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Disney Villains Deaths: Least Gruesome to Most Gruesome

Jun 06, 2021


are well known for their devilish personalities and dark motives. And, fittingly, these evil characters often meet their end in some pretty


ways. But which of these


is the



? Which ones were eliminated quickly and which ones had the


fucked up and agonizing endings? I'm Brad with WickedBinge, and today we're taking a grim look at how these Disney


leave their mortal coils... Here are the Disney villain


: from


gruesome to most gruesome. Now, as for the rules... The villains must die somehow. They can't have a fake death or just let them die.
disney villains deaths least gruesome to most gruesome
So that means that villains who aren't confirmed dead or who the directors say are alive won't be here. Also, we only count the real villains from the Disney movies; There are no Pixar villains or villains from Disney TV shows or TV show movies. But please let us know if we should do it in the future. And finally, only one villain death per movie. Now let's get started! First, we have The Fallers. These are villains who died in the most standard way possible by Disney movie standards: by falling to their doom. The bottom of this chain has the rat Ratigan.
disney villains deaths least gruesome to most gruesome

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disney villains deaths least gruesome to most gruesome...

After a battle at Big Ben, he ended up falling off the clock tower and dying. That's all; Falling from a tower is a painful path, but in reality it is not that striking or painful. The painful thing is that Ratigan's downfall was because he thought he had won and outsmarted Basil, only to be fooled by the same trap he set for him. What ultimately puts him down so low is that he, well, he practically died on impact. There wasn't much time for real pain to appear. That will be a problem for many of these falls. Nobody fights like Gastón, nobody falls and dies like Gastón.
disney villains deaths least gruesome to most gruesome
Another fallen one, meets his end during the fight with Beast. After nearly being maimed, Gaston begs to be spared, to which the Beast agrees on the condition that he leave him and Belle alone. Of course, no one disobeys orders like Gaston, so seeing him hug Belle infuriates him and leads him to literally stab the beast in the back. This would prove to be a mistake, as thanks to the Beast reeling in pain, he was accidentally thrown into the pit below. While this definitely still hurts, he's ahead of Ratigan in terms of


chance of instant death, and if that's not necessary, drowning will do it.
disney villains deaths least gruesome to most gruesome
Anyway, there are still plenty of other villains who can die slower than Gaston. For our penultimate fallen here, we have King Runeard. While he may be dead before the movie officially began, he certainly had an impact on the world, namely by creating that damn dam to block the power of the Northuldra people and their magic. His own demise was definitely brought about, as he was the one who started the conflict between them and Arendelle, attacking the Northuldra leader while they were defenseless and properly starting the war against them. While he died in the war, it was not due to a sword cut or gunshot, but rather, you guessed it, falling to his death.
Percival McLeach from Rescuers Down Under is next, or rather, the next. After trying to get the crocodiles to eat Cody, he ends up falling into the river, thanks to Joanna. With him now in the river, he is the target of the crocodiles, and no longer Cody. However, this does nothing to slow him down, as he simply fights them off with his bulletless rifle. However, this would eventually be in vain, thanks to a waterfall at the end of the river. Despite trying to get out of the river, he ends up falling. He may have had a brief moment of triumph, which placed him below the others, but it's definitely a way we wouldn't like him to go.
The next least cruel death is Zira, our first villain death in a sequel. The writing was on the walls that she wouldn't be long for this world, with her threatening to kill Vitani, causing all of her essentially pride to give up and join Simba's. Now that she is alone, she decides to go through with her plan to kill Simba, only for Kiara to fight her and they both fall off the cliff. While Kiara is able to get back up on her own... Zira, not so much. She needs Kiara to help her up. While she was willing to help Zira despite her misdeeds, Zira herself was not willing to do so.
Despite thinking it through, she decides that she would rather die than live with Simba. Now, falling into a river and dying is definitely not so pleasant; What makes her so depressed is that she did it on purpose. It's a choice she was willing to make, and while we're sure her dying hurts, this willingness makes her passing especially grim. With that, we are now in “More than the Fall” territory. All of these villains died when they fell, but something else was happening that made it even more painful. Well, Treasure Planet's Scroop gives us a little twist on the falling to one's death trope.
After attempting to send Jim skyward by using the ship's gravity, getting caught in the ship's rope would cause him to be sent skyward. That's how it is; It's another falling death, but this time they're going up instead of down. And it's not just about falling on a surface. They launch him into space, where he will have to deal with a very painful death from running out of oxygen. He may not have to deal with the impact, but he will definitely have worse pain. With his lungs destroyed by space, he won't be greeting Arrow anytime soon. First, we have Mother Gothel.
What kind of death would be appropriate for someone who desired eternal youth? Well, what if age catches up with her? Thanks to Flynn cutting Rapunzel's hair to free her from being trapped with Gothel at the cost of her own life, that's exactly what happened. Without Rapunzel's magical hair keeping her young and youthful, she ends up aging and aging quickly. Distraught, and thanks to Parcel tripping her, she ends up falling out of a window. However, unlike other villains, she does not reach the ground. Instead, she simply disappears into the dust before her body hits the Earth... Aging so quickly that her body turned to dust.
That's right, Flynn Rider managed to turn someone into dust before Thanos cooled him down. Next we have the evil sorceress Maleficent. Not including the controversial live-action movies, Maleficent is definitely evil through and through, and by the end of the movie, she's definitely dead. Turning into a dragon using all the powers of hell to fight Prince Phillip, she ends up chasing him up a cliff, and just as she was about to finish him off, the prince stabs her heart by throwing her sword at him. he. However, even this does not deter her, as, as she falls, she attempts to eat the prince, only for him to resort to the noble art of simply dodging to get her out of the way and letting her fall to her death, right on the spot. . flames she created, as her form disappears in a cloud of smoke.
All that remains of her now is just her cloak with her sword running through it. A classic ending for a classic villain. Next we have the death of the original Disney villain, thanks to The Evil Queen. It is a story as old as time, for a death as old as time. The Evil Queen transforms into an old witch to trick Snow White into taking a bite of the poisonous apple, only to flee from her once the dwarves come to kill her. During her escape, she sees a giant rock on the edge of a cliff and attempts to dislodge it to crush the dwarves, only for lightning to strike her and cause her to fall to her fate.
So far, the standard issue of the Disney villain dying, but then the rock rolls back and lands on her body. If she wasn't dead before, she is dead now. If that wasn't necessary, then her body being eaten by vultures certainly was... Which is what gave her death some extra morbid points. If this were a list of ironic deaths or, frankly, impressive death scenes... Our winner would have to be Judge Claude Frollo. But we are ranking based on awful points. As the self-proclaimed judge, jury, and executioner of all things related to the religious world, he prides himself on improving his own morality over that of others.
Even when he is about to kill Esmeralda while she tries to save Quasimodo, he boasts that God will see them as guilty of sin and corruption. Well, it seems that God heard that and decided to let Satan take charge of his destiny, and Satan decided to take Frollo's words of "and he will smite the wicked and plunge them into the pit of fire" to heart. The gargoyle Frollo was standing on broke when he spoke those words. Dropping a terrified Frollo along with himself into the fiery pits below. A nice combination of falling and burning to death.
On the living pipe organ, Maestro Forte. Since, well, you know, he's trapped in chains, it seems like he's pretty safe from falling to his death. But not at all. After Fife warns him that to stop Forte it is necessary to destroy the keyboard, the Beast channels the anger of each player who loses a game of Fortnite and breaks the keyboard, tearing it from the pipe organ. Keep in mind that Forte is that tubular organ, and if he were a human, this would be the equivalent of the beast ripping open his stomach. Angry that his friend, at least a friend in his eyes, would betray him, Forte manages to free himself from the wall and is no longer trapped there.
However, this leads to him falling to his death, tipping over and falling to the ground, ruining more parts, and being permanently destroyed. Our next villain to fall is Morgana from The Little Mermaid 2. Now, since Ursula's crazy sister is stuck in the sea most of the time, trying to fall into the ocean is definitely harder than usual. But is there any way to do it? Well yes, and in Morgana's case, she experiences one of these deaths. With Triton angry at her, he decides to throw her into the deep sea using a small iceberg, trapping her in the ice and letting her sink to the bottom of the ocean.
People have tried to preserve their bodies in ice to hopefully revive in the future. Needless to say, the ocean floor is not one of these places. Since her last thoughts were that she failed to impress her mother, she definitely won't be long for this world. Triton's statement that she won't be able to harm her family again seems pretty accurate to me. Now, before we move on to the next section, full disclosure, there is one more fall death that we haven't listed yet... Strictly because we feel it is one of the most gruesome deaths out there. But we'll get to that last bit later...
That being said, we finally have the cruelest ways to die. These are deaths that make the sweet instant release of death that comes from the impact of a falling building seem desirable. Now we are on the Cruel Deaths. Our first entry here is Shan Yu. Now, the writers were deliberately trying to avoid another death from the villain by simply falling, so what was their solution? One of the prettiest deaths anyone could come up with. Fireworks. Launching a rocket at him, Shan Yu takes a short walk before he and the rocket crash into the tower full of fireworks.
You do the math on what happens next. If your answer was “explode and put on a brief light show for everyone,” you would be right. It's still a fairly quick death, but much fiercer. Not to bother you, but next up is Oliver and Company's villain, Sykes. Now, despite being only a human, he still looks extremely imposing and threatening, but not even a powerful looking human like him can match a speeding train. Being too distracted fighting the animals in his car, he fails to notice all the warning signs of an approaching train. When he finally sees the train approaching at full speed, it is too late to change course and all he could do was scream as he collided head-on with the train.
His car and himself were set on fire when he was thrown into the river, or at least what was left of him. As painful as it looked, he was also incredibly short, meaning that his pain, being painful and very noticeable, was still shortened and he was at least granted a quick death. Jafar's death is next. He may have escaped death on his first outing, but here he is not so lucky. While he was trapped in a genie lamp as a genie in the first film, in the sequel he emerges and is ready to begin his rampage and revenge against those who triumphed over him.
However, it would be his closest ally, Iago, who he would have to worry about. After boasting that his lamp will never be destroyed, Iago arrives to save the day by kicking the lamp and throwing it into a pit of lava. This is enough to destroy Jafar, as he ends up not only electrocuted, but also exploding into a cloud of dust. While he definitely looks in pain, he himself was never attacked during the fight, as destroying the lamp was the only way he could have truly died. But he could also have been worse, which is why we can't rank him higher.
Now, we are seeing how King Candy, also known as Turbo,managed to finish the game. Being in another game means that respawning after death is simply not possible. Well aware of this, he attempts to take over and destroy the world of Sugar Rush using the cy-bugs that escaped from Hero's Duty, after turning into a bug himself. Ralph, however, willing to sacrifice himself, creates a giant beacon of light from a soda volcano to attract all the insects to him. The problem for Turbo is that he is part of that group, now being part cy-bug, the side of him King Candy wants to fly towards the light while Turbo wants to escape.
As his King Candy side triumphs, he alternates between being amazed by the light and simply screaming in pain, realizing her inevitable fate. Knowing that you are going to die and that there is nothing you can do to stop it is definitely a horrible prospect. The death was instantaneous, so it wasn't that painful, but… the psychological pain, however, was through the roof. If Morgana's death seems uneventful, then don't worry, Ursula is here to show everyone what a proper death is. Despite having Triton's trident, she is still very vulnerable, as Prince Eric realizes. Taking control of the ship, she managed to navigate through a whirlpool, hitting the bow of the ship directly through her stomach, drawing blood.
That would hurt anyone, but it gets even worse when she's struck by lightning on the ship's broken bow... And considering she's submerged in water, it's probably pretty painful. To rub her defeat even further, her death meant that all of her malicious magic was undone, freeing everyone she held under her magic. A dramatic death that shows that the bigger you are, the harder you fall. Our next entry belongs to the lion Scar. Fun fact; The way Scar dies was originally planned for Gaston, but was cut for being too graphic and gruesome. Looking at it like this, we can see why.
After losing to Simba in the fight for Pride Rock, and failing to stab Simba in the back and scratch him to death, he is thrown and falls to the ground from the top of the rock, but he does not die. It is already a painful experience, but if we add that everything is on fire, it gets even worse. However, even this is not where he dies. His true death is at the hands of the hyenas, the same ones he used as an army. Here, however, after hearing Scar try to blame them for Mufasa's death, they decide to return the favor.
By that we mean attacking it in a group, tearing it apart and biting it. We can see the carnage through a shadow on the rock, and it looks as disturbing as they come. With his former allies ending the act, seemingly uncaring of the fact that they will also be burned, his gruesome manner of death definitely guarantees him such a high place. For a true death nightmare, we head to Halloweentown to see how Oogie Boogie ends up. If this guy bothers you, it's because he's literally made of bugs. He just hides it well using a sack to cover them all.
He loves to play with other people's lives, sure, but what happens when he loses his own? Well, it's really simple. Thanks to Jack Skellington unraveling him, he ends up losing his grip... Which is not what it seems... And all the bugs he had inside him begin to break away from him and fall, dripping into a puddle of lava. However, although one insect survives, Santa Claus takes care of it by stomping on the last insect. It sure sounds gross, but this can be taken two ways. One is that Jack simply ripped off his skin and what is basically blood gradually drips from him as he dies, and the second is that each insect is just one of his many conscious thoughts, meaning that he dies every time an insect Is murdered.
What is worse for you is up to you. What matters here is that both forms are quite gruesome and disturbing, which earned them such a high spot. For our top five, we have the death of our final sequel villain, Sa'luk. While it seemed like he had literally fallen in love with the most classic villain death in a Disney movie, he comes back and manages to outdo himself. After forcing Cassim, his former robbery partner, to take him to Midas's hand, he ends up greedily demanding it. When Cassim throws it to him by the handle, he catches it by his own hand;
A big mistake. The hand uses his powers to turn it into gold, before falling into the sea. Sure, he may have fallen like he did before, but turning to gold and realizing his destiny definitely has to come with some kind of pain. Sa'luk ends up here due to the psychological horror of turning into gold and the physical pain such a transition requires. He may not have struck gold here in terms of the most painful death, but he did strike gold. That counts for something, right? In our Top 5, we have Lyle Tiberius Rourke, of Atlantis fame. A film as forgotten by Disney as the city on which it is based.
But we can't forget how disturbing Rourke's death is. With his sanity deteriorating during the climax, Rourke decides to finish Milo off with a fire axe, breaking the Heart of Atlantis. With the glass shards around him, Milo decides to take a piece and impale Rourke. While he didn't kill him, he did something worse; turning Rourke's body into glass. Even during his last ditch effort to kill Milo, he ends up being torn apart by the airship's blades, cutting him into pieces. What puts him above Sa'luk is that while he was turned into gold and practically died after the transformation, Rourke still had enough control to try to force Milo to join him in the afterlife.
He could have simply died after turning into crystal, but going the extra mile this way earns him some more brutal points, putting him outside of our final competitors. Our fourth most gruesome death belongs to the Horned King. Now, let's not sugarcoat it, he was already a pretty disturbing and disgusting villain, so how can he be even more disgusting? What if we see the flesh ripped from his body and his skeleton left before he explodes? He sounds violent, right? That's what happens to him. After being pushed by Taran into the titular Black Cauldron, he ends up trying to escape, physically fighting and trying to avoid his coming fate.
However, upon being forced to grab him, he ends up succumbing to him, his skin peeling off of his form and only his skeletal form remaining. As if that were not enough, said skeleton explodes thanks to the cauldron. You may be noticing another pattern with these Disney villain deaths that don't involve falling to your doom. And in case he somehow survives, having the castle fall on him would be enough. He just goes to show that you can always watch and die in worse ways than you think. Well, I'd say next up is one of the darkest Disney deaths of all time... and that's Clayton's death.
And yes, this was the only death we decided to include outside of those initial drop sections. As a threat to Tarzan, it's the standard man versus nature thing, with him being the man in this case and also losing. In his rage to kill Tarzan, he finds Tarzan fleeing through some vines, while Clayton ends up trapped. Now, he's already stuck over a giant gap between him and the ground, which is his cue to tell him that maybe he should do it. arrest. However, he continues on, cutting through the vines to try to free himself, even though Tarzan warned him to stop and even tried to reach out to save him.
With the last vine holding him falling, he falls too. However, he doesn't reach the ground. The only other vine around Clayton wraps around his neck and, before he can reach the ground, snags him, causing Clayton to accidentally hang himself. You can even see his shadow during the lightning strike if you're attentive. This one, we decided to rank bronze because it's just an incredibly grim demise. Even with Tarzan trying to help in his final moment, Clayton's anger is what destroys him and we are left with possibly the most morbid shot in Disney history. The bloody silver medal goes to the witch doctor, Dr.
Falicier. There is no other way to say this; this man is dragged straight to hell, or in this case, the other side. Thanks to Tiana using her frog tongue to snatch the talisman, the source of her powers, and break it. Without his powers, his friends from the other side descend on him and open a portal to his world, dragging him through it, along with his equally surprised and afraid of him. The last we see of him is begging and pleading to be let go, to no avail. It may seem like he's alive, but considering how the portal changed to his screaming face, not only is it confirmed that he's dead, but being afraid of his "friends on the other side," he's definitely not having a good time. good. .
If he is still alive, he will at least wish for death. At the top of the chart we have the ruler of the underworld, Hades. Now, we'll admit we're breaking the rules a bit here, since Hades doesn't really die, being a god and all. However, that makes it even more disturbing in our eyes. For these other villains, they eventually manage to end their suffering, with the possible exception of our last entry, Dr. Falicier. Hades doesn't have that luxury. After being thrown into the River Styx by Hercules, he ends up being sucked into the river for all eternity, with nothing but the voices surrounding him from the souls of the river.
With all this going on as he is dragged deeper and deeper into the river, it looks like he won't be leaving anytime soon. Panic and Pain even seems to think that Hades won't be returning anytime soon. He is really ironic; The most disturbing death of Disney villains is the one in which they fall to their own doom. What was once nothing more than a silly joke is now the most violent way to die, or in this case, never die, or escape from it. With that, this video now comes to an end. Did we miss a death or two, or is there another death that you think is worse than the one we chose for either movie?
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