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Elsa and Anna toddlers turn big

Jun 02, 2021
Hey guys, oh how I hate that you're so lucky to have a magic carpet, a little one and a Mikey, don't forget the monkey, no, it's so much fun, I think it's time we go down. I'm Davey, oh you guys are so lucky. have a magic carpet, you can write it whenever you want, thank you very much guys, Jeannie, can you grant us a wish? Sorry, but the lamp only belongs to Alden, one person at a time, sorry, he has the rules. Oh please, we just need one wish. I can't do it, I'm sorry girls, we're just serious, oh please, it's very important, what's the wish?
elsa and anna toddlers turn big
Maybe you have some kind of solution, well we need to be taller because we are going to a carnival this weekend and we want to not be taller at all. to go to all the attractions there are many that we really like on the theme park website but we can't go because we don't tell each other man why don't you go when you're taller because it's only this weekend Jeanie and it's once a year please Jeanie it's our first time and we're just going to this yes please let me think oh yes it's true I can have a solution this is a special lamp for emergencies I can't give you elegance but I can give you this Wow if you match well with the secret code here, the magic code you can grant a wish, make it come true and we'll only last a week, oh okay, perfect, but you only have three tries and if I don't get the magic code right, well, you can't grant the wish.
elsa and anna toddlers turn big

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elsa and anna toddlers turn big...

Sorry, you'll have to wait until next week. Okay, we'll take these risks. Holley wants to say this is better than nothing. Yes, Tanya, how do you think we activate it. Oh look. There's the button here, should I press it? Yes, yes, try it, ah, I broke the magic code, this one is not right, why else, yeah, how do you know it is not right? Because Jeannie told me you need three of the same thing, as you know. three tries, oh yeah, like three wishes, yeah, and this one is two lamps and a flower, so it's not good, oh, it's okay, second try, oh, we have two peacocks and a cobra, oh, it's not good .
elsa and anna toddlers turn big
Oh, last try, one last try, come on, three, two, one, two, oh. It was very close on the third attempt. Now is the time of desire: we wish to be taller. No, we wish to be very, very, very tall. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? We want to be the tallest girl in the whole world. it's really happening whoa what's happening to me eh what are you Soto actually YouTube it's hard to even go to the theme park oh I'm not that tall look it's me oh no I'm even taller than the Wrights oh how am I going to go rania what's happening is happening to me , it feels so weird and I'm dizzy, well, oh no, I'm even taller than you know oh no, we're taller than the same part right now, how are we going to get on top of them, oh, no No No I know we're taller than the Wrights, how are we going to get on the rides?
elsa and anna toddlers turn big
Oh no, girls, it seems like you overdid your career, huh? Yes, the tallest girls in the world. Yeah, you can't even go to that theme park now. You wanted to go, you're taller than the attractions, yeah, no, this is a bad situation, yeah, and for a whole week, yeah, well girls, this will go away when the women eventually aah, wow, girls, you look like giants Taller than Jeannie, yes, taller than our moms. oh how are you going to get into your house now no where are we going to sleep where are we going to eat well you're going to eat but where are you going to sleep you won't be able to get into the house oh no this is bad bad bad I can't believe you're so tall or you don't even fit on our flying mat for me it's a skateboard for me for a flying board hey we can't really use it yeah how is it supposed to be used oh you're so tall Wow yeah now what's our mommy going to think oh no but we have that telling the truth if the truth is always the important thing, telling the truth to your moms if you tell them, tell the truth to your moms is not good, yes, because your moms can help you with everything, you just have to tell the truth, yes, it we know.
Wow, girl, you're even taller than the genie, oh, sorry about the stuff. for the school bus oh no no we won't be able to fit on the school bus no what do we do you walk to school uh you're so big you can basically walk oh yeah how are we not used to this yeah we just fly on our flying carpet following the school bus every time we go to school, it's so much fun here, oh yes, you can take some time, yes, we can go to school with you on the flying carpet, oh yes, that would be perfect. very cool, but not today because it doesn't fit, not this week, uh, yeah, we know we don't fit, yeah, well, you'll have to hurry, no, actually, we can walk quietly to school, we're so big, oh yes, but hurry up I think it's better to go early than late oh yes well Rogow oh it's so hard to walk yes we know that uh whoa it's so fun oh we're so early because our legs walk very fast because they're very tall yes oh and look look Your braid, it's so cute, I know, look at your pigtails, yeah, they got even bigger, yeah, okay, now let's do it somehow, yeah, I have no idea, oh, and look at the basketball court, oh, It's so small.
Oh, playing isn't fun anymore, yeah. I can only touch it oh and look at the door it's even smaller than our heads oh no no how are we going to get in I have no idea oh no look the swing is small it's too easy to play basketball now it's boring it's not fun It's already too easy to be fun and how are we going to get in? I think it's early to look at the clock, it's 8 o'clock, but oh, I can't use it, oh wait, let me put my leg there. Waiting, come on, come on, can you fit inside.
I can't get through my head, but maybe my feet will get in. I'll see you, just put your feet together, it's so small, oh no, how are we going to write something on the board? - some song and how we are going to look at all the continents and the ball is a little bigger than my I wonder how I am going to look in the microscope it is smaller than my palm it is smaller than my pupil how am I going to do this How am I going to use my backpack? It's not even big enough for my wrist or well my nose like uh oh no this is bad and how am I going to be able to write with these pens?
They're so small and this I remember when we were little felt so big that our heads, yeah, now it's only big enough to fit in my mouth. But I'm not going to put it in my mouth and how are we going to read? Do we put our books like this? I don't know how to see s G says friends the letters are so small ah and tell my god Rosa look I'm going to get in my nose I don't see how big my belly is how am I going to fill my belly with this little one? juice Oh no and how am I going to practice my guitar oh no, this is bad, music lessons are today Oh look, today we have music lessons, but the instruments are very small, how am I going to practice my piano?
It's a little smaller than my entire hand. and don't tell me I can actually play notes on this I can't I press four notes at once with my fingernail oh no this is bad mmm look no I'm scarier than you hey plastic head he's scarier than you and no you don't look that scary hmm just because you're so small hey you're not scary anymore don't be silly he wasn't scary anyway, for me he was a little scary no he's just plastic he won. I'm telling you oh okay I'm not afraid anymore, yes okay oh how are we going to drink now how are we going to drink from the fountain oh no now how am I going to step on the pedal and drink my head is too big to even fit, help me, your teachers, Andrey Chelsea, I can't do anything, oh, and most importantly, last but not least, how are we going to learn on our desks, the desk surfer, our feet, look at this, well, I guess we'll sit tight. next to the desks right here, but one thing Anya, how is our class going to fit in, you are right, otherwise, yes, you are right, aha or even too big for the computer, oh, I remember this computer was so useful that I was researching things about learning. and make powerpoints, but now what, oh, it's too small.
I loved computer class, same here, same here, and the pens, pencils, and paintbrushes are too small to hold. I can't even understand them. Look at the size of this pencil. I can not write. With this pencil there's no way we can survive a whole week like this, yeah, a whole school week, yeah, and we're even too big for the theme park, oh let's get back to smaller before the teacher comes, yeah , Jamie. Jamie we need your help we need your help I'm sorry the girls already helped you can they help you more please please Dini and now it's really an emergency we can't go to school we can't come into our house please do it for us it's okay, it's okay . some nerds on the same thing, but this is your last wish, well, last time you can use it, okay, be careful what you wish for, okay, because I won't help you anymore, sorry girls, okay, okay, hit, okay, let's do this, let's sit first because we're so tall, yeah, let's press, okay, luckily we can make our wish, oh, you wish to be small, we wish to be very, very small, yeah, what's going on, oh, sorry girls, you've already gotten small so you can fit in your house, yeah.
We can, we can sleep with you, you can go to school, but I mean, we can't go to the loose fanfare role, you can even sleep and fit in everywhere, yeah, I'm so dizzy, I'm so dizzy, I love you, oh, I would do it honestly. I will be like this all my life, if I could, why don't you want it yourself? You can't cast wishes on genies like I can't charge, cast a wish on myself, girls there you are, we got a call from the bus driver. So you didn't get on the bus, yeah, what happened?
We were so worried, girls, and what are you doing with the genie? Oh, I'm sorry, mommy, and why are you so small, yes, you are so short - long story, did the genie come to your little one come? right, well, stop, I know, oh, that's all mom's wish for her little ones to stay little forever, yeah, and we can just do things for babies, oh, that would be wonderful. I wish anus and not his rocking horse, hey, it was actually a lot of fun. I really liked my rocking horse now I can get back on it oh, that would be wonderful what cups are you oh oh, that would be wonderful girls oh yes, mommy, stop, you're embarrassing Oh girls, I'm sorry, you're so cute oh look how good I can carry you, you're not having it all, you're so light Oh, no, wow, it's actually a lot of fun, do you like it?
Yeah, oh come here baby, Raqqa, mercy, I'm not, I'm not a baby mama, just keep that in mind, oh, I'm sorry. Sorry, it's hard to remember that you know eight, yes, I get it right, you look like a three year old, no, I want to look like an eight or nine year old, oh no, no, I wish you were like that forever. just for a week mommy oh we don't have to take advantage of it take advantage of it take photos oh mom what happened to your face I don't know let me carry you all day no no all day there is no TV for you always stay with mommy it's okay oh you're right , Elsa, don't lie, ah, well done genius, thank you for granting this wish even for a week, next time, granted for my entire life, okay, I'll just do my job next time, grant it forever, please Please, no mom.
I can't make this nightmare come true, it's not a nightmare, baby, it's your dream. I wish you were a little forever, but mommy, mommy, think I'll be big and old, uh, oh, but honey, when you're old and Beach, it's being little, no, I won. "Yes, you're coming, let's go home. Thank you so much genius. I really appreciate this next time we come to see you, which will totally be next week. I'll tell you to grant it again. Okay, there's only three chances for you, Gregg ". but oh, okay, oh, so you know, use argue with me.

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