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Top 20 Disney Movie Plot Twists You Didn't See Coming

Jun 05, 2021
the mouse house knows how to throw us curveballs welcome to ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20






s you


't see


they'll say anything that makes you doubt yourself on this list. We're looking at the most surprising



to happen in our 20th favorite Disney


s. The transformation of Maleficent, Sleeping Beauty. Yes, we know this is common knowledge. Nowadays, almost everyone is aware of Maleficent's immense power, but in 1959 this was it. pretty much the original Disney plot twist just as Prince Philip is about to save Princess Aurora, the mistress of all evil stops him outside King Stephen's castle.
top 20 disney movie plot twists you didn t see coming
No, it can't be manic laughter and a huge column of green fire then reveals itself. in the form of a ferocious dragon, now you must deal with me or prince and all the powers of hell, this sudden display of power would become one of the most iconic battles and memorable moments in Disney history number 19, Fred's father was a superhero, big hero 6. This is your house, I thought you lived under a bridge, well technically it belongs to my parents, they're on vacation on the family island just when we thought big hero 6 was in a big noose , Disney came and left us speechless.
top 20 disney movie plot twists you didn t see coming

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top 20 disney movie plot twists you didn t see coming...

In a post-credits sequence, Fred stands in front of a family portrait and talks to his father, but when he touches the frame, the image opens slightly. I wish I could share my achievements with you. You mean a lot to me and honestly, I've always felt a distance from you being on the family island all the time and I just wish I could see behind it there is a small room containing superhero costume gadgets and a sizable computer. Yes, Fred's father was a superhero. He used them in front. them back and of course you can't have a Marvel movie without Stan Lee making an appearance superheroes in new york give me a break rest in peace your comic book legend we have a lot to talk about number 18 charles f montz turns out to be evil humiliated muns Fowzer returned to paradise falls and vows to capture the beast alive they say you should never meet your heroes and we experience that lesson firsthand when carl and russell have dinner with charles f muntz charles tells the two he's been looking for a rare bird which just so happens to fit Kevin's description, let Russell's naivety let the cat out of the bag or the bird and as soon as he does, the whole tone changes, they will soon discover that this mountain is a very dangerous place. that seems like kevin kevin charles shows the couple the caps of several explorers he's met and subtly threatens their lives an old man taking his house to paradise falls it's surprising how far an old man is willing to go just to take credit for discovering a bird number 17.
top 20 disney movie plot twists you didn t see coming
Gergie's sacrifice The black cauldron cookie is burnt and he is brave, he gets into the problem of evil. However, The Black Cauldron is known to be Disney's darkest film and with a reputation like that, you can expect some on-screen death to occur, although we certainly weren't. I wasn't expecting any of this to involve the movie's comedic character Gergie, after Gergie unties Taryn Elonwy and Fluter Flam Taryn tries to throw herself into the cauldron, however Gurkey stops him and says that Taran has friends while Gergie doesn't. none. Die Tyron has many friends Google has no friends The mischievous but adorable creature proceeds to throw itself into the cauldron, rather than cause the horned king's army to collapse.
top 20 disney movie plot twists you didn t see coming
This was too heartbreaking to handle, but we're glad we got it back before the movie started. about number 16 bowler hat boy is dumb meet the robinsons meet the robinsons threw quite a few things out of left field and one of the most surprising twists of the film was the identity of bowler hat boy throughout the film we see this guy follows louis and he is only known by his generically descriptive name there is no such thing as the bowler hat guy there is no time machine and you are not from the future when he finally captures lewis the bowler hat guy reveals himself to be the former roommate from Louis at the orphanage goob my old room i think you mean our old room.
What is it, oh yeah, yeah, Mike, this was something no one could have guessed given the bowler hat boy's lanky stature and twisted mustache. It doesn't exactly say former minor league baseball player. You know it wasn't my fault. It was yours if you hadn't kept me up all night working on your stupid project and I wouldn't have missed the catch, we're just glad there's a happy ending for it, mordu number 15 wasn't originally a brave bear the last time I did this it was for a prince who was easy on the eyes, tight pets, he demanded that I give him the strength of ten men and he gave me this as a spell, a spell that would change his destiny as he followed a will-o'-the-wisp towards a creepy area of ​​ruin from Merida.
He falls into a hole and finds a hidden temple that tells a story that his mother used to tell him but the eldest prince wanted to rule the land himself, he went his own way and the kingdom fell as he watches more of the scene noticing a cracked cloak . and a bunch of skeletons, Merida soon realizes that she has set foot inside Mordu's lair and that he was the human prince in his mother's story. The prince turned more. What's even more shocking is that not only is the notorious warrior still around, but he was too. the same bear that attacked earlier in the movie who would have thought a mythical villain would still exist years later number 14 vanellope doesn't come back ralph breaks the internet most movies like to end with everything going back to normal look it doesn't matter where it goes or Where she lives, she will always be our friend and we just have to trust her.
Ralph Breaks the Internet isn't like most movies, however, as the ending to it is more bittersweet than we anticipated. Oh, before you go, I wanted to give you this. I'm so sorry, I broke it Ralph, no, no, it's okay, now we can both see each other halfway after stopping a dangerous virus from destroying the Internet. Ralph and Vanellope say goodbye and apologize for their misdeeds before giving each other one last hug. I'm really going to miss you a lot, I'll miss you too kid, I really am. Normally this would be the part where someone changes their mind and chooses to go back to normal, but when Vanellope walks up the stairs to the slaughter run, we realize this.
It's really a farewell, The arcade won't be the same without you, 13th child, The fate of the lookout ray, The Incredibles Of all the Pixar movies, none took a darker turn than this one during the first half of The Incredibles. , we learned of the sudden disappearance. from a super known as ray mirador, remember, mirador, yes, there was something about him in the newspaper, he also had trouble adjusting to civilian life, when was the last time you saw him? I don't see anyone from the old days, Bob, only you, however I won't discover his fate until after Mr.
Incredible's first encounter with the syndrome, who is revealed to be the hero's biggest fan friend. After all, I am your greatest friend friend. My name is not friend. It seems that Gazer Beam had died in the caves while he was trying. to hide from the syndrome, but at least he managed to burn Kronos into the walls and stalagmites of the cave before we got the feeling that the beam might have died, but we never anticipated seeing the remains of him as they were in his final moments. The incredible ones are a little more. disturbing than we remember number 12, stinky pete was behind the whole toy story 2.
The museum is only interested in the collection if you're in it without you, we go back to storage, it's that simple, he may have played the bad guy disguised as a friend card. but the original was none other than Stinky Pete throughout Toy Story 2 Stinky Pete is presented as a sympathetic and compassionate veteran. He is not aggressive about his plans to go to Japan until Buzz and the gang arrive to retrieve Woody Prospector. And you? prospector you're out of your box i tried to reason with you woody not only locks buzz and his friends in the vents but also reveals that he's been causing some of the drama between woody and jesse stinky pete quickly went from being a generous ally to being a manipulative and devious toy, well, stinky, pete, I think it's time you learned the true meaning of playtime, guys, no, no, number 11, Mr.
Waternoose and Randall are working together, Monsters Inc, decades later, this Pixar moment still chills us to the bone when Boo is revealed. to the water rope Mike explains to the crab-legged executive about the boy's presence and Randall's plans how could this happen how could this happen? Does anyone else know about this? No, sir, well, this company can't afford any more bad publicity. From mild discomfort to disturbing when a large metal door descends and activates what follows is one of the most chilling and shocking exchanges of dialogue in Disney history. Surely that's not your door. I know, I know it's yours.
Waternews was working with Randall the entire time and revelation. It happened so fast that we barely had enough time to process it, all we could do was sit frantically and watch Sully try to reactivate the door, of course we couldn't forget about Raz's secret identity, who could have guessed that she was the one. head of the CDA? The whole time, of course, without your help, I would never have known that this went all the way until watering this number 10. Kenai killed Koda's mother, the bear brother, well, I have a story to tell you, really, about what is about, this was such an insightful revelation.
Viewers probably predicted it, but foresight wouldn't have made it any less devastating in Brother Bear. A boy named Kenai transforms into a bear after angering the spirits by killing a bear to avenge the death of his brother. He has been given a mission that he must complete before be


human. again and on the way he meets another bear cub called coda. The truth is that I separated from my mother and now with this hunter boy around I have my own problem. As the story progresses, we learn that Coda's mother, who has been missing for some time, was in fact, the bear that Kenai killed the monster has her leaning against this giant glacier, at which point the two have formed a deep bond and the moment when she has to confess to him is absolutely heartbreaking, the fact that your mother is not coming, Miguel's number nine great-great-grandfather. -grandfather coco to miguel you your great-great-grandson I have a great-great-grandson I need your blessing to be able to return home and be a musician like you Miguel lives for music there is only one problem since Miguel is a great-great-grandson - grandfather abandoned the family for a musical career, they banned him for much of the movie.
Miguel believes that the famous musician Ernesto de la Cruz is his relative de la Cruz's guitar. After Miguel ends up in the land of the dead, things get even more complicated in his quest to find Ernesto and return to the land of the dead. the living Miguel meets Héctor, an old friend of Ernesto and whose living family is forgetting him, it soon becomes clear that Ernesto is not Miguel's ancestor nor a good guy, he killed Héctor Miguel's real great-great-grandfather to steal his music and it is because That's why Héctor never came home. That's a family drama.
Where did you get this from? That's my mom Coco, that's my mom Melda, you were number eight, the yokai masked villain is Callahan, the great hero 6. set in fiction. future city of san fransokyo a young inventor named hiro hamada quickly shows the robotics world what he's made of and attracts the attention of professor robert callahan, head of the robotics department at the institute of technology and businessman alistair cray, mr cray has taken taking shortcuts and ignoring solid science to get where he is as events escalate it seems callahan has been killed and suddenly a villain in a kabuki mask has taken hiro's invention and will do anything to keep it let's not jump to conclusions rash, we don't know that he is trying to kill us. is trying to kill us, both the characters in the movie and the audience think for quite some time that Cray is the man behind the mask, they freak out the guy in the mask when the yokai was unmasked and revealed to be none other than Professor Callahan , well, we had to choose our jaws lifted from the floor professor callahan number seven get inspired by hades hercules if i say i want the boy wonder's head on a tray you say medium or well done when hercules meets meg for the first time, she's in a situation difficult with nessus giving our hero a convenient opportunity to come to the rescue and impress the damsel in distress i'm a damsel i'm in distress i can handle this have a nice day it quickly becomes clear that she is not a helpless victim and can fully defend herself by holding Hercules alert with her sarcasm and quick wit to the surprise of Hercules and also the audience, we learn that she has been manipulating our hero from the beginning.
WannaI mean, your little chick here was working for me the whole time. Duh, you're lying, his soul belongs. to hell as a result of a deal she made to save an ex-boyfriend who quickly betrayed her and left her in debt to Haiti heartbroken and understandably jaded number six wilbur is actually lewis' future son meet the robinsons your hair is a dead giveaway as to why my hair would be a dead giveaway that it's a great question when a movie involves time travel it's inevitable that there will be some unpredictable twists. Meet the Robinsons may be one of Disney's lesser-known animated films, but you shouldn't underestimate it, it offers big surprises.
Lewis. is a young inventor who meets a boy named Wilbur Robinson at a science fair who claims to be a time traveler and proves it by taking Lewis to the year 2037. In a twist that no one could have predicted, it turns out that Wilbur's father , cornelius, is actually lewis in the future and wilbur is his son. are you saying that I am wilbur's father? Oh, give the child a treat. True, you may have to see the film to fully understand its impact. It was our first real invention. It's the one that started it all wow number five Eugene cuts Rapunzel's hair Tangled I can't let you do this and I can't let you die We all knew Rapunzel's story long before we saw this 2010 Disney movie but this one Modern adaptation takes some liberties with the classic Tangled Fairy Tale adding dimension to the powers of Rapunzel's hair giving her healing powers and anti-aging abilities.
As a result, many people are attempting to harness Rapunzel to reap the benefits of her magical hair. Most of all, when his closest ally, Flynn, aka Eugene, cuts off his magnificent mane, even though we were totally floored, it takes us a few moments to realize that he's actually doing it for his own good thanks to a little magic unexpected surplus, the move even ensures your happiness forever. number four king candy is turbo wreck-it ralph your game jumped ralph are you not going to turbo are you what no no in this movie inspired by a video game the title wreck-it ralph is a villain who longs to be a hero sure must be It Nice to be the good guy on the road, however, sets in motion some potentially devastating wheels that force him to become a true hero to right his wrongs in the game.
Sugar Rush Ralph tries to help Vanellope. A glitch that he wants to become a playable character. Nothing is so However, he seems to have a sugar rush and we learn that the supposed Hiro King Candy is actually Turbo, an infamous rogue character. I am Turbo, the best runner of all time. Additionally, it is revealed that Vanellope is actually a princess and former protagonist of the game Corrupt Turbo. rightful ruler of sugarrosh princess vanellope is complicated in short, but in the movie this revelation was flawlessly executed number three the wolf in sheep's clothing zootopia how did you know where to find us?
I'll go ahead and take that case now 2016 zootopia may seem like a fun romp through an exciting anthropomorphic animal world, but if you look closer, there's a lot going on beneath the surface, the moral conclusion of the movie is about prejudice and intolerance and No one exemplifies this better than the character of Don Bellwether. Sheep is introduced as the mayor's assistant and seems as sweet as she can be, endearing herself to Judy like a little animal. Us little guys really need to stick together like glue, well in the end, although it's revealed that she's actually the evil mastermind behind it.
Drug the predators in the city, fear always works and I will release all the predators in zootopia to keep them that way because of their diminutive stature and personality. This was a total shock. It's called hustle, baby, boom number two. You finti es tikka. The main villain of the 2016 Disney film, Moana, is a fiery demon named Tikka. What neither the viewers nor Moana knew was that Taka was transformed into her current state by Maui, the demigod who used to be Te Fiti, the goddess of life and the mother island before her. transformation, although we are initially told the story of te fiti and told that moana is the one who has to revive her, it is not until later that we realize that she and tikka are the same before continuing, be sure to subscribe to our channel and Ring the bell to receive notifications about our latest videos.
You have the option to receive notifications for occasional videos or for all of them. If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and turn on notifications number one. Hans is evil frozen oh Anna. If only there was someone out there who loved you There are red herrings about the identity of a true villain in a movie, but the reveal of who the real bad guy is in Frozen is something we won't get over anytime soon. When princess anna meets handsome prince hans, it seems like a match made in heaven, luckily it's just me, just you, they even have one of the cutest duets together in the history of


songs, so imagine our surprise when it turns out that hans has something ulterior. reasons to rule Arendelle itself as if this weren't enough, we also get an unexpected ending when Anna is saved by Elsa's love at the film's conclusion, an act of true love without a frozen heart.
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