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Eric vs Kaden Big Backyard Race: Teamwork and Training!

Mar 10, 2024
wo wo wo I'm stuck me too see you I'm stuck let's go Jason you're faster yeah yeah good job your team won thank you thank you see you next round bye I know why we lost hey Kaden Uncle Jim wait upstairs Uncle Jim can I borrow you very fast? Got it, thanks Uncle Jim, you're welcome after all this work, we should eat something healthy, yes, cheers, I feel so good, our second challenge, are you ready, yes, are you? Where are you? Listen. everyone listen no, uncle Jason and oh yeah, we're going to win this ready in your Sea, get ready, come on, Eric, you can do it, come on, Ken, this, Eric ties the parking lot of him.
eric vs kaden big backyard race teamwork and training
Uncle Jason is taking the lead, come on, Uncle J, come on. Why am I so tired? What is he doing? Yes we won, oh how did we lose the winner? Everything was so perfect Ellie and the chin, what was your plan, yes, but how could you not judge my appearance? We train hard and eat healthy I see we need to train hard Jason I need to train hard it's time for the final challenge the long jump get ready are you ready? those gold medals are up for grabs oh yeah yeah I love the spirit Kadden will be our first jumper so it will be the longest jump ever Kaden made it this far next Eric Yay well Lu fast mine wa that's a good distance Eric oh yeah I made it this far yeah next jumper is Uncle D yeah best jump ever see how far he can go J Uncle Jim pass Eric no Uncle Jason you're on top yeah don't worry Eric the best jump of all time and the winner is Uncle Jason, and we have a winner, yeah, good job, thanks, you appreciate it, yeah, we finally got a gold medal.
eric vs kaden big backyard race teamwork and training

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eric vs kaden big backyard race teamwork and training...

The hard work and


paid off. Good job. Size doesn't matter, it's the way to train hard. I chose this, what else should I buy? I have chips, soda, popcorn, lollipops, gum, I have fruits and vegetables, no thanks, ooh, chips, gum, M, more chips, please, uh-oh, I ran. No more fries, hey, I have soda, wait, wait, Eric, hey, you're late for jump classes, sorry, treadmill, come on, can I have a drink that only lasted a few seconds? Please, okay, go and hydrate, uh, nevermind Eric Eric, I have more fries, yeah. those fries uhoh Eric Eric here's your water thank you oh nevermind another soda Eric uh no Dude the soda makes you tired water hydrates your body oh okay, break's over oh come on emergencies see you in the next class Eric , bye, hm, popcorn Eric, how about some grapes? thank you, thank you, bye, hey Eric, tell me, take the energy, okay, look, wait, wait, candy won't give you energy here, bananas will help you.
eric vs kaden big backyard race teamwork and training
I'll try it, come on man, come on, wow, I did it. I'm done, wait, you dropped this. ooh Eric we're about to start oh come on hurry up first round jump r first Uncle Sam uh good luck Eric come on uh-oh here we go ER good luck go to we have a winner ER how about a soda? Okay, uh, I have the hiccups I have a


with the hiccups I don't know what to do water makes the hiccups go away thanks Andrea, it's time for the second round of mini hurdles, put on your tight shoes, uh, what am I Wing Shoes.
eric vs kaden big backyard race teamwork and training
Uncle Sam wins. I am so tired. Eric lollipops. can help all the sugar is making me tired Eric how about an apple now how are you feeling Eric now? I feel energized the last


wins everything it's good to be ready, yes, yes, Eric won, I won, I'll get some grapes, I'm sure I have. Thanks for your help Andriel, you're welcome. I'm sorry my snacks didn't help today. Okay, now we know that too much junk fruit is not good. That's right. Eat more vegetables and drink plenty of water. I don't like soft drinks. it's better a I have to go to the dentist dentist's bed I have a tube help let's check I'll clean your teeth jany uh okay Danny not so much soda okay get B thank you bye bye bye Ready, set, go, I win, not like that soda is better M what a toothache oh no dad I have to go to a dentist dentist I have a tooth EG H let me check take a seat okay, wide open uh we have to clean your teeth okay, your teeth are clean remember not to drink too much soda like that understood D is B bye hello Maddie are you okay yes the dentist cleaned my teeth ok my turn oh I'm not tired look at this yay I can do it here we go H see you H let's find out what Maddie's secret is ready m a strawberry that's the secret from madd what happened jny I'm tired do you want SMY no Janny let's go with Maddie Maddie tell us your secret May's SMY okay, wait here okay oo wow Jenny you can do it I can try it amazing it looks good Danny let's make strawberry for you you will like it, okay, I'm healthy and delicious.
Let's play, come on, my turn, good job, be healthy and have fun. Great, uhoh, kids are eating so many unhealthy fries, but man, we don't know what food is healthier or not. Wow, do you like doll toys? Yes, we love it. I have an idea to show you what food is. Hey, are you ready? Yes, open it. Okay, a popsicle popsicle. What good food it is. Uncle H's ice cream is tasty, but you shouldn't. I won't eat too much Ellie, okay, man, wow, this is super fun, wow, wow, wow, strawberry doll, that looks great. I have many strawberries.
Strawberries are really good for your heart. I want my heart to be strong too. I love strawberries. I wonder. what's here, so open it up, okay, a burger, wow, it's a real burger, but man, is it healthy? There's a lot of fat, so it's not that good for your health, so you shouldn't eat too much, okay, man, from now on. I'm not going to eat a lot of hamburgers I'm going to play with my hamburger toy wow ooh next round 3 2 1 amazing I have pear I have real pear, it's healthy right dude, yeah pears are very healthy and they're one of my favorites H cool M it's very good to play with pear it's very fun wow I have pineapple pineapples are great for your immune system and for your digestion I like pineapple too M wow this pineapple is so cool I love three 2 1 wow I have Apple I also have Apple Fact curious: an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
I like Apple too, oh, I also want one later, one two. If you want to change, okay. I'm ooh, wow, wow, I have a doll cupcake, ooh, I have an H cupcake, but cupcakes are healthy, man. cupcakes have a lot of sugar so you shouldn't eat too many, it's okay dude just eat a little. I don't like cupcakes, but I like this amazing cupcake, open next wow oo I love grapes M I love these grapes too wow, grapes great for your hair and skin wow, I love carrots, I have puppet carrot, carrots are very good for your eyes, okay, final round, open it, wow, yes, wow, I love French fries, I also love French fries, they are not very healthy, don't eat them too. a lot of fries, okay man, this one, me too, this is a cool toy too, thanks man, I learned a lot today, yeah, now I know what food is healthy or not, no problem, just remember you want healthy food , okay, okay, no ice cream, uh-oh Good job, Wednesday, you're a great baby maker, yeah, I'm oo noodles, my favorite, let's eat it, it's healthy, um, come on, okay, on It's actually not that bad, I told you it was time to eat some strawberries, here you go, blackberries are healthy.
Okay, time to study, blowing up my notebook. favorite oh no Wy I'm trying to do my homework here are your new supplies oh day I can't write in this notebook turn to the next page you will learn something oh okay bats are mammals like us they give birth to life when they are young and care to their babies with milk Bats are the only mammals that can fly Bats have wings made of skin and bones that they use to fly and hunt for food Bats mainly eat insects like mosquitoes, which helps control the mosquito population and prevent the spread of diseases.
Know that there are more than 1,400 different types of bats; They come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny bats that weigh less than a penny to the fruit bat that has a wingspan of over 5 feet. Bats are primarily active at night and use the location of the ecol to navigate. and finding food in the dark echolocation is like a sonar system that highlights sound waves and bats use the echo to determine the location and distance of objects around them. Bats are very interesting, yes, they are, and, uhoh, uh, sorry. Here yo have, thanks. you yahoo it's time to brush my teeth here you go uhoh go for it it's not a bad time to go to sleep Ellie wake up go to this room Mom everything is black yes, black is better okay then, how is Ellie?
It's not so bad oh oh wow your rest bag I love you better to prepare breakfast late again ah eh cereal vending machine amazing a love wow wow wow who's first me okay dad linda jany breakfast a jam yes thank you aune Beth you're welcome now Lon thank you Ana you are welcome, can I eat mom, no, just once every morning, children, bye, have a good day at school, I really want to eat more cereal, no more breakfast until tomorrow, oh no, Maddie, stop , no, oh no, uhoh, clean up please, we're done. Now time's up please oh time's up kids thank you Monty Beth do your homework please I really want to eat the cereal.
Hey wow, what are you building? Maddie, okay, awesome, a cereal vending machine. Good job Maddie, thanks. I leave. Do it, you made this, yeah, amazing, let's try it, okay, it's not cereal, it's candy, Maddie, oh, I'm sorry, okay, Maddie, but candy isn't good, let's clean it up, please fix it, let me check, I don't think I can fix it. Don't worry, I can make a new one, Tada, uh, I'm a cream vending machine, yeah, check it out, it's even better, right, um, no, this is not good for breakfast, uh, okay, wait , taada, uh, another ice cream machine, nuh-uh, soda machine, check it out, it's perfect.
Hey, sodas aren't good either. I wonder. A cereal vending machine. Oh, I'm sorry, but I can't fix it. It's amazing, that's right, if you want it, it's $10, here's your money, thank you, bye, no more cereal for us, yeah, let's go to sleep, come to the cereal machine, fix that auntie, no, I have a new one, yeah, so let's have breakfast, yeah, awesome, thanks buddy. B you're welcome M okay kids, are you ready for class? Lunch is over Ellie Maddie, bye, okay, let's continue with the class, today we will take a test, here you go, thank you.
Circle the healthy food, okay I show you that the healthy food is tomato, lettuce, broccoli and milk, okay kids, I'm going to review your test right now, here you go, thank you, let's check and see, here they are your tests, woohoo, uhoh, okay kids, now let's go to the park, follow me and let's go, kids, Miss Beth, a playground, wow, can we play? okay let's play for a little while let's go and I got off what happened Maddie my back B is happy I can help I'm strong why because I eat healthy good job Ellie let's go back to class good walk what class is saying goodbye see you Maddy let's go to the supermarket, okay, hello, welcome to my store, let's buy some apples now, some ice cream, ice cream, I prefer fruit, I'll buy these pears and these bananas, apples are better, Maddie with fruit, we can also make ice cream.
I don't like it, are you ready? Yes ok it will be $5 please hello guys thank you very much bye you want popsicles no better ask aunt to make fruit popsicles come on and B can you make fruit popsicles for me of course What can I help? have fruit, okay, let's make it, let's cut the apple, add a little water, let's put it in the mold wow M, my fruit popsicles, I don't like it, now they're going to be delicious Banana, my favorite fruit, I don't like it in the moldy and a c M just wait a little M delicious oh Maddy you have a tooth let's go to the dentist Maddy let's go to the dentist what are you doing here I have a fa tooth because I ate a lot of fried chicken and Candy Maddy too next one please okay Alex say an H, you have cavities, we need to clean those teeth mhm, now you have clean teeth, next one, Maddie, you're next, uhoh, okay, Maddie says, ah-oh, uh-oh, you need to clean yourself too. teeth uh-oh okay Maddie, your teeth are clean thanks dentist Hello kids, are you ready for your food popsicles?
Wow thank you

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