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Doctor Tries Whole30 Challenge (it was ROUGH)

May 01, 2024
I know someone will enjoy it, but I can't enjoy it, it's officially 2020 and the new year is upon us, so everyone is looking to try a new diet, a new


, and I did exactly that for the last 30 days with Whole30 no. added sugar, no grains, no legumes, no dairy, no alcohol, no measurements, no messages or sulfites, and no fake junk food with approved ingredients, it's really a short list, but if you really dive in and look at the rules, each Technically eliminate entire food groups and wow. Was it a


for me? The original plan was to start Whole30 right after my birthday, which falls on November 12th.
doctor tries whole30 challenge it was rough
By the way, I just turned 30 and that was a great occasion to celebrate, so I don't want to follow any restrictive diet at that time. At this point you know what I'm saying, sweets never hurt anyone, cookies and shakes, but then I started to seriously doubt, but Dr. Mike, you always said that elimination diets are no good, they can kill the eating disorders and even nutritional deficiencies at times, and now I'll do it yourself and back it up. No, this is not an endorsement. It's not a Whole30 endorsement for everyone. It is not a universal recommendation.
doctor tries whole30 challenge it was rough

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doctor tries whole30 challenge it was rough...

In fact, there are very few universal recommendations that


s give to their patients. Whole30 is something I wanted to try. I wanted to see how my body responded. If you want a video that talks about the real dos and don'ts from the scientific angle of Whole30, which is linked below the Whole30 rules, a lot of them make sense to me and I was fine following them, but there were a few that I knew were going to be problematic from the start and those two are non-grain and non-dairy. I can eliminate the bread, that's not a problem.
doctor tries whole30 challenge it was rough
I've made it before when I was sensitive to gluten in the past. I'm over it, but the fact that I have to give up brown rice, quinoa, things that I eat as part of a healthy diet, my sushi, if you know what I eat, is my favorite food, so I was going to suffer without eating rice. and then not having cheese, cheese, cheese, it's what makes the world go around, it's my favorite thing, even in salads because you need to put some crumbled blue cheese to make it taste good, so I knew right away That was going to be a problem, what I tried to do was plan a little more tho


ly, figure out which places I can still eat, but just make sure my meal was still complete30, approved, for example, on a work day.
doctor tries whole30 challenge it was rough
Okay, my usual lunch at work at noon is. chipotle and at first I thought I couldn't eat the whole chipotle30 but boy was I wrong, all I had to do was take out the rice and beans and that's it, and the cheese obviously, so what do I have on my plate? double salad bowl meat chicken mild salsa guacamole and veggie fajitas sound delicious boy did I make a mistake by giving up sweets during the sweetest time of the year bro I'm trying to start my first day with all 30 and then what? what is this? this and then what is this is ridiculous here vacations birthdays retirements there were cakes and chocolate bars everywhere part of trying to give up something your success depends on staying away from those things I made sure I didn't have candy in my house so I couldn't cheat , but constantly finding candy galore in the hospital was a big challenge for me and I thought, "Oh my gosh, I'm going to give in, but for some reason having those rules made it a little easier because I just gave in to the rules instead of say no i really shouldn't boy i'm missing something big what holiday falls from mid november to mid december thanksgiving how did i not think this th


and plus they invited me to an amazing greek dinner party. of thanks and if you've never had a Greek dinner, all the dirty fighting is real because of the pain.
Thank you, I love you, you agree with me, it's not like my sous vide cooking that you saw not long ago, it's much much better than. That, basically all I could put on my plate was turkey and some peas because everything else had cheese or some kind of grain in it and I was sitting there unhappily, everyone looked at me like I was crazy, you know that scene from my big wedding? Greek What do you mean you don't eat meat? What do you mean you don't eat any rice? Oh, okay, we have cake. I say no, do you know how much I want to eat this right now? one of the rules of Whole30 is that you can't drink alcohol for me, no big deal, I'm not a big drinker anyway, I'll have a glass of wine or drink here and there for celebration purposes, but now I went to Miami to Art Basel.
If you don't know what Art Basil is, it's like a fancy art event with a ton of exhibits in Miami. Excellent weather. Wonderful people. Everyone is happy having drinks. You've never been to Miami. A big part of the celebration during Art Basel. It's going out at night, I've never gone out to clubs without having at least one drink, for me it's not about getting drunk, you know, it's about having a drink and relaxing, but going out with two chains on you. singing and I was there just drinking water, everyone felt like I was a buzz in this thing, Mike, have a drink with us, you know, applause, applause, and I would be applause in the water and people would be offended.
I could put up with that, but I could easily see how if you try to follow it in its entirety30, peer pressure can really motivate someone to cheat. I was moving, I was having fun. I was starting to feel good overall. I was eating sashimi or whatever, but then disaster struck again, probably due to poor planning, but it was a real disaster. I went to the gym a few times and my bench started going down, which normally doesn't make sense, like when I'm working out. I'm benching like 225 255 225 was becoming a big challenge for me when I walked onto the basketball court after a game I felt exhausted, it didn't make sense to me, it's not because I turned 30, it's probably because I wasn't eating well .
My calories when you do an elimination diet like Whole30 it is very easy to consume fewer calories. This is probably why many people lose weight, but now that I'm an athlete, I needed to plan for it. I should have thought more ahead to make sure I could do it. I'm still performing on the court and in the gym once I added some extra calories things got a lot better. I had fewer cravings, performing better in the gym. In fact, my body probably looked better than it had in a while after this because I did so much. of calorie restriction accidentally and then I kept working out and then upped my protein just got back from the gym so I need my little post-workout meal


approved we have wild planet some grilled chicken Oops I spilled a little even already I was so used to eating habits like things I could and couldn't eat, that when I went out to eat with someone, they would get like an amazing cupcake or some rice, something looks delicious, it didn't even stress me out anymore like once you get old habits and you develop new ones, no big deal, I was actually feeling really good and proud of myself because I was reaching the end now, when you reach your 30 day mark, it's not over, then you enter the phase. of reintroducing foods one by one to see how they would affect your body because the premise of this is not only to develop a better relationship with foods but also to see if those foods negatively affect your body.
This is like the Whole30 claim, which I'm not a big fan of, it's not really scientific, for example if you put legumes in the first day, two days later you add sugars and two days later grains like that, it's not scientific if we're doing a proper elimination challenge in in the medical setting we do a 90 day elimination we keep a strict log of the symptoms then we do a reintroduction one at a time to see if and when the symptoms come back can I put legumes on day one, day two I can get pimples and then I have symptoms on day six and it could be two or any of them.
It's not very scientific because you don't know what's going on there. If you followed my previous 30 day challenges, you know that my digestive system becomes an absolute mess, I mean bloating. diarrhea every time I make any kind of drastic change and believe me this was a drastic change when I started that reintroduction phase everything went back to normal I mean yes I included more vegetables in my diet but by doing that everything went back to normal normality, I began to feel. Well again, I just think that these major drastic changes when you're already eating healthy are probably not good for your microbiome and your overall gut health, so I find that when I eat my normal diet, that's adequate for my body and my athletic needs. .
It works better for me, but with more vegetables, something I noticed was that I had a hard time getting fiber from my meals because I normally ate things like black beans at least three times a week, brown rice, and when I had to cut them all out. I had to find replacement sources and yes, vegetables, fruits, there are things there. I think if I had to do it again, I would probably supplement with something just to make sure I was getting enough fiber. One of the main questions people asked me when I was almost in my late 30s was how well my body changed.
I definitely saw some weight loss, but remember that part of the rules is not to take measurements. I didn't weigh myself. What I did notice was that my clothes were much looser and my pants were a little baggy. looser, even my watch started hanging off my hand, maybe I was losing muscle because I wasn't consuming calories, but there are definitely ways to mitigate all of that depending on what your goals are, so my recommendation is to never do this just on a whim , talk to a nutritionist, a registered dietitian, a


, someone who can give you some guidance on what you should do.
In fact, my only complaint with Whole30 is that it really encourages people to do this on a whim and be like, "Oh, yeah you." you're fatigued try this, it can help you, true, it can help, especially if you're eating a lot of junk food, but what if you have a vitamin D deficiency that you're not aware of and then you consume all 30? You don't need dairy. and that makes your vitamin D deficiency worse or your anemia or something like that. I mean, there are so many reasons why people can have symptoms, that's exactly why you should be evaluated before you start a drastic elimination diet like this, which is not all that comprehensive, which is just spitting out facts.
At the end of the day, nutritional advice should be individualized, but it is a very restrictive diet that can cause some serious problems. There is definitely some research that shows that there is some crossover with eating disorders and most of the time it is unnecessary. I just feel like there are other ways to get them. For someone to eat healthy than to give them a strict list of eight things to do and eliminate some foods that I think are otherwise healthy, why would you eliminate certain foods like black beans that can be so healthy for most people?
It doesn't make sense, but look, if you want a challenge for yourself like I did and you want to do it safely, make sure you talk to a nutritionist or a doctor and do it smartly if you want to check out my other 30 day challenges and a green tea video, click this playlist right here

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