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Dog BITES Its Owner! How I Fix It Quickly!

May 07, 2024
So today we have a cocker spaniel who has bitten his


quite a bit and is displaying resource guarding that seems to get worse as he gets older and I really want to be able to help him through this. The main problem is its resource. The garden is fine and has been gradually getting worse to the point where he now seems to protect toys, anything of high value yes but also his space is fine and sometimes if he is in his bed or on the couch yes , even if Rachel approaches him, he growls, he is bitten. once you went to it a couple more times how bad was the bite a bruise all over yeah and then it didn't break the skin but they were like scabs yeah okay, wasn't it great kind of pop and go or try it and keep going, I think because my approach was not to back down, yeah, or show him that I'm scared, yeah, so he didn't have a line from home at the time, which was stupid of us, but I just grabbed his collar and he said no. , yes, but then he just grabbed, yes, and held, did he grab?
dog bites its owner how i fix it quickly
Okay, interesting, so he's done that to both of us a couple of times. It's usually worse with range. I was going to ask, yeah, and then, then. I went to see someone and it was very correctional. He said that if you go to if he goes to two or two out of ten attacks we go to ten as a result of that it can take away some things from him, but he seems to be more reactive. everything so someone at the door someone on the street a dog we haven't really applied the correctional techniques that they showed us with all my heart I'm glad you didn't because it was brutal what then that's kind of compulsive training it's pretty old school school we classify ourselves as balanced coaches and sometimes we get lumped into that category and sometimes I think it's a little too harsh.
dog bites its owner how i fix it quickly

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dog bites its owner how i fix it quickly...

Rather I say find them where they are, so if it's 2 out of 10 it's a 2.1. my philosophy on any type of corrections I would always like to use praise food reinforcement first, there are situations where we need corrections so that he hurts you or another animal hurts himself or causes significant damage to property, Resource protection obviously hurts you, so I think you need to correct that, but jumping from two to ten then you have nothing left and that will destroy the relationship. I like to follow the as little as possible as


as possible approach. and then build the relationship back up and by using fair corrections you can actually promote a relationship just by watching him, he is quite disengaged which is very very common for a spaniel so the nose and eyes are driven, then, yes, everywhere and the level of energy they have. come on, that makes them very fast, so I just want to bring that attention back and then instead of essentially removing the resource protection, I would like to put it almost in an order and we'll put it in a leave it. command, so resource guarding can take the form of many different things and what the dog actually guards can be many different things, the common one is his food, food bowl or toys, but it can be his bed, It could be people, it could be attention. it may just be their personal space that they protect it may be a very complicated procedure uh so imagine when it gets bad this is and then it's a pop yeah great we'll fix this now when it goes in my hand I'm just a little bit a little bit more cautious to be bitten which he will feed on and I'm curious to see if he will bite if I do because with this I can now be a little more assertive so he doesn't get involved which is great so I've stated So what I love thing to do when it comes to resource guarding is to first be able to establish some commitment between the dog and me and help ensure that the dog knows to look to me for guidance and direction once I have the dog look at me. seeking guidance and direction.
dog bites its owner how i fix it quickly
Then I can start working on some letting go exercises where I will let you have what you want, but in order to have that you must wait calmly, patiently and willingly. manners looking to me for guidance and direction until I tell you that you can do that and I will reward you with whatever you want, but if you don't I will let you know. is not acceptable and we are going to practice that and repeat it until the dog truly understands that not only does he have no need to protect anything, but to get all the things he wants in life that are worth protecting, he simply needs to instead. look to me for guidance and direction, so all I'm going to do is let him know that she stays, commands, no, wait, wait, wait, he's fine, but he kind of gets it, so it would be fair to ask me to wait, yes.
dog bites its owner how i fix it quickly
Great, so that's what I'm doing, so Walter, wait, I'm going to throw him into the ground with that mentality where he's in the moment I do what I want, when I want, he'll try, but I asked him to did it. Wait, wait, have you ever taken a break with him? He knows, he's okay, okay, perfect, he's not brilliant, but again, this will be an opportunity to pierce him and that's where you're now going to be armed with weight, okay and go. so I'm going to leave this down if it doesn't make it, it's going to get as little correction as necessary, we're going to leave it and they're going to sit there and wait and then when I do that, I'm going to choose come back up, throw it down until it doesn't break when do it, yeah, good boy, okay and then you understand.
I want you to have this. I want you to have all the things you keep but don't get. them through the garden you help them listen and look to me for guidance and direction walter wait leave it well, wait well, good boy, yes, I will go, beautiful boy and that's it, that's it, that's the drill and I'm going to get you guys are doing exactly that and you're going to do it at home so nfini guards that's how we approach it you can have this if you want them to have it if they want him to snuggle on the couch great but they don't.
Don't jump up and down whenever you want, sit, wait, it's okay, it's just building that concept and that's it, so ask the weight first, that's lovely, wait for eye contact, you can draw it if it's clean, Lovely, I love it, that's gold. We're just dealing with a spaniel's spaniel, not any kind of bad behaviors, so now I'm just going to give you some tricks to help you handle the spaniel so you can claim that now just stand up straight on it, that's beautiful, lovely, really turns heads. Nice look, that's what I wanted at the time, if you had a resourceful guard dog, an aggressive dominant dog in a million years, that wouldn't happen, but if you're worried, that's how you manage to be a little cautious , but not scared, cautious, just calm, patient.
Okay, great, let's go and just claim that space, so this is massive progress in the act of giving it something we can actually control. Now, if I went with him for 10 minutes, I would again expect him to be


. being able to deal with this would be a mistake just give it the time claim the space do this give me the space beautiful manners that's wonderful and that's a credit to you that's where your brain goes as soon as it's gone okay cool that's it It's not mine sweet, so let me know it's a little bit sideways, it's kind of drifting, it's lovely, everything is beautiful and it's okay, well, well, keep doing what you're doing, drill it and then you'll wake up a morning ago.
What happened to that? The nightmare dog we had is the dream k9 companion you put all that work into. I hope I've given you some tips and tricks about resource guarding, how I go about it with the clients and dogs I work with, and potentially how you. I could fix it at home. Remember to protect resources. Anything to do with dog aggression or biting you should be very careful and if you are unsure seek help from a professional like me, but I hope you enjoyed it if you did and want to see more. videos like this don't forget to subscribe like the video come say hi on instagram the links will be in the description box below and see you in the next video here about k9 family training

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