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Don't Miss the Best Start in Fallout 4 - Next Gen Update!

May 30, 2024


Fallout 4


is here and if you want to get the



in Fallout 4, maybe you've never played it before you've come to the right place,


ing with character creation we'll go over the


stats, how to get the best weapons from the beginning where to find power armor and fusion CS to power them up easy methods to get lots of caps, unlimited ammo and experience and lots of tips and tricks along the way whether you are a new player or an old player this will be a useful video so you can see now, before choosing your character and starting with the attributes, you should know that each point of intelligence you have will increase your experience gain by another 3%, so if you start with 10 intelligence you will get 30% more from experience. everything you do now, since there is no level cap in Fallout 4, this means that as you level up, all of your attributes can eventually be increased to level 10.
don t miss the best start in fallout 4   next gen update
This means that if you start with 10 intelligence you will be able to max out all of your other stats and advantages in much less time. I will also show you a power leveling method at the end of this video, it is up to you whether you exploit it or not, beyond that strength will allow you to carry more equipment, but you can simply wear power armor to increase your carrying weight or rely on your companions to carry your things and then you will have stamina, which increases your health. High Charisma will also unlock access to a lot of voice dialogue options that you would have otherwise


ed, but now we're going to Fast Forward until we exit the Vault and enter the Wasteland and I'm curious, if you've been watching the TV show The Fallout, who is your favorite character.
don t miss the best start in fallout 4   next gen update

More Interesting Facts About,

don t miss the best start in fallout 4 next gen update...

In fact, I'm giving away these miniature diaramas I painted. in a future video from the link in the description below, but now let's start with welcoming back to the Commonwealth, which is now a wasteland and right in front of us is the Sanctuary, which can then be converted into a settlement, but before If it comes to that, I actually want to turn around and ransack this small cabin. There are a lot of yellow boxes around here and if you loot them we can get some rad There's also a red button here and if you actually press that and then go and backtrack at the Vault entrance, it'll take you back inside and we'll do it later because there's a legendary weapon we can pick up early, but we can't get it yet, so instead, let's go over to these wooden boxes and we'll do that.
don t miss the best start in fallout 4   next gen update
It's very good to do it from the beginning. Let's get everything useful out of these boxes and then continue to this blue building where we can find. Some 10k+ ammo right on the desk here and if you're playing in survival mode you'll want to pick up all the food like the cram for example and even when you're not in survival mode they're just great to eat because like you're about to see, it will regenerate our health at the bottom left instead of wasting a stim pack. Now we are going to go down the hill which is actually the place we ran to. when the Vault was initially opened during the fall of the nuclear weapons and you will also come across some plants like the one here and especially by the river you will see a lot of leaves and if you collect them you can In fact, use them in a recipe called Stew of squirrel that gives you 2% additional experience, but for now we are going to cross this bridge and get to Sanctuary or at least what is left of it, so we have discovered it and every location that it discovers we are going to get some experience in this suitcase, sometimes there's a hairpin here, there's a good chance it's really there, but if not, don't worry, we can pick something up later and just to the left you'll see codsworth, who I'm going to ignore for now because no I want to spoil the main story for you if you haven't played it and if we go back to our house we can find the Grognak the Barbarian comic.
don t miss the best start in fallout 4   next gen update
There are a ton of collectible comics in the game and this particular one will increase critical hits with unarmed and melee weapons by 5% and if you collect all of these comics you will get permanent upgrades for your character, so let's take that one and So if we go to our children's room, just to the right, here under the dresser, you will find a special book. Now, before you pick this one up, listen very carefully. I'll pick it up just to demonstrate what this book is about. What it does is it allows you to increase one of your attributes by one point, but if you actually leave it there and instead go to our perk table, it's actually possible while you're playing because there's no level cap in Fallout 4 that you can carry on leveling up your strength perception and so on until you reach level 10 and once you reach level 10 you can go around the game and find these different dolls for each of your attributes and that will then increase your strength by 10 to 11 and then once you have 11 strength, you can come back here and grab that special book and that will allow you to increase that attribute to 12.
Now there are other ways you can get your attributes even higher than that, but I mean , that's like a whole different video, so let's not waste time, but just so you know, while you're running around looting stuff, you can come here to this workshop and if you press x to transfer, you can just press Y. to store all your trash inside automatically which can then be deconstructed so after you have done that you can also find a weapons workbench here and there is even a power armor workbench and then here you will find an armor workbench and we will receive power armor and all those good things in a moment.
We're going to ignore this yellow house with some enemies inside and stand between this bush where there's a blue house right here and behind this blue one. house, you will find a hidden cellar, you can see. I'm standing right here, that's where the entrance to this warehouse is before we go in, although we want to climb this tree because it's actually a hidden military duffel bag. You can pass the test of climbing that tree without falling and inside you will find a bunch of ammo and then we will go to The Root Cellar. This room can now be used as a storage location for the player.
It doesn't respawn here, so you can safely store items in the different containers without losing them, and if you also sleep in the bed for an hour you'll get a secret Rest Well buff that gives you a 10% experience boost. for 8 hours of play, once it's over you can go sleep in another bed for an hour, but if you play in survival mode you'll also get a plus two to your stamina and agility stats, but you'll need to sleep. for 7 hours instead of just one and there's about 45 ammo we're definitely going to need more food and the most important thing is that there are some gold bars, one in the safe under the shelf and then another hidden under the shelf, right there now , the golden one.
The bar is stored in the trash section of your inventory, but it is worth 450 caps and we can exchange it with a certain merchant to obtain a very useful legendary weapon from the beginning of the game, the higher your charisma, the higher you can reach. sell it, although I would recommend leaving the other two here for now and not taking them with you. You'll also find a safe that you won't be able to unlock yet unless you've put a point into the lock forging perk. which is definitely worth doing in Fallout 4 and a first aid pack with some water and stim packs and then we can head back now from The Root Cellar and that fallen log that we climbed up on, let's turn around and go. to head directly east through these trees here you will see a huge lake.
I mean, you literally can't


the giant lake in front of you and right here we're going to find a very useful early melee weapon. It should be on a ship ship that is along the coast here so on this ship we can find a cooler with two Nape Cola and a combat knife right here now the security hitter you found in the vault has a damage of 16 but only a medium spin speed the combat knife does 13 damage but it actually attacks twice as fast almost so in the end you end up with much faster damage per second when using it so from that boat we're going to spin and go north and cross the coast there and probably I don't want to do this in survival mode because you will get a lot of radiation from swimming in the water, but on the other side you will find more blood leaves and then here, in a suitcase, Find a set of Raider armor, so let's go ahead and grab all of this and look at the left leg and the right leg leather, so this has left us out with some armor, so after you've looted that suitcase, we'll be then we're going to run around the lake to the left here, just keep running around the lake until you reach the other side, you can see the Shrine there to the west and now we're going to head straight east up this little hill here and forward.
The map should look like these three broken cars on top of each other. This will take us to the junkyard. We went from the Sanctuary to here on the map to the robot elimination terrain and again we will get experience. for discovering the robotic disposal terrain named so because there is a deactivated Sentry B that we can reactivate, but first let's get the fusion core out of this trunk after you looted this trunk. If you really pass by this broken down car, here you will find a Fatman mini nuclear launcher, as you can see, it deals 468 damage per hit, it is the most powerful weapon.
Ammo is very limited, but luckily there is some ammo nearby, but beyond that, it's worth selling because it's now worth 500 capsules before you activate it. You're going to want to run to the other side of the junkyard and right at the exit on the other side, where these tires are on the left, you'll find another hidden mini nuke. You'll like walking on it like this. and then you can pick it up now we turn around again we can enter this concrete building here so let's open the door here and just to our left there is more first aid and now we will find a workbench with weapons and a hot water charger.
Some of the magazines that you can pick up in the game are like custom paint jobs and skins for your weapons and armor, so let's take that and then in this terminal and you have an option here that says play tape or you can use the option on the bottom of the screen that says eject holotape then we have the holotape and grab the stim pack on the shelf here and then if we go back outside we can see this sentinel bar if we go to our inventory and navigate to several plays the holotape of Sentry Proto MK IV combat, this will give us the option to activate the Sentry bot now, after you have activated the Sentry bot, you will now have the option to use the Sentry B to go and eliminate different locations on the map like that satellite dis or you can destroy the Sentry robot and you will get two Fusion cores, so if we go ahead and load the holotape again, now we have the option to disable it, activate the defense protocol and if you click on this you will get a list of different locations, the one with the satellite dish is USAF Olivia.
Now, if you choose this option, the Sentry robot will deploy to the chosen location and literally destroy everything in its path after arriving. At the location, you will start killing everything in the outside area and when you are done, you will return to the junkyard for your


mission. Now you won't get any experience for what he kills and if you're not following him there. There's a chance I'll just disappear and disappear down the road personally, although I'm going to go ahead and initiate a self-destruct and say yes, I'm sure I want to do that and then you'll want to take a step back.
Because this thing is about to blow up Sky High and now it's dead and after you do that a bunch of mole rats will appear so you're going to have to go ahead and take them out but then you can loot the Sentry bot the two Fusion cores now maybe you'll ask what we're going to do with those Fusion cores and if we actually go back out of this location and cross the street, you'll walk towards the satellite dish. Before and right in front of you, you will see a crashed Steed Verte Brotherhood bird and power armor.
It is a T4 45 armor set and if you really pick up this power armor, it will respawn later with higher level equipment, so use our free software. Fusion cor we can go ahead and put one back here and then we can jump in and operate it so let's go ahead and get into it although this armor looks rusty the T45 armor actually has all of its durability so now What we can do is turn around and see the Brotherhood of the bird See you still. If we jump inside here and then climb to the top, you can see that there is a brown flight helmet that you can grab that you can equip to protect. our heads we can get a better helmet in a moment now we are here on the map in power armor but if we goto the southwest we will find the USAF satellite station Olivia and from that accident See you bir You Now you can walk directly east to the satellite Olivia.
I mean, it's impossible to miss this location now, once you get to the top of the satellite area you'll find some ammo and some power armor that you can also jump into without taking any damage next. If we head inside the bunker at this location, I'll show you how to get unlimited ammo, but if you don't like exploits, just skip this part of the video using the timestamps below, but now we're going to put the game on very easy difficulty. and then we will run inside ignoring all the enemies until we find the name. The boss called her has a Minun, if we defeat her and then loot her minigun and her ammo, then you can drop her on the ground along with the 5mm ammo she uses and then another Raider will come to pick her up and as soon as they pick her up and try to use it, if you then kill them you will notice that you will get another 500 ammo every time you do this and this is because every time a new enemy picks up the weapon that doesn't have it. before you fill the entire magazine with ammo now, since a Min gun requires 5005mm bullets per magazine, the game will still give you more ammo and you can do this with any weapon in the game, even the fat man if you're doing it.
This with the fat man, although make sure you don't let them fire the gun. You also have to make sure you drop ammo for the weapon they pick up or they won't use it and melee enemies don't seem to want to do that. pick up ranged weapons so by doing this a few times I managed to quadruple my minigun ammo and we could even sell this ammo for unlimited limits if we wanted, in this location we will also find another Fusion core and if you unlock the Locked Blue Door for Beginners at the end and then you go to the back of the room, you will find this orange suitcase that has a key card inside.
If you bring this key card to the main entrance you will be able to gain access. the security door there and in here you can find another mini nuke on the table and in the back here is a chest with a boss level treasure and in this dark corner there is a hidden safe, so now from the satellite station we're going to be Heading back along the edge of the lake right here towards the Sanctuary, you can see the satellite that we came from there and behind us is the lake with the Sanctuary in the distance and we're going to head back to the Sanctuary now and by true, yes When running in the power army, you actually consume cor energy faster, so keep that in mind before constantly running anywhere while using it, so we'll just walk along the lake shore here and eventually in front of the shrine in the distance. you come to this pipe and if you open it you will see that there is a circuit breaker that you can activate that will turn off the pump and release the pressure at the other end, so if we follow this pipe up here on the cliff we are going to find a secret hiding place of caps just to the right of this yellow container.
Now we can open the covers and that will reveal caches of caps and we will find a body with the snub nose gun 44. Now this. it's actually the best, excuse me sir, please tear yourself apart, but once upgraded it has the highest damage per short of almost any other weapon you can get in


4 until you get to ncer world, unfortunately, although it requires ammo 45 caliber, which is quite rare at first. In you'll find a box of hairpins right here too and there are some hairpins in the suitcase. Now if you go up to the top here you will also be able to find two packs of rataway radex and purified water after you are done looting this area, just head over.
Back to the lake from where we found this thing, if we continue along the lake shore to the left, here we will find a small dock and there is also a container here and sometimes these have decent loot, but not this time. At the end here we are going to find a cooler with some dirty water that we can purify later, but below we can see that there is a first day kit with some purified water now from the dock we are standing on . If you look directly across the lake, you'll see the sunken ship we saw earlier.
If you look between those two trees and then walk directly into the water, we can also breathe underwater thanks to our suit and we will continue walking directly. head north and you will eventually reach this ship right here and inside you will find a steamer trunk that has a beginner lock. And if you ever have difficulty, if you just get out of picking locks and get back in, it actually resets how much durability your block selection has to make sure it doesn't break and we have 38 rounds, another 10 mil pistol fragmentation mines and here we are back at the pier and now we're going to continue walking along the shore here and in the if If you continue walking along the shore, you will eventually come back to the wooden shrine bridge right over here and just across this wooden bridge, if you cross this wooden bridge, on the other side you will find a container and this container always has two fragments. grenades inside, so be sure to pick them up on the other side of the bridge under this Minuteman statue.
You will find more ammo and a gun that appears randomly and right in front of us, from there, we have the Red Rocket gas station, this is where we go. collect dog meat and there are some really cool things you can do with him so he's right in front of us looking very lost at the red rocket station and we can talk to him and then we can invite him to come with us and be our companion now , if you talk to my dog, you will have the option to exchange with him, then he will turn around and present his buttocks to you.
I don't know where he keeps the items, but now you can put things inside the dog. as if you were a very heavy fat man, now let's say, for example, that you are overloaded and your companion, like my dog, is also overloaded. One of the really cool things you can do with it is if I drop this Minun on the ground and then I say chase me, press a to command and then these little arrows appear here and if I say, go get this minigun, pick it up and put it in your inventory, even if it is overloaded, you will be able to choose.
That lifts him up and carries him above his carrying capacity and that really works with all companions, not just a dog, but one of the unique things about Dog Me is that it actually works with the benefit of the solitary wonder when ventures without an additional component. You get 15%. less damage and increase your carry weight by 50 now let me not count as a companion to take 30% less damage and have 100 more carry weight and deal 25% more damage yourself and even get 25 extra action points once it's maxed out now it will sometimes say dog ​​meat found something and it will actually go and pick up useful items like this pack of junk it just found and give it to you and if you go out the back of the red rocket truck, stop and come where all these are. type of danger construction action signs, you will find right here that there is a hidden cave that takes you under the tent.
I brought a shotgun here to deal with the mole rats. You can see them back here, so let's go and take them. they get ruined, oh there you go, Meats the dog completely wiped it out once they took care of the mole rats, you can actually come back here and you'll find a fourth Fusion core if you keep going into this cave. You will find another m R to eliminate and there is also a locked safe and don't forget that right behind the Red Rocket station you will find this cooking setup. Here you can make purified water if you get free dirty water.
You can also cook those M Rat Chunks that give you more 5 AP for 15 minutes and also heal you for 50 HP now from the Red Rocket Station if you turn around and look in the distance, to the south, there is a large tower of Cooling run-over water. At the base of this and all the way to the end, you'll first find a kit with stim packs and 1 2 3 4 Purified Water, and then just over here, where the dog is running very close, you'll find a hidden steamer trunk with More Caps. of bottles and ammo, so from the water tower, if you head north, you can see the Shrine directly in the distance and there is a safe right in front of this tree.
It has even more ammo for your 10 mil pistol and tons of stim packs. inside, so make sure you grab them now from the wooden bridge at the Shrine, we're actually going to go left here, you can see the shrine bridge right there and if I turn around and head west, I'll reach what is. an old Brotherhood of Steel or a military ship of some kind, now you'll want to have power armor for this because there's a lot of radiation around it. You can also blow up some radic which gives you 100 radiation resistance. This is what it's for.
If you are going to swim in irradiated water, here you can find the military helmet, we will pick it up and we can also pick up the stimulation pack and the military first aid helmet actually has 10 damage resistance, which is actually very good, then we can replace it with combat armor, which I will have a guide on how to get early. Linked In the description below, I will show you how to get the legendary weapon called the cryolator, a unique item. which freezes enemies with its Frost flamethrower ability and fast travels here back to Vault 111, so now you'll have to take off your power armor, then you'll have to open your pit boy and secure yourself. that in your horror you are not wearing clothes, make sure you have your Vault suit equipped, make sure dogm is following me, don't order him or anything, but let him do his thing and then we'll go to the control panel here and we'll activate the Vault button that will make the bell ring and if we just stand in the middle it will transport you to the Vault and then Dog Meet will load into the Vault with you.
If you don't remove the other items and don't have your Vault suit equipped for some reason, there is a bug that simply won't load into the game. It's been a problem for about 8 years, but here we are anyway. to head to the Vault and we're going to turn left and then we're going to follow this Corridor all the way to the end, it's a linear Corridor and eventually we're going to come back to the Overseers office right here inside this cage room. You will have the cryolator case. This is a skeleton key case and there is no way to open it this early in level one unless you have dog meat with you and of course we do.
What we're going to do is We're going to order dog meat so we're going to have you go and stand in that room and then we're going to close the door and then we're going to tell you to talk to it and we're going to tell you to go get it and then we're going to tell you what you want find items and he says he found something that is the closest item and that's it, he picked up the cryolator for us and we didn't even need to unlock the master lock so now if we trade with him we can navigate to the weapons and like you.
I can see he's holding the cryolator and if we take it from him, then we take that legendary weapon. One of the interesting things about the cryolator is that you can upgrade it without having any skill to craft the crystallizer cannon, its damage doubles, the compensation stock reduces. go back and you can also change the crosshairs now. At the beginning of the video, I mentioned an awesome power leveling method that you guys can use to level up really fast before you even leave the starting shrine area, whether you use it or not. but let me show you how it's done and if you ever leave your power armor around, you'll want to make sure you remove the fusion core; otherwise later when this is a settlement other settlers will be able to get into your power armor and start walking around and you won't be able to wear it or take them out.
You can also customize the appearance of your power armor in the power armor rack and use that charger. I showed you how to get there sooner if you hold down the button. With the select button you will be able to enter deconstruction mode and here you will be able to scrap things like barrels to get steel and also branches to get wood, so you will want to run and do this because there is a very easy way. To level up, if you scrap pretty much everything, you can get 3000 wood by scrapping everything in the area, as well as a lot of steel.
Now, if you go to the settlement workshop and press a, you can go to furniture. and then if you move to the right you will find shelves. Now shelves are really interesting because they require very few materials to make and we have steel shelves and wooden shelves. These are the most common materials in the game, which you can even buy. Buy shipments of lumber and steel from different merchants to get unlimited quantities of each material, but let's use steel racks for this example. I'm going to go through the back of the house and the nice thing about these shelves is that you can put them up. on the wall and they actually stack on top of each other and you'll also notice that I'm gaining experience for each shelf I build, soIf I stay here and keep pressing the a button I'll get tons and tons of experience and eventually I'll level up my character now you're thinking oh look you're running out of steel which is absolutely fine because once you run out steel you can press X to discard it and get half the materials. back, so stay here and press X to discard all the shelves you just built.
You can also install the discard all feature, which is now much faster. If you invest more points in intelligence you actually increase the experience gained even more once you have 10 intelligence each of these racks will give you free experience each and we have leveled up again we are now at level four and this is a one of the fastest ways to level up early in the game, but it's very boring and kind of ruins the actual game, so I wouldn't really recommend it, but if you played before, you know why not take advantage of this now.
If you're wondering What to do next, I would recommend continuing the main quest by heading to Concord, which is located southeast of the road from Sanctuary. Once here, you will encounter the Minutemen faction, interestingly enough if you kill the Raiders here and show them. Already wearing power armor and a minigun, there will be some secret dialogue options that will unlock on the roof. You will also get a full set of T45 power armor to replace yours as well as another minigun, after this the next best armor is to get the combat armor. You can watch this video guide here if you want to get it yourself, but leave a like on this one if you found it helpful.

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