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Even LEGO made an MP3 player.

Feb 27, 2020
the iPod absolutely dominated, it means like 70% market share at one point and it wasn't because there was no competition, there was a lot of competition, look at this one, Philips, yeah, it's good, the buttons you use the least frequently are the big ones and comfortable where The ones above and below are small and reach your fingers, but this is nothing, there is nothing here, it's a joystick, this one is great, what shape is it? How would you describe this shape to anyone? All other surfaces can't, can't. sit still, he's always rolling, the only time he stays still is when he's face down.
even lego made an mp3 player
I mean everyone was trying. Dell was trying. Intel was trying who this base nugget was before the iPod came out translucent blue, its Nugget. phone, so I don't know where this begins and ends, so since everyone is having a good time, why doesn't Lego fall apart? No, poor things, the man knows that headphones are like two tickets to garbage city. I can't wait to try them. To my ears I guess they kept the Lego theme, they


them from the same plastic, what are they for? And I understand the marketing, is it just two bricks or is it the packaging we


for the new Lego I made.
even lego made an mp3 player

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even lego made an mp3 player...

I love it, it looks good Matt, it's square, you know, it fits well, Mike looks like a child made it. I just have one problem. I don't think people know this is Lego. What do you mean Matt? It's like it's pretty obvious. That's all. made Lego, I mean like knitted and I'm sure they will make the Lego logo like almost the biggest Big Mac, it's not the same size as a


, I avoid Legos and stuff like that in the bagman, I hear you, I hear what you're lying. down Mike, I think you're completely crazy, you could throw a couple of Lego bricks in there, oh, no laughing matter, that'll just keep driving and can you believe no one bought this?
even lego made an mp3 player
This is new when I saw these headphones I was thinking right? this is like 2005-2006 maybe because that's when the Nano came out to act flash was pretty normal and he just has this boss, sorry look in these titles the cops arrest and Shervin, the law bacteria I'm on talking. when I thought this was wrong, these headphones are given away like old, like really old, turns out this came out in 2009, like I'm talking about being late to the party, but mine was made in 2011, this always bothered me as a kid . It has up to 500 songs. look here and it's like 500 songs at 128 kilobits for mp3 music and it's 1000 songs at 64 kilobits per second, yeah, cool, you can put a lot of things in other things if you want to destroy them, okay, let's do it, where are the scissors of my teacher? my school teachers scissors hey, it's one of my favorite brands around here famous Toledo priceless collection quick get the blocks Wow, wait, wow, what are these for?
even lego made an mp3 player
Oh, you. Oh, I almost broke those headphones. Oh, nice package design, look at this ugly bag they're hanging. the kind of bag you put dog poop in. I will go out. I'll break it to get them out. Eyes, oh god, I can't wait to hear it now that this is going to be worth it, oh wow, they feel like nothing. they sound like childish percussion they're so hollow it's not a good war it's impressively long whoa this is just a simple black usb cable it feels great here's the king nugget oh it has to be the sharpest thing it's more comfortable to hold all these tools metal tools like this are more or less the same, they are as sharp as a handful of metal tools.
Oh, look at the build quality it's releasing, only Lego can do it. Oh, we have paper or Menace stuff hidden in it. Oh, mp3


, they didn't. actually make this digital blue, you made it there, it's with your headphone jack on the side. Oh, there are several interesting features. Lego brick constructions that allow you to cut your fingers while trying to listen to mp3 music and MVs. A song that ruins playback. Photo explorer to view JPEG files. 2 gigs better. Does it come with the headphones or are they good, so good that they put them there twice.
I love the name of that song, right there it starts, where can we figure this out? I'm sure this is like a flash drive, show us what We're looking at that screen which is the dimmest thing we've ever seen. My mission is to just put this album on it, which is simply known as Shrek the Album and they're worth your money right there. This thing is slower than


my older iPods, this thing is an absolute gem. I didn't connect the screenshot card. I thought it would be just click and drag. Here's a visual metaphor for clicking and dragging makeup.
This is actually taking like two minutes with the foot to put an album on here, this is incredibly slow, oh man, that literally took the foot, thirteen songs on here, a hundred Meg, that was like three minutes, three minutes and I don't actually know eject from computer, exit, I haven't seen it. it shows like this since pirated iPods appear like oh wow man this is the same interface as pirated iPods a long time ago that's why I don't get it oh okay okay okay oh we're doing it , let's quickly check the settings bedtime your friend oh here friendly what the hell is that no no no how do I get out oh no oh no oh man this is not this no I don't care anymore take me out send me to the music this thing is slow in the city this it's slower than an old hard drive everything hits look just give me everything you do you're kidding but only for two minutes or what you drink things here are surely killing me this is already harder to use on an iPod preparing the plan challenges the battery of the player and the genre playback screen I did it right I'm reading this weight tremor good writing just click and drag remember this doesn't undo oh oh yes it will oh man it's so slow this thing plays an mp3 I'll be impressed and I'll just call it a win a press day is that it's out of making the Shrek movie it's an attempt to grab it's genuine Lego plastic headphones and they go to the side it doesn't play oh I got it oh it's the version by Eddie Murphy, how do I turn up the volume?
How do I upload it? Well, how do I upload it? Now that's triggering shuffle play pause. How do you adjust the volume? This is the most complicated little thing ever. years, well time is running out, well buddy, you're falling apart, let me hear oh, it's just stuck, oh, that's closed, yeah, that's stuck, yeah, real Lego blocks and then the weirdness starts, no It is my intention to harm him, but I don't care. I saw him, he's resisting, you're arrested, wait, well there's some names, I need them for inspiration, they're the cops stop this police brutality, this nugget is just stuck, he'll go for old Bendy Bendy, he's flexible, ah, this one thing has a lot of glue. ah, beauty, come on, yeah, leave it, you're finished, your brain is mine, something hateful oh, it's getting weird, oh yeah, look, taking away its smelly lies, ah yeah, come on, leave it, oh, it's like Lego Real, the smaller it gets the hotter. to pick it up ah don't make me say hi to you your old worries have left the building we're going in there it's dad's turn turn the pliers I'm just going to go through all the bad techniques yeah that's how it's done everyone understand I may have cut a bit, we're out of place now, this damn thing, this channel is the pinnacle of safety and I heartily recommend the black and gold first aid strips, literally, genuinely, the worst mp3 player I've ever used anywhere the father.
There are tools coming out, they really went out of their way to stick this, hey, we got it, that's good, this procedure became easier with the introduction of real tools and there it is in its rawest form of hate, huh, and then Why did I destroy it, decide? to show me shrink what have I done what have I done I'm a monster

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