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Police Maddie & Wendy Big Backyard Bandits Chase

Jun 29, 2024
he stop, you'll never catch me, I got you, oh no, what happened, officer Maddie, I'm chasing the bad boy, oh yeah, your bike is ready, hurry up, good luck Maddie, bye Maddie, stop, come on, boy, Come on, woo, good boy, you want some fruit. Hungry, oh yes, I'm hungry, run, horse, run my horse, run, horse, yes, my horse, what happened. Dude, my horse was stolen by a bandit. I got it back, very bleeding, Officer Maddie, what a time, stop, I lost Officer Maddie, okay, horse, bye, where's my cow going? hey, I'm here, I found you, I'm hungry, Maddie, what happened to you, thank you officer Maddie, you hear me, I'm leaving.
police maddie wendy big backyard bandits chase
No, it's okay, I miss my Friends, my cowboy. Dude, thanks officer Maddie, you're welcome, thanks again. It's time to look for the bad. guys Thanos who went to love me Thanos please I need your help officer MADD is looking for me go see this call wow amazing officer BTY won't catch me now we need a bike for Wendy I have a special bike for you officer Wendy perfect thank you mechanic, bye, those bad guys we got you bad boy uh-oh time out bad boy 20 minute time out Bowzer Bower what happened my friend the


are after me and I'm tired and hungry it doesn't matter.
police maddie wendy big backyard bandits chase

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police maddie wendy big backyard bandits chase...

I can't get food, nothing like fresh fruit, right, buddy, that's right, my fruit, hey, let's call the


, good idea, hey, you escape, Officer Maddie, hey, this time they stole our fruit, don't worry, I can help myself, come on, hey, you, uhoh, time out, bad boys. Always have a mint ice cream time please, coming up, where did the mint go? Is there a problem? Sorry, we're out of mint. How about strawberry? What if strawberry comes out? Strawberry too. Is there any problem? I have strawberry, okay, no strawberry either, I'm leaving, wait, wait, come back, hey, uhoh, that ice cream thief ate all my ice cream official, I need your help, okay, we're on our way, come on, buddy, come on, Ice Cream Drop, basically, that's it.
police maddie wendy big backyard bandits chase
What happened? I found a clue, ice cream drops, let's continue, it seems that the clue stops here, okay, let's split up and go look around, okay, oh, no good, I have a flashlight, I do, I have a partner, oh, it's your partner, that never happens, yeah. That was, yeah, uh, oh, no, you'll never catch me. This ice cream is so good. Did you say ice cream? Yes, you want some, by all means, bring it. Ponda, okay, I got you, oh no, come on, come on, you got it. I'm sorry. Eating your ice cream is fine, but don't do it again please, now you have to work for me to make up for it, okay, call us if you need anything else, can you help me clean up please?
police maddie wendy big backyard bandits chase
I guess it's not good to steal from you. I have to work for your rewards I have to work hard to get my reward that's right, a strawberry ice cream is coming right now stop stealing it's bad wait, stay out of my way, stop, come on, time out, I'm out for 10 minutes. I'm going to make some ice cream for the officers great idea come on mhm the waiting time is up yes I'm free hello I brought you ice cream ice cream thanks for helping me hey do you want to see a magic trick for sure now go ahead and put your ice cream together look look, it's still there ready 1 2 3 W how did you do that where my ice no no no no how my no no no wait a second show us your hands with that nice magic try it do you want to go back to timeout no no timeout here's your ice cream if you want ice cream then you can come work for us thank you Charlotte well and mint please chocolate mint it's coming wow here's your ice cream thank you ice cream everyone yay bye eh I can't fish here but there's no sign that says I can't fish here Jenny , but I'm saying you can't fish here, okay, I'll take these fish home and then, wow, no, Uncle Sam, I'll take a fish, you're not fair, Jenny.
I don't care, yes, I have a lot of fish. I'm so smart because of what happened. My car is broken. Can you help me fix the officer? No, Emma, ​​but I will give you a traffic ticket. Hey, why do they give me a fine? Janny. because you parked your car in the middle of the street look why it's broken jany I don't care La a l here's your ticket Emma I think something is wrong I'm going to report it to officer J guys officer J the same day oh what happened to Emma really me I would take care of it Jenny jeny what's wrong you shouldn't turn it on it's very bad I'm a police officer look I can do anything I want you're a bad cop you have to be in jail for 5 minutes go to jail Jenny remember to be a B in the police next time, okay, I won't be in the police anymore B, ha, up, you are free, thank you officer, now I will correct my mistake, good job, bye, I will solve this mess. now I will help Emma fix her car Emma let me help you thanks Candy here are the TO thanks where is the broken tire right here?
JY, okay, that's it, Emma, ​​thanks Dy, don't forget your box, thanks, bye, I'll do it now. Give the fish back to Uncle Sam here some corn Uncle Mike that's all I can get today corn again I don't want corn I want fish I'm sorry Uncle Mike I know it's been 3 months of corn but Janie took our fish Uncle look and look here's your fish you can get it back wow my fish thank you amazing wo fish I'm going to cook you some fish Uncle Mike oh amazing with corn uh-oh now I know we should always help people bye wow TR, let's stop them, come on Barbie police stop, come on w oh no super duper come on Ellie goes CL out hul don't forget to buckle up for 5 minutes but I didn't do anything wrong can you try it?
Yeah, look, it's a plan to build a house, oh. I'm sorry, Hulk, you can go, don't worry, I'll get the next one, okay, oh, problem, let's stop them, come on, come on, come on, uh, I need a new garbage bag, so, uh, not littering, let's wait, but I'm going to time out. I went out for 5 minutes but I didn't do anything wrong, can you prove it? Yeah, look, recycle, yeah, I was recycling, so I'm sorry, you can go, thank you, bye, look, more trouble, let's stop them, come on, come on, come on, come on, let's stop, eh, no trespassing, wait , but not me. excuses come on but 5 minute wait time but I promise I didn't do anything wrong can you try it?
Yeah, call local Jim, he'll tell you the truth, oh hello Uncle Jim, Charlotte was helpful, oh yeah, Charlotte was fixing my door, oh okay, okay. thanks, sorry Charlotte, you can go, maybe don't rush next time, bye, hello, okay, help, help, come on, where did they go that way? Come on SC, ready, oh oops, I forgot my hammer, there he is, eh, wao, wao, let's open the jail, no. Yes, for your help, Charlotte, you're welcome, let's go, I'll return this and you wait 10 minutes. Sometimes rushing things can lead to mistakes, this time it's not super stupid.

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