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May 31, 2021
What's up guys today? It's the craziest video we've made so far. We have a dip


right here. Do not let yourselves be submerged in the pit of


s. He's about to go crazy. We have Grant here helping us. He let them look. oh yeah, that's a giant


, well that's the small one, even bigger, yeah, much bigger than that. Wow, can we see? Can you see the other snake too? I'm going to need help getting down. Try putting those snakes in the water. Alright? don't dive in the snake


you know yeah they're actually going to bite him oh my god everything looks heavy bro that's heavy here oh you're moving I'm so nervous make sure you subscribe oh , yeah, what's going on here?
do not get dunked into the snake tank
You guys want to come see this. oh wow, that's beautiful, there's a big snake right there, what are we doing with the snakes? Tell them August, don't go in the snake tank, they will be in the water. I should have known, that's why I saw that out there this morning, Cyrus. Did you hear that, what is happening without thinking that yes, what, yes, what is this so beautiful, wow, what snake is that reticulated python again, oh yes, just green anaconda, the biggest snakes in the world, I have never seen it so close, that's crazy, so we want to make sure the snakes are comfortable and everything is okay.
do not get dunked into the snake tank

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do not get dunked into the snake tank...

Absolutely, both species of snakes love water. You know they will easily go into the water and swim but that being said sometimes the movement of their body in the water will test them oh that's part of the challenge yeah there you go I guess it all comes down to whether they all We're comfortable being in the water with them, we'll see, yeah, I'm going to grab the front and I'm going to put her in whoa, that's giant, yeah, bro, wouldn't you want to dance there, oh my god, look at the head that stick out here, bro, let me see the camera real quick, yeah, bro, so you can see how they go completely twisted. body whoa marcus look at this bro it's cool tell me why shouldn't I do it oh my god tell me why she didn't do it oh my god oh my god who wants to get wet first no me there's one more snake yeah no, not yet, yeah, it I'd leave it at that for now, like she was being cool and doing exactly what we wanted to do.
do not get dunked into the snake tank
My mom gets up first, let's see if she finishes well, hurry up, are you ready for the first try? that was so much fun who's next who's next who's trying to get submerged we have to put the biggest snake in there okay taiyo let's do it quiet you're next you're ready I'm always ready come on okay okay let's put balboa in there oh , gotta be one with the snake, you know, we should do an outside, yeah, oh, that was quick, guys, you guys are hitting it good, okay, I'll go next, let's do it, oh boy, you ain't nervous, no , man.
do not get dunked into the snake tank
I'm not afraid, yeah, I think my mom hit it the first time, it seems like everyone's getting


the first time, so if we bring this day, sure yeah, are you ready, Dory, let's do it right, okay, okay Let's see, okay, come back. Here baby, you can go first, oh really, yeah, look at the time again, bro, we're here being precise, bro, today we're precise, oh man, we got some athletes, some photos, try it first, yeah, next time Once she was ready, the snake was ready there, I think it's time to be the next snake brother, why not?
Yeah, let me have more on the big one, oh, big crazy man, yeah, everyone subscribed, okay, someone will help me, oh, that one's a little more active, so it's for the twins, right there, the bogeyman, Yeah. okay, come on guys, come in, wait, okay, who wants to go? I already went, you haven't left yet, brother lucas, I think the public wants to see you, lucas, go, she's in, I'm going, she's fine, ready, ready, oh. Oh my god, okay, oh, oh, everyone did what yeah, okay, this is the last time ready, let's see if it gets wet or not, oh, okay, that's right, yeah, I'm so glad I wasn't wet.
It's okay, oh God. God, it's a lot of snake, let me see, oh my God, are you ready for this, I'm afraid, there's another one on your right side, look, oh my God, okay, are you ready, Marcus, yeah, okay, let it go fly, go ahead, guys, oh God. God, it's just wait, wait, wait for that wave, dad, back off, yeah, why are you okay? From where you wait, back up, I'm going first, oh my god, oh, oh my god, oh, wait, wait, mom, mom, wait, yuri's gone mom, oh, you scared everyone, I just want to go to the water, yeah this looks good oh my god what's up kind of like a horror movie bro not gonna lie yeah you're ready.
I've been practicing all season, oh my gosh, okay, who's going? who will go first? oh oh let me throw let me throw watch out too low now oh that was close oh it falls but no no from the snake wait that means I won yeah hey come on yeah you won brother good job good job surprise marcus no This time I didn't win it's all good brother , it's all good, sometimes I gotta lose what I got sunk in, that was a crazy challenge, bro, that was crazy, look at these snakes, man, right there, scaring you, man, this is fun, I hope you enjoyed that one craziness. challenge, I know we all did it, yeah you guys enjoyed it, smash the like button, subscribe, see you guys, bye guys, see you guys, thanks Grant.

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