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I found a nightmare.

May 30, 2021
designing toys for kids, I mean, kids are pretty open-minded, pick a demographic and say, hey, what kind of toy do you want? Make it great and incredible, like reptiles and the bad smells they give off. Thanks you fat idiot Ray, would you like it to be cute and cheesy or how about scary, but then there are different degrees of scary, do you want fun like Halloween? I mean, like you don't want to chase kids with a toy, right, I've got the demons covered right now with just me not. I can't, I can't see it, this is official Nickelodeon merchandise.
i found a nightmare
There they are riding their cash cow for as long as possible in 2007. I mean, that's right at the end of the mp3 player wars, really 512 megabytes is pretty pathetic. but I mean this really is a toy, but I mean, what do you think when someone says, hey, let's make a Spongebob mp3 player? I mean, what would it be? Maybe it looks like a bubble wand or maybe it's like him smiling like that. and he says: why would you make her look like a


? It seems like a witch's curse, like they turned your best friend into a talisman that you have to wear all the time.
i found a nightmare

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i found a nightmare...

You can still hear him screaming in there, his eye unblinking. I mean this. Disgusting disk because of the brown color below like it has been transformed with his pants oh these generic headphones with the smell of smell I'm just going to cover the flash memory 512 yes, yes, yes 2,500 songs at kilobits, also known as the sound of memory gravel flash with skip protection tech that's getting credit for something built in that it had nothing to do with of course flash memory is skip protection when was the last time your flash drive skipped? 10 hours of battery, not bad or so many asterixes, plug and play looking mass storage device, it's better than the zoom stereo headphones can't wait to smell them oh, I'm just going to oh, we're just going to have to see.
i found a nightmare
The actual formatted capacity may be less of a lie, it will be less like what you don't know, your own product. Well, I guess that's not the case. Actual product may vary from image shown. We can only hope that unfortunately that's what it seems. Disinfects the evil look. Someone has been here. This is still sealed, but someone has been here. Or maybe it's the demons just trying to do it. come out, come out oh it's all crammed in here someone's been here look maybe someone's already done an exorcism that's what maybe that's why I have it maybe it's finally safe to drive wow god hit the mic this is bad omen guys I mean he's fighting with me he's telling me not to come in here oh we'll come back to this in a moment memcorp they make memes they have a dog they have a cat where's the owner snake one uh don't be snake another mini usb cable oh my god It's so long, it's impressively long, holy houses, it even has ferrite.
i found a nightmare
I guess it's so good that you're sinking it, you can stay as far away from it as possible, oh yeah, oh those are quality, oh look, they're trying. To be smart, well, they have one that is much shorter than the other, so to me it's like a trade-off. Well, I just see that there is less cable to throw directly into the trash. Ah, really, I'm putting this off, huh, oh, this bad omen is coming. to decide oh, it's all very sharp and pointy, I mean, it's like, okay, oh, isn't it lovely? Remember when SpongeBob SquarePants was metallic and gold and a disc with an unblinking eye.
Oh, it's a button, his eyeball is a button. That's where the torture is yours. the soul just has to be poked into the eye continually wow there's actually a lot of controls here I'll just leave it at that cautions you'll release demons that's really cool I'm actually going to like decimal meters and stuff I want that volume. the rocket launch pad, why doesn't the first page just say how to get rid of this safe removal hardware? Just get it out there guys, I still haven't seen a single view of the front, like you know you made something that looked horrible.
Is this just a different language now? Yeah, there's not a single front in this gentleman's picture because, unfortunately, there's nothing funny there because it's actually like it's a Nickelodeon product, it's totally legit, it's not like take a look at it and power, they actually made a whole. a bunch of other devices that were not at all scary and just a


, since this one is not, at all, his eyeballs, well, we have to connect it to something and play some kind of music to it, that's right, all the ones we will bring back to our PC. i'll use it i'll just do it nana selling gumtree style we're just going to film the screen im so glad this cable is long can i let you put it under the table oh no god the ppc is down guys i told you this was a bad omen I told you it was issued epc talk to me okay this has a mechanical drive okay yeah there I am that's me okay we'll keep you on the table here are you nice comfy devils I would.
I don't want to bother you again um, don't stop moving to stay still oh no, it should just be plug and play no, stop, stop, stop, no, no, no, stop, oh, well, it doesn't appear here, oh, there a red light. oh, just sync it now so we can finish this audio and video player. oh what are you kidding? Should we just be disconnecting the board from the EPC? Quickly execute my boy before he attacks again. Now I have to get out my little 12 inch laptop. nugget book, come on baby, remember guys, keep it safe, use a dongle, oh this is it, it doesn't have a name, it's totally fine, okay, we're here, where's the music that won't put me in jail? , there it is, oh dear.
I'm doing it, oh it's so slow, come on, nugget book, I know it's cursed, just do this for me and then you won't have to do this again. It's just two songs, man, just put them on and that's it, you've got it, yeah. 10 seconds, that's too long, actually, wow, too slow, come on, oh, okay, well, just get out, get out, run, oh no, there's someone else we'll have to subject this thing to. Turn on Bluetooth mode. Do not hurt him? Do it, I'm trusting you here, buddy, I don't trust you auxiliary mode, okay, how do I do it?
Actually, I'm going to have to read the manual for this thing, how do I release the demons? No need to update, it's okay, turn on the power, it's okay. that's what I did, oh I want this to end, okay set it to play, oh that didn't help, just play, play anything. I'm completely lost, no, I don't understand, I don't understand what. a lot of what a lot of crap I don't need the other languages ​​oh I did it right we just need good stuff yeah okay I've made this worse turn on that's why look look look they don't show it.
An eyeball, hey, where is it guys? It's cooked in the box, look, it's gone, buddy, it's gone, buddy. Well, this has been saved without power. They always say I'll use the dingus here real quick to test these headphones. Oh, they fit very well, no. oh they're loud go ahead let's use the title we want the best quality yes tell it up yes ok they don't have sub bass mind you yuck yes stop it do it. Would you believe that something that looks like this wouldn't be good? Could you believe it? Nobody bought this, here you go, this is it, you take away all this junk and rubbish and voila, that's what you have.
Am I going to give this thing the only value? I think it's pretty obvious. I'm going to give it to her. the only sandmate, I don't think anyone will be mad that I destroyed this. People got mad when I did it with Lego mp3 playback, but come on guys, that thing was a piece of shit, this thing is trash, the only grain though. Feeling a little sad, I'll hand it over to the mighty Mr. Anvil, but before the fun happens, I just want to say thank you so much for watching, especially to my clients and these stinking names right here, a dollar a month.
I'll do bonus videos and Mate, this week's bonus video sees how marketing tries to make the packages look super exciting and interesting. Well, let's take a look at the most boring mp3 player I've ever


. Olin Entertainment everywhere, so let's bust out. open that video sitting right now a colleague from behind, come in, let's chat too, send me a message. I will always answer, but simply put, there is only one thing that fits. I'll watch everything next week, so oh my gosh.

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