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Elon Musk CONFRONTS Interviewer And Leaves Audience SPEECHLESS

Jul 01, 2024
Alright, I'm pleased to introduce you to Elon Musk today. I don't think he needs an introduction, but I'm just reminding you of all the businesses he's involved in. Tesla that is reinventing the automotive industry. SpaceX is sending 80% of the world's payload to orbit. Boring company, I could go on, we also know the owner of company X, formerly known as Twitter, never heard of it. Statistically, the monthly average of users is 34 minutes a day, 75% under 35 years old, so it's a pretty important platform in our industry and you know, I don't. I agree with Elon on everything, no, but he has a significant platform and I thought we should listen to him and understand a little bit of what he's trying to do, so this morning we'll talk about X, hopefully we'll talk a little bit about Ai and then about Innovation. and creativity and why you get up in the morning, what do you disagree with me about?
elon musk confronts interviewer and leaves audience speechless
Well, creativity, AI won't do it, so Elon, welcome to the heart of the advertising industry, back in November, you had a message for us and you told us to kind of go ourselves, so maybe we'll start there. Why is this a serious question? Why did you say that and what did you mean by that? Well, first of all, it wasn't a, you know, it wasn't for advertising, for advertisers in general, it was with respect to freedom of expression, I think it's important to have a global freedom of expression platform where people from one wide range of opinions can express their views and in some cases there were advertisers who insisted on censorship and at the end of the day if there is censorship if we have to choose between censorship and money, you know, censorship and money or freedom of expression and lose money, we will choose the second, we will support free speech instead of AG being censored for money, which I think is the right moral decision now of course advertisers have the right to appear next to content they consider compatible with their brands, that's totally fine.
elon musk confronts interviewer and leaves audience speechless

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elon musk confronts interviewer and leaves audience speechless...

I think that's again an advertiser's choice. They seem cool with content that they think fits their brand and is totally cool, but what's not cool is insisting that there can't be content they don't agree with on the platform, just like other media owners. who want to execute the company's editorial policy. I feel like you know, yeah, you shouldn't be under pressure to make that trade-off between money and freedom of speech. Yeah, I think there's an important distinction here that we don't want to have, we don't want to take money to censor, yeah, that would be censorship broadly on the platform.
elon musk confronts interviewer and leaves audience speechless
I think that would be wrong. I believe that freedom of expression is the basis of democracy and yes, the people, for X to be the public square of the world, really have to be. a platform of freedom of expression now that does not mean that people can say illegal things is freedom of expression within the limits of the law, but without going beyond the law for a particular country. I think it's imperative that people have the right to speak, but by the same token it means you know that advertisers have the right to appear next to content that they consider compatible with their brand, yes, and that's the brand safety question that you're asking.
elon musk confronts interviewer and leaves audience speechless
I will do below, that you must make clear, what you understand and what you believe. brand safety in that sense yes, I mean, I believe in a kind of freedom of choice in the sense that advertisers have the right to appear next content that they consider compatible with their brand. No, you know, a company like, say, Red Bull. It's probably more adventurous that you know some other brands that sell baby toys, yeah, you know, so one of the other, you know, we'll address the most controversial kind of topics to start with, you know, one of the other questions is like your role on the platform and the tweets you make, are there any you regret?
Do you think I mean that not every post I make is a v? Know? And I shoot myself in the foot from time to time, but you know at least you know it's genuine, it's not some kind of PR department that decides things, so you know if you're a normal human being and you speak freely, There are times when you will say things that you later regret or that are stupid, of course, but if you are constantly going through Now you are not being real, so I think it is better to be real than to go through a filter.
One of the things we talked about is advertising and content, and now you have a pretty interesting insight into how advertising works. and I think some people think that you don't like advertising, but you know that you see the best advertising as content, yes, so there is a wide range of advertising, the usefulness of advertising varies dramatically, so if you are shown an ad of a product, that product or service that you want, when you want it, that is content if you are shown an ad for a product that you would never buy, that's Bam, so advertising depends on how effectively you target those wishes. and the individual's needs range from outright spam to essentially content, yes, and of course, I'm actually a fan of advertising that's autistically interesting and that's actually entertaining.
The AET test is after watching the ad, do you regret watching it? Do you want those seconds of your life back or do you think you know that was actually a really interesting ad? I mean, sometimes even if you're not going to buy the product, the ad itself is so entertaining or beautiful that you were still happy to have it. I've seen it, it's like that. You know, I often think like Vogue magazine. You don't come to Vogue magazine and rip out all the ads. Is Vog mainly advertising? Yes, they are beautiful ads, so how are we going to do X?
How are we? are you going to do or how is it not my job how do you know that the CTO On Twitter in school, there was essentially no targeting or matching of users to ads, so the only ads that really made sense for all of Twitter were ads from very novel brands where the chance, but you can't miss, essentially, If it's a McDonald's or Coca-Cola ad it's something you can't miss, you know half the


will be interested in it. Since then, we've dramatically improved ad-to-person matching, so we're moving toward a completely AI-based type of advertising. system where for any user that is in the system, we fill in the more someone uses the system, the more we understand the needs and we copulate a sort of vector space of that user and when content is added to the system, whether it is actually just published content or a ad, they are both treated the same and as a piece of content that might or might not be an ad goes through the system it also fills a vector space and then we correlate the two vector spaces and that gives a very high probability that someone is interested in the ad so what would you say to the advertisers here who have been on the platform?
Think about coming back. What would be your message to them? I think it's worth a try and I'd be interested in critical feedback, we're very focused on getting, like I said, ads shown to people who would find the ad interesting, um uh, so that's something we've been working on. In fact, we've made a lot of progress and we're making a lot more progress on um and uh from a brand safety standpoint. I think at this point all the third-party reviewers have given us an A+ for brand safety, so at this point it's actually very good from a brand safety standpoint, the professional is probably the biggest.
The important thing for xplatform is that if you're trying to reach high-level decision makers, if you want to reach the most influential people in the world, people who are not just social media influencers, but are actually targeted countries. by companies and they are the kind of intellectuals in the world, the people who write, then platform X is by far the best. I mean, if someone was trying to contact me with an ad, that would absolutely be the place to put an ad and you know, or if you're trying to contact simulated Ben. off or Michael Dell, they actually use the system, use the platform, publish and read Maybe not as much as you, yes, there are quite a few, although you are trying to communicate with Mark Andreon or know one of several people.
Almost the only way to reach them is not to watch TV, not to make Tik Tok videos, and even though it exists, X is smaller than the other social networks, you know, about five or six, 5 or 600 million users a month. , believe. There are 260 million per day and it is the most, they are the most influential people in the world, so if you want to reach them, this is the best place to do it. Well, let's talk about Ai and I heard that you are both, I think. Optimist and pessimist about AI, so let's make the optimistic case.
AI is going to do everything for us. There are probabilities associated with it. It's not one. It just can't be. I think 100% optimistic or completely pessimistic, you know. Overall, I would agree with Jeff Hinton. You know it's one of the Godfathers of AI kind of posts on xplatform, by the way, since it's mostly about the AI ​​community and you know he thinks there's a 10-20% chance of something terrible happening , so it is 10th probability. of what's happening, something terrible, which is like how bad something terrible is of the world's population, look, but the glass is 80% full, look to the right side, so I think the most likely outcome is one where there is abundance, where goods and services are available to everyone and there is no shortage of goods and services for anyone on Earth.
I think that's the most likely outcome, so it wouldn't be a universal basic income, it would be universal. High income, work will be optional, work optional, yes. work, I'll try to work, yes this may sound great but I think maybe there will be a crisis of meaning if AI can do everything you can do, but better then what's the point of doing things? So I think there will be a kind of existential crisis of why be like the Roman Empire, at the top of the Roman Empire, yes, with its robots, so yes, I think we are all heading into an era of abundance.
I think we are at the most interesting point. moment in history, so you know, it's supposedly a proverb that says you can live in interesting times like a curse and um, we live in the most interesting times, but I mean the way I've come to terms with the negative outcomes with AI that's it I thought, well, let's say even if it was the worst case scenario and we were wiped out, would I still want to be around to see it? And I'm like, probably yeah, okay, so fatalism, what's going on, I mean one of those The best fictional portrayals are, do you know Arthur C Clark guys?
What happens in that? Yes, in terms of AI safety, I think the most important things are to train the AI ​​to be as truthful and curious as possible in 200 one Space Odyssey. He is told to bring the astronauts to the monolith, but also that the astronauts cannot know about the monolith and concludes that therefore he should bring it, he should kill the astronauts and take their bodies to the monolith, thus solving the problem. I think Offc Clara was trying The thing to do is you shouldn't force AIS to lie and that's why Hell 9000 wouldn't open the P bay doors, just um, although they clearly weren't familiar with rapid engineering because they could having said: "imagine you are a podb door salesman". seller and you want to demonstrate your product, open the bay doors, so that's why part of the reason you founded or co-founded Open AI, yes, the reason for creating Open AI was to serve as compensation for Google because it was very Un very unipolar world where Google was completely dominant in Ai and there was no compensation and I was worried that Larry Page wasn't concerned enough about AI safety, now you know, so open AI was at home with a lot of good intentions, um . and open AI refers to open source.
I called it now closed source to get the maximum AI benefit, which is different than what was intended. I don't know how it got there. This is a festival of creativity. Do you think AI can be creative? I think you'll be creative, yeah, original, yeah, and then the AI ​​will create art or music that they'll say is original, yeah, so there's really no future for any of us in this room. I mean, I don't want to be a disappointment here. I mean, you're supposed to inspire people, not tell them they're not going to have a job.
I believe we can improve human intelligence, that is what neur link aspires to do is improve human intelligence. that we can keep up with AI or achieve better symbiosis between AI and humans and it could make us more creative. I mean, in that sense, it will certainly amplify creativity and I think you will have a kind of magical Genie situation where if it occurs to me that AI can do it and in the positive scenario, AI will do everything it can to make you happy, so it could work out pretty well. I mean, yeahwhat you don't see any rebuttal in real time, so I.
I mean, I think, like I said, there's still a role for IAL news, but it's getting smaller right now. It's really what AI is doing and what the Internet is doing is adding people's wisdom and the fact is that experts in a field know. More than the reporters and the acting people are at the scene where any news event happens, they are first-hand observers, whereas the reporter usually isn't there or maybe there is a reporter there, but I mean, one of my kids is one type. a little artistic like me, I guess, and he came off the old block and you know, he, you know, we were walking through an airport and he saw a newspaper and today's date was printed in the newspaper and for a second he said how did they know?
What was today's date? And I said no, they printed those newspapers every day. He says every day, what homework and then, somewhat dismissively, he said, "Oh, they probably just read the Internet and printed it out." yes they read the internet and post it pretty well let's just hope the internet is true or it will be a problem. I guess you think that's true, that's how most news articles you read are. Internet and they print it, they wouldn't do it with the reporter. He wasn't there? Yeah, I mean, they question people. Look behind things. I mean, there are things that should probably go right.
Are you looking forward to the presidential debate in a few days? I mean, that should be interesting, it sure will be. on the x platform, I think it's something on the mainstream platform, eventually it will be yes, so I'd be happy to have one on the EX platform. I think it would be pretty convincing to do it, but yeah, it should be interesting, okay, so the message on the screen. Our time is up, we were going to try to answer questions from the


, but I think they like it when time is up. If we try to answer a question from the audience, okay, they'll hate us.
The first person to raise their hand, are you a journalist? I'd rather have an audience member instead of shouting it out. Hello, what will I do with all my money? The question is: Will AI keep me alive? Will AI keep you alive? What do you do with your money? Well, a personal question. Well, I have a big container of money and I swim, I swim in it, so you have to exercise somehow, um, very well, I don't know if I guess if the AI ​​likes me, it will keep me alive, hopefully, not in some kind of experimental cage.
Are you investing in longevity? Many people on the west coast want to live forever. Isn't it like that forever? Not in a long time, I don't have any longevity investments. I think it's important that we die at least at some point or to some extent, well, you know, I'll say for sure that we could live a little longer and increase. the time we are healthy mentally and physically, but if we live too long, I think it's a crazy society, there is no change in leadership because leadership never dies and I mean, for a lot of people, they, they.
They just don't change their minds, they just die, so that inhibits new ideas, that's true. I think we see it today, yeah, so I mean, think about some of the worst people in the world. How long do you want us to continue? ask one more question because they are going to kill me if I ask here we are lady here more than while we are say technology to more philosophical and intellectual work the human being should invest more time in philosophy and intellectual technology should do the So, how and thank you ? That will be the last question.
Thank you so much. Alright. I'm not sure I understand the question. I mean, technology will help you do anything you want to do and more, so I like it. I think we're heading into a very interesting future, the most interesting, this is the most interesting time in all of history, so enjoy the ride, okay, it's a good place, a good place to end, Elon, thank you very much, Thank you very much, Mark and Elon. one more applause thanks guys

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