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Extreme Celebrity Diet Taste Test

Feb 27, 2020
How do actors lose those roles for one role? Let's talk about that mythical good summer. We hope you are enjoying the summer. We certainly are with our new mugs. Hey, Lake, I want to drink it. What do you want to do? And I think it's true. the same cup, but if you arrive, you can grab it and pair it with a friend available at mythical points just in time for your summer experiences and mythical beasts. You probably lose and gain weight from time to time, but you don't get paid much. lots of money to do it that's because you're not a movie star mm-hmm unless you are and if that's the case then we're going to guess exactly how you got so fat or skinny because this time for how much food from these actors too to get views of his movies, here's how this will work, we're going to read about an actor who lost or gained a lot of weight for a role, uh-huh, then we're going to guess which one was using his


. multiple choice with these little popsicles hey hey or whoever gets the most guesses right wins a sausage Oscar Mayer yeah that's how we do it around here now you have to give an acceptance speech like a true movie star sweetheart and the loser has to eat a milkshake of all the meals in mythical good more let's do this right what's under those clothes not yet Christian Bale lost 63 pounds to star in the movie The Machinist aha remember that he played a sickly insomniac went from 173 to 110 damn look The difference, man, yes, he is skinny here on the right, yes, well, this open jacket gives a chubby effect, but okay, how did he do this?
extreme celebrity diet taste test


consists of 1 can of tuna or an apple per day or a tablespoon of peanut butter and/or a banana per day boy, he had to have been in a bad mood either way, I don't know, but he had the days and or both , you know when you have a situation and/or you can't be too disappointed, well, I would just make the final situation if so, well, peanut butter and/or banana, that's better than an apple and tuna is the dirty goat , seems nicer to the average person, but Christian Bale is not. average person, okay, let's get ready to give the worst d-21b to our aunt, it has to be no, I think it's the tuna and the apple because there is more variety, they don't go together, let's find out who is right, oh, okay, I would have thought that.
extreme celebrity diet taste test

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extreme celebrity diet taste test...

I would have been aware of the Moon, mercury poisoning, are you okay, why don't you eat the tuna like this? No, okay, let's find out who our next actor will be. It's Russell Crowe, who gained over 60 pounds for the movie Body of Lies. no pun intended mm-hmm damn, he bulked him up to 257 pounds, it was the body that lies, that lies. I emphasize the wrong word so it's not a fake belly. He could have made us a fake belly. Russell Crowe, is engaged, but the double chins did their thing. The diet consists of cheeseburgers for breakfast and lots of Sprinkles cupcakes hmm or daily meals of fried chicken and two pieces of lamington which is a classic New Zealand pastry made with butter, chocolate and coconut hmm okay I've never heard of talk about the lamington before, but it seems so. would I gain weight Sprinkles Cupcakes is a brand of cupcakes or are they just cupcakes with sprinkles.
extreme celebrity diet taste test
I think it's just that anyone can make 60 pounds on you. I'm just trying to look at his belly and see if anything gets better. Is it a fried chicken belly or is it a hamburger belly mmm because there is a difference, there is a, the fats are a little lower. Oh, right, yeah, but I'm not going to tell you which one you're ready for, yeah, three, two, one. I went to Lamington with home school food, yes that's what I'm thinking too so we agree. I wanted to eat some lamb. It was down here. I ate a hamburger.
extreme celebrity diet taste test
Can we get it? Thanks, those are Sprinkles cupcakes in the store. Oh, we were wrong. All things considered, OK, Rob McElhaney gained 52 pounds to play an overweight version of his character on a show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Wow, he tried. Oh wow, he tried eating 1000 calories per meal and maxed out at 212 pounds. How did he do it? did, it was Big Macs and occasionally three donuts for dessert or B triple whoppers with cheese and occasionally three mini cherry pies for dessert, okay, so is this a Big Mac man or a triple whopper man and you think of it just as a secondary question? if you needed to gain a lot of weight if it were me, I wouldn't eat desserts, I would just eat saltier things, I would eat all of the above.
I know you, I would just, I mean, I wouldn't know which one. of these would you choose I would choose one I would choose a large one I don't like it I don't like cherry pies The triple waffles are pretty good, although that grilled one whose store is this and both are literally respectable options. I do not do it. I don't know what he thinks about cherry pies I wish I had done it right three two one right I'm going to change I'm going to sneak I'm going with what I would choose to eat I'm going with triples for the Charbroil okay let's see what we got let's see what we got okay , there it is, I mean, I can't see a Big Mac and I take a bite, you know what?
I have one night, I want to cut it, make one. of these, the top loaf oh, you're smart, make one of these, the bottom bun, oh oh, that was it, make one of these, the middle bun, that's not going to work, in fact, smash it and show it, my finger went straight to the hamburger. I'm not complaining, who do we have next? Matthew McConaughey, yeah, he lost 47 pounds for the Dallas Buyers Club, won an Oscar for Best Actor and got down to 143 pounds, man, that's tough. Does his diet consist mainly of a Diet Sprite, a dish of boiled green leaves? beans a handful of trail mix in 5 to 7 gelatin dipped croutons rare or a diet coke two egg whites a piece of chicken then another diet coke and an incredibly small portion of tapioca pudding should have that little sweet


, I guess anyway they're both very specific, specific, okay, I mean, I could see, you know, someone losing a drastic amount of weight saying, oh man, if I could just put some gelatin in my crouton, just a little bit, you know, I could see that happening.
I can see Matthew McConaughey having that idea Diet Sprite What happens if I dip my croutons in gelatin? Okay, you two, one, okay? I think they didn't choose the more traditional diet, crouton jelly. I think it's totally fine, it's fine, it's fine. here we go, huh, you're wrong, man, look at that little tapioca pudding, two diet cokes, egg white, it's all, it's all white, it's all white, you're exactly white, okay, oh, why don't you Why not, we are already little Natalie Portman? She lost 20 pounds for her role in Black Swan. She's fine, she won the Oscar for Best Actress, so it was worth it.
The Oscars like it when you make a drastic change in yourself, it shows sacrifice, yes, and especially if there is a swan in the title. Yes, we almost called this good mythical swan for the Oscar, yes, for the Oscar, yes, and then we realized that we were not eligible for the Oscars, no, no, what are our options for conviction. Hmm, the litter's diet consists solely of carrots and almonds, and those are not carrots. they have a special flounder that's just carrots okay 12 or 12 glasses of lemon juice cayenne pepper in syrup a day so a lemon juice cleanse is basically mmm-hmm parrots and almonds yeah it sounds Like there's a short ration, it sounds like a Simon and Garfunkel Song we could write this, yeah let's write the song they made 'cause they don't get along these days, it's huge and every time I think about it, I shed tears every time I think In you, I think of carrots and everything is fine, it is fine 32 What goes into the juice plan?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, this looks right down here, alright, let's see if we're right, oh, sorry, wow. A handful of nuts is a healthy snack, yes it's boo, for this one we have double bell hmm. Jared Leto gained 60 pounds. to play Mark David Chapman, the guy who killed John Lennon in the movie Chapter 27, you saw it. I haven't seen episode 27 either, but damn, if he didn't gain some weight, he did. His diet consists mainly of frequent indulgences by the entire family. KFC-sized meals, as well as a pie on top of a pie, microwaved and drizzled with chocolate and caramel sauce, yes please, that's crazy, or enjoy large, whole Domino's pizzas frequently, as well like whole pints of ice cream microwaved and mixed with olive oil and soy sauce.
Yes, I melted the ice cream for all of us, but the soy sauce. I don't know why he added the soy sauce, but the olive oil makes sense because you're just trying to get it, you're trying to fill it with calories, I bet. That would be nice, but Jared Leto, he's, you know, it's all in, that jacket, yeah, mm-hmm, I don't know what it is, what it's about, it's in the microwave, his vest and his fedora look like a guy that's like. a magician at 16 like he goes to high school with you and then all of a sudden he's a magician, you don't have to wear a vest, a nice fedora to be a magician, it doesn't make you more magical, but if you wear one, we know you're a wizard, right, that's a dead giveaway of marrying one.
I'm already gone, I'd be interested in the soy sauce session. I'm losing, so you're forcing me to change unless you want to. change not the olive oil I feel like I've actually read it I can't my only chance to even tie is that it changed my answer to a cake on a cake oh and we have the closest one well I'm like waiting because we have ice cream, let's eat it with a fork, oh look, I love ice cream of this consistency, but I don't know, I'm sorry, the damage has already been done, Tess, I can smell the soy sauce, that's what scares me, how would you do that? figure it out, Jared, do it thank you, thank you, no, Jared, that's too salty.
I like it. I mean, I don't know if I would do it exclusively. Let me see how it goes with the pizza. Your lord, maybe just a dash of soy sauce. Yes, look at it without looking, maybe a script would be nice, but yes, I need to start gaining weight together. Hmm, I'm gaining weight for fall. You can start right now. Oh, I also think I just won. congratulations, right, you won the Oscar, where is it? Oh, congratulations, right, you won the Oscar. Rimmer, it's just an Oscar Mayer sausage, you guys didn't even heat it up, give me a cold lip.
Weiner overcomes the speech. I'd like to thank Jared Leto or Leto whichever you prefer Leno I'll see you Friday night buddy I bring the pizza you bring the olive oil thanks for liking, commenting and subscribing do you know what time it is Hi I'm Jen let's run the Star Wars 10k, there's Star Theater and it's It's time to spin the wheel of mythology, may the force be with you Jen, click for link, drink a smoothie made with all the diet foods we just looked at opening the mail widget and you will see that the mythology wheel will land in a mythical place.
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