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Driver Oliver Rides a Taxi and Helps the City Rescuers

Apr 10, 2024
Diana and mom family wow there you have what happened oh no my police car is broken hello hello we have to go to the police she's not coming where to go yeah hey Donuts fresh donuts donuts wow donuts please stop the car okay stay in the car M fresh donuts can I have one of course yes H great idea please please what happened look run away oh I don't have you oh you're not in the elevator come on okay come on no thank you very much goodbye you won't run far H



we have an urgent call we have let's hurry up mhm come on come on let's go thanks wo help my house is on fire help oh no h wow and thanks you're welcome the house is safe oh no look taxi taxi taxi hello we have to take it to the construction site okay, let's put the pipes in the car there you have it, it doesn't fit, let's put them on the roof great idea, let's fix it yes, great job one 1 2 3 four last one left yay now we can go well bye bye where are my builders H wow they're coming hello come on wow thanks yes next step come on high five Oliver thanks for your help bye bye bye bye duxy Dy hello I need your help uh-oh come on oh not much better we have to run to the hospital come on why do we stop? the car is broken yeah oh let me push it here you go are you ready? uhhuh come on, come on, hello, there you go hey, you forgot about me, hey, thanks for your help, you're welcome, bye, bye, to the whole board AB, come on, hello, let's wait for your luggage H, okay, too much weight, okay, great, come on, welcome, welcome AB, hello, hello, please fasten your seat. belts ok end hello hello we are ready to go bye come on you can't put luggage in ASO sorry I'll clean everything H come on, it's time for lunch, well, delicious, don't throw garbage on the way, sorry, I'll clean everything, huh. heavy snow M distract pallet and passengers yes oh sorry sorry no St where is the bathroom right there thank you attention passengers we are flying into turbulence z please move your seat Bel do you need help yes uh-oh thank you uh-oh can you It's not a plane, this could be dangerous, sorry, okay, what happened, oopsie, when you listen to the music.
driver oliver rides a taxi and helps the city rescuers
LLY, it was done through other passengers, okay, you can use headphones, oh, thank you, welcome, woo, bye, bye, wow, hello, hello, no, officer, what? It happened that the thief stole my ice cream. I really don't like thieves, don't worry, the police will help you, thank you, goodbye, uh-oh, let's find the criminal. H caught it, no, this is your ice cream, yes, thanks TR. TR welcome, come on, hello, what's wrong with your cat? Eh? His paw hurts, don't worry. I'm professional. I'm sure Vage will help you. Well, well, K uhhuh, full game, you can go, thank you.
driver oliver rides a taxi and helps the city rescuers

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driver oliver rides a taxi and helps the city rescuers...

Doctor, meow, hello, hello. Welcome to my bakery. bye, bye, come on, okay, I have a watermelon juice and a bag M okay, ah, you're M, delicious, you're welcome bye, ol superum, come on, excuse me, what's going on? Can I send this a piece? Oh, let's begin, oopsie, oh no, don. Don't worry, I'll do it, it's under control, I'm sorry, it's okay, super bye, bye, bye, hm Diana's late, I'm late for school oh no, wow, let's go first, don't be late, sorry, come in , okay, let's go for the next student. Hello Diana, let's do it together, yes, okay, no, no one, one child in one place, okay, Super K Roma, hello, oh, but I don't allow it on the bus, come in, hello girls, our last student, hello, hello, com, uhhuh, all the students on the bus, let's go. to school, fasten your seat belts, yes, let's play, yes, oh no, who did this?
driver oliver rides a taxi and helps the city rescuers
Oops, please don't bother the


, sorry boy, yes, hello Roma, what are you doing? Don't open the bus window. Okay, did you see my new clothes? Don't show it to me. Diana don't walk on the bus oopsie okay look what I have he I love it don't throw trash on the bus sorry we'll clean everything oh I see our school let's go Yoo R I didn't forget something oh no I I forgot my backpack, oopsie, don't forget your toilets in the cabin, okay, PE, have a good day, hello class, hello teacher, now the science lesson, I have a lizard, I have FR, cool down the Y, please clean the board, okay teacher, I'm done, Thank you, please, look, okay. what is this what is just a joke bad joke yes bad joke class class continue the lesson wow teacher teacher I already finished the lesson it's goodbye hello it's time to go home and time to return eh let's all go on karma bu okay We're ready to go, oh, are you okay, uhhuh, uh-oh, look what can happen, always keep your signal fixed on the car, okay, lunch time, wow, Oliver, let me secure your seat.
driver oliver rides a taxi and helps the city rescuers
Bel no, no, no, no, but you can fall off your chair. uh what is this sound W uh-oh look what can happen? Okay, it always backs up much better. I am very hungry. Okay, now we'll play. Yay, come on, Oliver, you forgot to fasten your seat belt. No, no, it is necessary for security. Are you ready? Yeah. no, uh-oh, do you understand why you need a seat belt? Okay, good job, come on, no, whatever, Oliver, let her go first, uhhuh, yeah, woohoo, OU, ouch, look what can happen, okay, it's time to play video games, come on, come on, thanks.
Oliver, you have learned your lesson well blue yellow green red blue wow oh yellow H H yellow car in a blue garage uh-oh no, we have to bring the blue car okay, come on, what is this? WOW, let's check, let's do it blue G yay W come in super blue red Jer H I know what to do let be H wow yes now it's red red yellow blue car no I o oh it's so much fun come on oh no ch yellow green W red car red in the green garage oh, let's paint the car green Hello, time to wash, now my car is green, green.

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