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Everything WRONG With The Guns In Starfield

Jun 19, 2024
Beta which fired rifle bullets which also ejects the entire cartridge after firing at that time. I knew it would be another Tier 5 disaster. I know a lot of people have been saying that the weapons in Starfield aren't that bad, but if you look beneath the surface you'll see. how damned they really are I dare say they are even worse than Fallout 4. It's pretty obvious that these guys still have no idea how weapons work, which is why I'm here to help them by going over




with weapons in Starfield It's pretty funny to see the sheer amount of wild bugs and immersion breaking bugs, even purely from a gameplay or artistic perspective there are still a lot of questionable design choices that need to be addressed so for this video I'll be examining the weapons in Starfield and then Classify them into a tier list based on their overall design and implementation.
everything wrong with the guns in starfield
I will also compare them to their real life inspirations and try to find out if these firearms would actually work. Let's go ahead and start with something familiar to establish a solid foundation. Bottom line, ah yes, the classic Colt 1911, this weapon is so reliable that it was able to survive Earth along with a couple of Galactic Wars. The model itself is a pretty close replica, but there are some AUDs. The first thing I noticed is that the trigger guard is strangely elongated. I've seen some people say this is to allow your character to put his fat space fingers in there, but I don't know about that.
everything wrong with the guns in starfield

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everything wrong with the guns in starfield...

The space gloves in this game are no thicker than normal ones. gloves, even if that were the case, it shouldn't matter, this says that it is an ancient firearm from Earth, not a reproduction from the 24th century, so it should be as faithful as possible to its original design, not that make a difference anyway because your character's fingers still pass the trigger guard in third person to this old land pistol, what's it called, it's also missing this part here between the slide lock and the safety, whatever the hell that thing is called, the plunger tube, yes, the plunger tube is completely missing, so that means you won.
everything wrong with the guns in starfield
You won't be able to unclog your toilet in an emergency, plus the gun doesn't automatically lock during an empty reload, probably because there's no plunger tube, so your character manually sets the slide each time, but of course you do it. does every time regardless of whether or not it's an empty reload because this entire game lacks a partial reload mechanic, even more on the list of historical inaccuracies, this magazine has nine rounds instead of seven, not sure how it is The magazine and grip may appear to be the same size as the original. I guess they did it to balance the game, but damn, this thing is unbalanced, it's too good, like it destroys the terramorph like they're made of microwaveable butter, very realistic if you ask me. 45 ACP is God's cartridge, after all, so am I.
everything wrong with the guns in starfield
I really appreciate that they made the rate of fire so fast that you can spam this bad boy's trigger fast enough to make the ATF attack your spaceship and hit him. shoot your dog. Another thing that I found quite funny is that if you have the trait of childish things. your dad will give you a 1911 for free but he refers to it as a revolver and he had this collectible revolver collectible revolver collectible revolver collectible revolver I'm not sure if your dad is a descendant of the ancient race of Californians or if there was just a miscommunication with voice actor or maybe it's the third option and the Bethesda developers don't know the difference between a revolver and a semi-automatic IC pistol either way, it's a pretty silly oversight, so overall the old Earth pistol is Pretty good, but it has quite a few problems.
I'll still give it a level because if I go any lower, Joshua Graham will drive to my location and blow my kneecaps off. The A very attractive looking weapon, the only thing holding it back is that it shares the same problems with the Bas. 1911, so now you get the same grade at one level. If there was another weapon to survive Earth, it would surely be the AK. The game model in this one is pretty decent overall, it's definitely the best attempt Bethesda has made. the AK deck which is surely different than Fallout 4, this one actually has the charging handle on the right side so I appreciate you finally figuring out the difference between left and right, what I think is a little funny is that it has the words made. in China it is engraved as if it were a toy made specifically for American use, obviously if it was supposed to be a type 56 then all the words would be in Chinese, but it looks like this AK is a custom thing with mismatched parts maybe.
They ordered the receiver to be from I can appreciate the rugged aesthetic with the duct tape, but I don't think that tape will hold the polymer handguard there for long, which seems to be held on by hopes and dreams, why in the world would you ever want to tape a handguard on top of another handguard like bro, just go ahead and change parts at that point? It's kind of silly if you ask me or better yet, just don't change it at all. The rifle is okay, but in all seriousness, the lack of mods is a little disappointing, you can't remove the polymer handguard or add a stock to it, so the recoil on this thing would be pretty terrible actually, but of course , it's a video game, so your Chad character just mistreats him. like a gangsta on a shooting trip i give the space ak a level range, we also have the ak's cousin the vsss vores, funnily enough its called the old earth hunting rifle in the game which is a pretty strange name to call it because this is a special forces military weapon.
I don't think it was used for deer hunting too often, but the developers at Bethesda probably saw Wood's stock and assumed it was a civilian hunting rifle. I don't know about you, but every time you think of the word hunting rifle. I'm thinking of something old Farmer Joe would have, like a Winchester Model 70 or a Remington 700, not a special forces SPN gun with a built-in silencer, something like the old Soviet Marksman rifle would have been much more appropriate, so besides the name silly, it's a very close replica of the ventes, the main difference is that the handguard is made of wood instead of polymer, but it has half a polymer handguard screwed on top, the only thing I really don't like about this gun. it's once again the lack of mods, it's always stuck in the same settings and you can't take off the sniper scope.
It would have been really cool if you could modify it to a fully automatic AS Val that destroys at close range a lot of I have potential with this one, but if I just judge it as is, then it's pretty good. I really want to tier this one, but since these Boomers misnamed it, I'll have to put it on tier a for now. The old ground weapons have been pretty solid, especially by Bethesda standards, but unfortunately they made the pump shotgun very dirty. The old Earth shotgun, as it's called, is basically a combination of several different shot


to make the most average looking pump shotgun out there, it almost looks like it was an AI generator, it worked like it had all the right parts, but they were just put together poorly, it's not that bad, it looks good though, I guess it's just a little bit cursed.
The main thing I hate about this weapon is the animations and how you operate it. For some reason the forearm or pump as it might be called starts in the rear position so when you swing the shotgun it pumps it forward and then back when it should be the opposite. You can even see that the bolt still follows the pump forward which is impossible because that means it jams straight through the barrel and when you pump it back the bolt doesn't return all the way making it unable to cycle the ammo , so of course this shotgun is completely broken when it comes to the animations, well they are exceptionally Jank.
It almost seems like they carried over directly from the first Doom game, you also can't aim down sights while swinging the gun, which makes it even trickier to use shot


that are supposed to feel rough and powerful, but this one is weaker than an 80 .Man of years with erectile dysfunction, also the shells are ejected randomly from under the barrel of the shotgun, it is not near the ejection port and the shells are ejected directly upwards, which also doesn't make any sense, at least Bethesda did it. . manages to implement a counted reload for the shotgun to reload the correct amount of shells instead of always having to reload six each time, it's about time they realized that, but even then this reload is still buggy if you spam the recharge key. you can fit an extra shell without having to cycle the weapon, but worse, sometimes the reload just fails completely and cancels automatically.
This bug is suspiciously similar to a bug seen with the bullet count reload mod for Fallout 4, so I'm not sure if Bethesda simply ripped off this guy's mod or if it's something that's simply inherent to the Glorious creation engine. either way this shotgun is absolutely chalk marked no doubt this one has a deterrent it's really so bad I can't bring it in. I use it myself in the game, the only thing that keeps it at F level is that it looks good, hears from afar and looks, I don't want to be the type of person that tries to ruin all the fun, I just prefer that the developers put in the extra time and effort to make their games as immersive as possible, I'm a big nerd with guns especially, so I really appreciate when developers can do them justice.
If you really like immersion 2, then you'll want to check out the sponsor included today. is a unique WWII shooter that incorporates elements of both PVE and PVP. It allows you to command an entire squad of AI companions and participate in large-scale multiplayer battles that you will encounter on all fronts of the war, from the beaches of Normandy to the islands in the Pacific, the fast time to kill, along with the Objective-rich environments create a fairly chaotic and intense experience. Honestly, I really enjoyed this approach to a multiplayer shooter, it's not as sweaty as other games but still has a tough and gritty feel to it. atmosphere that is also historically accurate, the squad mechanic is easily my favorite part of the entire game, you can swap between squad mates at will which creates a unique dynamic that I haven't seen in any other shooter, so when lows you can immediately change to another.
Soldier and get revenge on the other player, you can also manage and customize your squad in different ways with all the classes available, you can rush in with a squad of submachine guns or stay back with a group of snipers or, better yet, just blow them all up. a tank crew, the best part is that anyone can enlist because it is completely free to play on all major platforms. You can use my link in the description to download and list it which will also give you a premium account along with a bonus pack to help you get started and that sums up all the real world weapons, now we can move on to the futuristic stuff, let's continue with the maom, yes I said ma strum, not male storm, if you read that


then I'm sorry to tell you. you, but you probably have dyslexia and no, I'm not kidding you, I swear read that again, but anyway the M drum design is heavily inspired by the Origin 12 shotgun, the receiver, the stock, the barrel, the handguard and even the magazine, it is eerily similar but also very different, the most jarring difference is that this is not a shotgun at all, it is just a very bulky assault rifle with a thick fake magazine, it looks like it would be a quad stack due how thick it is, but it's not.
Turns out the bullets are huge, so I have no idea how this magazine holds 40 rounds when it's a double stack. I even did some quick calculations to test this theory and there is no way this magazine can hold more than 24 rounds with bullets this large and In case you are wondering, this ammo is known as 6.5mm CT, which It is a polymer-cased telescoping round bullet, which means the bullet itself is inside the casing, like a turtle's head hidden inside its shell. You can even see that detail if you look at the ammoIn third person, it seems out of this world, I know, but it's a real thing that was recently prototyped in the ngsw program.
The in-game ammo is a little different from its real-life counterpart, although I was too. confused about this tubing that wraps around the gun like it's a water-cooled machine gun. No, it's actually connecting a number display to the barrel, so I'm guessing it's connected to a motion sensor that counts the bullets as they come out. Unnecessary gadget, why would you go to such lengths to create such a complex device when you can just look at your front screen like, come on, these guys are stupid? Other than that, the only thing I can overcome is balance. Firstly, this thick fake bullet should do much more damage, and secondly, it should recoil much harder.
In return, this gun feels like a 9mm SMG with how soft and weak it is, which is fine if it was chambered in a smaller cartridge, but since it's in a fully powered rifle cartridge, This bad boy should hit and recoil much harder, so in addition the rate of fire should be reduced to make it more controllable. Right from the start the concept of this weapon is very strange, it looks like a shotgun but technically it is a rifle of battle, but it handles and functions like a submachine gun. Yeah, that doesn't make sense. When I look at a gun, I should be able to tell what. class is simply by looking at it, but the melom completely breaks this rule.
I guess the design itself seems functional, but the execution is very far from how it should work as far as aesthetics go, they're not that bad, it's mostly looks. Like An Origin, it's pretty good after all, but it's also a bit cartoony in a way, so overall there are quite a few problems with the mstom. I don't think it's absolutely terrible, although for now I say that level C is a fair grade. I have the Kraken, which is a submachine gun chambered in 6.5mm CT. Obviously that doesn't make any sense because it's a rifle cartridge as we established above, but in the game the Kraken still manages to spit out pistol-sized casings, so I'm guessing this ammo. it simply transforms between rifle and pistol size depending on the position of Mercury and Saturn.
I guess the developers did this for convenience, but it still doesn't work that well in the game because there's no reason to waste


. your ammo on the Kraken when the melstrom does more damage and has more range and a larger magazine, so from a realistic and gameplay perspective the Kraken should have its own unique ammo now, as far as overall design goes, ok I guess it's more Reminds me of the Mac 10 only with a bunch of useless junk on top of it, reloading especially is a bit weird because it opens like a stapler and look, you can even see the staples right there, not really if I would have to take a random guess I would say that this is a heat sink for cooling purposes, but I actually have no idea because I have never seen a heat sink used as a way to cool a firearm.
It seems really silly, but I can. I can't say for sure how effective this would be, but it makes me wonder why not all weapons in this game have a cooling system. In the vacuum of space the weapons would heat up pretty quickly but it's just not a problem in this game but anyway like I was saying the Kraken is another mid tier weapon, honestly I'd put it in the C tier next to the melom before moving on to the rest of the weapons I should address the issue of caseless ammo because from here on literally every weapon uses it with caseless ammo, there is no metal casing but the casing is made of propellant solid and the bullet is telescopic inward, since the propellant dissipates after firing, you don't have to worry about removing any casing.
It's pretty cool because it allows you to change the way the bullets are fed into the gun, plus you can carry more bullets with less overall weight or you can carry even bigger bullets in a smaller package, meaning you can get more of a 200% more bullet per bullet, which is a lot of bullets in the real world, caseless ammo isn't really viable, but there have been prototypes like the HK G11 which featured a really weird Pez dispenser magazine along with a rotating bolt. instead of an alternative one and the best part. is that the pent was shaped like a rectangular prism instead of being round, while the projectile was still shaped like a normal bullet, they definitely made it as strange as possible.
The G11 never reached full-scale production, although it was too complex and not worth the effort. It seems really ridiculous, some of the main problems include overheating and the ammo being too fragile in 300 years, although I think it's fair to say that these problems will be solved anyway. I thought I should mention all of that before we get comments asking why all the rounds are square and why the guns don't eject any casings, let's move on to the first gun you get in the game, the Eon. The main problem with this weapon is that it does not have a moving slide or a moving bolt or any moving mechanism.
There are actually pieces so I have no idea how it would work. It looks like a complete dud, so you might as well turn it into a Nerf gun. You can see the piece too. It's voluminous, bubbly, and colorful, like it literally seems directly inspired by this particular Nerf. gun and that's probably why it doesn't work now. I know this gun uses caseless ammo, so it doesn't have to function like a Ty iCal firearm, but it still needs some moving parts to cycle the ammo. The only time anything moves is during reloading when the top cover of the gun opens like a stapler, this exposes the barrel but it appears to be a completely fixed structure, you never see anything move nor does your character operate anything to manually feed the first bullet through. to the bedroom and I have no idea. why does it have a top cover that opens anyway it doesn't do anything but make you feel like you're reloading the gun maybe this gun is using some kind of space magic mechanism that we can't see but I really think the more the Likely scenario is that the developers didn't think about how this gun would work, plus the gun itself is a useless brick.
It also has a useless brick under the barrel. It looks like a built-in laser, but it turns out it's nothing. functional, you have to create a laser accessory for it to work now, that's nonsense, what's the point of having this there in the first place if it's not even functional everywhere? The Eon has some pretty big problems, although it's not irredeemable, like if I slimmed it down and made it functional it would be a pretty fancy sci-fi weapon design, but as it stands now I'll have to put it on deterrence. If we take a look at the Urban Eagle, we can see that this one does.
It has an alternative bolt. I guess you can't call this a slide anymore because the top doesn't move at all. It's a bit weird, but it's obviously inspired by the Desert Eagle anyway. This is just a revolutionary, urban name. Wow, I know. How am I supposed to call this thing Weagle instead of Deagle? Obviously not, that doesn't sound right. Like Deagle, Weagle is firing a fairly large .43 caliber bullet to be exact, but since it's all futuristic, it doesn't use a casing. The ammo for this round doesn't really feel that bad or intimidating, although the sound of this supposed hand cannon is pretty pathetic and the lazy animations don't convince me either, the reloading animation especially is a bit strange because you still reload it as if Had a slide there is a small piece on the top of the gun that is used to load the gun so I guess you would call it a charging handle or a loading slide.
I don't know man this thing is weird, it's not even connected to the bolt so I have no idea how this would work, maybe it's using advanced Bluetooth technology. The same goes for iron sights that magically slide back during a reload even though they aren't attached to any moving parts and oh boy, the irons themselves are pretty bad. Too tall and thin, you couldn't make accurate shots with this thing, but even weirder, the barrel is square, but it shoots round projectiles like, come on, these guys can't even put the right shapes in the right holes and what the hell.
Does this hole above the barrel really make the entire top of this gun seem completely unnecessary? You also have this useless angled foregrip on the bottom, why isn't it like you're going to hold this gun like a rifle? but what I hate the most about this gun is how slow the rate of fire is. It is artificially limited to one bullet per second, making this weapon feel extremely clunky and unresponsive. Compare it to the real Desert Eagle and you can spam that bad boy's trigger. pretty fast, meanwhile the simple Weagle is extremely unsatisfying to use, it doesn't come anywhere close to the greatness of its ancestor, at least it doesn't look too bad from afar, it still has an attractive silhouette, but that's all it has in his favor.
Really, the Weagle has even more problems than the Eon, so I can't put it above level D. Now, looking at the side star, this seems to be the Glock of the Starfield Universe, seriously, if you just remove this part under the barrel . and this tumorous mass of plastic on the top becomes a space Glock and these parts definitely need to be removed because they serve no purpose, especially this part on the bottom, it doesn't seem to be any kind of useful accessory nor does it have any function. Overall in the game, the Side Star is very similar to the Urban Eagle.
It has a square barrel, a mysterious hole on top. Terrible iron sights along with a bunch of other random junk on top. It also has reciprocal pieces, but it is not one cohesive slide, there are three. The independent parts, all moving separately and out of sync with each other, not only seem overly complicated and completely unnecessary, this thin piece on top is used as a charging handle or you could call it a charging slider I guess, but it's not clear how it is. connected. the bolt I was thinking this part is supposed to be some kind of weird telescoping bolt, maybe, but that can't be right because it doesn't move when you load the gun, so I have no ideas for this one, it just looks like a completely moving part random, plus the barrel matches, but the rear of the gun doesn't, so I'm not exactly sure how this thing is cyclic ammo, maybe this one also has some space magic mechanism beyond my PE brain understanding, trying of thinking. about how these sci-fi weapons would work just makes my brain hurt, especially when they come up with new mechanics that don't exist so there are no examples I can compare them to, maybe Bethesda's knowledge of futuristic weapon designs and theorists are simply beyond.
Our moral understanding or maybe reality is that these developers didn't think too much about it and just threw together some random designs that they thought looked cool, but it's actually not very cool, it's kind of ugly, especially with that Hunchback and the other one. . Added useless garbage. I'd say the side star is on the same tier as the Weagle, so it belongs right next to it in tier D. Now, what's especially fun about all of these futuristic guns is that the only one that has a slide so far. It's a revolver, well I don't know if you can technically call this a slide, but it's something on the top of the gun that moves.
I'm not sure what this is supposed to do. I think my previous hypothesis was correct. The guys don't really know what a revolver is or how it works, not only does it work but it's also like an anti-Bol puppy because the cylinder has been moved further forward, there isn't much reason to do it, it just makes the barrel even shorter. leading to less power and precision. I mean, seriously look at how short the barrel is, it's probably not even 2 inches and I hate to be the guy to tell you, but 2 inches is not a lot of pipe to work with, it's not what you need. all this extra space behind the cylinder does nothing and again what happens with the handguard on the bottom you never hold it like a rifle nor can you modify it to make it a rifle so this part is completely useless, the regulator also uses the same. ammo like the Weagle, but the ammo shown in the cylinder looks completely different, it's also a little silly that you completely replace the cylinder while reloading as if it were a black powder revolver, although there is historical precedent for this technique, it seems strange that firearms technology 300 years in the future would regress instead of improve.
I was hoping there would be some kind of fancy quick charger, but I assumed they went with the brake action cylinder replacement because it's easier to encourage goodBethesda cutting corners as always, around the world. The regulator is an absolute disaster, it's also quite ugly. The rounded features do this gun no favors. It looks like a cockroach transformed into a gun. He really wishes he could step on it and hear it make a loud, crunchy noise, so yeah, the regulator. earns a glorious place in the F tier the rest of the Laredo weapons are not much better the rler is another terrible non-functional design the most obvious problem is the magazine instead of being a normal small pistol with the magazine in the grip, This one decided I wanted to be special, so the magazine is directly under the front end of the barrel.
It's also a drum magazine, which is strange. This charger almost reminds me of the pp19 in some ways, but at the same time it is completely different from the pp19. It has a spiral feed mechanism and runs all the way to the receiver with the Rattler, although it makes no such attempt to feed directly into the chamber, it would have to have some sort of tube system like a pump action shotgun to feed the velocity. correctly, but Of course, that would be too complicated and not worth it, geez, it's like the shotgun from Fallout 3, but in pistol form, I don't see why they're trying to reinvent the wheel here when you could have a normal pistol magazine from that way. could carry different types of magazines too small, extended or even a huge drum, there is a lot of versatility, although this design is too restrictive and completely unnecessary, at least this gun has a normal looking working slide, so it is nice to see . your character never turns on the light after a reload, so it won't actually recycle any ammo.
Wooden furniture is also an interesting option. It may look cool, but it's definitely not optimal for a space gun. Wooden furniture is not very resistant to the elements. Minus the extreme environments in space, it's a wonder this thing doesn't spontaneously burn up when under direct starlight, if it's only meant to be used on planets with atmospheres then I guess it's fine, but in the end the error is a catastrophic failure and tries too hard to be unique and earns a solid point and nf level, another catastrophic failure is The Coachman. It's usually pretty hard to screw up a double barreled shotgun, but Bethesda miraculously managed to do it at first, this gun fired conventional rifle bullets through a square chamber and when he reloaded the gun, it ejected. all the cartridge bullet included now, that's a classic and stupid mistake, to their credit, the developers fixed this problem before the release and now it fires the so-called caseless shotgun shells, so you don't have to worry about ejecting anything, however, if you play third.
Person, you will see that this problem still persists. The gun still ejects shelled shotgun shells upon reloading as if they were never fired in the first place. To make matters worse, your character does not operate the top lever. The gun simply opens automatically. On its own now, what's really special about the Coachman's reload is that it's the only weapon in the game that has a partial reload animation, so if you fire one shell you only have to reload one shell and if you fire two , then you reload two, so yeah. Turns out Bethesda has the partial reload mechanic working just fine, they just didn't care to implement it for all the other weapons in the game other than that one.
The Coachman is a pretty ugly design and damn, this thing is comically oversized compared to a real double cannon, but the best part about The Coachman is that the developers forgot to give it a trigger so it won't fire at all unless you use the force like a Jedi, so you know what I think solves all the problems with these weapons. They don't have to be functional designs at all because they all just use Space Magic to make them work, but in all seriousness, The Coachman is probably the worst incarnation of a double cannon I've ever seen in an easy F-tier video game for this. one on the opposite end we have a gun that is too rounded, the lawman just looks just plain weird like he's trying to be a Halo sniper, but he has the cowboy texture pack installed so the conflicting aesthetic just makes It ends up looking very dodgy and if you squint hard enough, you can mistake it for a dining room, what's even more dodgy is that it is magazine fed, but it also has a cylinder like a revolver.
I can't believe they actually did it. They made the meme. They made a magazine-fed revolver. It's funny, not only that but the ergonomics are terrible too, the stock has no padding so a 50 caliber bullet would completely destroy your shoulder, plus the foregrip is too low and closed, definitely not optimal for recoil control. I guess they wasted all the time designing the Instead, the sliding top cover (this part automatically slides back during a reload, so you can insert the magazine from the top, which is cool, but the problem is that it magically floats) back with nothing to hold it in place.
It must slide forward into this slot that was specifically designed. For this slider, it seems like the animator got this one mixed up at the same time, although it works as intended in third person, so I don't know how they screwed it up, that just shows how bad their lack of quality control is. Additionally, the gun itself is quite miserable to use, the rate of fire is artificially limited so you have to wait a second between shots, making it extremely unresponsive and unsatisfying. When I first picked up this gun, I only fired a few rounds. I abandoned it immediately because of how clumsy it was.
The only good design choice with the legislator is that it has a built-in Red Dot site instead of basic irons, so I give them props for that. I would definitely like to see more red dots integrated into these futuristic weapons. Come on people, this is the future. The iron sights are so 2008, but overall, the Lawgiver is another big stinker, certainly belonging to Tier F. The tombstone has the same weird aesthetic, but I'd say it's even uglier than the Giver. Look at the silhouette of this thing and it in no way resembles a firearm, if anything it looks more like a Nova Galactic spaceship, but in reality it's just an amalgamated mass of random parts and useless details.
I guess the random details are supposed to make it look more interesting, but really it just makes it end up looking like an AI-generated cursed gun image. If I didn't know better, I would have assumed this was a bunch of junk that spontaneously welded together in space and, like the lawmaker, this one has a terrible uncomfortable stock with metal padding because if you don't like hurting your shoulder with every shot, then you are not a real man with an 11mm bullet, especially this thing should kick pretty hard, but it feels much more like a submachine gun. game if you look at the magazine and ammo these bullets are definitely smaller there is no way they measure up to 11mm it looks much more like a PDW sized cartridge if you compare it to the other guns that use 11mm.
There's a pretty big size difference, so once again it looks like the developers cut corners with the Tombstone and just re-plated it to use 11mm because they were too lazy to give it its own ammo type. It should be a PDW or a carbine, but still. Classified as an assault rifle in the game, but this is too obese for an assault rifle or any type of weapon. I really dare say that this design is on par with the assault rifle from Fallout 4. I really don't understand why they had to do it. so bulky and add so many random details, the weapons are not supposed to be super complex and have random parts everywhere, they are supposed to be simple and effective and there is a lot of beauty and simplicity, but the tombstone is the antithesis of beauty, al Like your Mom, I also think it's really funny that the fire selector is all the way down on the foregrip.
There is no way that thing is connected to the trigger mechanism unless you are using Bluetooth. You also have this random bubble on the weapon that appears. During reloading, I assume it's the gun's smart autoload button. Other than that, I don't have much more to say about the functionality of this weapon. I'm trying to preserve the rest of my brain cells. This gun is just so ugly. I never bother to use it and I don't want to waste any more time on it. The tombstone is so bad it's beyond tier F. This one belongs to the Forbidden Fallout 4 assault rifle tier for the most part, the Laredo guns are the most disgusting weapons in the entire game and as a Texas native I It seems downright offensive that they dare take a Western aesthetic and ruin it with a cartoony Fortnite art style.
I can understand wanting to have a ridiculous art style for a fantasy. game which is perfectly fine, but this game is not fortnite nor is it high fantasy like Borderlands Stormfield has a pretty solid and gloomy atmosphere, so these very cartoony weapons just don't fit with the rest of the game, so with all that said, take a look at the only exception, the Razer, behind the galactic iron as I like to call it, this one is much better compared to its inbred cousins, it still has some rounded features but it is all balanced with sharp edges, it is mainly inspired by The Mataba Unuka has the barrel at the bottom instead of the top and also has an internal hammer unlike the UN, although this one is brake action and you replace the entire cylinder during reloading, it almost looks like this animation was regulator recycling. or vice versa which is pretty boring, the barrel itself is pretty weird, it breathes like it's a pulsating egg sac, a little unsettling but I guess it's cool, the iron sights though are surprisingly basic for such a weapon futuristic, the grip is probably the worst offender. although it's extremely clunky and blocky, it doesn't look very comfortable at all, it looks like it could have been done in my high school woodworking class, but overall the Razer back has an amazing Big Iron feel to it, so I like it .
It's not perfect, but I can appreciate what they were going for with this one. I'll put the Razer back in tier B. Next up is the grinddle, obviously this one is heavily inspired by the P90, it just has a unique battle pass design. I like the overall look of it, but at the same time some weird things happen compared to the real P90. This one has an alternative charging handle instead of a static one. You also never use the charging handle, which is nice. Poor thing, the gun just loads automatically. I guess the motorcycle shock absorber on the bottom is strange too.
I assume it's supposed to dampen recoil and I'm not sure what this battery is for. Maybe it's actually an airsoft gun, but I'll do it. I just assume it has some kind of purpose in general. I think the grindle has a pretty solid design, looks sleek and has good style. The main thing I don't like is his lackluster in-game performance, but again, that's because the entire game is completely nerfed. automatic pistols across the board, if you switch it to semi-auto it holds up pretty well, so you know, this time I'll be nice and give the P90 space a notch, the Bale wolf is another cool design that looks like a crossover. between the wa2000 and the P90 it's a pretty cool concept and it's my favorite fantasy skin in the entire game, however I think it's really cool that the gun has an engraving that says "clean the gun before cleaning" as if no, you don't need that stamp.
There, the kind of people who need instructions on their guns are also the same kind of people who created the need for warning labels on shampoo bottles, but anyway the skeletonized frame with the exposed barrel is cool too, but holy shit mother of bullpups just look how far back that barrel goes seriously it seems like this gun suffers from extreme bull pismo on normal bll pups or any gun you will see they always have enough room in the back for the bolt to correspond , while the Bale wolf has barely any space, that means it couldn't work well, it couldn't necessarily have a unique mechanism like the one the TK B22 used, this one has the same idea where the magazine is at the very rear of Normally , that would mean there is no room for the bolt to move, but the chamber and bolt are not right above the magazine, they are much higher up and it uses an elongated bolt to reach back and open the ammo, so For reasons of sanity, let's assume that this is how the bail will work when I can't apologize, although it is first person reloading, the weapon is loaded automatically much like the grinddle, but if you play in third person, your character manually operates the handle of charge and hit.
It's like an MP5, which is much cooler, obviously,then what is? Hey? Does this thing use Space Magic or is it manually operated? I guess it all depends on your perspective and I mean it literally almost seems like they assigned two different animators for first. and third person animations because there are a lot of inconsistencies between them, what is also really inconsistent is the magazine capacity and ammo. The Bale wolf is using the same ammo and magazine as the grindle, but has 20 fewer bullets, which also means that this weapon is technically classified as a submachine gun or a PDW when it should be a battle rifle, but the weapon itself has the words light assault rifle inscribed at this point.
I think it's pretty obvious that the developers have no idea how firearm classification works. I mean come on they literally gave him the name wolf Bale and now he doesn't use the 50 caliber bullet that's false advertising of course that's a joke. Turns out they are named after that poem I had to read in English class. but seriously, it would have made a lot more sense if this supposed rifle used a rifle-length bullet, but I guess Bethesda would prefer all of these weapons to share ammo to make it more convenient for the player, but it actually ends up ruining the game. balance because there isn't much reason to use the grindle on the Bale wolf when the bolf does four times more damage per shot, is much more ammo efficient, and also has much higher recoil, so even from a gameplay standpoint should have its own unique ammunition.
I know maybe they could have given it a .50 caliber bullet as a nod to the real life Bolf cartridge. The Bolf is a cool concept but it has a lot of inconsistencies, so in the end I'll give the Bolf a spot in the B tier and Of course, as soon as I say all that, we get a .50 caliber anti-materiel rifle called The Hard Target, when I say 50 Calon, in this case it is the caseless equivalent of a 50 BMG, as it is a caseless bullet, meaning it is all the bullet which is like a pure 5 inch solid bullet, which is absolutely huge, very above average if you ask me you can see this one follows the same theme as grindle and bale wolf and at first glance I thought it was just a modified bale wolf. so I almost forgot to include it as it's eerily similar from a distance, it even has the extreme bull cub ASM problem, but it could still work other than that, the overall layout mostly reminds me of the gm6 links, especially since it has an alternative barrel.
It's a pretty interesting detail and I'm surprised that the developers included Ed. Really the only bad thing about this gun is the magazine, it has a capacity for five bullets, but if you look at the magazine it says it has a capacity for seven, but five is the amount correct, but even better. If you upgrade to an extended magazine, the magazine remains the exact same size but can hold twice as much ammo. Hmm, not sure how it works, must be using space magic or 4th dimensional technology in general, hard target is another nice one. solid design and it's pretty fun to use in game, it just has one bug so I'll put it on a level, let's move on to the drum beat, this one takes a bit of inspiration from the AR-15, specifically with the hero arm furniture and a drum magazine, the rest of the gun is completely independent at first I was thinking it was an automatic shotgun because of its overall bulk and thick magazine, it also has the name drum beat, so you know, I assumed it was called that because it sounds like a drum beat when it is fired, but no, it turns out that this is Another case of false advertising because it is actually a rifle with a high rate of fire, so this is a very similar case to the Melstrom.
It's firing an even bigger bullet, although 11mm as it's called and it's extremely thick, it looks like an oversized battle rifle. Still round The recoil is as smooth as butter and handles like a submachine gun despite how bulky it is, so once again the developers don't understand how these weapons would actually work. It should hit much harder with a slower rate of fire. It's also completely wrong, it somehow contains 60 rounds of these giant rounds, but there's just no way that's possible. I did some quick calculations with this as well and it looks like this magazine could hold about 14 rounds or something like that.
It also made me think why this is. using a circular drum magazine when the bullets are rectangular. I don't think this drum magazine is optimal for feeding square shaped caseless ammunition. The overall look of the gun is fine. It mostly looks very bulky overall, like this whole section below. The barrel, especially, looks like dead weight and the overall silhouette is a bit ridiculous, almost dog-like. I can appreciate what they were going for, although it definitely fits the sci-fi aesthetic, but it has a lot of issues related to its functionality and performance. I say the drum beat is on par with the melstrom, which is why it gets a spot in tier C.
Another familiar design is the Kodama. It's more of a futuristic version of the Tech 9. It's a submachine gun, but I guess it's also a shotgun at the same time because it uses flette ammo, which is certainly atypical, to say the least. You can even see on the model that it fires three separate darts instead of one solid projectile, the barrel is custom made for this ammo, so instead of a big hole. There are three small holes. I'm not sure how it would work, although it's not like shotguns have nine different holes for each pet, but I suppose this could be possible.
This gun still breaks the laws of reality because it uses the same even 7mm bullet. That the Eon and the Grindle use it simply magically transforms into flette rounds when you load it into the Kodama, it should obviously have its own unique ammo since it's using a completely different projectile, so in addition to the ammo, the design of the Kodama is pretty good. It looks elegant and simple and fits perfectly into the sci-fi aesthetic. The only thing I think is strange is that the bolt appears during a reload instead of locking and then automatically closes on its own and your character never operates the charging handle.
It's a pretty common issue at this point though, so it should be expected, so the Kodama is a pretty interesting design in concept, but the fact that the ammo is incorrect holds it back. I'll put him next to the bail wolf in level B. I'm actually on a pretty good streak. I'm surprised Bethesda managed to make some decent designs, but of course there are still more stinkers to cover. The Shotty is easily one of the worst. It is a compact shotgun pistol. I don't know what to use. Call it really, it's just an abomination, like some of the previous guns, this one suffers so much from extreme pismo that there is literally nothing behind the magazine and this one surely doesn't use an elongated bolt, in this case the bolt slides. back further than the rest of the gun, so if you hold it too close to your face you can break your nose or poke out your eye.
I don't know about you, but it seems like this design wouldn't work and it doesn't. very easy to use, even better, it has a useless thumb hole in the grip that is too small to wrap your hand around. You can even see in third person that your hand simply hooks through the grip to be held, of course this has a magical effect. The magazine is also capable of holding 12 rounds when it should be about six, it seems even more absurd if you use the extended Mac which can magically hold 28 rounds when it should probably be about half that, but please don't modify this because you will only end up doing making it look even more damned now I can understand why the government banned short barreled shotguns to prevent atrocities like this Abomination, at least it's fun to use because of how quickly you can spam the trigger. but the design itself is atrocious and completely absurd to fix the shoty.
I suggest we rename it to shardy because of how stinky the easy F level is for this one. Now the dummy at least looks like a normal looking shotgun only with a futuristic theme, it's basically a semi-automatic mag version of the old pump shotgun and is very reminiscent of modern tactical shotguns. This one looks extra tactical, although like they went for Maul's ninja aesthetic, it's so tactical that he has baton iron sights that are completely unusable, that's probably because the developers didn't care to implement a sigh mechanic with staff, which is pretty boring because modders have already done it for Fallout 4.
I don't know why you would need staff irons on a shotgun. Anyway, but aside from all that nonsense, I can still understand the general look of this weapon. The biggest problem with this shotgun is that it does not have a charging handle, so there is no way to manually load the gun, but of course not that. It doesn't matter because your character Chad just breaks the shotgun and forces it into pump action mode, there are shotguns that can switch between semi-automatic and pump action, like the Spas 12, but in that case you still need to use the charging handle while you're in semi-automatic. -Automatic mode, you have to switch to pumping action to use the pump.
The pacifier doesn't have the ability to switch to pump action, it's strictly semi-automatic, so it's not like this would work anyway, the only reason your character operates it this way. This is because the developers cut corners by reusing pump shotgun animations and as a result it also has the same issue where the forearm is in the rearmost position. One thing I think is cool about this shotgun is that it uses a bolt that folds back on itself, a pretty neat detail, honestly the dummy certainly has potential, but unfortunately suffers from slow development, although it's a little better than the pump shotgun so I'll put it at C level, oh wow I don't even know the gap. this man this thing looks like an alien so let's break it down this is a bullpup revolver shotgun but it doesn't fire directly from the cylinder no of course not there is no room in the stock for a firing mechanism so the cylinder feeds the bullet forward and then into a chamber which is where the ammunition fires, so instead of being a magazine fed revolver, it is a semi fed revolver.
My automatic shotgun. I don't even know how you would get this bullet to move from the cylinder to the cameraman it has to go it has to take a difficult journey like a salmon migrating upstream it's definitely too complicated and the concept itself is inherently regressive why would you bother doing a futuristic revolver shotgun when you could use a full auto drum? On the other hand, with a powered shotgun, it would be much simpler and 10 times more effective. This thing also holds six rounds and the rate of fire is miserably slow, not only do you have to wait for the cylinder to spin, but the rate of fire is also artificially capped, so you have to wait another second until you can pull the trigger and that makes it the clumsiest and most unresponsive weapon in the entire game.
The overall look of the weapon is also quite strange. There's a lot of extra junk here that doesn't make you feel like there are bricks hanging off the side of the gun and these random spare iron sights on the side along with the big hump in the middle of the gun? I mean, there's just useless garbage everywhere and I'm not going. to waste time trying to figure out what it does because it doesn't do anything the violation is just a big failure everywhere it really belongs in tier F the aa99 is another weapon that seems from another world and by other world I mean the world of Minecraft because this it is made entirely of squares in a way that the design of the wide receiver is similar to the origin or melom from before but this one uses the big thick 11mm round and also has a built in cooling system which is pretty cool because that means This thing would actually be useful in space, other than it's extremely bulky and oversized, but I guess the extra weight wouldn't matter too much if you use it specifically in low gravity environments.
I'm a little tired at this point, honestly. I don't feel like delving into the A99 because there isn't much reason to do so. I'll leave it at that, but before I continue, that viewfinder is really stupid and looks like a slide and slide. Normally I would put the Aa99 and Tier F because of how ugly and bulky it is, but I'll go ahead and put it in Tier D because I think the cooling system is a good concept and for the last firearm on the list, the micro pistol It is obviously inspired by the real life Microgun, which is a smaller version of the classic 762 minigun instead of using 5.56, this one uses the 7mm shellless pistol bullet and has a much lower rate of fire, which which would help reduce recoil and make it easier to handle.
However, it may still be a little impractical, but that doesn't matter because the micro goun is Opera according to thevideo game rules, it also follows other video game tropes, including the infamous spin delay, it's a very common myth spread by video games, but there are no Min weapons. They don't actually have to spin before firing, they fire instantly. It's really irritating to see this in video games still and makes it frustrating to use. It's not like it's a good balancing mechanic either because the microgun is absolutely terrible in the game. extremely inaccurate, so most of your shots will just miss, which makes a lot of sense because it's a handheld minigun, what doesn't make sense is that its base damage is artificially low, so with the low accuracy, the high rate of fire and low damage, it is the worst weapon.
Throughout the game for ammo efficiency, it's just not worth wasting your ammo on this thing when you can use the Bale wolf or the grinddle, instead the rate of fire and accuracy increases as you keep shooting, so it has a high DPS potential, but when it upgrades it runs out of ammo, it only holds 300 rounds in the magazine, which is pretty low for a minigun, but still surprisingly high considering the size of this magazine , it looks like this magazine could probably hold about 100 rounds at most. not even close to 300, reloading is also pretty dumb because your character balances the entire weight of the microgun with just his right hand holding it, not even the strongest man in the world has strong enough RIS to perform such a feat with powered miniguns per charger.
They are generally a bit silly because they are not real, you are much better off using a backpack full of ammo. Another problem with this portable design is that it spits links directly into your left arm and that doesn't look very pleasant. Obviously it would be much easier to use if the links were ejected down or to the right. I'm not sure how well caseless ammo would work with Lyns. Anyway, caseless ammo is pretty fragile after all, but it looks like the caseless ammo used in Starfield. It's pretty sturdy, so I guess it works. Additionally, this gun has square barrels despite firing a round bullet, so once again they fail to fit the correct shape into the correct holes.
Just because the propellant is square doesn't mean the bullet is round the microgun is plagued with tons of problems and terrible design choices, although the gun itself looks cool and intimidating, so at least it's not ugly. I would say that the micro penis belongs to tier D so there you have it, everything is bad with the weapons and sternfield and this is what the finalized tier list looks like, as you can see there are a lot of big stinkers and not a single one of These weapons became S tier because none of them are perfect if I loosen up a bit.
It might be nice if they gave the hard target and hunting rifle at tier S. They just have one bug which isn't a big deal after all, so in the end I have to admit there are quite a few good weapon skins in this . Not all of the games are absolutely terrible. All of the weapons in Tiers A and B are really good ideas that are only held back by minor bugs that could be easily fixed. I could even see some of the C and D level designs going much higher. yes they were completely overhauled, but everything else at level F and below is completely unsalvageable and should be thrown in the trash and I know some of you are going to ask, hey, wait a minute, what about energy weapons, grenade launchers and all other weapons?
Well, I'll have to save those for another time because I just can't take any more gun shaming right now. If you really enjoy this video, then I'll be sure to follow up as always. I'm curious to see what they do. "Everyone has to say: do you hate these guns as much as I do or was I completely wrong? Feel free to correct me in the comments below because there are bound to be some things I missed or got wrong, that's all I have. For now I'll see you all next time, but before we go I wanted to thank everyone who signed up for sponsoring this video.
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