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Jordan Peterson Leaves Audience Speechless on ELON MUSK!

Jul 02, 2024
Well, it's not obvious to me that I'm in a position to evaluate Elon Musk like I'd like to talk to him and find out what he's doing and why, but I mean he's an impossible person, what he's done is impossible at all times. . It's like he built an electric car that works now, does it work completely? Will it replace gasoline cars or should it? I don't know, but we are going to build electric cars. He seems to be the best at it by far. and he more or less made people complain about him, but he more or less did it alone.
jordan peterson leaves audience speechless on elon musk
I know he's very good at distributing responsibilities and all that, but he's the tip of the spear and then that was pretty difficult and then he built a rocket like 1/10 the price of NASA rockets and then he shot his car into space, that it's hard enough and then you're building this boring company. It's a whimsical joke in a sense, but it's not a joke. Is incredible. There was a recent interview with Elon Musk where he said something my mind is a storm I don't think most people would want to be me, they may think they would want to be me, but they don't, they don't know, they don't understand what you think about that.
jordan peterson leaves audience speechless on elon musk

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jordan peterson leaves audience speechless on elon musk...

Elon is someone who people probably admire and aspire to be one of the downsides of high-level genius. It could be described as hypomania, so here is a simple test people can do. This is a test of something called verbal fluency and verbal fluency. is associated with creativity, so here's a simple verbal fluency test: write as many four-letter words as you can in 3 minutes that start with t, that's pretty limited, four letters between t or write as many words as you can in 3 minutes start with S, that's less restrictive, there's a pretty powerful correlation between the sheer number of words you produce and the creative achievements of your life, especially in the artistic and verbal domains, that's different than vocabulary.
jordan peterson leaves audience speechless on elon musk
Vocabulary is the number of words he understands. how many words you can produce in a given, well, people vary to a degree that you can hardly imagine, so some people, if you ask them to do the four letter test in 3 minutes, they will write like 12 words and some people will write. down 150 those who are writing 150 their minds are going at a hypomanic pace they are just thinking 5 times faster without any remission you know when that gets completely out of control you have manic you have someone who is manic and there is nothing fun about manic, hence comes the word maniac and someone whose maniac has a thousand different plans, each of which is a sentence long, so they are very enthusiastic, they will spend every consignment of their money chasing them and things will just come to an end immediately.
jordan peterson leaves audience speechless on elon musk
Hell, that's the outer limit of pathology on the creative front and someone like Musk who is clearly a genius, that's what he's dealing with on the internal landscape of him. Now I'm not saying he's manic because I don't see any signs of that, but someone. that creativity is at that limit or you see someone like Ben Shapiro. I mean, it's very interesting to talk to Ben because Shapiro talks, I think faster than anyone I've ever met, but if you're with him you see very clearly that he's probably thinking five. times that fast and that's a lot and when I was writing maps of meaning, which was my first book, I had a hard time turning my mind off.
I was obsessed with that book so I was writing about 3 hours a day and then I was thinking about the material for 12 hours and the thoughts came up so much faster than thinking that they probably came up as fast as I can read. I can read about 1200 words per minute if the material isn't overwhelmingly dense, so I thought non-stop for like 16 hours a day, that's part of the reason I started lifting weights because if I lifted a heavy enough weight , 12200 words per minute while weighing 100 pounds on Myly, it was enough, it was enough to turn it off and it was also one. of the reasons why I drank because that was another thing that would close it, yeah, well I think the price that people pay to be the person you admire is a very interesting framework to look at someone like Elon Musk, my mind is a storm.
I don't think most people would want to be me. The price you would have to pay to be me is not one you would want, but you are one of the richest men on the planet and you know how to dance. on stage and launching cars that are bulletproof and putting rockets into space, well yeah, but what about all the luggage? What is it? He also seems very conscientious to me and I know people who have worked with him. Musk is not. He's just a creative genius, he's also an extremely conscientious engineer and really conscientious engineers have very interesting minds.
I like talking to engineers because my brother-in-law is a great engineer and when he understands something, he understands how to build it from atoms. It's like he understands it on every level and Musk strikes me as someone who has this weird combination of hypercreativity but also hyperawareness. I know he works all the time. Yeah, does that kind of hypertrophied executive function help discuss some of the things? Spread Creative Energy or we will put it into this at least for a while and then move on to something else. Yes, definitely, Musk is hyper creative and, as far as I can tell, hyper conscientious and conscientious.
Focus many people who are creative are not conscientious, well, it is strange that if you are one of them, there is no correlation between creativity and conscientiousness, if you are the most creative person among a thousand and you are the most conscientious person of a thousand you are one person among a million and Musk is probably more like one person in 100 million something like that maybe more but or maybe a billion, maybe most people's hierarchies are actually quite small, in a way they are made up of the people who compare themselves with you, you know, which is also kind of strange because one of the things you see happen with really successful people is that they don't actually get much happier and much less unhappy as they go up. social scale because the people you compare yourself to change so I can tell you a funny story about this so I know this guy I worked with for a long time his name is Dale RI and he's a great guy he's like 6 years.
He's '7 and he's really charismatic and has been quite successful. He built this company in San Francisco called Founder Institute and it's just one of many things that he's done and he's operating in 165 cities. It is a school to teach people how to be entrepreneurs. is trying to export Silicon Valley, what would you call it, technological and financial to the rest of the world, and in about 5 years it built 165 schools, not physical schools, but school-like organizations around the world, and go, try that like that. really hard, you know, just building one is hard, but doing it in multiple languages ​​around the world is fucking impossible and then at the same time he built his organization, he started 2,500 successful companies as a consequence of building this school, it's nice .
Well, you know, and he was going through a hard time and he was talking to me on the phone about, you know, not being so happy with what he'd done with his life and he said, Jez, I compare myself to my roommate and you. . I know I've barely done anything and his roommate was Elon Musk, it's like I laughed at him. I thought, geez, that's what you are GNA, you haven't done anything compared to Elon Musk and you're depressed about it, it's like. well you and the rest of the planet, I mean look what Musk did Musk, what he did, he invented an electric car, that's impossible, then he made it work, that's impossible and then he built an entire infrastructure to charge it and it worked. and that's impossible and then they're good cars and then he made them faster than any car and cheaper and that's impossible and then that wasn't good enough so he decided he would compete with NASA which is impossible and build rockets at the same time. price they were building them, except bigger and then he shot his car on his rocket into space and did all that and it's like Ado was thinking, "I've done almost nothing with my life." Oh yes, but what I mean is that you primates of our kind have a group size that we consider our group to be about 200 people, so, for example, likes on Facebook, the probability that it is on something close to reasonable. constant communication with 200+ people is low, you just don't have the time and can't keep track, so our natural group is something like 200 and our groups tend to fragment when they grow larger than that and so is also associated By the way, with the cortical size seen in primates, as primates develop larger brains, the group size they seem to be able to handle also increases and that could be part of the reason they develop brains. bigger.
I know, but the problem is that as you become more successful, say in the global hierarchy of 100 million people, the 200 people you compare yourself to change and you end up with $100 million and you're not very happy because your yacht of 50 million dollars is like 20 feet shorter than your friend's, you know, 150 million dollar yacht and so you have a high level of neuroticism, which frustrates you and disappoints you, you know, it's important. understand, that's the message here, the whole point of this. is that you have a system, this serotonin system, the basis of your neurophysiology, it also sets up your brain during embryonic development, so it really is the master control system in many ways and it counts where you are in your hierarchy and then decides how much positive emotion and how much negative emotion you should feel on average because of your position and so if you say number one is at the top and number 10 is at the bottom then you are number 10. you are barely holding on to the bottom of the reality your brain says look, it's dangerous where you are at the bottom of the hierarchy you don't have many friends it's precarious down there and that means that any little thing that goes wrong, any little mistake you make, that could be the end of you, so You better be on guard and alert, and if something small happens, it better hurt because it could be the Str that breaks the camel's back and there's nothing nice about the richest man in the world saying he wants to. to restore truth on Twitter and trust on Twitter, it's just a public square, it's now the way people communicate good news.
You were personally impacted by Twitter's left-leaning, censorious ways. You have now been restored. What impact do you think of Twitter becoming an equal game? field will have to know. I mean, I hope to meet people who know Elon Musk very well who have worked for him and are very capable people, to say the least, and really admire him. the ability to do exactly what he did went on Twitter and said he's a good observer of the predo principle a small minority of people do all the productive work it's like all of you are gone and he just does it it's like and everyone who they complain and complain they complain and complain about it and no doubt some people who were doing credible work were also fired because it's a pretty wide swath, let's say, but they got rid of 75% of the people and Twitter is still working with record. correct traffic exactly and like that and apparently he has also put the boots to the people who are traffickers in child sexual exploitation already in the red, no joke, no joke, incredible in two ways, incredible that he did it, but even more incredible that I can do it that way. fast and that had not been done and


also it seems to me that the evidence is quite clear that he not only has a pretty good eye but that he is capable of learning so he will experiment and learn from his experiments. and we'll see if he can clean up Twitter, so you took a trip to the Tesla factory, what were your thoughts after meeting Elon Musk?
Were you able to talk to him much? I wouldn't say much, we talked for probably 20 minutes. All in all, it's not purely private because there are other people around, but you know, that barely lets you scratch the surface of someone like Musk because he's an amazing person and God only knows what's wrong with him, all things considered, we saw his new truck, he was taking people for a ride. No, I didn't go out for a walk. uh the truck is an amazing piece of engineering, the factory is huge, um you know what you say about someone who built a working electric car and then shot it into space on a rocket.
He's a unique person, but I thought he came out very well. It was a very interesting evening, so I was glad to be there. You know, we walked around each other a little bit and it was good. You guys interacted quite a bit on Twitter, it seems like yeah, yeah, what do you think that is as you converge? I don't know, I don't know exactly, we're both very well known and I guess to some extent that increases the likelihood of that kind of convergence, but maybe he's also pointing at me, he seems to be literally, he's pointing up very literally, yeah, Definitely, he didn't put an astronaut?
Wasn't there a model of an astronaut in the driver's seat of the car he put in? into space Oh, that's certainly possible, it has a theatrical touch, there's no doubt about that and a great sense of humor because it's a lot of fun to shoot your own car into space on a rocket, it's avery good joke, why has someone like Elon made it to the stage where he can say things that almost everyone else sees you? He is the richest. Man, I don't think he's gotten to that stage. I think he always has and now he still knows how to do it.
I mean, you know, people think I'll say what I have to say when I get to the point. where I am protected and safe it is as if, above all, being protected and safe does not give you the courage to say what you have to say that theory could not be more the other way around you think that you will become braver and braver as you go be each more and more protected, you think that's how the world works. I mean, I've seen college professors think that at some point they're going to speak their mind as they develop their career, but when they're protected and safe, they've gone so long without speaking their mind that they're not even who they were and they don't know. what they think so no, he says what he says because he's always done that and people who are like him are like this and like that I guess Steve Jobs was exactly the same.
I mean, I know people who knew him, he always said what he thought and was pretty strict about it, which is why Apple products are such miracles of technological mastery that he had. He had an incredibly astute design eye and he was very quick to cut entire projects without a second thought, in a sense when they weren't working. He did it when he came back to Apple for the second time, refined the entire product line, got rid of a lot of different things and so we're focusing on this, yeah, right, that was a test. I mean, maybe it was a fluke the first time, but he wasn't, but going back and doing it again the second time showed pretty clearly that it wasn't the same with Elon.
True, he has refined what he does with a couple of very strict parameters, well, it seems like he has, although the company he has created is incredibly high functioning. I mean producing a truly competitive automobile sub-industry and reducing the cost of space exploration by a factor of 10 and inventing reusable rockets and having developed this boring technology, it's a miracle, it's probably an alien, yeah, probably, uh, there are only two, probably a reptile, they are not the American car companies, I think that has not gone away. bust Ford and Tesla and Tesla came very close several times yes, it is an incredible achievement.
As far as I'm concerned, Elon, yes, he is an extraordinary person, what do you think of Elon Musk? You've talked a little about him, you met him. I'm blown away by admiration, that's what I do. I return to this idea. Think of it as something primary. Well, that's all. Do you find this comedian funny? It's like, well, I laugh at him. You know what I mean. There are things I would like to ask Mr. Musk about Mar's Venture. I don't know what he's doing there. It seems absurd to me in the most fundamental sense because I think it would be easier to just build an outpost in Antarctica. or in the desert, well, how much of human effort is absurd?
Well, that's what he said. Great men are rarely credited with his stupidity. Who the hell knows what Musk is doing? I mean, obviously, he's building rockets, now he's motivated because he wants to build. A platform for life on Mars is a good idea, who am I to say he is building the Rockets man, but I would like to ask him about it? I would like to see that conversation. I think after having talked to him quite a bit. offline I think that several of his ideas, like Mars becoming a multiplanetary species, could be one of the things that human civilization remembers, of course.
I can't believe he's one of the few people who was actually pushing this idea because it's the obvious thing for society to survive life, yeah well it's not obvious to me that I'm in a position to evaluate Elon Musk, go to Elon as far as I'm concerned and then you know he puts his finger on it. Interestingly, the problem is subpopulation. I also believe it. I think it is a terrible problem that the West, for example, is no longer in replacement with respect to the birth rate. It means that we have abandoned the Virgin and the child. the most fundamental sense is a bloody catastrophe and Musk sees it as clear as can be, it's like everyone else is running oh, there are too many people, it's like no, look, I've learned that there are falsehoods and lies and that there are anti-truths and an anti-truth is something so absurd that you couldn't make a statement that is more opposite to the truth and the statement that there are too many people on the planet is an anti-truth, so I know people say, well, you have to accept limits for growth, etc., it's like I have to accept the limits you're going to impose on me because you're afraid of the future.
That's your theory, okay? You know Facebook Twitter Instagram to a lot of social media platforms that's how we communicate now, it's like the public forum, that's our voice, so our voice is really owned by a player, I don't know if it's owned, but no, it's owned space where it's almost like it feels like the newspaper is owned, you know what I'm saying, well you really saw that with Twitter, especially before Musk took over the people where Twitter was compromised by the government, it was incredible, well, yes, Facebook has also opposed it. to all the pressure that has been put on them to censor and you know that it is a public forum that is democratized but, as you said, it is also centralized and the fact that it is centralized means that it is instantly susceptible to state control and that there's been an immense degree of instant messaging going on for me, that's part of the reason why I think the fact that Musk has escaped from that and also put his middle finger up is part of the reason why it's being attacked by the Department of Justice right now because, you know, he didn't hire. people that it would have been illegal under their laws to hire, that to me is incredible, uh, I mean, it's just not like that, it's crazy to even go after someone, yeah, well, they say the process.
The punishment is correct: the World Bank has already estimated that we put 350 million people in what they call food insecurity. 350 million, that's three times what the communists managed to kill, maybe we can handle that in the winter, but the planet has too many. people in it anyway, so you know they're poor people, so you agree with Elon Musk that we should have more people, not less. I see humans as a net asset. I know this from Marian tupy, a man who just wrote a book called Super Abundance. He has done the economic math and calculated that every baby born now will produce seven times more resources than she will consume and you think, well, how can that be?
Well, it's not a zero-sum game, folks, and maybe there's enough for everyone, well, there's maybe there's more than enough for everyone because we can become hyper-efficient and you think, well, what's the evidence for that? Well, there are twice as many people as there were when I was a kid and they're all much richer, so how's that for evidence?

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