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BALLERINA! Elsa & Anna toddler dolls - Ballet class

May 31, 2021
it's doll time oh what a beautiful day it's so nice out here all the plants and everything oh they smell so good I really just want to dance what are you doing Elsie oh hi Annie was dancing do you want to come dance with me sure but I think I know what we need hm Where does the radio play? Now we can choose the song we like. I'm going to play this one, come on, let's do some gymnastics with the music. 1 2 3 oh, that was amazing. I'm going to do a cartwheel I love doing cartwheels this is very fun dance dance dance this is very fun I'm going to dance like a robot oh you're very good Anie I'm going to do a cartwheel so just lift my arm, leg, like this.
ballerina elsa anna toddler dolls   ballet class
I'm going to make a TL robot, twist, turn and divide. I think you are very good Annie, we are very good dancers, why don't we start taking


lessons? Yeah, let's do that, we're so good. Look at us Hello Elsie and Anie, what are you doing? Hello Bill. We're getting ready for our valet lesson. Valet lesson. You don't know how to dance


. I could show you how to do it properly and professionally. I've been dancing. since I was 3 years old we were thinking that we could start with ballet classes oh I am also doing ballet classes ballet is very strict it is nothing like gymnastics it doesn't matter we will improve yes we are going to learn no Don't forget that you need to train and anyway This week we will do the SW L concert in ballet class.
ballerina elsa anna toddler dolls   ballet class

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ballerina elsa anna toddler dolls ballet class...

It's so difficult that even I find it difficult. We will learn all the steps and show them that we are the best dancers. See you all. in dance class I can't wait to see you there P I was really nervous about our ballet lessons Annie, don't worry, we have to start from somewhere, you're right, being a beginner is fine, let's go get our dresses and get ready to ballet class class is about to start come on oh oh no what are we going to wear if we don't find something soon we're going to be late okay Elsie I'm going to bring the basket of clothes I'm going to bring my basket of clothes too okay let's see this cool hat, it's really cool, we're not Annie, I heard that in ballet class, this week they're doing Swan Lake, oh come on, let me see this, let me see this. that's a lot of clothes huh, this dress, what's up with this skirt?
ballerina elsa anna toddler dolls   ballet class
She's really cute, no, we need to find something cute, it's SW, maybe this dress, no, oh look Annie, these pants, they look floppy, oh, this really cute purple dress. I found something. this for me no way Anna, I think it's mom's, oh oh, this Barbie looks super cool, no, it's too bright orange, come on, I'll start putting these clothes away here, I have, I bought something, okay, come on, come on , Annie, come on, okay, oh. oh, it's okay, Annie, we're here, okay, that's good, oh, I don't think Belle is here, oh, now we can warm up without her, come on, let's go in, come on, Annie, don't you have any clothes yet?
ballerina elsa anna toddler dolls   ballet class
It may not be appropriate, but it's almost perfect, but they'll work fine, come on, Anna, here, just get it out like this, okay, yeah, let me out. Annie, can I talk to you? You brought swimsuits. What's the matter? This is ballet. We don't know swimsuits. I know it's Onean Lake, but. there isn't actually a lake, oh sorry Elsa Anie, you brought a swimsuit, it's a dress, we're not actually going to a lake, sorry, what nonsense is going on here. Elsie and Annie actually arrived and no. I even have a suitable dress or shoes and they brought us now B these are new guests we want to make them feel welcome but Elsie and Onnie are not supposed to bring the swimsuit it's ballet you bring jesses and their shoes now I can solve this problem solved but no I want this to happen in the future go warm up by the bars here you have your shoes on thanks and blue for lsie now since you two forgot your dresses I'll go get them now I start warming up by the bar the shoes are so cool and cute , I can't wait to see that the dress will be good, we have the dresses, this one is for Elsa and this one is for Anie.
Thank you very much B. You start to warm up while these two gold ones put them on. I have to do something, hurry up, now the dresses are much prettier than mine, let's try them on Annie, oh, we look so pretty, so pretty now, girls, you are dressed in your shoes and dresses, you look very beautiful, you I'm going to show it. Your dance steps, so do them here and then go around here. Turn, come back here. Go up here and then do a double turn. Come straight down. Do your full dance routine that I'll show you later and come back all the way through the splits.
Understand, yes, of course, that's very easy, uh, um, I really don't know what you mean, yes, we really don't understand, okay, they're your first class girls. I will show it to you now so that you can make a work. Then you lift your leg. like this and do a twist then you're going to go to the W over here and then you're going to finish with the splits let me show you how it's done okay so first you do a wall and then I think you do a twist um oh Bella you're wobbling a bit. maybe I should help you no I'm fine sorry I just came out and then remember you do a little more horing and then you do some yes sir I know and then you finish with another twist and the splits uh ow oh Belle, do you? are you OK?
Yes, of course I am. I missed my beat for a second, let me get it right, don't do it again. Belle, you're one of our star students, you can't do this, it's okay. It turns and ends in the split, no. the twist you have to have a perfectly straight leg, here we go Belle, I wasn't very impressed with your dance routine today, I want much better next time, oh why I'm sorry miss. It's sad, I was so unfocused and I can't. I try, I can try, sure Annie, you can't, okay miss, this is going to be great, so first you do the waltz, yeah, walk, first brilliant and then you do a spin, yeah, straight leg, all right, now straight, then the second, you do it. one more lap without the leg and then you win and then you finish in disbelief wonderful Annie wonderful I got a perfect Els I think you could have done the best in the class but we still have one more chance Elsie would you like to try it?
No I don't know now Elsie I, it's just your first class, you have the right to be afraid, just take a deep breath and follow the music, okay 1 2 3, go now Walts Walts Walts and the T, the turn and then the second wall. I think so, second wall, well done, Elsie, and then this spin without one leg and then landed on the splits. I was so good, brilliant, Elsie, you did an amazing job, oh wonderful, wonderful, no, the teacher like Elsie and Anie, so much better than me, what am I? What I'm going to do now, everyone did wonderfully in their practice, since they know that we are going to dance Swan Lake.
There should be four people on stage dancing and I will choose you three to come on stage and dance with me. It's wonderful, this is going to be amazing, I know it's going to be amazing, yes girls, we are absolutely all your best students. Yes, Belle, of course, you are all wonderful. I want to be better than Elsie and Annie. I'm going to Give her something really nice now Miss Rosie will like me more Miss Rosie I brought you this wonderful cupcake M it smells delicious Belle thank you very much I made it myself I can't, it smells so good yes no I'm the best thing I do I don't know why Belle always she wants to be the best we're at a concert together we should be friends yeah why can't you just be nice?
I know, it's okay girls, I'm back Miss Rosalie, there's something about your face on my face, what do you mean? Oh my god, what happened to my face? I know it was the chocolate, the chocolate muffin that Belle gave me. I'm allergic to chocolate, how could I not see it? Oh God, Belle, how could you forget that she was allergic? chocolate I really don't know but I feel so bad that it doesn't matter if you weren't trying to prove that you were the best this would never have happened yeah okay I'm sorry I really am I was just so jealous that you could do all the things good and me and I were very bad, I'm so sorry girls the show will have to be cancelled, no one can see me looking like that on stage and there has to be four people on the dance floor oh god I'm so upset I really wanted to do the play, yes, me too and now I really wanted to do S Blake, me too, but you know there have to be four of us and now I can't dance it. because the teacher got sick wait I think I have an idea I wonder what she will get yeah, I hope it's useful too oh, where is it?
Come on Belle, I'm back B I just went and talked to Barbie, she said she stared, swayed, licked We Barbie won't be here until our next lesson and we can practice until then, but the puppy wants to practice with us. Oh, he's fine, but first he needs this. You need a dress. She's fine, let's get her dressed. Be amazing, she looks so adorable, she's so pretty, oh girl, let me turn on the piano, yeah, oh, she's so good, totally, she's so pretty, oh, good girl, Nelly, me too, we're good too and the music is great. Very sorry.
Elsie and Anie are very good at B and I'm sorry I ever doubted their abilities okay, I'm glad we can all work together okay Belle, can we all be friends now? Yes, but I know what will make this Swan leg even better the toy swan on I'll go in first, come on, of course, I like to win. I'm glad we can all practice. I love having fun together. Best ballet class ever. There are more funny videos here, don't forget. subscribing is free

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