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How to STOP PUPPY BITING! (Cesar911 Shorts)

May 29, 2021
Cesar's next 9-1-1 call comes from Sandra, who is concerned about the way her daughter's new


is acting around her grandchildren, so welcome to my office, how can I help you? Well, my daughter has a dog and we wish we could. enjoy it but he's too crazy with my grandkids yeah jump on them take him down that method take him down hey bat and you know he had very very sharp teeth and everything within his reach he's capable of breaking hey no, my daughter has it. She already has a big scratch on her face and that day I really got really angry I said what if she passed this to one of the children?
how to stop puppy biting cesar911 shorts
Now they are taking him outside and it's sad because he doesn't play with anyone except himself, my daughter loves dogs. She treats her dogs like babies and I think she is spoiling this dog. Approximately how old is she? Five months and he is big. He is a


and has too much energy. we cannot have control over it. what type of bread is it? It's okay by breed, a bishla is a hunt. dog and needs to be challenged, he can live in a home environment but only if the family takes into account his high energy and fast moving brain, hopefully when he matures he will change, you already know his behavior but we can't wait until, My God!
how to stop puppy biting cesar911 shorts

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God, no he won't, it's a great myth that you should learn at this young age. It's like letting a child grow up and he just misbehaves in some way, it will change the way he matures, no, he developed a bad habit, right, I'm not trying to do that. scare you, I'm just trying to tell you that this doesn't fix itself, this is one of those cases where you can clearly see the bad habit developing, so what will be a goal for you from the point of view of the grandmother? for him to be part of the family, you know where we can enjoy, you know, hug him and you know, be around him, so we have to work very hard, I hope that the sister can help the family learn how to deal with whiskey, otherwise Otherwise, there is no other option. option than to give it away, let's see it César heads to the house of dog owners Rocio and Leonardo so that he can observe live surveillance footage of his interaction with the whiskey.
how to stop puppy biting cesar911 shorts
Now he's jumping up to bite their hands. She is still getting love. I have it going. bad enough this way enough without


César was called by a worried grandmother whose daughter's family has a vichla puppy who is starting to bite after watching a live broadcast of the dog's increasingly aggressive behavior around children César intervenes to talk to parents without


. that's pretty bad hello wow talk about negotiation are you a lawyer no I'm not you should be you negotiate a lot with this guy how are you so okay I got it thanks I'm Leonardo Chavez and I'm Rocio Chavez We have two sons Matthew who is about to turning nine years old and Victoria, we just turned four.
how to stop puppy biting cesar911 shorts
I decided to buy a dog for our children and after doing extensive research on a breed that would be active and yet child friendly I found Vishla and thought she was perfect so I bought whiskey and she was about eight weeks old on that moment, very cute, he had all the puppy wrinkles, big head with a small body, long ears, I only covered his face and he was actually biting his ears once whiskey started teething. the problems started he would chew on anything, including us, he would knock my daughter down hey no no and his play would become aggressive no no when he comes he scratches me beater he usually jumps on us he invites us hey beater and it's kind of like Chaos with him, he doesn't even I can take Whiskey for a walk.
I'm afraid he'll bite someone on the street. One time I was trying to train Whiskey to sit and I got distracted and within seconds he jumped up at me. He bit my lip. and it resulted in a pretty serious injury, it was scary because I don't want that to happen to me and like anyone else, it really scared me and made me think about the damage it could do to my children, especially my daughter. I'm terrified that one of these days he'll catch it in her face, so that's why we've kept them out of her. You know, my goal of them bonding with a dog is not happening at all, it's the complete opposite and if we don't do it.
I won't get any help now, I'm afraid Whiskey will end up being an outside dog completely isolated from our family. He's losing that family. I've thought about giving away whiskey if he can be a dog, you know, outside 24/7, no. he is our family, I am not giving up on him, he is beyond excited, this is the emotion that hurts, so when I was looking at the tablet, you are giving love to this and that is not healthy, okay, the more you look at it , when he's in that state the more you feed on it, the more you do this thing that you did, the more you give him your space, so he's pretty much in control of everything at five months old, we're not going to


him now, we're just going to he continues to play, he is a puppy but he is biting and his intensity, his determination will become much stronger to the point that they will not


them, the fact that you are keeping him away and that is how you deal with his brain he will never learn to do it. . know differently because you're not really teaching anything, you're just putting a pause on things, it's just chuck e cheese all day, it's all emotion, whiskey is a dog that has no rules, limits or limitations, the concepts basics of a good dog. behavior, the family needs to step it up now, the first thing you need to do is present food, so even before you put it around dogs or children, it creates an impact of respect, so if you can control a dog with food, you can control it with anything.
Let's do this, let's just make it make sense, here yeah, there you go, it's not that you're being mean to the dog, a dog needs to learn that he can be faced with these things and he has to give a different response, so I'm giving instructions , I'm just telling you that you can't touch this thing, you can't touch it properly, so if I say you can't touch this, you can't touch my son, you can't touch it. this you can't touch that gives you access to create rules and boundaries just by watching Cesar put the food in front of the whiskey and teach him to put it down and not touch it was amazing completely different dog in less than five minutes I just want to put you in a situation where you start teaching, then you are teaching rules.
Nothing excites a dog more than food, and ham has a strong smell, so this challenge is perfect for Rocío because she usually allows the excitement of the whiskey to control the situation. Now she needs to be the one in control, let's start with one, I want her to do exactly what I did, leave the container of food right in front of the whiskey and make her understand that it is forbidden and that she can't eat it, she can just come . close to you you understand your energy your mood is I'm complaining about this that's your bad habit look at him so he came and touches it what do you do you push him away you see this movement you walk away he walks away we have to follow the children in mind, yes, what approach will be healthy for our children, back off, yes, because the children are not going to think about anything.
Beat, beat, beat, Caesar is teaching boundaries to an out-of-control Vishla puppy who finds it difficult to follow. Caesar's instructions beat beat beat oh here, yeah, we still teach, there you go, so that's the last memory. Okay, it was a sneak attack, but it's actually nice that when he does something boundary, I can jump right in with the correction he's going to make. food until we set this limit and Rocio needs to teach him this so he can set all the limits and his house full of children here we go, we turn around, put your foot on the ground, not around, no, yes, not far, towards, yeah, down, let it go, touch the side touch the side touch the side there you go there you go touch the side again now yeah he's like figuring it out alright alright get back to your position so he's still figuring it out so you know that he can't touch it but he doesn't know he has to go now go away that's what you want I want Rocio to use the food to claim his space it's a way of saying you only get this food when I say so so the touch rips his brain out to the whiskey her enthusiasm for food she needs to be assertive while doing this, there you go, right there, nice, put it down, nice touch, nice, there you go, leave it there, done, that's it, just relax, that It was much better than the first one you have to do.
There you go, he is lying down, he can't touch it, even though he can't lick it or touch it, that's surrender, how does it feel amazing? That's right, because now you are being clear and teaching your baby, who is a dog, proper manners. If you can do that with food, you transfer that to your child. Yes, so far I feel very strengthened by today's meeting and I hope that we have to change the perception of how you love him. You know what I mean because he is a baby, which is difficult and challenging. for her because for her it was this fairy tale, you know, I want my kids to raise a dog and I want the White Picket fans, you know, the whole American dream.
Today I cried because I realized that I am the one who has been doing things. wrong all the time and I have to change that so discipline is the bridge between goals and success this is how you get to the next level you need structure how do I do it? You have to come to the ranch I'm starting to see how Dew's confidence changes with whiskey, his biggest problem is how he drinks the whiskey and encourages his bad behavior. I have some special guests for her to give me hope, guys I hope you enjoyed the video, make sure to like, subscribe, comment and join me on my mission to be better humans. best planet

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