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Island Survival Games

Jun 30, 2024
important thing to take and is to keep your yes, look Cory, I'm choosing Sparky. We're back We're back baby I knew you'd come, come on, come on, this is redemption. Whoa, ladies and gentlemen, hey chin, stay tuned. I've finished now. I hope there are no hard feelings. I didn't choose you. We just like it. Honey, wouldn't that be fun bro, honestly, I forgot where my camp was, where we're going. I forgot what team I'm on right now, you're on mine, you come back, yeah, that's right. Like I'm sleeping in the crab pit tonight, honestly I've been looking for crabs the whole time we've been here, I haven't been able to find them now I have two and I can actually grab them and cook them whenever I want.
island survival games
I wanna come here, welcome to camp bro, what was the down payment on this bad boy? Good to have you back bro, we've got a finish to win tomorrow, we'll do well today mate, hey, great, let's finish this tomorrow. morning for you bro there's only one thing left to do and that's beat this bad boy as they say it started from the bottom now we're here we're in the finals and we'll face Garrett and Sparky at the end of the day if you don't win this you shouldn't even be here good morning survivors today we found out who is a new champion of Survival Games this ending marks the end of your adventure until the next time we play Survival Games no no no no no no What's up buddy?
island survival games

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you will get the golden panda and then you can go home. That's what I was waiting for. The loser has to stay here for a month. Now I'm out, well let's get into it. Gentlemen. let's turn on your


engines remember that it is a marathon, it is not a sprint three two 1 get out, go with the sleds this final is divided into three stages first the four of your team cross the marking line with sandbags, let's see if they can tow this baby. let's go to the endmore, we are fine red sand right behind the blue reef, come on honey, we move on to the next phase, run well, we go to stage two, the team splits, the first member of the team runs from one board to the other side of the kobby run on the beach, go home once you have crossed it, that player must call back a sequence of colors black black brown then his teammate must match the sequence of colors on the rope with the accounts provided if I faint Chad, will you bring me white white brown Bary the next three? white black white brown black white brown black the next three no no no no I wasn't ready yet I can't figure it out buddy come on Gary slow and steady wins the race the next three Sparks but they're sure they made it so Sparky It's already on its way back what are the next three brown brown white is there are three more.
island survival games
I kind of forgot. I ran over here with the last three. No, let's hope he's right. I need something, bro, go brown white brown, that's it. I think it's let me go check oh that was silly ready brown brown white Forks what is it I got tired and forgot which one is the last one I gave fky Barky we're done, we took out the last three what's brown brown brown I have BR me your combination black white brown white black gentlemen that is incorrect from the beginning your first two accounts are incorrect you must start again oh sorry gar H that should be brown white white black white that is correct you can advance to stage three let's go k blue Reef take the lead by placing all count correctly for the final stage the teams must balance on wooden logs and use them to jump the frog towards the finish line ahead white brown white done, that's correct Move forward Sparky and Garrett are right behind they will reach the finish line before than the blue reef if one team member falls you have to jump you have to go you both have to run around the restart marker before trying again omg the red sand keeps falling for all their trunks Okay, get in front, get in front front, what a play, Gary, one step, one last push is not enough.
island survival games
One step over wood, one step over wood, one step over wood, takes a turn, Jones and Blue Reef, right at the finish line, falls down, I'm coming. I'd like to thank my mom, my grandma, it's done bro, see you in Texas, guys, one last step to call each other and finish, bang, baby, come on, I celebrated it in the logs, that was stupid, it always was a good brother, like old times, although you know what I mean, your survival. Champion of the game, way forward gentlemen, congratulations to the Blue Reef team, special thanks to armor B, remember that the limited edition flavor of D Perfect can be found today at Walmart.
I'm your host brother, nature, see you next time, well maybe Dude Perfect.

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