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Dog Breeds NOT for 1st Time Dog Owners

May 09, 2024
Hello and welcome to the puppy mom, this is a channel where I share my practical experience, including my mistakes in the 30 years or more than 30 years that I have had dogs loved and cared for. Did you know that six out of 10 dogs? Adopted dogs are returned it's true and also 60% of adopted dogs have a different owner within 6 months of being adopted if they are not returned and I am trying to break that cycle of going back and forth from AD, adoption, I'm back helping people find the right dog that fits their lifestyle and personality and if you'd like to learn more about my services and the packages available I'll leave you a link so in this video I'll talk about dogs that don't They necessarily are. the right breed for first




or people who, let's say, have had dogs in their life before and now, 15 20 25 years later, want to adopt a dog into their home for themselves or their family, but there are certain


of dogs that are is not necessarily the right dog, especially for first




, let me say this first of all, every breed that I mention in this video can be a wonderful dog, can be a wonderful family dog, but there is a difference Between people.
dog breeds not for 1st time dog owners
Like myself, we have a lot of experience with dog owners in terms of everything from veterinary care to grooming, training, living with dogs on a daily basis, understanding their activity levels, etc., and being a dog owner myself. first time, is what you really want to achieve. true, but at the same time you don't want the dog to overwhelm you, so here's my list of criteria in terms of putting together this list of dogs for you, let's get started and I'll give you my list of dogs and in some cases I group them together because they have certain characteristics, so the first group of dogs that I don't necessarily think are good for a first-time dog owner includes the Australian Shepherd dog, which I'm seeing quite a bit.
dog breeds not for 1st time dog owners

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dog breeds not for 1st time dog owners...

For me, there are few others in shelters these days, that's not it surprises me, the Australian Shepherd and the Border Col. Now you may see a lot of these dogs on different websites. Border Collie, you especially see an agility if you ever watch these movies about agility. Always Border Collies. But what do these three dogs have in common in terms of characteristics? Well they are smart, the Border Collie is super smart, the smartest dog on the planet according to several websites, but they all hurt dogs, their role in life is constant movement their role in life is herding livestock and other things and in some cases I have seen how an Australian cattle dog was surrendered to a shelter so the dog bites the child well.
dog breeds not for 1st time dog owners
Hurt dogs bite hawks to keep him down You know, the C and cattle come into One Direction and keep them in line, so to me it was something you know, I thought well, I bet the dog bit the kid a little to keep him down at bay and If you don't understand what the dog's function is, that will contribute to distress and frustration, emotional upset and distress, so these are three dogs that are great outdoors and great for herding, great for agility, great for a family that has experience with these dogs or in that particular G dog breed group, but not for first time dog owners.
dog breeds not for 1st time dog owners
The second group of G dogs falls into the line of work of the guard dog group. Now the first two I'm going to mention are AKC Hering. groups belgian malinoa and german shepherd the second two are in the line of work group that is the rottweiler and the doberman pincher now first of all with these particular groups of dogs you have to make the investment in training and by investment in training I don't mean Petco or Petmart, I mean experienced professional trainers that work with working line guard dogs, guard dogs, you know, the bite force of a German shepherd is 238 pounds per square inch, the Doberman pincher, the Rottweiler and the malinois, if you are not committed. train these dogs and know how to train them and keep them under control.
Your financial liability could be tremendous if these dogs actually hurt you or hurt you or another pet, that's why these dogs are all very confident, very strong dogs, very intelligent. The dogs, the Malinois, are loved by law enforcement, like the German Shepherd, because they are high-energy dogs. The other thing to consider also is especially with the German Shepherd, the Doerman, the Rottweiler and the Malinois, which are mostly short haired dogs and the Malinoa has a bit. a little longer coat, similar to a German Shepherd but not quite, the Shepherd is a double coated dog they are shedding everywhere and believe me I have two German Shepherds and it's not the first time I've had a dog. great dogs, but again, it's not the first time I've been a dog owner, I see another group of dogs or dogs that are moving up the list of interest for many people, they are dogs that are in the Mastiff group and this Mastiff group I have like um, like let's say flag bearer, it's the cone Corso, the cone Corso is the twentieth most um, you know, uh, how do I say popular dog breed?
And it's really risen over the years in the AKC registration group and in the popular group, um, the thing about mastiffs um like the Neapolitan like the bull mastiff the mastiff the conical horo um representative of the Mastiff line is that these dogs are huge these dogs really are big we're talking 150 lbs 175 lbs if not more and for a first time dog owner to be able to handle that's my Boston, they must have seen a squirrel or a coyote, but for a First time dog owner being able to handle a dog this size, plus the fact that these dogs are so big they eat a lot.
Um, they need socialization, they have temperaments that are great for family, but again, you have to put in the time, investment, and social emotional commitment to these dogs to train them or you can run into problems and finally The last group of dogs I'm going to mention They are the Siberian Husky, the Boxer, the Standard Poodle and the Jack Russell, and again, what do all of these dogs have in common? Energy level and mental need for mental stimulation. My German Shepherd is giving right now, um, let's start at the beginning, let's start with a standard poodle.
The Standard Poodle is right up there with the Border Collie, second in line in terms of amount of intelligence, but Standard Poodles weigh about the 60 to 70 pounds they need. a little grooming. I must say that they need a lot of grooming. You don't need an AKC Westminster type dog, eh, but they do need to be clipped and groomed regularly. Very intelligent dogs. Very active dogs. I'm putting them on the list, not for the first time. The owner of the Siberian Husky is a double-coated dog with a high prey drive known to be an escape artist. um, he's kind of a stubborn, independent dog. um, it's trainable but it has. he has a very high prey drive, think for yourself the third dog I mentioned was the boxer.
There are boxers and poodles in my neighborhood, so I am familiar with them and I am familiar with some of the problems they face. the owners have it because they are not really investing the time it takes for these dogs again active mental stimulation high energy when I see people walking poodles and boxers in my neighborhood they are usually like this hanging on for dear life because they don't have to dog necessarily under control, but that is the owner's problem and they also have a lot of energy boing boing and especially especially the boxer, I mean the boxer, when my neighbor stopped to talk to me the other day, that boxer had finished and was jumping on my.
Jumping in, you know, really, I could definitely see that the owner loved the dog, but it was that the dog didn't get the time and attention that it needed to be a good canine citizen and ultimately, the small, medium, compact Jack Russell dog. adorable, you will see a lot of these dogs again, they are good for agility, but at the same time, when a dog doesn't have the mental stimulation that he needs, when he gets bored, he gets into trouble and a Jack Russell needs a zoom. zoom zoom type of dog again active high energy I must have used that word high energy at least 15 times, but anyway it's true and that's why I want first time dog owners to be able to be happy with their selection, to be able to be happy with the dog of your dreams, but we have to be realistic about what is right for him, a first time owner vs. an experienced owner, so I hope you found this somewhat useful and informative.
I speak from experience. I have had several


. I have raised dogs. from puppies to seniors, I've been through all kinds of behavioral training issues, you know, medical issues, so I have the experience, so I've been down the road to being able to talk and I'll be more than happy to help you. find the right dog for you and your family, so I want to thank you so much for watching. I appreciate it. Don't forget to click and subscribe. I will have videos in the future on which is the perfect dog for you and your family so thank you very much and bye for now

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