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Jun 02, 2021
You know the rule, first to ring the bell eats the dish that person is out and safe for the rest of the game the last person standing eats the big bite, which is the worst or best dish in the game that you think is okay prepare make sure you hit that notification bell, yeah, yeah, next one you're going to throw up or eat, hey, don't throw up on my shoes, we have, I eat cubes, only Paulo eats if you need how you feel. I feel like I'm in some kind of Twilight Zone episode. I end up back at this table and think, oh, this is horrible, but at least it'll be over soon, and then it'll be over and suddenly I'm here again.
eat it or yeet it 4
I've been to every episode, why? If you do this to me, everyone gets a break, it's funny because you look at that, hey, I'm only here for the free lunch, check. I don't think I was ever ready for any aspect of this show. I'm sure he knows that. less than five oh yes, I've seen the panel time first yes, we should note that Josh has helped make some of the previous issues yes, father figure, call me sir. I think he's very smart because he's not open, well, they're doctors, I think. This is going to be the worst since the bench we've always been started with with a kind of low situation, oh yeah, he dies, that's not a red color.
eat it or yeet it 4

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eat it or yeet it 4...

I respect applesauce or whatever. I did it, I know all the tricks: glue, did you glue? Oh, that's a weird texture, oh, that's gelatin, oh, I mean, that's a lot of gelatin. I see the grains, I know what this is, don't eat the spiciest damn thing. I have ever tasted in my life that there is no other flavor than spicy, it is gelatinous with no taste and the most spicy I feel like I am turning red, my hives are going to start appearing, this has been strumming like any CDC song, was it green? that careless jelly woman let the child die I didn't realize I was moving my foot until they raised you playing the drums, that's where we are now I don't mind burning no milk, yeah what you get, all the adrenaline, even eat them . rebel, who will help me shoot faster, friend?
eat it or yeet it 4
I don't think you know, oh, that's very good, David, you're lying, man, I think you're talking, taking advantage of the most pepper, we're buying this, it's called "you." You're supposed to die, that means your dark Damien is now going to cry around you yeah, yeah, so stuck on vacation, Gary, you just made a face, yeah, I don't like your face, you can hide a lot of things, Good Twinkie, I've beaten you all here. I know we actually have a Twinkie. I'm seeded, here's the thing, no matter what you still get at least 60% cake and then it's good enough to fall asleep happily at night, no matter what happens here, that's such a chef thing.
eat it or yeet it 4
Say thank you and we can guarantee that at least 20% of this is good because 20% is the bread of the Twinkie. She felt nauseous thinking about what was the last time. Hey, it's okay, it tastes great. Can't. - I'm afraid, oh my God, of Adela like me, my legs are so scary that there will be dust here, well, we missed the good one, guys, you just made a good consumer product, this should be on the shelves, they should already be millionaires That's adorable, although the only person who could eat weird stuff, knows it, okay, gets the best, like phlegm, you know, almost straight up like a Nutella Twinkie, just go downhill from here for this idiot, ya got it You call, are you sure you're coming? in I'm looking at it and I think I know what it is and I don't want it, it's a ball, oh my God, Laurie and I know exactly what it is, damn dude, and you use a bubble for everything, try to attract the Asian.
It's bad, you know, when you walk into a sushi restaurant, there's seaweed, there's salmon, you're crazy, there's a sexual difference, it will work for any age, it's been left in the sun for a while, that's not terrible, let's do this, You gotta get to the bottom honey, come on, boomba, you see pops, but it ain't blue loggerhead, yeah, yeah, so this fish baby, all swimming in my merciful Bob. It used to be a combination. This is fish, egg, boba, iced tea, almond milk, honey, fish sauce and fish eggs. Mariana, it's me. Dude, I'm not going to do it, there are two, they both might just not do it.
Olivia guys, there are no D-knees in this episode, what the hell? because we are traumatized by previous episodes, that was piccoli, what is water, baby. I have done a lot for you for Friendship Isis, you are literally with your boyfriend, thanks to me, I will make you both eat it and then you both have to eat the big bite. Don't do this here, you will get a photo, remember. That one time I liked it was talking to you and we really connected and you said why Olivia would do anything for you you're my best friend Damien you're my best friend Olivia would literally do anything for you oh really it really sucks for me oh man, it smells so bad it smells like soy sauce with a huge fart in it maybe garrett literally wrapped a fart oh this is a slimy shoe smelly i think i think it's smoking she's miles away right now she's going to be tearing up seagulls like oh yes olivia is not a vampire she has eaten anything so she is bored so you have taken a bite of each Wow yes oh that is much worse than I thought yes there is food in front of me I like to eat meat, I understand anxious, yeah, no, that's really terrible, I'm terribly tough, so that was what's called garlic truffle mousse.
It was minced garlic covered in milk chocolate, you feel like you understand my creator. I have the feeling that karma is not on my side now. Was going to happen. Eventually look, they put me on this program to kill me. They are trying to include me in this channel. I know, but now they're really trying to make sure that's what kills me. The whole thing looks like a bite of a normal burger. take a bigger bite like a commercial eat it all oh my god I swear to god oh that's good don't follow from the edges really get in there move that was good at first inside oh it's happening deep down what's the thing that um that Gandalf the gray fights and the First Lord of the Rings a power bar that is on the bar is like it is like it is like oh we are fine Frodo yes, the fight feels good thanks to the prize it is fine, the front is fine, it is a scare, not good, is it fish food in the frying pan?
You put fish food in this fried food. torture is this what is happening, I literally don't know, it's like you, someone is going to tell me what it is and I'm going to throw up, my body is having a reaction to this, but it's not. I just can't decide what is tomato in this sauce. You had a bow for this video. I don't know what I just ate. Alright. I never feel like I'll wake up with guts tomorrow. you could in this is veggie burger lettuce tomato cheese fresh mustard seasoning and a lot of malic acid the acidic things that make sense I ate like half of that burger yeah I don't know why this, the acidity I didn't like it hit me like it should just came to my stomach and then everything was there spinning like a witch's brew, they get war, it's like biting into a warhead, friend, why do your big speeches attract you, didn't you feel that he felt everything that I didn't feel?
I think good job, don't trust. Thank you very much, the legendary chef Josh, for coming. Hey, it's the first time you experience the show and realize how you feel about the psychological horror that it's so much worse than the real food, which is also terrible. This comes with a person here to say a delicious Nutella Twinkie, but I feel different now that you ate every bowl today. I thought the dish is strange as if it was starting with the gelatin dessert. It's a little strange, you know? That's overall a good meal and you can read my Yelp review shortly.
Okay, yeah, thank you all so much, thank you all so much for watching this episode. Eat it or eat it. You can find all these people and beautiful social networks. Thanks again Josh for coming. that notification a bell for the next episode comment on your favorite foods that we may or may not have on the show or guests mr. fish foods like groceries hey well now i feel different, click this box to see a playlist of previous foods in episodes covered or click this box to see a video that youtube curated just for you.

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