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DOGS STAY AT DISNEY WORLD (Camp Wilderness Lodge Cabin) - SCS #193

Jun 03, 2021
this and come on, guys, look at this, we have a hose, if you get dirty, I hope you don't get dirty, we have dog bags, a water fountain, wait, a sack, get it, it's a sprinkler. It's in a nice coupe right on the sprinkler line, good job buddy, you pull like a girl. Kota is still trying to drink from that thing with no water coming out of it anymore, that's literally all she's done. I don't see how she does it. After the dog park hero doesn't know if she wants to do it Dakota, she gets the truck to take a little slower ride, but she still did good, baby.
dogs stay at disney world camp wilderness lodge cabin   scs 193
Do you see the little dog in the basket? He's so cute, it's your turn, go ahead, man. the breath is hot and stinks in this car, okay so it's not really marked on our map, we have like two or three different mats, we thought the walking trails would be like forest trails, but I saw a paved one and I feel like a page one through the woods, it's not going to be that much fun, so anyway, we could just go look behind our


like this, this thing goes up and goes left, it's all paved like this.
dogs stay at disney world camp wilderness lodge cabin   scs 193

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dogs stay at disney world camp wilderness lodge cabin scs 193...

I feel like that's how it is. that's a little boring, I don't know, yeah, so let's head back, look at that good boy, he's ready, here we go, come on, Kota, this really looks cool back here, maybe we can explore a little. We'll see what happens, come on, I feel like there are probably people in these


s looking at us right now, like what the hell are these people doing, but this is cool, what do you think the code would be? Are you one with nature? You won't be able to survive here at all, neither of us would, good boy, Kota, what's going on?
dogs stay at disney world camp wilderness lodge cabin   scs 193
We have like a little old creek or something that was here. I don't know if we can go much further. some kind of way back here again I don't really know I don't know if we're supposed to do this what do you think Kota you're one with nature good guy just sniffing the wind you like this friend you like to go to? Outside, oh, you're too cute, man, come here, come on, good boy, what do you think of this? do you like it? Out here, I looked for a good place to go to the bathroom, maybe don't eat the leaves, you don't, why don't we.
dogs stay at disney world camp wilderness lodge cabin   scs 193
He doesn't just eat things that have always been a thing with him, he'll eat them and then he'll like them, he won't like them or he'll throw them up, it's just what he does well, he's got the leash on him, mr. Cooper, don't stop eating, there's a leaf right here with spit all over it, buddy, you gotta stop. I think we need to relax a little at the cabin again so that they are not allowed near restaurants and convenience stores. and things like that, so I think we'll just leave them in the cabin, which they're allowed to do.
I think they have a maximum of seven hours or something, which I feel like is a long time, but we'll go. them for about 30 minutes we go get some food for ourselves, we pick up some food so we can cook for them, we bring them dog food, but we just want to do something fun with it so it should be good yeah get the gram . in Kota, hey, you can take a walk, good boy, if you don't follow it, make sure to follow the missing link in the description. I love these guys so much honey Kota, good job, you're doing a good job today.
I'm proud of you, I know you're tired, I know you're hot, let's get that air conditioning, good boy, coop, no, you love it, well guys, come on, let's go home, good boy, let's go home, breeze cuckoo welcoming you, good guys, we did it kotas trying to get water from the refrigerator. That thing is too short, you can actually reach it. I thought I would push him anyway. Let's remove these straps. We'll relax with them for a minute. It's like let them get used to being here and then like I said we'll go get some food okay so our Notre Dame vlog and stuff like that just went up we just watched it she hadn't seen it yeah.
I'm sure they saw Cooper, but he can't stop him from going from lying here to lying there, bothering us, and licking the chair. Kota on the other hand, you're right buddy, you're a good guy, okay guys, be good. We're hoping you don't have poodles at any parties, it's okay Kota, don't pee, don't bark, be good, well, we'll miss you. I think I can see it through this whole window. There's Kota. He immediately goes to the bathroom. okay, honestly, that's really nice, good guy though, we'll be back real soon, okay guys, I love you, we won't be gone for long, I promise, so what are the odds?
We were able to convince someone to let us take Cooper for a horseback ride. It definitely wouldn't happen, okay, we're looking to be pioneers, the whole snow settlement trading post is where we're going to do this, which is out front, but we can't go around there with a car, the problem is you're not really there. You're supposed to drive your car, you're supposed to ride a bike, which they provide, or golf carts. Yes, obviously we don't have that option available to us, so we don't really have a choice, but that means we have to find parking. places that don't really have parking guys we have bad news for you we can't park at the place we wanted to go which was like all the main restaurants and the beach and everything we wanted to see. but there is no parking and when we were driving by we didn't see any dog ​​signs so we are going to ask if we can find someone to ask but I don't think


are allowed on the beach which rules out the opportunity for fires artificial we'll see what happens well, we're still having a good time, it doesn't matter, that would have been great, but at the same time there would probably be a lot of people out there, it probably would be.
They've been very, very crazy and not that nice, so we're okay with that, there's a little trading post here's where we go, we'll still get them some chicken or something to make them a little meal and get ourselves to the - this is awesome, we gotta come back here with some friends and stuff and you can rent canoes. I don't think they'll allow us to put


and canoes, but we could do it on our own, we have people. Fishing here we are not going to swim, we didn't bring anything and I wouldn't want to leave the dogs for so long.
They have water slides. Giant pool. Children's area. This is just one of two pools. I think so. I think they have a bigger one than others in that area where we can't really go right now unless we walk a long distance, so it's still pretty good, although just check everything out, just come here. Have you seen the? prices nine dollars for a beer 16 dollars for a six pack of Bud Light, oh my gosh, yeah, okay, I mean, they have everything, but you're going to pay for it. I guess they have anything for boys. They have pizza we could make. those tater tots well, perfect and I really want fried, let's make some hot dogs, we're back home, you guys can't judge our decision about dinner and the other fun things we bought in bag number one here, all the drinks were Ridiculously expensive so we went with a bottle of wine that we can share cupie you are not going to drink this we have a small snack for us we have Doritos and some cheese Tostitos for them we have some hot dogs Doritos cheese hot dogs and alcohol we are we are a classy bunch here your dinners are coming buddy it's on its way oh man let's do it girl what if we give them their plate of food but we just put hot dogs on it?
It's like a nice little ornament that I don't want. to give me too much and obviously some hot dogs, I'm going to hold you back so I apologize, it's a little dark in here, I mean some areas are better than others, it's not really like that, there are no lights on this side other than the hood thence. Cooper, what are you working on since I turned on the TV? It has Disney music in the background. He's been putting off the puppy barking from time to time, but I mean this class doesn't have better cold Doritos. case Oh, wine that just spilled, oh man, poop, don't steal your dinner before you get the good dressing, come on buddy, what if I took three of these for the one, two, and the third busboy?
Yeah, what's wrong with that? I don't like cold hot dogs here, you know, it's the tip of the sausage, just the tip, okay, so we've got some in coops, we've got some scramblers, the guys, the guys, make it a really cool day. , so let's see how. they do this coda is choose the hot dogs coupie is choose the hot dogs also interesting like I said let's see if we can take them to the fireworks we will have to find a number and call it, but for now We're just going to hang out, we have to get up to date with some Game of Thrones, we'll talk to you again soon and let you know what happens after a good dinner, what's next, chels 1pn, well, we're in bed, yeah. uh it's 8 o'clock right now, we're not going to bed yet, we'll definitely still be hanging out, but we have a couple shows for you to watch things, we'll just relax in the room, enjoy this somehow.
Cooper has mastered the art of levitation because he is up here with us but he is not in the furniture. I don't know how he does it. It's pretty impressive. Kota has passed out and never stops watching. How confident do you feel right now? Kota Kota. Good boy, you're doing a good job. I'm proud of you. I have a feeling this will be the situation for the next hour or two. We'll just hang out, cuddle, relax and enjoy. let's be allies in this war it's important that the northerners see us carry a focus camera, come on, focus, focus, here we go guys, so uh, the night is calming down.
I feel like I'm getting pretty tired, how are you feeling? Show it to us. We completely caught up on Game of Thrones when you guys are watching this, this will have been a couple of weeks ago, but yeah, today was a really good day. I think everyone is pretty tired. We have Coop here, maybe not as tired as he would be. Like him, we have Kota here who has barely moved since we returned. I'm surprised we didn't have reactions to the fireworks, we had a couple of barks and I raised the camera, I didn't get it in time. so I don't know I guess he didn't think it was a threat so anyway I hope you enjoyed this video like I said we would love to do more trips like this and little day trips and


ing and all kinds of things like that it's just to do different things here on the channel, so let us know what you think, let us know what you want to see next, leave a like, subscribe, you haven't done so yet and I'll see you later, calm down.

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