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Eddie Hall's DANGEROUS World Record Deadlift Explained - Nose Bleeds, Vision Loss, and More!

May 15, 2024
When Eddie Hall completed his 500 kilogram


, we saw blood coming out of his


and many people discussed how


this lift was. The Beast himself just released a YouTube video that takes us behind the scenes with an additional look at how


and serious this is. lift was actually about his health, welcome everyone to your number one source for learning about all things sports injuries in sports medicine news. In this video, we'll take a look at Eddie Hall's 1,000-pound


and some of the information he talked about. In his recent video he will specifically review the physiology of the Valsalva maneuver and why it causes different effects on the body from falls, in addition to talking about the fact that he lost some of his


after the lift.
eddie hall s dangerous world record deadlift explained   nose bleeds vision loss and more
Be sure to subscribe if you like learning about this type of content and date your tapes with my future videos and let's get started. The Valsalva maneuver is a very important part of any weightlifting routine. During this maneuver, someone forces exhalation but against a closed epiglottis, which means you're basically building up all this pressure. inside your chest and inside your abdomen it is essentially like you are pushing down, this is necessary during heavy weight lifting because if you don't do Valsalva then you don't have enough stability throughout your core to protect your spine in your chest and abdomen . but there are multiple stages of the Valsalva maneuver that can have various effects on the body, as we saw with Hall here when Hall began his lifts, we immediately saw blood coming out of his


eddie hall s dangerous world record deadlift explained   nose bleeds vision loss and more

More Interesting Facts About,

eddie hall s dangerous world record deadlift explained nose bleeds vision loss and more...

This happened within the first few seconds. Generally, it was about a 10 second period of your deadlift. There are four different stages in the Valsalva maneuver. The solid line on this graph represents blood pressure and the dotted line represents a person's heart rate during the first few seconds. From a Valsalva maneuver there is an increase in blood pressure within a person's body that sudden increase in force when pressing and squeezing your inch or chest pressure squeezes your lungs and causes blood from your lungs to be pushed towards the heart this Increased blood in the heart increases stroke volume which allows the heart to squeeze out


blood which temporarily increases blood pressure, this small increase in blood pressure is what causes Hall's nose to start bleeding and he even spoke to the end of the video about how he was bleeding from his tear ducts, there is a blood supply region. in your nose it's called the Kessel box plexus and this is the area that is often involved when someone has a nosebleed, it's all these little tiny capillaries that are single layer blood vessels that rupture due to this sudden increase in blood pressure.
eddie hall s dangerous world record deadlift explained   nose bleeds vision loss and more
If we continue forward to stage two of the lifesaving maneuver, this is where we start to see that drop in blood pressure every time you increase your inch or chest pressure, what that does is it compresses your venous system and limits the amount of blood returning to your heart, your vena cava is a very flexible and flexible blood vessel, so every time the pressure in your chest increases, it prevents blood from being able to flow from the rest of your body to your chest and reach the heart, which causes the output of the heart and the stroke volume to decrease the blood pressure to subsequently fall this decrease in blood pressure appears here for about 10 seconds and that was about the duration of Eddie's lift now fortunately our body is actually intelligent and we have something called the autonomic nervous system system that helps regulate our blood pressure and our heart rate, if your blood pressure is too low your body tries to compensate by increasing your heart rate and vice versa, if your blood pressure is too high your body will reflexively slow the heart rate, so here you can see in phase 2 that the person's heart rate starts to increase because of that drop in blood pressure.
eddie hall s dangerous world record deadlift explained   nose bleeds vision loss and more
If we were checking Eddie's heart rate during this sort of second half of his lift, we could see that his heart rate starts to steadily increase due to how there is not enough blood returning to his heart to then be pumped to the rest of his body at As phase 2 continues, some constriction of the peripheral vasculature eventually occurs, causing blood pressure to begin to rise transiently to compensate for the move to phase 3 once intrathoracic pressure is suddenly released now all this blood suddenly returns to that vasculature that was previously constricted and now there's a shunt of blood away from the periphery causing another small drop in blood pressure when Eddie passed out here was delayed a little bit after he completed the lift.
Eddie here is wearing this suit that helps provide additional compression to his body and it seemed like right after they took off the suit, he suddenly released a huge amount of an inch of thoracic and abdominal pressure. which causes his blood pressure to drop, which then causes him to pass out. Finally, in phase four of Valsalva, everything begins to balance and return to normal as the body regulates blood pressure and heart rate. Now, the next thing Hall talked about in the video of him shows that he was having some kind of



in the center of his eye.
He described seeing a black dot right in the middle of his vision after the lift was completed. This was probably something we called yucky retinopathy. This occurs when blood vest in the back of the eye or broken due to this sharp increase in blood pressure at the beginning of the valsalva we can see this in people who are lifting weights or have severe coughing attacks which increases that intrathoracic pressure and most Most of the time it resolves spontaneously with no long-term effects on vision. The small blood vessels in the back of the eye are super thin like the ones we see in the nose and are susceptible to breaking like when Eddie got a nosebleed, so Which is likely what was causing him to lose some of his vision was that he was actually having bleeding in the back of his eye that was distorting his visual fields.
Now there is a place in the video where Hall mentioned a bleed on the brain, we didn't hear anything else about him having a stroke, but a stroke would be considered bleeding on the brain, it is certainly possible that by increasing that inch or chest pressure and that increase in blood pressure with his lifting, there could have been some rupture and some of the deeper blood vessels within the brain. brain, but without


information from Hall, I wouldn't necessarily label this as him having had a stroke, but either way, doing a lift like this is certainly a serious risk to Halls body part.
Training to do a lift like this involves how to breathe. correctly and perform that valsalva to try to minimize the damaging effects on your heart and your body, so next time you're at the gym working out and you push yourself and do one of those valsalva, keep this in mind in terms of what which it really is. What happens inside your body every time you go through a lift like this, it's all related to our heart and blood vessels working to control blood pressure and heart rate to try to maximize the amount of blood reaching the tissues. critics of our body.
Thanks as always for watching everyone, let me know any questions or comments you have below and until next time I'll see you later.

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