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The Great Pizza Roll Experiment - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

Jun 03, 2021
important discussion about we're going to be a Couple of days late until now, yeah, we need to have it about this guy in the reclining seat, oh yeah, so if you don't know Tony, put him on the screen right now, there they were. I think the person shouldn't have shown it as a debate for Yes, but it's like this woman's head is tilting her seat back. The guy didn't like it, so he punched her hard on the seat, but then she was filming too. It happened, but it doesn't hurt me here who is right. This guy is in the wrong for hitting a seat and being a little kid.
the great pizza roll experiment   the gus eddy podcast
I don't recline my seat on flights. I don't, unless I've actually never done it once. Maybe it would be okay to do it if maybe there was a kid behind me. and I know there's a lot of room, but the number of times we're bigger guys are you guys for the memes, but actually, sometimes I get really uncomfortable in a seat on a flight and then someone reclines and it's even worse, you know. , yes, I am often NOT a lien sponsor. I'm not saying I've never done it in the past. I probably don't believe it. I think I remember one time when I tried to sleep and there were red eyes and it was the middle of the night.
the great pizza roll experiment   the gus eddy podcast

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the great pizza roll experiment the gus eddy podcast...

I don't know if anyone was behind me. I could have done it once. There are exceptions, although yes, do you really need to sleep? Lie down. Do you have back problems? Lie down. you're a bigger person who needs more space, lie down, that's fine, but it's like, in general, if none of that applies, don't lie down, don't lean back, just sit, it's always your default not to lean forward. back and you would say they put it on the seat so you could, they shouldn't have done that, I really don't think they should have added it, they should never have added it to recline two seats, yeah, and just looking with the screens in the back, put the screen.
the great pizza roll experiment   the gus eddy podcast
It's like I'm now watching my movie at an angle, also what I usually do and I'm sure most people do. It's like I'm playing a game on my phone or implants, which I'm kind of inclined to do. I can't tell you how many times I've been like this and some lean back and yes, right into my face. I hate you, yes, but again in that video, dad is a guy who is a baby. I don't know what either. else happened, that's what it doesn't matter what it shouldn't have been a reaction, yeah, because then you have to realize at one point like if you were hitting snow on the back of someone's seat, it's like I would assume, let's say, if there would be a version. of the story they were giving him the most benefit now that we could yeah maybe he asked her politely she was rude lay down anyway and then he was still a little baby yeah but if someone politely asked you like hey , do you mind?
the great pizza roll experiment   the gus eddy podcast
You don't sit back, unless you have a really good excuse, you should say yes, exactly, I paid for this seat and so did he, I don't know, I don't like either of them um yeah, but I, but she's also filming it, but also someone is hitting it to see, you're going to film it a little bit, that's true, yeah, I just, I didn't look and it was. immediately like something had to have led to she had to have done something in this situation, yes, because I don't default to it anymore, but I hate them both and he is the worst at this, well, yes, absolutely anyway, and then I think it was the Delta CEO said that in general you shouldn't back up your seat, it's fine if the CEO says it and he totally agrees, by the way, why stop putting that on airplanes?
Yes, because I also suppose that some people might need it if they want to. with pain, I could, I am completely ignorant about this. I don't know what the default is for someone who might really need it because there's a comfort aspect for bigger people or just like they could certainly make it more comfortable for people, but who? really need it completely, that's what I don't know, I don't know, please let me know in the comments below. In fact, I want to know. I always said something really stupid. I thought our movie theater seats don't recline. what everyone does now, isn't it so strange how that came out of nowhere, yeah, where it was like, oh, a theater you know, in front of the reclining seats and now it's like it's everywhere you don't I'm going, haven't I been? to a movie theater with regular seating, except the old IMAX theaters in similar years, except when we were in Mill, nowhere, Wisconsin, when we saw a spider verse, yeah, and the audio was loud the whole time, yeah, I had a bit of luck on that.
I made you a walkie, okay, oh, I just closed it and didn't see who your act is. I'm so sorry but this person just says how to eat your sunflower seeds one at a time make your crack blah blah blah it's a mix of things I feel like it's not the sunflower seeds oh yeah I always get I put a bunch in my mouth and then, one by one, I move them to the other side of my mouth, it's like you're on the right cheek. I'll move the left one towards the left cheek. I'll open it.
I will eject the shell perfectly most of the time. The shell doesn't even split completely in half. Just open it. I lick it with. me and my little tongue spit out that projectile, we have a little conveyor belt for sunflower seeds, like in the factory farming of those babies, and then once you have the mouth of a little old man with a scrotum on one side, you move it to the another, by the way, whoever sent. those dakota style seeds earlier, thanks, I've been really enjoying them, are they unique to Wisconsin? I don't know, I made it at least in West, Dakota style seeds, baby Dakota style food chips, sunflower seeds.
I looked it up like it was interesting enough to find an answer but it's not but it's in I don't know okay we thought South Dakota yeah so where do they sell? So, because you've had it in Wisconsin. I've had it in Wisconsin. No. buy enough sunflower seeds to know if they're in Chicago or not I don't know I'm sorry chicagee chicagee is there some dumb Chicago slang that you hate I hated okay this one's real I've always hated the shy city I just know why i hated shy town it's because the people who formed shy town are cool people in the city, yeah, the people who say chai town are white kids from the suburbs, yeah, so it's like enough is enough, it's Chicago for you.
We are from the suburbs, you can't give the city a nickname, yes, white kids also call it chiraq, there is a very important reason why that name exists, what did I know? It's because of all the disputes between gangs, yeah, it's because It's, uh, I think it started because the murder rate increased above the soldiers who died in Iraq. Oh my gosh, yeah, it's serious, the problem in Chicago is very serious, yeah, and it's what the suburban white kids would call it too, it's like, hey, yeah we. You're just joking around with friends, maybe you say it like you're faking it, but don't say it publicly, don't be like they're going to chiraq, this is like, please don't do that, that's crazy, yeah dude, a thing I hate. from the Midwest is, I don't remember saying this before, there's your bingo tip, often, especially in smaller cities like the Midwest and stuff among middle-aged and older people, it's a very common thing because there are a lot of Scandinavians that slide. in that kind of stuff like oh yeah, don't you know that kind of stuff as a direct replacement for actual jokes and material?
I know you talked about that, yeah, and I hated it. Yes, it sounds sillier because you know what it is. setting something on fire and talking we're saying he's doing it, I'm going to do it, yeah we're gonna do it, and the thing is it's funny to these people every time, yeah, ticket, you might not know, to give you An example. It'll be like I'm a fifty-year-old dad and I'm talking to the other fifty-year-old dad at a softball banquet. Okay, it's like, hey, what did you do this weekend? Oh, you know, I went with him. wife and we, oh, you know, we had to go sign up there, you know, and do the shopping.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, where they laugh and say, oh yeah, we're talking about the wife like we do and what's going on. I think there's tons of


Midwestern humor, the


est Midwestern comedian of all time, Charlie Barrens, and he uses it very well and it's specifically placed, but I'm just saying these middle-aged people just talk to each other and all their conversation. It will subsist on itself, oh yeah, that's funny because I go, don't you know? Hmm, a good call. I don't understand this and you punch him in the face. I would do that. I start hitting him, yeah.
I'm about to give up, the Navy owes you that you did very well by going to Denmark. I'll turn you into a skid mark Denmark, there's no way you can stop it, wasn't that okay? I was doing this for really. Feel better, you're sweet as hell in exams, you're really really new, stop Francis there. I think we left it, we're done. Leave it now, he stops talking, so guys, thanks French Alps.

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