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Ellen Degeneres Explains Why She’s Ending Her Show

Jun 03, 2021
sad inside and I don't have to make anyone else happy and I only have to make myself happy, that's depression, that's where I am in myself and I am, but it's easy for me. For me, making other people happy is harder when I'm in a situation where I'm depressed and when people say yes, but you make so many people happy and it's like, I'm good at it like I'm not. well when I'm going through a bout of depression or anxiety or whatever, but yeah, I can, I can do this, this is easy, but I think most artists that struggle with you know that's how it is, you know that's what. which I am, but like I said, I have other emotions too, well, they always say that about comedians, yeah, you find the laughter and the sadness, that's the oldest cliché, well, you know, you start from there, there has to be some kind of pain, you know, inside, no. everyone but me that, you know, I tried to fit in when I moved, you know, I started new schools every year and a half.
ellen degeneres explains why she s ending her show
I was constantly going to a new new school in the District, so I constantly had to fit in, so I just tried. I guess you use humor to mask the feeling that I don't fit in. You've talked a lot about being on a journey and that you worked on yourself, looked at yourself and saw something you wanted to change. Well, you know, I feel like I know I'm, I move faster than most people move, so I'm impatient and one thing I've learned during this time is that I'm someone you can always count on being early, If not, you know, very early, very early, so I always said let's start the


if everyone is here and I learned through this process that some people weren't ready, which I wish someone had said again.
ellen degeneres explains why she s ending her show

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ellen degeneres explains why she s ending her show...

I like it, hey, but instead everyone says okay, let's start the


and you know, I learned that I need to let people start the show and we're ready, so I always say if we're ready, let's go. , so that's me. I learned that I learned that um, I want people, in some ways, you know, we grew so much, so quickly that there were a lot of people that worked here that I never had a chance to meet or come in and say hi or check out. in just to even out and maybe if I had, maybe I would have gone to the different departments and said, hey, you know, I just want to remind you, always talk to me if you have to or you know, I wish I had done that well. 600 jobs, as far as I can tell, yeah, well, I need to do that 600 times.
ellen degeneres explains why she s ending her show
On the last question on this topic, the ratings are down for this show, they are down for all talk shows, to be fair, yes, but more so for this one. that factor in any decision is more for this one because we had fallen, you know, more to fall, um and everyone else was in a lower place, you know, so they didn't have to fall as far, to be honest, I mean , that's the The truth is that we were very successful, since you said that everything on television is down, it has nothing to do with why I'm leaving.
ellen degeneres explains why she s ending her show
You know, if I was having fun, I would do this show, you know, without anyone watching, so it is. I have nothing to do with that and I truly believe that next year is going to be an amazing year, but with that being said, if the ratings don't change from what you know, I have a fan base that I know loves me. and it supports me and we have a digital platform that you know most people now watch and get clips that you know on Ellentube and on our digital channels so if that's the way people watch it then that's fine too.
You had Oprah on your show. Is she going to be your Guru for the afterlife talk show and what does she say? um. I wish she was my guru for later. I mean, you know, I wish I had the money so it should take her a little longer to get that money. You know, she's just my wise friend, which is more of a sit still and she just advises me to sit still for a while and don't do anything, just don't make a decision and don't take another job right away. sit still and don't do anything you don't like no, I'll probably buy a house or two.
I'll probably design a house, so you know, design is my passion too, so I don't do it. I don't know, standing still isn't really a city, it just doesn't do 170 shows a year, yeah, you're not retiring, no, you still have 600 jobs. I have a lot of jobs, yeah, is there anything you want to do in the next chapter? Something like that in the back of your mind, um, I don't know. I've said that if a role came up in a really good movie, you know, I've never had enough time to do it because I haven't done it.
I had a summer. Me and I work, you know, all year, so if it was really worth it, because I'm also impatient again, so sitting in a trailer and waiting for them to turn something on and turn around. It would have to be a really good role, but it would make a movie. I could see you behind Steven Spielberg. Green Lake Chop Chop. Let's start with this. Yeah, maybe I should direct it. Maybe that's the only way to do it exactly. um I have your stats here through your show 64 Emmy Awards 130 million dollars in gifts and donations 1600 musical guests 2 400 different celebrities and they even have a statistic of how many times you've scared your guests 200 times that's not a lot when you think that we do it done 3,000 shows 200 times out of 3,000 is not enough 200 times is a lot and once he was with me for sure, well, why do you do that?
I know I asked you this every time because it's funny, you know it's funny, it wasn't funny at the time but now it's funny those were real tears but now it's funny it's fun to think about it yeah that's what you're going to miss the most no because I can still scare people I still scare people when we are you I know I do it when we have people in the house and if someone goes to the bathroom I hide waiting for them to come out and I do it all the time poor Porsche. I'll just like to torture her all the time I don't do it to her I do it to other people she doesn't get that scared well maybe she's expecting it no she's just like me where you can't scare me either Don't be scared next year, The day after your last show, you open your eyes, where will Ellen DeGeneres be?
I wait on an island somewhere I hope I'm floating in the water somewhere I don't know I hope I arrive on a plane and you know, right after the show ends, I'm opening my campus in Rwanda for the Diane Fosse Foundation, so we're off. and then we will have the opening of my campus, which will be amazing and I. I'll be there pretty nice, you know, like a month after it's over, but yeah, I hope, um, I hope I'll be on an island, well, I was going to do a whirlwind round, but I'm really bad at that, but I'll take like you have a favorite guest.
It's really hard to say a favorite guest but obviously I chose Pink and Oprah to be on this show because I love them both so I have to say Musical Pink and Oprah guest because she's the Wise One um and uh the next least favorite least favorite oh um probably the people you were mentioning um best music uh best music well I mean pink is fantastic I just have to stick with pink yeah best scare um well Eric Stonestreet we. I've caught it a lot but it actually has to be Andy, poor Andy, oh Sarah Paulson, yes I think so Diddy, but Sarah Paulson, because we have her constantly and she is her, she never disappoints, how do you decide which guests frighten?
Diddy was complicated because he could have hurt someone and he almost punched someone because you know there are these reactions when you scare someone and some people are going to react that way but he danced instead, I don't know, just everyone. You know, sometimes I say, "Let's not do it," but they always come up with "let's scare someone" and usually I'm the one who says no, let's just do an interview. I always thought maybe you scared the people you liked. Well, I do scare people. I like it I wouldn't scare someone I don't like, yes, but that doesn't mean that if I didn't scare you, I don't like you because there are a lot of people I like that I didn't scare. okay, yeah, I'm really confused, yeah, what are you most proud of?
I am most proud to have spent 19 years in this program. I mean, this is an achievement I'm most proud of. The people who work here. stuck by me and have supported me and worked hard to make this program as great as it is. I'm the person who comes out here. I am the face on behalf of the program, but the program is made up of everyone. of these people who do all their work, you know, tremendously, and especially this year with covid, most people work from home, we have a small team here, which makes it more difficult for everyone to put on a show, so which you know, it's me.
I'm proud of I'm proud of everything I'm proud of the type of show that we do I'm proud that we're fun I'm proud that we're um that we help people and that we represent um acts of kindness and highlight stories and people that we want to say look at this person doing good because we need to see more of those people, simply and there are people who do it without even knowing that they are going to receive attention and those are the Types of people that I like to highlight because they just go on with their lives, they are not on television , they don't have a platform or light on them and I want to say here is someone who is doing it simply out of the goodness of their heart.
You know it's an achievement because in this space on daytime talk shows a lot of times things are lewd and racy. You never did a show like that, um, no, and you know, it's just you know, people would say why don't you do it. Why do you do it during the day? Why don't you do it overnight? And it's like I do this exact show at night. You know you can, you can film it during the day and you can watch it at night and perform like it's a late night show but this is exactly the show I would do if I had a late night show.
I wouldn't change anything other than a tight dress or something. Oh yes, I would wear a dress to sleep. Sorry, I didn't think of that. I wasn't talking about the clothes, I'm sure next season they'll all be Slinky dresses, oh great, yeah, look at a different negligee every day, Slinky 19 dress. That's what we'll call it, yeah, well, I'm glad I could. brainstorm together, yes, yes, that's how I'm going to get the grades, yes, that's how it will be, then I'll come right out, yes, well, we'll be tuning into that, yes, that's a tease, okay, thank you, very funny. thank you, you're funny, thank you, you should do this for a living.
I'll finish it in a year, thanks, hey, thanks for watching our YouTube channel, find your favorite recipes, celebrity interviews, inspiring stories, shop our favorite deals and much more with the Today app download now

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