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Exploring ESCOBAR'S Drug Plane (What's Inside?)

Jun 29, 2024
good. Light blue, paradise. - Completely transparent. - Yes. (Mike speaking in foreign language) The fish are attacking. My God, brother. Alright, I guess we'll stay fully clothed. She had mosquitoes attached. I didn't think the fish were hungry too. Oh, they bite. - Hurrah. We told you. - Nothing bites you here? Do fish and mosquitoes bite you at the same time? Yes. We're still going to try. Ready? (upbeat music) (laughter) It smells like sulfur. (upbeat music) - What are we doing? This adventure is crazy. At least we get sweet relief from the mosquitoes. Mosquitoes bite. The fish bite.
exploring escobar s drug plane what s inside
Although I'm happy the crocodile doesn't bite. (laughs) - I mean at least. - At least. - At least. - Something that doesn't bite. Oh sweet relief. Besides a refreshing swim, the reason we are here is to replenish our water. You have to drink a lot here today and it is the only source of fresh water. It's fresh? (laughs) We'll find out the hard way. Thank God for this freshwater pool, it allows us to travel light and fill our bottles along the way. And without it, we would have to carry water back and forth. And that would be almost impossible.
exploring escobar s drug plane what s inside

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exploring escobar s drug plane what s inside...

Look. Just there. I have never seen so many insects in my life. We have some mosquito coils. Are they going to work? - Well, we have to combine them with a double mosquito net. - Double mosquito net with mosquito net closure on the fire pit. José. (speaking in foreign language) (Mike and José conversing in foreign language) You look so welcoming. And it itches me a lot. (excited music) Here we go. Oh, is that a wasp nest? Yes. I'm not surprised. Oh no dude, I think I... Fuck. I don't know if you saw it on camera, but that motherfucker stings you and it's terrible.
exploring escobar s drug plane what s inside
Should he try to figure one out? - No no no. - No? - No no. Leave them alone. - Very well, then we will take a little tranquilizer. Arturo told stories about those wasps and José too. What did one bite you? - I fainted. - You fainted? - Yes. - And José was stung by one and vomited. - It's really bad. Those are like the worst. - Large orange wasps. Live in luxury, man. - Yes, we really needed this. It's not for Instagram photos. - Very good, we still have one last step left for our double shelter.
exploring escobar s drug plane what s inside
Okay, so you know there's a mosquito net over the hammock, right? There is. And that's good for keeping the mosquitoes off the top. But there's more to worry about here than mosquitoes. That is, there is an insect called vinchuca that can bite the bottom, the nylon bottom of these hammocks. It has a large sucking mouth and can puncture and cause a disease called Chagas disease. They're like big beetles like this. Bright red. It's not fun. So we have to weigh all the corners here so that we don't get puncture wounds from the bottom when we try to sleep.
Know? I finally start to rest. And a storm is coming. The sky has darkened. (rumbling thunder) I can't catch a break here. Can? - No brother. - Now we're just trying to fix things so we don't get soaked. Let me show you


I'm doing. Okay, so these mosquito nets, we put these little trees on the sides. One here made a tie with a simple rope. Basically, this is simple plastic. So


I'm doing is I'm taking sticks and I'm just wrapping them in there like this and making a little ball. You can twist it and then take a piece of rope like this and tie it around it.
Basically, you make like a buttonhole that you would have on a normal tarp. And then I'll find four places to tie them. Yes something like that. We will introduce a stick. Is that? Just wind. Shit. We're on the clock now, guys. Make a little notch like this, like this. Then we have something to chew on. There, that will slide in there. Oh, I felt the first drops. Check it out. Nature provides. Oh, life is a struggle out here. Here it comes. That's fine though. I managed to fix our shelter in time. The complete experience, brother. Every challenge.
I understand you. Here only four pieces. Is that all you have? Shit. Relaxing is not allowed. A little break, it starts to rain. At least the water is free. It's probably cleaner than the water well. Man, I still get bitten by mosquitoes. That's the best water we've had on the entire trip. I have always drunk a liter and a half of water. - Me too. - My liter and a half bottle is full. This will also be full. I'll say I have about four or five liters for tomorrow or something like that. - At least we don't have to swim with the crocodile to get water. (incomprehensible) some free water. - That's true.
A silver lining, bro. Fortunately, the storm passes quickly and we were able to save enough dry wood to make a fire. That means dinner time. Do you remember these? We had 12 eggs during the four days we were here. And it's hard to waste food if we don't have much. So let's do them. They are full of swamp water and swamp water has all kinds of parasites and bugs. So we are going to cook them with sausage, with olive sausage. I have it vacuum sealed now that I open it. Pork mixed with local spices. - And do you think they will make this taste good? - We'll see. (Mike and José talking in a foreign language) - If something comes our way, we are ready.
Dinner time. High protein, high fat. Today we burn a lottery ticket's worth of calories. So I'm happy with our soaked egg. - With chorizo. - Local sausages. José, do you have it there? Where did you get that? - It's an emergency. - It's an emergency. In Mexico there is always spicy. With a full stomach and a lot of water, the night passes uncomfortably. Before continuing, if you are interested in traveling with me, you can do so. What happened? We used to have rites of passage and now I feel like we're all lost. That's exactly what this week is about. (people shouting) - I recommend this for people who don't dare to follow their passion. - Three, two, one! - It's been crazy.
I've cried a lot, I've laughed a lot, and I've done a lot of uncomfortable things. - This week has been great for me. (excited music) - Fight Club. Three, two, one, fight. (excited music) How are you going to defend yourself if you're afraid to defend yourself? (people screaming) (excited music) We are here to find our way, to learn to live a bold and adventurous life. And I promise you that after this week you will know exactly where to look. (rock music) Fear is the way and discomfort should be your friend. And fear is not your enemy.
Tribal Rites is an adventure retreat. If you are interested in getting unstuck and claiming the bold and adventurous life you deserve, check out the link below. Now, let's continue. I had a rough night last night. The mosquitoes bit my feet all night. I didn't know what was happening for most of the night. My feet would just wake up and be on fire. It's two nights in a row with hardly any sleep. And the mosquitoes bite through both mosquito nets, both mosquito nets like this one. It's a system. Little bastards. Alright. The deal is to go back, walk three, four hours.
And then there is another petén like this one that is near the


. And we're going to stay there until the sun cools down a little because the


is in a field and it's made of aluminum and it's an oven once it gets hot. So I have to pack my bags and walk. (yawns) I'm exhausted though. Day two. This is the jungle. Marvelous. The sweet air of nature, the gentle breeze of the jungle and the sounds of the monkeys. The only thing I hear are mosquito sounds. My feet have been wet for almost 36 hours.
Hey, calm down, guys. What is the problem? Haven't seen people in a while? This tree is important. Arturo, you know what you're doing. - That's why it is called a Chechen tree. And the characteristic of this is that it produces a resin. It doesn't look so good here, but at the roots you can clearly see these dark spots. It is the resin of a compound called Urushiol, which is very irritating and can cause second or third degree burns if it comes into contact with the skin. And you also get a fever and... - Your face swells. - Yes Yes. - Yes Yes. - Then you should avoid touching that.
And especially for people who have sensitive skin, it can be really bad. I have a friend who almost lost a hand from having this resin on his hand. - Even trees can bite you. - Very famous in Yucatán, Chechen. - Very good, you first enter the maze. And don't touch the trees. - Watch this. (Mike speaking in foreign language) I can't. - It absorbs you. Like this time for real. - This is tiring. The fact that you have to work to push your foot off and then work to get it back up. Vicious, man. (laughs) Experience over possessions, right?
This is what they say type two fun is. Maybe you've heard of him. Type two fun is in the moment, it's not fun at all. Oh, stabbing. And then you're like, "Hey, that was good." Wrong way, right? Not here? Our guide is gone, again. - There the level was too high. So I think he just... - He went around? Out here, we don't stand a chance without him. I mean, I think you can see footprints. Eh, it's hard to tell. -No.-Didn't he go here? - Not well. And he's definitely way ahead of us. - Definitely. (Mike whistling) - Oh, I see a footprint here, this is yours. - It's mine. -Yes.
Plus, the guy is so light that he doesn't really leave much for footprints. I sink to my knees. I mean, someone passed by here at some point. - Do you see some steps? - Yes. None that is really new. No, that must be it. Oh man. Getting lost would be a very bad thing. (mysterious music) Yes, although I would bet on it. - Although it seems like it. There is no other way. - Yeah. Oh, there's a new one here. - Yeah? - Although it is not very deep. Maybe only half an inch deep. Let's get there.
Maybe we have three more hours of this. It's good to take a break when we can. There's no place to sit, man. - Yes. - It's spring water. The water may appear dirty. It's brown, right? But it's not as dirty as you think. Don't drink it for the love of God. But what happens here is that in many places in the world, when a lot of leaves fall into the water, the water turns brown like the leaves. It basically becomes a leaf tea. There are tannins in these leaves that turn the water brown. So it's not as dirty as it seems.
Also, a side note about mangroves. We talked about how thick they are. But look at this shit. What other tree grows like this? How many branches come from one place? One two three FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN. Seven branches From there. It's basically a knotted web. It's actually quite incredible. I just... We're having a fight. They used to be one of my favorite ecosystems. Now they are the ones I like the least. Do you hear that? I hate you. Please be kind, oh my god. We still have a long way to go. We discovered that José most likely has dengue, also called bone-breaking fever.
A horrible disease that can leave you disabled. He has been running forward to rest. What a legend. But tonight, (speaking in a foreign language) (Joseph speaking in a foreign language) (Mike speaking in a foreign language). We are close. (Joseph speaking in foreign language) Oh, that's good news. We have seen the red mangrove when we first arrived. We have been walking through the dwarf mangroves most of today and yesterday. And then, in these peténes, we have white mangroves, ancient trees. Dry. Narrowly. We arrived at our second camp and set up a hammock to wait. It's the simple things that really make you happy.
Here I am, sucking a melted chocolate bar out of a wrapper in my semi-bug-proof house, waiting for the sun to cool off enough so we can make the final push to the plane. I think only half a kilometer from this Petén. This is good though. Luxury living. That's where I live. An old melted chocolate bar wouldn't be on the menu. No civilization. Now it is like the nectar of God. Once you build your little castle, you finally take off all your clothes. It's not easy to order all this insect protection under the sun, but it is necessary.
Oh, the pants are also falling off because they've been wet for two days. But inside your little silk palace, you are safe. We'll relax and then do it in the late afternoon. This is the plan. Oh, plan for now. Nap nap city. Until then. I have good news. Finally. This clearing has to be the meadow where the plane crashed. Yes, that means we are close. It's a big problem though. This is razor. Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be? Shit. Oh man. We're so fucking close, man. Just when we thought we were here, I guess it's the hardest one.
This weed is horrible. You might think I'm being dramatic with this razor thing, but let me show you a little more. OMG, these mosquitoes are crazy. So a characteristic of grass is that it has silica on the edges. And this grass has a very jagged edge here. Glass silica edges. And I think we're going to have to cut about 50 meters. And the last attempt to get to the plane. Oh, I can't stop moving. I can't stop moving. Come on. Damn time passes. Let's find this damn plane. The sun is setting. And guess where we'll sleep tonight?
Perhaps the coolest place and also the most inaccessible. You'll see it in a second. Oh huh. That's all! We found it! Arthur. Oh Lord. So many bites and stings. (Mike growling) Pablo Escobar's plane that crashed into cocaine trafficking. The craziest adventure of my life. That's adifficult path In fact, the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. And here we are, in the middle of nowhere, on top of this plane. It feels like a mountain peak even though our elevation gain was probably only about five meters. Very happy to have achieved it. And the perfect moment too.
The sun is just setting. Yeah! (uplifting music) Douglas DC3. It's still in pretty good shape though. I assume it was stolen on the black market. Well, then it was stolen. Sold on the black market. It's a World War II bomber or something. It appears that the pilot's seat is still intact. That is incredible. We'll check that in a second. But look at this. The pilot must have made a forced landing, right? And if you're crashing, you don't want to land on that. You've already seen that. You want to land on the grass. Little did they know that the grass probably isn't much better.
Let's go in. Ah. Arturo's bag, you guys are just chilling. Oh shit. Wow. Some damage from when it crashed, right? - Yes. - It's basically empty. - For a long time. - Right here, bullet holes. Incredible. - They went to the end. Look. - Do you think maybe it was shot down? - From one side to the other, see? - Yes, I see many. I mean, you'd expect to see seats on a plane like this, right? But no, it was for cargo. At some point he would have filled up on cocaine. Other


s perhaps. (Arturo speaks indistinctly) Those are the barrels of cocaine.
And one of the wheels. All rusty now. Okay, that's not a bridge. It's even grass going through the back. Barefoot may not be the best, but I have my tetanus shot. Listen, my happy places require a tetanus shot. Oxygen regulator on demand of the diluent. Hydraulic system accumulator. It's always like looking for clues in these abandoned places. Steering wheel. The pedals are locked. The window still works. And the switches. Compass light, electrical panel light, navigation systems. Wow man. I love these things. But imagine what it would have been like. Maybe they were shot down. Maybe there was some other problem.
I mean, this is an old plane bought on the black market, right? It would have been pretty hellish. And then I think you would have been very glad to have survived. If they survived. And then quite stressed about knowing how to get out of these mangroves. It's 12 kilometers, as you know. And there is a secret passage that our man Joseph knows about, but I can't imagine that any human being could pass through here. Especially one who is not used to this environment. He doesn't know the dangers, the risk. Poorly equipped, without mosquito repellent, without machete, without knowing where to go.
It would be hell on earth. You could shoot all the stinging insects alive. Cut the pieces next to the grass and mangroves and you will be shipwrecked. You would die. I guess what happened is that they crashed. This plane looks in very good condition and did not die. And they tried to return and died in the forest. Or maybe they were rescued in a helicopter, right? - Yes. - Because of a cartel. - Yes. - And there is no burden on this now. The shipment mysteriously disappeared. No one knows where all the snow went, but it's no longer on the plane.
But the mysteries are unsolved. Word spread that there was a rumor of hunters coming here, that there was a plane. Nobody really knew the story, but there was only a couple of years behind us when someone really found the way, made the way, made the way through the impenetrable fortress. Impenetrable fortress of mangroves. Oh well, see the guys in the back? They are lying down. It's a good place to lie down because this is actually our campsite. If you've been watching Fearless and Fearless & Far for a while, you know I'm on the hunt for the world's most epic camp.
We sleep in castles, we have slept next to waterfalls. We have slept everywhere, but not in an abandoned


plane in the middle of the mangroves. Maybe we'll put it at the top of the list if we survive the mosquitoes, but so far we have. Maybe there are narco-ghosts. (Arturo laughing) Only time will tell. (excited music) Alright, well, I'll put you on the tripod. So I have a reason why I brought the tripod here. And we'll set up camp. Please turn on, please turn on. Yes Yes. - Are you OK? Take two. (excited music) - We can't hear on camera.
There are 1 million mosquitoes outside. Arturo thought he saw a piece of wood next to the wing. So now we make our way through the window to try to get to the wing. - Yes all ok. -To look for firewood. Good? - Yes, good. Shitty man. Look at that, yeah. Look at the wing. - Yes. So the fuel goes in these wings, right? - Yes. - So that's where the fuel would have been. Fulfilled firewood. Base of operations fulfilled. Moon in the sky. The best nightlife we ​​need. Night life, night light. There is no nightlife here until we arrive.
Now let's do some. (country music) Oh, (incomprehensible). I got some surprises. (country music) - Oh. (laughs) - Tequila and a flask of the Fearless & Far brand. - Excellent. - Not available at the moment. If you want one, leave it in the comments. Thanks to my friend Ian for making these for my group tour. (Mike speaks indistinctly) And some cigarillos. Because you know how we do it. Honestly, I wish this was just cold beer. - Cold, man, that would be cool right now. - I was excited when I said that. There is a quote I read that says, "A man is like a bicycle.
He has to have forward momentum or else he will fall." And I find that many times in my own life, if I don't have a goal, something to strive for, an expedition, I start to wander. I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed or something. But by having a dedicated purpose, all the nonsense just disappears. And before this, I was a little stressed about making videos. And I have a TV show and a podcast and all that stuff, right? And we all have a life that always knocks at our door. But when you leave here there is no reception and the goal is to walk to the plane.
And every day is more difficult than the last, right? And your mind just goes empty. And especially here, when all the damn roots are trying to knock you down and you have to dig every foot out of the mud, you have to concentrate on every step. It's like a strength meditation. - Yes Yes. You can't get distracted or something will stab you. - And then you come home and appreciate everything much more. And really, gratitude is the antidote to virtually any poison in your life. You can feel gratitude towards life, man. Because everyone, no matter how bad your life is, we all have something to be grateful for. - Yes all.
Especially us, right? Especially the people who watch this video, right? - So yes, remember, gratitude is the best attitude. - I like that. That will be my next tattoo. (Arturo laughing) Greetings. Greeting. - Greeting. (Mike speaking in foreign language) - So you'll even see, even this forest here. (soft music) - Good morning. - Good morning brother. - How did you sleep? (Arturo laughs) For me it wasn't good at first. And then great until now, 7:00 a.m. And it's hot in here, man. - Yes. - And the sun, you can see that it's like going through the... - It's an oven. - Starts to heat up quickly.
Mosquitoes hate the sun. I love it. Let's pack our bags and get out of here. Oh shit, man. Oh, these cuts are surely getting infected. Yes. Yes. We still have two more days of walking through the mud. I have the shirt to take care of that tonight. Oh. (uplifting music) Oh, sweet. Lord Jesus above. I hear a ship. Is it ours? Is it ours? Yes it is. I think I lost five pounds. The mosquitoes took five and a half kilos of those kilos off me. - Thank you. - If you are masochistic enough and want to come do this, contact my man, Arturo. (laughs) Or hell, if you want to come, you can attend everything and have any kind of amazing adventure.
Arturo is your boy. It's tagged in the description. I'm Mike Corey, host of the most adventurous channel on YouTube. - TRUE. - I hope you had fun with this one. I'll see you on the next adventure. Peace.

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