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Evolve 2018: AR, VR, & the Future of Work

May 30, 2021
Hello, thank you very much for inviting me here. As just mentioned, I am a futuristic and immersive technologist. I


mainly in augmented and virtual reality. I have two main drivers, one I want to democratize knowledge and information and the other I want to separate. This brain-body binary that we inherited from our Greco-Roman ancestors and returns us to our bodies, what do I mean by democratizing knowledge and information? I grew up in a small town in West Texas, four hours from the nearest airport or shopping center. It is literally classified as a border and today has no traffic light.
evolve 2018 ar vr the future of work
I consult with Fortune 500 companies around the world to help them bring the


of immersive computing to their business units. I am a VR AR faculty member at a think tank in Silicon Valley. SingularityUniversity. I have been an executive in San Francisco bringing new VR and AR design paradigms to market and have helped lead the transformation of Design Thinking globally for IBM. I know how difficult that journey was and I believe our world will be a much better place if we can democratize access for more people, so I'm doing my part to democratize information and knowledge, shatter the brain-body binary. what do I want to say with that?
evolve 2018 ar vr the future of work

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evolve 2018 ar vr the future of work...

I was a dancer and choreographer for a decade before I got into my crazy tech life, I think. deeply by putting people in their bodies. I think we learn best when we are in our bodies. I believe we can collaborate more effectively when we have incorporated interactive ways of sharing information and knowledge, which is why I


on this technology because I believe it is what will make this possible at scale, but enough about me. I want to know about you, real quick, raise your hand if you work in healthcare, anything that touches healthcare, where is your hand if you work in manufacturing? raise your hand if you do anything with the military raise your hand if you work in entertainment or sports in any way raise your hand if you are providing software support for any company in any of these domains, okay, all these fields will be corrupted by this technology Has anyone tried it? virtual reality, who has tried it, raise your hand.
evolve 2018 ar vr the future of work
Well, I would say about half of us who have tried augmented reality, maybe holographic lenses, a little less, maybe a third to a quarter of those who have tried it. I want you to vote if you loved it. raise the roof if you hated it your hands stay down if you weren't too sure it's here ready in three one two three vote okay so we have some believers we have some people who aren't so sure you have good reasons for not being so sure why what's expensive, the technology is still getting small enough to be portable and useful, you look like a bit of an idiot when you wear those things on your face, there are many reasons why we haven't seen mass consumer adoption yet , but we are going to discuss what that


will look like, so if you have questions, you can email me on my Twitter account at any time.
evolve 2018 ar vr the future of work
I will contact you. I promise you, I want us to talk about why this technology is common. cited as one of the top 10 trends in every analyst report Gartner Forrester IDC Deloitte I want us to talk about why all the leading technology companies are competing for technological leadership in this domain Google Facebook Intel Microsoft Adobe what is this about what What makes this technology so potentially disruptive? potentially valuable and why you should care about implementing this technology what kind of problems it will help you solve I want us to start with the human side. In this talk, I'll walk you through the why, how, and what we're going to tackle.
At the end, we'll look at essential use cases, but first we'll talk about why this is important to people, what problems we can solve, because this technology will be the immersive technology platform of our future, it will be the connective tissue of AI robotics. All of these other technologies you need to bring into your businesses, so the first big value-add is the ability to leverage attention with augmented virtual reality. We live in a world where we swim in a sea of ​​hyperconnected data and know that power is related to your ability to access the deployment model and digest this information.
So how do we navigate this hyper-connected ocean of data in the best way possible? Here's a brief history of how we've ingested information so far, so it starts here in You left the savanna of our ancestors, everything is deeply physical and spacious, then we moved to our grandparents' storefront, a more compact yet physical time, now we we moved to today's GUI where every physical object can be abstracted, demonetized, democratized, digitized and put on our phone's alarm. clock is on our phone calendar is on our phone do you remember when these were concrete objects I know so, what happens when we do this as information density increases, multitasking increases, new interaction paradigms must be learned, which of course increases the cognitive load, what does this mean? for your everyday experience, information overload, right, yeah, I see heads nodding, okay, so how do you handle that?
What is scarce in a world where information is rich, Nobel Prize-winning American economist, sociologist and computer scientist Herbert Simon predicted that a wealth of information creates poverty. of attention what all of you are so generously giving me right now is your most important resource it is also the most important resource of your business because it is your talent it is your ability to have impact if you do nothing else if you do not take anything else away from this talk Please recognize that your attention is your scarcest and most valuable resource, use it wisely, in a time when we have abstracted away much of life and have been inundated with information, wouldn't it be nice if we had adequate technology to create a meaning? of physical presence and total immersive attention, we will see examples of that.
The second big impact of this technology is that it revolutionizes the way we train and learn. Have you ever noticed that the half-life of skills seems to be decreasing in this future? of work, we are educational systems, we are actually having a hard time adapting to the current work ecosystem and even training your employees in new technologies quickly enough can be a challenge, cognitive psychologists are now catching up with what dancers They have always known what cognitive ecology is. defined through and by the body knowledge exists in the mind, the body, the systems of the world, what does that mean?
It means that we use our bodies and our physical environment to download information and storage. If anyone has ever crossed their fingers to remember something, maybe to remember two things. Using your body to download stored cognition is also inactive, meaning that thinking is shaped by our interactions, not just the way we inhabit our bodies - for example, if any of you were holding a hot cup right now like this one, he probably wasn't holding a hot cup. cup you are more likely to be friendly if you hold a hot cup than if you hold a cold cup, that is the impact your body has on the formation of your thoughts. convicts are more likely to be acquitted after lunch when their judge's blood sugar is higher than before lunch, this is real talk about big data and coded biases, we're going to have to start tracking this stuff right, anyway our bodies shape the way we learn the way we think massively, but this Dancers aren't new, they've known it for a long time, that's why we mark when we choreograph, we move through space to literally encode information and education has also been known for a while.
This is the learning cone that Edgar Dale created in the early 1900s. Maria Montessori did something very similar. If you are familiar with body education through Montessori, notice this after two weeks, we tend to remember 10% of what we read and 20% of what we hear, while we remember 90% of what we say and what? How strange that our educational system is based on the first? What if it looked more like this? I have worked with the National Head Start Association to bring augmented reality to early childhood education classrooms for this purpose because it exponentially increases the speed at which young children learn, but it's not just young children.
There have been numerous studies that show that if you interact, you retain 40 to 60 percent more information, you learn faster, and it doesn't work if you just look at reality. For example, you are watching a video. Let's say you put on a virtual reality headset. Columbia University did a study. If you're looking at manipulating a structure and virtual reality, there's not a big difference, but if you're actually using active cognition interacting with it. information and knowledge massive increase in the amount we retain and the speed at which we learn Have any of you ever tried to renovate a house before?
What do you use when you're trying to figure out how to do what you need? What do you use? YouTube says they all do. Lowe's knows this, so they decided to do a study to compare YouTube to virtual reality. They saw a 40% increase in learning as measured by people's ability to remember the steps. They also had an interesting marketing opportunity here. but that's a little misleading. I want us to stay focused on real added value. The third great added value that touches new worlds. You can purchase it. This is the British Museum. I saw this on South.
It is one of my favorites. interactive pieces, it allows you to touch objects that you would never otherwise have the opportunity to touch and understand them contextually in a way that you could never understand them because a bone that you could never touch because it is a rare object can literally turn you into the creature it used to be how so amazing to learn here's the other big thing guys the history of great ideas is not a history of ideas it's a history of representations of ideas what does that mean? It means that each idea is actually created through a form that scales, you sir can have the best idea of ​​anyone for the rest of this conference, if you can't tell them, it doesn't matter, you should be able to share and scale your idea.
William Playfair, the man. who created this is one of my favorite examples. He was writing a book about trade between Britain and other countries and the way the data was represented was columns of numbers. He decided what would happen if I combined the map with columns of numbers and instead of right and left being east and west it would be high numbers and low numbers he gave rise to the data diagram where do we use the data diagram? What's up with all the mathematics and all the engineering revolutionized science because it found a new way to represent information and knowledge and every representation needs a medium to live inside it, like music or printing, which we did with everything: The printing press revolutionized access to information and knowledge.
It's powerful, but the media empowers us and also disempowers us. We are still working with this print-based paradigm today. It seems familiar, there are beautiful things in this, but we are being relegated to understanding the world in a very narrow range. Our body has been equipped by evolution to make sense of information and knowledge in countless ways, we are not taking advantage of most of them, for example, you. You can understand music in many ways. You can understand it through your ears through oral experience. Spatially like an orchestra represented in a symphony. Tactile playing of the piano or guitar.
Visually. The representation of musical notes kinesthetically with your body. All of these ways are ways we understand music. The more of them you combine, the deeper you can understand something, the faster you can understand something. We try to do this now by incorporating design thinking into our companies. You're laughing because you know about this. What if with virtual reality you could place? people into a new experience and show them macular degeneration, for example, or equip entire workforces to be more productive. Cybersecurity is something that is actually quite difficult to train. We just heard a little about this.
You need to have Python scripts and understand log files. forensic analysis, what would happen if it were gamified and turned into a space experiment? This is a real offering produced by a company in Colorado called Protect Wise where cybersecurity specialists can navigate your entire infrastructure like a game, so why is this issue attracting attention? revolutionize learning and touch new worlds, when will this happen? It's a hundred percent billion dollars in kolduny according to Goldman Sachs by 2025. I think it will be bigger than that. Why is the ubiquity and quality of mobile devices essentially driving now?
These experiences virtual reality is the biggest part of the ecosystem now with smartphones as the brain, but this technology is evolving, the cost is going down and the quality of the technology is increasing, solving problems like nausea and cell phones. way they used to be like virtual reality and augmented reality briefcases. in a similar sentence right now, this is why by the way unity is able to raise 400 million in their 207 2017 private equity round, in fact they received three times the amount of term sheets they wanted because this It is the operating system of the future, they are the operating system of the future game engines and if you are not starting to think about this, your industry will not be able to keep up with these new ways of operating.
The Intel form factor here is very nice, it looks exactly like a pair of glasses you put on. You don't feel like an idiot when you use it, so here's an example of augmented reality versus virtual reality. Keep in mind that while virtual reality represents 90 percent of the market, augmented reality will now increasingly capture the market and disrupt multiple market work ecosystems. The Pokémon are, for example, disturbing. in all kinds of places, these are Torchy's tacos, which had a 16-fold increase in sales due to Pokémon Go users or, for example, Second Life, which creates a whole economy for people in a digital world , right now people have made the cover of Businessweek because they have become millionaires selling the real virtual world, Second Life's economy in 16 was 500 million dollars, does anyone know about this, even Spielberg's smart gamer, these things They are happening, they are becoming common, and technology adoption is increasing in pace. of acceleration look at this curve on the far right adoption is changing and you are all announcing that process you are the guardians of that transition so how do we deal with this?
There are two paths to innovation: linear incremental and exponential. quick incremental lesson 30 steps linear steps if you had to take 30 exponential steps how far would you go? Yes, 26 times around the Earth we are not equipped to think this way, but this is the world we live in, so how do you function? In a world like this, how do you know if you're behind the curve? If you are failing or if you are investing in the right thing. If you are investing in these exponential technologies. You often ask yourself this question: why the slow onset of depression? disappointment after the hype cycle of which eRNA is coming out recently then will it ever catch up when will this finally happen what path are we on how do we know we are actually on the exponential curve and then chaos and awe? the massive sharp increase in the growth of the hockey stick this is what technological advancement looks like these days so to lead you need vision and courage you need patience and unlearning I need to empower and connect and this is a whole talk we could give systems about network the best way to predict the future is to invent it, so this is the next computing paradigm.
Virtual reality reigns, now augmented reality is next, we will have exponential use cases for augmented reality as the technology proliferates and virtual reality, so I'm going to go over some really quick use cases because we have very little time on total addressable market it's actually about the problems you can solve it's a tool you can use to not make this mistake please don't make this mistake the trick is a problem guys let's leave the trick behind I want you to remember Delta you want to create a change I want you to do it through design this is a phone application that you can download right now that allows you to create spatialized representations here there are architects who work with metatechnology and 3D space to collaborate, this is a cave automation system in the that I was a few weeks ago at Rolls-Royce, where they were actually able to reduce their design times from a week to two hours by having everyone enter this cave system that they're designing here.
In a virtual world space, you can even design things like molecules, pharmaceutical design, and partner with AI to execute all possible connections. Experience and education. Delta provides knowledge on how to assemble an Ikea desk or a scale of very complex machinery. to your team, especially if they are remote and in the field, and you have a hands-free app where you can bring in an expert to help you with logistics in real time. This is huge. DHL is already applying augmented reality to logistics. GE saw a 64 percent decrease over time when they implemented Google Glass. This is also useful for disaster relief, for example, where you really need to come with an augmented reality headset to understand the infrastructure of the space and try it before you buy.
Experience everywhere. Right now you can also download this on your IKEA phone or it allows you to partner with Apple to try things out in your home. This is the recruitment of the pioneer consumer market. This is another interesting way to try before you buy. The British Army scored 66%. Increased enrollment when they gave people immersive experiences. Siemens and Autodesk offered a personalized experience. We will skip it from time to time. Analysis tools. This is huge. What would it be like to be able to represent complex data visually and have collaboration between teams? remote and present because this technology totally destroys ethical distance.
Here is another interesting 3D representation of the virtual. It is immense in space and time. You really need to try this to understand how different it is and tomorrow at the demo dome you guys will be able to try some of those. things, but why virtual reality specifically I always like to touch on virtual reality because people say, ah, augmented reality is amazing, but virtual reality glorifies filming and gaming, there are real use cases here, how do you can make implementing this technology more than a roll of the dice? Delta guys and dice, so the big and dangerous VR use case tomorrow in the demo dome you can try walking on a ledge in VR.
I want you to try it and see what it will be like, okay, but this is actually very useful in practice, think about training. for interactive health and safety for an oil and gas company, which is what is simulated, an unreal game engine, the impossible, this is superpowers for people, the favorite thing of all the little children and all of you, because everyone We were little children at one time, imagine. being able to show your child the movement of nutrients in a tree imagine being able to go with them inside a Dali painting the backfire this is fascinating you can change the race and gender of people through body transfer and virtual reality you can also make them do things like cut down cut down trees simulate a beautiful forest Stanford Virtual Reality Lab Did this have a machine or what is it?
Thanks chainsaw. I love my audience for this reason. I have a chainsaw. What do people do when they see a chainsaw in a forest? They cut down the trees. people use less paper after doing this, you don't tell them they just do it, it would never make sense to force someone to cut down a forest to use less paper, but in VR you can do the counterproductive and costly thing in many domains. So take the children on a field trip, for example, so they can see with their bodies how big a building is. This is Google Cardboard, which is a significant $15 increase in access for a ton of people or being able to get people to a game without the expensive three steps. -sixty VR is making this possible;
It might be getting top-of-the-line tickets to a fashion show or diving and diving, but you can't think about this technology without talking about safety and ethics research into the impact of virtual reality and augmented reality on brain development and In the kids. huge, really important, we haven't done much about this yet and then the standards around digital rights because there has never been a technology more capable of absorbing all your data, it will know where your head is, positional tracking, eye tracking, especially when we're projecting light on retina for augmented reality, you're going to know your interaction paradigms, think about user experience research for immersive worlds, you're going to know a lot about yourself, and so what does that mean for security, what does that mean in terms of the How to take advantage of this information What happens when we add AI?
How do we combat hard-coded bias from doing things like launching a Google Pixel phone that recognizes black people as gorillas? That's ridiculous. We have to start thinking now to be able to build something good. products that serve our societies and improve our societies, so recap the first VRAs, our use cases, our design expertise, try before you buy and capture the data, remember the dice and don't forget security and ethics, you are Okay, so I'm done. I can't put them all in a VR headset. I would like to be able to go to the demo dome tomorrow.
You can try Window for holograms. You can try the ledge, but in the absence of that, I'll try to simulate the difference between immersive learning and the way we currently share information and know the difference between the present and the future of work, so this is one of my favorite quotes from of all time, anyone knows who he is, oh come on, one of the greatest futurists of all time, Buckminster Fuller, if you want to teach people a new way of thinking don't bother trying to explain it to them give them a tool whose use will lead to new ways of thinking, that is what I think this technology is, but I am going to demonstrate it with self-portraits, you are right here. there you are, this is Earthrise taken by the Apollo 8 astronauts in 1968 here is another representation of you that you saw before in one of the talks you have probably seen it in your textbooks of the habitable zone of the children's solar system at the American Museum of Natural History in 2000, this is what is really happening, reality is a spiral orbit, all Earth critical path developments inherently orbit the Sun, no path can be linear, all paths that were professionally modulated by remotely operated forces that produce linear spiral paths make a lot of sense, yes, they all do.
What do I mean? It's you and the difference between what I just read and what you're seeing is the difference that new representations of knowledge can have in the way we share information, in the way we model and deploy information in the way we do it. your children will do. Learn how your workplaces can expand access to information and knowledge even remotely, so the question for all of you is how are you going to have that vision and the courage to try to implement these things to create the future, so I urge you all. What you have to do is embrace that gray area between pragmatism and imagination because being optimistic without skepticism makes you naïve, but being skeptical without optimism makes you cynical, so how do we balance those things and help each other


accordingly? the way we can? to perceive and understand not only our work but also the world and each other thanks

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