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Extra Cheese, Please!: The Reckoning - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

May 24, 2020
from the old man, no, that's it, you told me that Tony's joke earlier, yes, it was Tony. He would give people the option here you go. I have this hypothetical panzerotti for you, which is like a calzone or a Maserati and then if you say Maserati because you would want a car, he would say no, a Maserati doesn't have


, so why would he? you shoot it was on the road trip and we kept making up sillier rhymes where it was like macaroni or a guy named Tony that's awesome okay a stricter attempt says that my girlfriend thinks she can have anything for breakfast and that the term Breakfast food itself is absurd.
extra cheese please the reckoning   the gus eddy podcast
I'm not actively against her on this, but I would love some good input from Gus and Eddie. I agree it's a tiered question, you really can, you really can have whatever you want, there are things you should avoid any greasy foods that are super like leftover pizza that you put in the microwave. It should not be eaten at 9:00 a.m. m., but I agree that that was probably one of the most common unconventional breakfast foods because it's like we had leftover Pete's. for breakfast you can just, yeah, that's what once you're an adult you can eat whatever you want, whatever you want.
extra cheese please the reckoning   the gus eddy podcast

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extra cheese please the reckoning the gus eddy podcast...

I agree with that, but also with the term breakfast food. I feel like, oh, there is absolutely food for breakfast, yeah, where is who decided all the things? Those were breakfast foods, I don't know and when they became tradition and they are all from the same part of the world. Are we following European or Scandinavian customs? Not because no one ate oatmeal at 10:00 p.m. It was like I can't do this anymore, yeah, whatever we have, I have eggs number one, I think eggs, cereal, cereal, what are we including as individual because then I guess bacon or is there a certain amount of meats?
extra cheese please the reckoning   the gus eddy podcast
Yes, but it is prepared like this. it's like sausage and bacon or let's put those sausages and bacon in, okay, exhale sausage, bacon, then we have the wheat type like the waffle and pancake family, you have the breakfast carbs which includes toast, yeah, French toast too, yeah , toast, so yes, but french french for viewers at home to clarify explain to the viewers what french toast and then which would be the last one as main.fruit, but fruit can go at any part of the day, that's true, no it's a breakfast food and the thing is if you add it like the general statement is cereal, because I think there's a big distinction between oats and malt-flour and then I just eat cold cereal even though they're both sort of the same, so I would add oatmeal too, okay, an


hot cereal, yeah, okay, so there's five big hot cereal, cold cereal possibly the same, so maybe there's just four eggs, sausage with bacon and the Explore Carbs yeah right yeah carb stuff that's it and if you eat anything else it dies that's in the orange juice it's also a breakfast drink yeah there's a lot of breakfast drinks we could have , but the biggest guy is a juice and coffee, you know, coffees all day.
extra cheese please the reckoning   the gus eddy podcast
Yes, I wish I could drink coffee again. I can not do it. Have you tried it? Post it for her. Yes friend. I tried it about a week ago and just had an iced coffee in the morning. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. Damn, I don't know why I'm not even acting right now. I think I told you that Malini said the same thing, so it's like yeah, I guess it's very normal with stand-up. I guess everyone dies. here's a big boy just for just for you eddie on soar 9000 says this is a plot for the boys it's home alone a christmas movie absolutely what you hear okay, go ahead, that's it, that was it, yes, absolutely, yes, I completely am.
I would say that Home Alone is one of the most Christmassy movies ever made. The house is wallpaper and the floors are Christmas colors. The house is decorated for Christmas. Yes, you did it? We look only at home in the hut. when I went, no, I haven't seen it alone at home in probably over 12 years, really, yeah, I would offer to watch it with you during the next thing, but I already have plans to watch it with my mom and Tony on Saturday. Actually, it's great to know. where your lawyer AZ home alone one especially it's like a good movie that's what I heard and I remember I saw it once when I was much younger and it was like Danlos allmovie yeah it's great I love something about good I think which is also something about especially being home alone because it's not in the suburbs of Chicago, but not near me, it's definitely further north than northwest, yeah I haven't been there yet, but it's like a 30 minute drive from my house. home alone at home, yeah, and that's a radio, so in my childhood home, I mean, yeah, yeah, so you can go to it and people do it all the time, but I don't want to be bothered Yes, the owners, but everyone goes to her.
I'm probably going to do that this year, but yeah, it's especially like the homeland was definitely way before us, you know, my coquí coquí coquí coquí Macaulay Culkin is older than us too, but it was still like my childhood was just some years. before in the same area and then it's like Christmas buddy, but they're too rich, so there was the ideal, there you go, hey, open call right now Macaulay Culkin, come to our


, just come home questions because I don't want to Se strange, yes, like him, to have it. I'll ask you about your artistic things.
I know you spend a lot of time abroad like you have a


. I think 20 ears will go to the rabbit ears. Z's Trey Cooley's Halle Culkin, everyone bullies, okay? I'll be nice to him, okay, but tell him we said this nicely here, shake his hand McCauley, yeah, oh, here, let's look in your camera, wait, okay, I'm going to be Macaulay, okay, wait, okay, are you ready, okay, oh wait, that's it. oh, that's right, okay, there's just a visual part, you audio listeners, okay, hey, Macaulay Culkin, would you like to come on our podcast and we'll continue yours?
Wow, you have such strong, calloused hands. Thank you for making this deal with us. Think of him to do it. that figure to do that having McCallister himself, yeah, that's all I have to say on the matter, but who's asking home, man, it's a Christmas movie like a loser, it's got a Christmas soundtrack, it's during crunchy, It's like it's not like the given. tough argument, yeah, you're not a loser, you just didn't know, I don't know either, okay, yeah, but that's just for me, I guess it's yours, yeah, well, take one of those, take one of them, yeah, okay, what do you have?
You're doing well down there, what did you reach for the stars, let's reach for the sky, let's reach for the sky, is there a snake in my cabin?

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