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Eating At The WORST Reviewed BBQ Restaurant In Texas (1 STAR)

May 30, 2021
Look, if anything makes me sick, it'll be that piece of cream cheese that's there, it's moldy, it's moldy, I'm not going to try it, get it, man, all the video cameras, hey Texas, how you doing? It's good to see you have my cowboy hat. there, I hope that didn't offend anyone, we're in Texas right now and I'm so excited I can't even contain myself. I'm shaking in my boots please, I'm good at this stuff in a one


place and you know. I was excited a second ago, but now I'm not so excited anymore. Welcome back to a new episode of my unfortunate choices live,


ring yours truly, Brennan Taylor.
eating at the worst reviewed bbq restaurant in texas 1 star
My name is Jake Taylor and together we are the Taylor brothers. Oh, we need to do it. Make like a little explosion, we'll work on it, so what kind of place is this? It's like a BBQ buffet type place. I don't know if it's all barbecue, but it's a buffet, so let's try it. Warning, please don't listen. I guess I meant please don't eat here, save your money, this place is horrible, they have mystery chicken meat. I mean, I don't know if that's a condiment or a seasoning, but it's like a murder happens and it's like. a mystery is a mystery moving on I mean I don't know what to take from that mystery chicken it could go one or two ways it could be mysteriously older mysteriously bad yeah I'm a hope for the big me too next oh my god yeah I saw a strand of hair on the crab, I saw the photo, I called the manager but he said a strand of hair is fine on the crab, without saying sorry or having a regretful face, the manager's attitude was the most annoying .
eating at the worst reviewed bbq restaurant in texas 1 star

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eating at the worst reviewed bbq restaurant in texas 1 star...

Does this happen? I mean, unless you caught a girl with the crab. That's disgusting. The only time that happens is when I wipe my butt. Do you ever randomly pull out a long hair? You say you run as fast as you can. I should have left. When I saw vomit in the parking lot, the food was below average and that's an understatement. I will not return if you see vomit in the parking lot before entering a


, that is not a good sign, definitely not. I'm just wondering. What happened to that person, was it because of the food or were they just sick?
eating at the worst reviewed bbq restaurant in texas 1 star
It's because of the food. Oh I don't know, always because the food service was excellent. The food was greasy. Everything was cooked in oil and everything that was seasoned tasted very bad we tried a little bit of everything the calamari was hard I could hardly chew it I don't know what it is with people on yelp but every time they add a photo it's always like They would have taken it with a microwave or something because I don't want to say that these photos help us make a star, but they don't look attractive at all, as if I didn't even want to eat them.
eating at the worst reviewed bbq restaurant in texas 1 star
It looks like there's a worm crawling on the clam right there, which could be a worm. I get into the clam right there. The biggest thing with buffets is that I'm pretty sure they cook all the food together in one spot. A pocket always tastes the same. That being said, let's treat ourselves, here's what it looks like. It looks like a strip club, that's what I was going to say, it looks like we're coming to a strip club, they got these angel wings on the front and I love you, I don't know man, but my mom always taught me to never judge. a book for its cover so let's go in and give this a chance so many security cameras look at them there's one right there another right there there are signs that say they got in trouble for selling alcohol to minors the first thoughts um it seems fine, You know, I don't have anything to say right away, the table is a little sticky like it has oil stains here and all, but it's not extremely messy or anything, you know what I mean if there's a sign that says don't share? no leftovers, we will charge the regular price.
I saw a lot of reviews about this. One of them was like my nine year old daughter came and she couldn't finish her meal and they ended up charging her. like a lot of money for it, we just go up and do it ourselves. Great, we have to be careful with that. I already told Jake, let's say you know, let's grab one of everything, but with that being said, okay, grab a plate and the one plate I grabbed was dirty and disgusting, so let's talk about this meal. I have a delicious looking rib. As soon as I closed the blind here and walked in from the good lighting, the rib doesn't look so fresh and well, it's really just lighting and angles, but we all know this, so I bought a fried crab, which worries me a bit. bit because first of all there's never a lot of meat in a crab and it's kind of just a fried shell like that's basically what it is so I've got the mystery chicken here it looks like a barbecue chicken I mean it could be good or it could be very unpleasant, we're going to find out, but I heard a lot about this mystery chicken on the scream page, so I'm a little excited, then I bought mashed potatoes with gravy, like I said, they look a little plump, they look pretty good, But I have met many people who look very good. and end up not being very nice inside, so we'll find out, everything is fine on my plate here.
I had to make it raw and dirty. You know, I had to get that sushi. We had to really try and see if this place. worth it or not, i have this piece of bread, it seems like it's very soft and super really, it's super oily, but it looks good, i mean the lighting changed, that's what i'm saying, it looked really nice and now it does , we have a little dumpling with a spicy sauce that they put on it I have no idea what's inside but we'll try it I always had to try the chicken thorn three pieces of orange chicken and they gave me some kind of quesadilla I don't have 200 I'm sure what's inside, but it looks like ground beef and anyone see any cheese?
Although maybe it's just that you know it's a Texas style quesadilla, it's the moment we've all been waiting for, it's time to try the flavor, I guess I will. Start with the ribs, since we're in Texas and barbecue is a big thing here. I'm going to try this rib. Thanks to whoever bought my product. I just heard it. Buy some Brandon product before


. this rip hopefully delicious I'm praying it's a little scary it's really scary man oh wow that was hard that was a little hard and a lot colder than I expected. Do you know what I've noticed?
This place has a lot of Chinese food. mixed with barbecue sauce and this barbecue sauce tastes as sweet as orange chicken sauce, like it doesn't taste like barbecue sauce, it's more of a sweet and sugary sauce, but there's not a lot of meat on this rib. I wonder why. You get what you pay for, yes I've been to really high quality BBQ and the meat comes straight out of this stuff. Remember, remember, when we went to that food truck, we went to a ribs food truck and the meat just slid off, yeah. It was cooked to perfection shake the rib look at it oh wow I mean it's what it is it's probably like a ten dollar plate I feel like that's what it would be like if it tried to bite your arm it might be that job don't do that right I'm going to have to go for this one piece of bread first because it looks like the socks maybe rip in front of the camera like this, are you ready to hear this, oh, I thought it was going to be a lot softer, it's not soft at all. the soft top the bottom uh raw card do with the lens be careful damn, I don't think I'll lose it all in the water, okay, let's bite the top, yeah, I'd just eat the top, okay, Tell us what that oil is. is it oil or is it butter oil like it's not butter so what it was is literally like a piece of toasted Hawaiian bread it serves no purpose I mean I get it like that it was the BBQ section and it's supposed to be for the mashed potatoes and stuff, but it's probably been there since two o'clock yesterday afternoon, yeah, that's exactly how I felt about it, like it doesn't taste fresh, the sauce on top is fresh, like if they had just brushed it again to make it look good.
You know, it looks good when people walk by because when I walked by these things they looked really good, they looked a lot better than they tasted right now and I can't make it up like this is one of the baddest ribs I've ever mentioned. the mashed potatoes so I'm going to try it as a mashed potato enthusiast looks like chocolate syrup on top or caramel he seems pleased they are like KFC mashed potatoes they are very salty and they are really buttery you know what I like I mean, like it's a heart attack waiting to happen, but it tastes great, but I know it's not good for me at all because it's super salty and super buttery.
Oh wow yes, but I don't know if I love it. Whether it's because it's too much, it's a lot of salt and butter, like they bathe it, they marinate it in it, but I have to eat it, so hey, hold it up to a waiter, you know? The funny thing is that everything looks nice. to the eyes, yes, I feel like if we made mashed potatoes with butter they wouldn't look yellow and nutty, yes, how does it hold up? I don't know, they have a good amount of people here at three o'clock. at three o'clock, you know, yeah, it's a little strange, it's a lot of construction workers, a lot of construction workers and the thing is there's not a lot of construction around here, so let me show you the crowd of people I know this is the crowd of people that are there, you know, like Jake said workers or the employees, employees, that's it, you want to try them with chicken, they don't look good, sorry, you're just chicken, it looks like shit , I had to do it.
Put like three at the back because they didn't look good, yes, but let's try. It seems dry, but go ahead. I thought it was going to be much worse. It's really not the best. It's cold. It's definitely soggy, but the chicken tastes like chicken. It wasn't fat like all the other places we've been to, with one star that's a good sign and the flavor profile is about the closest I've come to espresso so you should try one. Okay, no, you should try one. I'm fine. I have this one right here. I'll tell you if Jake was lying about the chicken or not.
This is a piece of roast chicken, so it's just roasted and looks pretty decent, I hope. It's supposed to be pink like that because it's all pink. I mean, I know the outside may be pink because of the grilling, but yeah, this is all white and then here, pink, uncooked, bleeding. I'm going to finish, I usually never do. spit out your food but you have to be careful when you eat chicken because one wrong move and I ruined my whole trip here, sushi time, well yeah let's try it, you have to put very little soy sauce if you want to properly taste the sushi, rice It was hard, I definitely don't think I feel how hard this one is, oh my god you could throw it at someone and give them a concussion.
I'll try it, if only for the culture of buffet


. food that cream cheese is bad as old as if anything that was that piece of cream cheese right there would make me sick, damn, I already knew that, that's why I spit out the chicken, it's moldy, it's moldy. I'm going to take a photo of this. Get it, man, look right on top of the cream cheese, right next to that little orange thing, I'll try to get as close as I can, yeah, that's what moles are, how are they good? Why am I always eating the


You know how that is. health code right there like I'm wondering if we can look up the health code for this place, you know what I think, just because you just ate mold you should probably go to the bathroom and try to gag yourself a little bit, like you don't promote that not at all, it's just he ate mold and if he gets sick, I don't have videos for this, yeah, it's possible that I have like a bush of mold going through my stomach, you already have tapeworm from when you ate blood soup, so I'm still in bad shape been for that, I went to a bathroom review and This is Jake's bathroom review.
Well, first on the screen. You are good. This is Jake's bathroom review. Sorry, we had to use an iPhone. We got in trouble three times. I have to get out of here before they kick us out forever and surprise us because in Texas. I can hold weapons and I can't allow that. I'm Brandon, by the way, posting for Jake because he got in trouble. I have to go now. Nice bathroom, yeah, black, oh what the hell is it? What is it? I don't know, right? like so many things in the corner, oh god, this is how it normally looks, the cracks in here normally like this, these are black and dirty, it could be rust, I don't know, there's also some poop right there, that's gross, everything this system looks like it's going to fall apart oops this place is disgusting the only good thing they have here is keeping the smells nice but the rest of this bathroom is poor filthy disgusting look in the mirror man this It's a pathetic excuse and they should get up. there and wipe those spit balls, I'm out of here, okay, I'm starting to get a bloated feeling, you know what I mean, the strangest part is that I've had like six bites of this rib, I had one bite of the chicken and then I ate mashed potatoes and I'm already bloated, I don't know what that says, so look how they have him lying like this when you pick him up, sorry when you pick him up and turn him, he's pure as oil. oily let's try it eat it take a bite right in the middle nice crunch looks like taco bell meat that's what I was going to say first it doesn't taste like what it's supposed to be what does it taste like ?
A Chinese family made me Mexican food for the first time andthey put everything in. their normal spices they put a little soy sauce they put a little kung pao sauce in the chicken sauce oh man you know how weird it is like that with this rib, I feel like it just doesn't seem right to me. I'm going to try this fried crab now. I don't know what part of this crab I'm supposed to eat. I do know that it was cooked all together and if it is fried, I wonder what the inside is like or what it will be like.
Do I even eat them so they don't give you any tools either? I don't know what they expect. How is this? Is there something there? I don't know, so I'm trying to figure it out super salty. I can tell you look at the salt in my hands everything that works for this amount of meat you see that's why I don't like crab what are we going to make my neck contract why is it really salty it's so salty it's literally pure salt look how much salt is on my fingers, can you visibly see that it's just salt?
This was the saltiest thing I've ever had in my life and like I'm a salt freak, you know, I always have salt on everything this was the


thing I think I've eaten so far today and I didn't know it could go so bad. a crab, it's just what it's cooked in, I guess it all really scares me, look how oily it is, that's all exactly what the screamer said is that it's all just cooked in a nasty oil and that's exactly what it is, try the oil itself, what does oil taste like oil, nothing like that, you wouldn't want to consume that, yeah, but I'm going to consume that and like it has salt everywhere, so I say they salt everything here a lot, it's like the same meat, they go a quesadilla, a dumpling, okay, last but not least, I'm going to try this as what appears to be a pork chop. or something I don't know, salty too, very rough, I mean, it's like a tough piece of meat, but other than that, if you can get past the salt, it's okay, you know, the strange thing is from our previous videos, we.
I have determined the quality of the meat by how greasy and inedible it is. This place is completely the opposite, maybe because those places were California and San Francisco and everything was all fat, fat, fat, disgusting meat, all of this is very, very difficult, I'm juicy, maybe. because the culture here is barbecue and they are very used to falling off the bone, but hey, maybe it's because they just overcooked everything, you know what I mean, like they cooked the flavor of everything, that's why a lot of things don't. they have a lot of rich flavors, like when things are perfect, they're tender, they're perfectly cooked correctly, what is it, it's also all frozen, oh, probably, definitely, probably, sure, and then it's probably been cooked three or four times before eat.
At this point, it's probably warmed up out there, no one grabbed it, they put it back in the refrigerator and fed it. You have to figure out how long they stay under, you know, the heaters, quote, before someone grabs them and eats them, you know? could be days could be literally today could be days and as a question what is that? Yes, whats up? video camera no, just us, yeah, yeah, it's on us right here, oh, really, yeah, oh, we're just, we're just from California. Only daily am I filming our adventures. We will drive to Louisiana.
Yes, we are going to Baton Rouge. Yes, we will make sure not to film anyone. Definitely not, I was just confused, but that was probably because I was. doing the bathroom check and I said this is from Jake and then this guy came in and said, Can I wash my hands? and then I said: yeah, you can do whatever you want. I come out of everything you've tried today, what would be the One thing is that if you were starving, you knew what this place could do, that you could eat and be okay with what we ate, yeah, I think the only thing that really It was edible to me it was clearly the rib.
Like I ate the whole rib, it wasn't good, but I also said it like it wasn't horrible, you know, like there was a weird sauce, but if you can get past that little sauce and the rough part of the meat itself it's not bad. . I just saw the guy behind that thing touch his ear with his gloves. You're lying. I swear to god. He's like on a phone call and he got like this and touched his airpods. while he makes sushi rolling, ugh, not again, you guys remember at the pizzeria, if we try to take a photo on the phone, let's see if he does it again, it's hard now that we have a device, yes, they warned us we can't.
It can't be like killing people, but oh, he's just his neck, I don't even want to look anymore and then he says, he's forcing us, oh, he just touched his nose, he just did this, oh my God, so the total is here and the total is 20.98, which means before taxes, okay, the tax was one dollar, sixty taxes cheaper here, by the way, eight point two five percent, that's a lot better than Los Angeles , but listen, it was 1938 for two people, which is eight dollars, no, wait, nine dollars per person. cheap, yes we only had one dish per person, we really could have gotten our money's worth if we had had multiple dishes, but think about this, why do you think it was so cheap?
Obviously they covered themselves with two plates for 10 dollars each. So it's cheap quality food or they buy it in bulk where it's not that expensive, but either way $20 for two courses is a good deal $20 for two courses that's not bad that's not bad at all Can we talk about ourselves? Everyone was there. everyone, I don't know if it's because we're from Los Angeles and people aren't used to seeing us, our people just walking around with a big camera like in Los Angeles, it's like something normal. I said people don't like to be there. on social media and I like things like that, which I understand and I understand, but people were very suspicious there and then someone followed you in the bathroom, but you went into the bathroom with this big camera, which is a little suspicious. here, I probably don't know, I got the shot, so if you don't, if yours doesn't work, I have a wait, this is Jake's bathroom review.
I did everything, so anyway, with that being said, this concludes this star. I don't know how I feel about it. I think the food was absolutely horrible. I think people mean well because you know the guy who was helping us. He did his job. He was kind. You know there's nothing wrong. They control. us, but the service wasn't the best, I mean, it's a buffet, you know, you serve yourself, but the food sucks, it really did and my stomach is starting to bubble a little, like I'm not going to lie, I need shit. So that's where I'm going right now, but not this one.
Did you see the big, huge spit balls on the ceiling? Yeah, you're in high school and you, yeah, who does that? I don't understand that whole situation, but that concludes this video, I hope you enjoyed it, get ready for more amazing videos. Make sure you hit the thumbs up button and subscribe to the channel right now so you guys can join in as it grows and until next time I'll see you later. Peace. Bye, make sure to check out yesterday's video and also make sure to hit the subscribe button right now and turn on post notifications so you never miss a post, follow me on my other social media and I'll see you tomorrow, peace.

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