exactly what we're going to exploit today. Now, it actually turns out that I was completely wrong. Uhh, we don't have all the resources we need, we have all the resources a normal player would need to pull off this exploit. But we're actually still missing a couple of components. Unless you're level 41 and have the perks of being a weapons and science geek up to level 4, you won't be able to pull off this exploit. Consequently, we need to go out and look for a solution and that involves using a second exploit to to achieve this to do that And to do that, we have to visit Far Harbor, which we can access by wandering to this point on the map.
It's going to be quite a journey and of course, we're only at level 3 so we can't perform this exploit the normal way. We need to stack a second exploit on top of this exploit. It's an infinite layer of feats Ladies and gentlemen. Now, of course, there are other ways you can get some very suspicious levels. There are some infinite experience


, but achieving them would take longer and I think it would be much easier to achieve Infinite. Experience exploitation once we have our weapon truly mastered. Maybe we even have to save it for, I don't know, a second video.
I know it's true. We are going to make a lot of Fallout 4 videos, ladies and gentlemen, there are a lot of feats that need to be shown. Oh beans, I found a landmine and lost my legs. Oh my legs Ohhh my God, now I'm being attacked by a robot named Bean (How ironic). Oh my god, bean, there we go, the bean is dead. Oh my God. And hey, we level up


and of course we could include these levels in science and such, which will be useful. But that's not what we're really going to do. Oh my god, there's an Assultron.
Oh good god. Oh good god. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is going to be a tough fight. It's going to be a very tough fight *Laughs* Oh, my lord Yes, that's it, that's one punch. Uhmm Turns out we still can't fight the Assultrons. They are quite difficult. Ok, we're back and heading to the start of the Far Harbor DLC right up here at the top of the map. Uhm, you just need to make your way along the coast here. and just leave and once you've made it this far you'll have access to this beautiful house and oh look at the boat we're going to use to get to the distant port.
Now all we have to do is do the small thing. Search and take control of this ship. So, let's get back to the mission. Then we need to find Kasumi's location. Basically, just a holotape that says where she went. And all you need to do for that is run to this beautiful boat and garage and gain access to this safe, but of course it is locked behind an expert lock. Alternatively, all you need to do is examine the picture frame, search it to find the key hidden inside, open the safe and grab that Holotape and there we have it.
We're told she's in the far port. So it's time for us to talk to Kenji and take control of the ship. So here we go. We have been given the key and access to the boat and it is time to leave. We are on our way to the beautiful scenery of Far Harbor. It's time to set sail. And here we go. In just level four we have managed to reach the beautiful landscape of Far Harbor. But I say beautiful scenery, it is a horrible abomination of a place, but it matters little. We're here for one thing and one thing only and then we can leave Ah and even level up.
Fantastic Anyway, now that we've reached the distant port, we need to head to the bowling alley over here. Ah, there we go. It's the old streets of Beaver Creek that are home to a unique weapon. In fact, now just keep in mind that there are a lot of wild demons out here and there will be even more inside. So prepare yourself. Oh no, that's legendary. Ohhhkay This is going to be an interesting fight. The best way to fight the legendary glowing demon here is to not corner yourself. Oh, no, no, no. Oh thank God. Somehow we managed to kill him.
Anyway, welcome to the bowling alley now. We're going to be thrown into this horrible hellhole and probably the only way we're going to survive is with very liberal use of Molotovs because we're on level 4 in an area designed for people who have


en the game. Fortunately, most of the mobs will still be scaled to our level, but this is still uhh. It will probably be the toughest challenge Todd Howard has given us yet. Oh no, it's the wild demons. Actually, they are a little blind. But still. The best way to deal with wild demons, of course, is to simply set them on fire and watch them sputter.
Now be especially careful in this place because there are landmines everywhere. So be sure to use copious amounts of that quick and safe key. Great, now there's a shiny one here Which is going to be a problem, luckily we can land a bunch of headshots on it Well, actually we could Yes In fact, we hit any of our shots and now it's time for us to get loaded with drugs so we can sink this brilliant. Here we go. With enough drugs, anything is possible. Anyway, this spot is very important because not only does the shiny provide irradiated material, but most importantly we now have access to the striker, a unique variation of the Fatman Launcher that deals a hundred damage, making it our most powerful . gun still.
But most importantly, it shoots bowling balls instead of nuclear bombs. Anyway, it's time for us to go and fast travel to the Commonwealth Bank. Farewell, distant port, and now that we are back in the glorious Commonwealth, it is time for us to travel quickly. the way back to the beginning none other than the stop of the red rocket truck So, what are we going to do, ladies and gentlemen? Well, let's create the most powerful weapon in the game. But before we start, let's find a suitable save file. Now, the goal of our plan is to simply turn the pipe gun you see here into the most damaging weapon in the game when you see a charming fat man.
And of course, I'm talking about the fat man's gun. Does 468 damage. Actually, this is not technically correct. Does 18 damage plus 468 damage. You see, the fat man's damage does not come from the physical damage of the yield being introduced into the enemy, which is 18. It comes from the nuclear yield of the ammunition, which is 468 and is provided by the receiver module of this weapon. Consequently, when you change the catcher from, say, the default fat guy to the striker, it reduces the damage from 468 to 100. I mean, don't get me wrong, the strike is a good weapon and you also get your bowling balls back, which is fantastic.
But it's more important for several key reasons, namely, we can take the striker, put it on this bench here, and remove the bowling ball launcher. This is very important because the striker is a unique weapon. He is the only launcher in the game that can have bowling balls, Standard and MIRV. So what we're going to do is create a very strange exploit. While we have the components to make a standard launcher and we have the components to make a MIRV launcher excluding aluminum, we don't actually have the range high enough to make it. We need to have rank 4 weapon nut and rank 4 science.
We don't have that and won't have it for 40 levels or so. Consequently, we need to create a MIRV launcher without creating a MIRV launcher. How are you going to do it, hover over the standard launcher and press E to build, as well as the down key at the same time, if you get the timing right. The build window should appear while we have the MIRV launcher selected and that's it. We have achieved it. So what you want to do is basically press build while driving to mouse over or hover over the selected thing over the MIRV launcher.
If you're on console, simply press the down arrow to switch from the standard launcher. to the Merv launcher But make sure you do it right after you have selected the build. So what this will allow us to do is convert the striker from a bowling ball throwing weapon to a MIRV throwing weapon. But of course we can't. build a MIRV So the game thinks we are building a standard launcher Except no, we are building a merv launcher because we have the MIRV launcher selected But it says we have all the materials for it So we press E and do and now we have a MIRV launcher instead of a standard launcher.
Yes that's fine. Don't worry. The game is fine. Everything's fine. Now. This is where the fun begins. Now that we've created our lovely striker, he'll head out to the station and make another save. This is a risky business. You don't want to get any of this wrong now. This is actually very important. What you are going to do is have the MIRV launcher available and connect it to your Fatman. But then you actually change the fat one back to the standard launcher. The reason is because you can't actually get the mod you've attached and unfortunately the standard launcher doesn't actually work.
Instead, we need the MIRV launcher. See, the reason the MIRV launcher works is because the MIRV launcher deals 18 damage. The standard launcher should 468 the reason the MIRV launcher does more than 18 damage because technically it does 18 damage, but then it throws and spawns miniature nukes like miniature nukes. It does deal hundreds of damage though, so make sure you have the standard launcher selected and rename your big guy to 0, then find the gun of your choice and rename that bad boy to 1 only for him to appear under him on the list and you can take a Look at it.
There are a lot of things you can add to a tube revolver. But none of them have fantastic power. Surely we can increase the damage up to 22 with a powerful receiver. But honestly, it's nothing fantastic. We need more damage. And for that you. You will need to select The Fatman, what you will want to do is press the waste button and modify the key at the same timetime. This also works on consoles. But what you need to do is press the scrap lightly before modifying it. It's very good to deploy a save file before this, otherwise you might lose your weapon.
And there we go. If it works, you'll get this very strange window here where it says to discard the object, which you're going to want to do then. What you need to do is press Enter to discard the item because what the game is really doing is discarding the item but keeping the mods for some reason. Basically, we just modified the UI, so you press Enter and then it will select the Revolver pipe, not now. Don't press anything on your keyboard or controller. You could break it in now, what you'll see here is that you have your pipe revolver selected and yet on the right side of the screen we have two mods available, your standard launcher and the MIRV launcher.
Now what you're going to want to do is press the right arrow key and move on to customization now. Apparently, according to this gun, because we are simultaneously selecting the pipe revolver and the Fatman, we have the standard launcher installed on this pipe gun. I can assure you it doesn't. So what you're going to do is go down and connect the MIRV launcher to the pipe once again. Technically, we should require higher ranks in weapons and science, but we've managed to skip that feature. So connect the MIRV launcher mod to the pipe gun. And once you've done that, you now have a pretty funky looking tube gun.
Now you can go back and call him. Whatever you want. I like to call this bad boy "The Power of Yorkshire Tea". Great, now that you have this weapon equipped you will notice that it will look pretty stupid. It's a MIRV launcher attached to the end of a tube gun. It's not meant to sound very natural, but what makes this weapon so special is the fact that it fires nuclear bombs. Oh, dear, dear, game you don't see anymore. Is this a pipe gun? Although on paper it is, it is a pipe gun with the ability to do more damage than any other weapon in the game.
Simply because it fires quickly and fires nukes, it allows me to show that by ruining Concord, we can shoot a lot. of nuclear weapons very quickly *sigh of satisfaction* It's art. This is ladies and gentlemen, the power of Reanu Keeves *sigh of satisfaction* Just look at this man. He is capable of destroying entire worlds with the nuclear explosion of him. What a strong being it is. This is not the face of a man who now has access to nuclear weapons. I think it's just look at that. Incredible weapon. I know you're worried, dog. But believe me, we will use this weapon forever, right?
Won't we? Oh God, Doggo, what have you done? You have helped this man now that he can destroy the entire Commonwealth. Now you might be wondering how the heck I discovered this feat. Well, it was actually reported to me by a fellow youtuber and good friend ymfah who makes fantastic videos speeding up games, he found out about this exploit and reported it to me as well and believe me, it's downright fantastic. So if you want to see another crazy man destroy games and I highly recommend you check him out, I'll leave a link for him down in the description, now keep in mind that the screen movement will be pretty crazy.
But you'll probably also sit there thinking. He's fine, look, he can fire nukes, but he still only deals 14 damage. I mean, he looks over. he says 15 damage uses the .38 ammo type he won't be able to do that much right? Well no, actually it can and I highly recommend that he don't use tubs because the game will try to aim like you would aim with a normal tub gun. He'll just kill you because he'll probably shoot too. near you And remember that this weapon has a pretty good blast radius. Anyway, let's get into the Concord museum and save Preston Garvey.
Oh no, he's the Freedom Museum, the worst kind of museum. Let's try this bad boy. Oh no, it's a dangerous museum full of muggers. Not anymore. *Evil Laughter* Just make sure you aim your nukes correctly, otherwise you might accidentally kill most of the... well, actually kill yourself. That's the biggest threat now, nuclear bombs. Basically, aim where the person you're trying to kill is and then watch as they now simply evaporate. It's difficult to aim and will take a little getting used to, but don't worry, you hit every enemy in the game and use the cheapest ammo anyone can find.
Oh, it's also not very safe for indoor use, but we'll use it for that. Anyway, oh no, there's a radar there. Oh jesus. How the hell are we going to fight this? Well, we're not aiming that way and... Oh, beans! My arms! Oh god yes, this is the biggest problem with attaching nukes to a gun. It will melt most of your limbs. I will say that this weapon is pretty good at overcoming obstacles and going through obstacles, pretty much anything it can devour pretty quickly and there we come out in one body. We found access to about 48 more nuclear weapons.
That's how fantastic this weapon really is. Oh no, there are some Raiders. Oh dear wait. Oh no. This isn't designed to fight Raiders in closed hallways or maybe it is. Stupid. Oh no, it's not. Oh, it's not. Oh god, I love this game. Now, with this exploit, there's technically an unlimited supply of all those weapons we can create, some of which are overpowered, some of which will probably just kill us. extremely entertaining *Sigh of satisfaction* I love this game Todd Howard, this game. It just works and off we go. We have saved Preston Garvey and his lovely people.
Hello, Preston Garvey. Hey, I'm glad I could help you. I'm Reanu Keeves and when I say I'm glad to help you, I don't really care about you Preston, I'm just here to test my weapon on a Deathclaw. Okay, let's do this. ladies and gentlemen It's time for us to go through the door and up to the roof where we should hopefully have access to a new weapon. No, it's a power armor that we could control if we really wanted to and then here's the minigun that we can. grab. Here we go. In fact, we can just pick it up and carry it.
Oh my god, there's a lot of ammo, but look at this machine gun. Actually, it has too much power, but it's not as good as 'The Power of Yorkshire Tea' *Satisfied sigh* Let's see some - *Confusing laughter* I don't even know what caused that. God. I love this game *Windows XP startup sound* You know, what you won't miss is a nuclear bomb pointed at the sky, ah, that always hits even if the range isn't very good. It need not be. It can go far enough and blow everything up and we can fire as many shots as we want and turn the world into a fiery inferno.
It's also important to remember that Preston Garvey hates anyone who uses the MIRV launcher, he will get mad at you. He will even yell at you and he will hate you for it. But this is not a MIRV launcher. This is a pipe gun, ladies and gentlemen. Completely different. You may not be able to tell the difference, but trust me, I feel sorry for all the Raiders who tried to hide behind cover down there. It's just not going to work. I'm sorry. Oh, poor thing, you just sat in your truck. Ah *Long, deep sigh of satisfaction* It just works, my goodness, do they keep coming?
Do they really keep coming? I guess if they keep coming we can start using this amazing piece of power armor here. There we go, we insert a fusion core, we enter some power armor and now we can start using a nuclear powered weapon. Inside one piece. of power armor. Oh, there's a man sitting there. I forgot that I can't aim forward when using this weapon. If you aim forward when using the pipe cutter, the nukes just fall straight to the ground and kill you instantly. Ah, there is cartilage down. there hidden behind a truck. That won't save you from cartilage.
I'm sorry. Oh Lord. It's like a nuclear carpet bomb. It is very effective. Anyway, let's go down and it's time for us to fight a Deathclaw wherever it is. Now be careful of anyone coming from a distance. They are still a threat to you and be sure to aim high no matter what you are using your nuke. Ah, there we go. The Raiders are coming out. Very well, let's finish off those raiders and summon a bloodthirsty. Oh, sorry dog ​​*Apologetic laugh* The howls the dog makes right before the nuclear bombs go off Oh no, deathclaws are coming, so here comes a deathclaw, one of the strongest enemies in the game and one of the most difficult to defeat, fortunately, however, not the bloodthirsty. very strong against nuclear bombs.
Now, of course, we need to keep distance between ourselves and Deathclaw. So be sure to go around objects and then throw Yeet nukes against a wall and in one shot with a pistol, ladies and gentlemen. The strongest enemy in this game is dead. It really is as easy as that. Ah, this game. What did I do to you? This is probably the first time in recorded history that a pipe gun has caused Todd Howard this much damage. I love your game. It's fantastic. It's



and, most importantly, we have a lot more to break. So there we have it, ladies and gentlemen.
The mighty adventures of Reanu Keeves will continue if you've enjoyed what you've seen here today. So feel free to like the video, hit the comments section and tell me what. you want to see below. There are many more things we can break in the game. We can create weapons that no one considers creating that are so broken and so overpowered They will make you spit out your tea But this is not the end of Reanu Keeves' adventures in Fallout 4, what would you like to see? next? Would A. like to see Reanu Keeves become a hundred stat man and reach max level in a very quick period of time?
Would you like Reanu Keeves to turn a weapon that does no damage in the game into a weapon that does more damage than any other weapon in the game? Or you would like Reanu Keeves to create the strongest and most dangerous melee weapon. Fallout 4 has never been seen becoming Fallout 4's equivalent of One Punch Man. It's been powered up with 1,700 JET tubes and a ton of stims. Go to the comments section and vote, based on which one is most popular, and be ready to be next. As always, a huge thank you to each and every one of my majestic sponsors who made this video possible, as well as to you, the lovely subscribers who are watching this video.
Seriously, thank you very much for your contribution to this community without you. I won't be able to achieve something like this. Very seriously. Thank you so much. And if you're sitting there wondering what videos you'd like to watch next, look no further than this playlist I put up right now is The Adventures of Reanu Keeves. And if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend that you do, and if you have already seen it, why not consider a glorious reprise of our hero's majestic adventures? Anyway, I'll see that each and every one of you in the next one has an absolutely lovely day.
Ladies and gentlemen and goodbye for now

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