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Duchess Draft (Pick Tanks)

Apr 17, 2024
Duchess' Draft Pro gives advice to anyone countering a Dark Goblin, so Minions will be better, right? I don't know if Tesla Golem will be better. I'm going to take the Dragon from the Infernal Tower so they can't counter my my Golem, right, that's how it works, oh geez, I mean, oh yeah, I'm crazy, imagine getting buffed Ken, you're not a mod here, that It's weird, what is the chicken dance? I don't get it though, oh God, Ken, this is your fault this was connected was a scar or a skeleton. Barrel, I don't even know because Ken made me look up.
duchess draft pick tanks
Oh, juice, man, that sounds like a skill to me, dude, shut up. Ken, this is your fault, uh, we have Golem, this is an automatic win. double Inferno Towers crashing oh that's so good real question Lava Hound or Electro Giant Electro I know there will be a 5 second transmission delay so by the time you say it it'll probably be too late yeah no it's too late okay ? We'll be fine? Why do they have a giant? Why do they have a giant? This is stupid. They had double tank chat. This is your fault. Speed ​​across the bridge with the giant and the Canon cart.
duchess draft pick tanks

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Don't call me princess. H if the cannon. the cart connects and I take it out, oh yeah, you see what I said, what I'm saying, it's a Sleeper Man Cannon C connected for half damage. I can't believe we have triple giant, this is beautiful, it is the absolute symphony of perfection. this is crazy, we have the Dark Prince, we have the Electro Giant, we have the giant, that's why the pairing is so stupid. The giant connects and his only line of defense is the Ice Wizard who, by the way, is dead from the cannon cart. My only condition is that the


tables be worn out. look at that like he doesn't stand a chance, how does he counter the triple Giant in the Dutchess challenge?
duchess draft pick tanks
No, no, no, that left right side is a right, just a stab probably should have done the barbarians, but okay, yeah, give them poison value. Great, we're ignoring the Dark Prince's dagger, he just has no ammo left, he's screwed, he's actually screwed, we're just going to put everything on the bridge at this point, the bomber is the vye level bomber that makes these tables of recruitment. play Clash Royale here you have a choice: the worst evolution of the game or the best evolution of the game. I don't know, I have so many things here. I'm ready, I'm so ready, oh, oh, God, wait, I'm going to stack Bowlers, oh. oh, the hunter is also in the tower.
duchess draft pick tanks
I had never seen a hunter deal so much damage with so little health. We're going to do some crazy things. What if I keep going towards multiple bombers? I feel like they really have nothing to do. they have a mega point for that deadly ball oh no no no no no no my winning condition is launchers and bombers that wasn't even a matter of skill it was a matter of


battle Ram just a tank, oh, it's not even a tank, okay? okay too, ah, the tower ran out of ammo, if it ran out of ammo, I'm just going to go in with a horde of minions on the right side, then, oh my god, that's cool, a little pig for a tank, oh my, I have to prepare for all of those. skeletons going up, one skeleton left, oh my god, that skeleton, that skeleton, that SK, okay, we used all the ammo, now they won't have tornado and since she attacks so slowly, it won't be a problem with the Ice Wizard it just failed oh oh my god prediction snowball did something I don't know what he was predicting I just knew there was something he killed the magic archer and lost that he doesn't have a golden pass is that he should have done it I waited for the second bats to appear oh, so much damage, a real question, although who is who is in danger, I am in danger, that's who we go with zero Elixir because I don't need strategy, I have Golem, I don't want arrows on that side, oh.
I couldn't get the stupid spirit to be discreet. I think they're screwed. Wait, now we come in with piglets. Yes, no, that's all. You just spam


here and that's it, oh giant, sure, why is it even a contest? We're just going to choose


, not lightning, because that's a little expensive right now. Could he have had an ice wizard there? But we are here to send a message. Oh wow, they're not. They did everything they could to defend themselves. Wow, they are. keep it up, that's a crazy King activation, I'm not even mad about that, oh my god mother witch, don't be a mother witch, Evolution Barb pulls that out that's so good, a slightly taller one is going to tank all those shots, oh, I gave them value that's fine, they're just going to have a hard time at this point, do I have to defend that Elixir Golem?
Okay evolution battle Ram isn't that crazy because we have the bowler right now that bowler is going crazy Val oh my god they re low that's a lot of damage ah I didn't take it out though maybe not I wanted him to be taken out he doesn't even connect that's very sad yeah okay I saved the witch she's going to go a long way take out Those goblins woo the bowler back to full health again. Are they going to make elves or ignore it completely? They are going to ignore it completely. Well, they didn't even ignore it completely.
They should have just ignored it completely. I should have ignored that balloon. stupid in case they do something funny we have to take out the tower now Electra Dragon almost prolonged we wanted to go one two for the content okay I'll have uh oh that could have been a king activation okay oh you know what would happen if? you only use tornado then you really won't have anything for it so the giant still connects oh, that gang of Goblins is going to be devastating wait, it connected in the tower typical golden pass user they have no ammo there we are fine They are low on Elixir, They can't defend this.
I think they just gave up because they have infinite passes, keep losing, and then keep going until you face an opponent you can easily beat. I don't think this was a draft issue. had a giant leprechaun, wow, that draft is garbage for them, they lost. The snowball slows down ammo reload and since they don't have ammo reload, oh, those spear goblins, although they're going to be a little troublesome, it's not bad, oh, that's it. Well, that's so good, stupid dark goblins, no, no, no, this is victory number 12. You were selected so hard on all the banners in the world, so some of you will get 1,000 gems.
It's very specific, but OJ, how is that possible? I don't have this in my account, don't worry, I didn't have it in my account. The first group receives it on April 12. The second group receives it on April 19. So if you don't have this yet, don't worry. It comes, that's the Duchess's challenge, she only chooses tanks, thanks for watching.

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