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Disney Submechanophobia 2: Scariest Submerged Animatronics and Props

Jun 04, 2021


is one of those things that scare you but you can't stop watching it, we love it, you love it and that's why today we bring you the second part of Disney's


where we will talk about 10 more submechanophobias partially or totally created by humans. objects you can find in the Disney parks we are going to rank this list, but this time we ask you to vote and help us find the number 10


flotsam and jetsam. Disneyland Fantasmic is possibly the best nighttime show Disney has created since. It opened at Disneyland in 1992 and has been recreated for Walt Disney World and Tokyo Disneysea, and while each version of the show has its differences, they are all special in their own way.
disney submechanophobia 2 scariest submerged animatronics and props
The program has been updated numerous times and one of them was during the summer night event held at Disneyland in 2009, this was an event that celebrated the park's nighttime entertainment as an updated version of Disney's electric parade in California, the adventure, the new magical fireworks show, and of course an updated version of Fantasmic, one of the things that Phantom got during this update was the addition of plots and scraps. They joined Ursula on her mission to destroy Mickey and appeared gliding down the rivers of America. These creatures were created by Michael Curry, a long-time Disney collaborator.
disney submechanophobia 2 scariest submerged animatronics and props

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disney submechanophobia 2 scariest submerged animatronics and props...

He decided that the puppet should give a sensation of swimming and a menacing snaking movement. After all, The Little Mermaid is an underwater film, so it made sense to use the water as a setting to tackle the task of bringing the flotsam to life and the waste. Curry and his team used an eel puppet mounted on a high-performance jet ski. They were designed so that puppeteers could purchase them and the jet skis on which they were mounted could operate in manual or automatic mode depending on the physical demands imposed. to the driver and puppeteer these two eels were very impressive and equally terrifying, they swam slowly but menacingly through the rivers of America, but unfortunately, although the visually impressive flotsam and jetsam didn't work as well, they had difficulty seeing that the drivers They often ran into things along the river, including each other, and just as the Ursula floats before them, they also didn't last more than a few summers before being wiped out.
disney submechanophobia 2 scariest submerged animatronics and props
We find both puppets to be quite impressive and terrifying at the same time and we would have placed some higher on the list, but as we said before, this At the moment we rank this list based on your answers and you place the flotsam and jetsam at the bottom of our list. list, so let's see who is the next number nine. Various animals. Mining train through nature's wonderland, formerly known as rainbow caverns. Nature's Wonderland opened on May 28, 1960. This attraction featured a train that took visitors through Bear Country Beaver Valley, the Living Desert, and Rainbow Caverns where powerful waterfalls could be seen. that cascaded from Cascade Peak.
disney submechanophobia 2 scariest submerged animatronics and props
The beavers were building a dam. The brown bears swam and rested. balancing rocks, pots of devil paint bubbling clay pots in all kinds of colors, geysers shooting water into the desert air, and the famous bright and colorful waterfalls inside the rainbow caverns. One of the best parts about this attraction was that it was full of


in In fact, the attraction had a little over 200 animated animals, all in their natural habitats, this in itself doesn't sound scary, but just like with


From the jungle cruise, many of these animals could be seen inside the water, there were two main scenes that would terrify anyone. who suffered from submechanophobia the first was Beaver Valley here the guests traveling on the train could see some beavers building a dam in the river the train continued and entered bear country here there were many brown bears resting, stretching their backs on the trees and swimming, right there were some bears


in the water swimming and hunting for fish.
The bears move in the water and some of them even


in the water. It was a pretty scary sight if you suffer from submechanophobia, still these animals are very cute and that's probably why the guys rank them in ninth place number eight ursula fantasmic phantasmic will appear more than once on this list we have already mentioned flotsam and waste, but what about ursula? That's true today, the only way Ursula appears during Fantasmic is as a projection, but this wasn't always the case in 1992, when Ursula debuted fantastically and appeared moving through the rivers of America atop a large barge moving her legs. arms and mouth supposedly synchronized with the music, but that almost never happened.
Ursula was very creepy and what made this part so creepy was her size and movements because even if they weren't perfectly synchronized, Ursula's hand and tentacle movements were terrifying and gave this scene great production value, Unfortunately, as we said before, this character's effects didn't work as well as they should and he was one of the first items to be removed and changed in Fantasmic. He was unreliable, barely worked and even broke mid-show, sometimes stopping everything. the show after its retirement the barge remained abandoned in the rivers of america for a while Although no one knows what happened next, Ursula was very short lived but many guests remembered her well, but she still did not occupy a higher place on this list, the monster number seven and the cave of wonders, Disneyland, Disneyland, Paris, storybook, Land Canals, is one of the most beautiful and classic attractions in Disneyland this attraction opened in Disneyland as boats through the canals of the world and was intended to be a journey through miniature recreations of the world's great landmarks but time and money prevented its completion after two months in operation it closed to be renovated and converted into the storybook land canals we all know, the new attraction included models scaled to guest favorite movies like Mr.
Toad Cinderella and the Three Little Pigs, but one of the biggest changes to the attraction was the addition of Monstro and, by the way, that's why this ride appears in this ready after leaving the dock the boat passes through a small cave sculpted to look like a monster the whale that swallowed pinocchio the monster is partially animated his eye opens and closes and steam periodically comes out of his blowhole many people with some they find mechanophobia This part of the attraction is terrifying because even though the monster is not an animatronic, the size and the concept of being swallowed by this huge whale scares them very much, not many people know this, but the idea that The Monster Whale Consuming Canal Boats arose from a concept never implemented for a monster, the whale ride, in which small boats were swallowed by a monster and then submerged down a path of water into a pond below, so honestly that it could have been worse, some people also find the reflection of the whale in the water completely terrifying and to be honest we can completely understand that the ride was also recreated in


land paris where instead of being swallowed by a monster we entered the cave The Cave of Wonders doesn't have any type of animation but entering the dark cave has the same kind of terrifying effect as Disneyland with Monstro.
This is one of our favorite attractions at both parks and while this scene can be pretty scary, we wouldn't have done it otherwise Monstro and the Cave of Wonders came in at number 7. This list proves that they caused the same kind of effect on many people number six promechio bravissimo tokyo


sea we have said it a million times before but tokyo disneysea is probably the best disney park in the world it has attractions in incredible lands and night time spectaculars one of these incredible shows It was very bravissimo, the spectacular night told the love story between two elemental spirits, Prometheus, the spirit of fire, and Belicia, the spirit of water, using a mix of beautiful lights, water fountains and fireworks that ended with the spirits falling in love and uniting.
Forever we will not enter the today's program, but we will focus on Prometheus. This is because, although the show is beautiful and talks about a love story, Prometheus is a very imposing and terrifying spirit, and seeing him covered in fire while surrounded by water makes him worthy of being on this list, the creation of this enormous spirit was a challenge because the structure alone has 40 flamethrowers, it was created by the talented teams of koichi sasamoto eca2 and vesp pepin, who are experts in night spectaculars that have worked. In shows such as the opening of the 2004 Olympic games or the Eiffel Tower night show, after manufacturing, the show used Prometheo was tested for two months in water conditions and installed in a six-meter pit that was built in the Mediterranean Harbor lagoon at this stage the crucial difficulties were Corsini also traveled to Japan, where he spent a month working on the lighting with the Japanese staff because the park remained open during this time, testing the light and water controls, as well as training the team to use them took place after the park closed each night at 11 pm.
The size of the Promethean show used was 14 meters high and 32 meters wide. Prometheus' lighting equipment consisted of 3,000 Japanese-made waterproof LEDs and 250 Burkitt brick strobe lights as well as two narrow spot par lamps for Prometheus's eyes because the Prometheus platform had to remain underwater all day The racing controllers were all encased in stainless steel and the strobe cables were waterproof. Prometho is one of the most impressive animatronic structures ever created, so it's amazing that not many people know about this incredible show. Bravissimo was so complex that the daily preparation for each performance began at 1 a.m. with 16 pyrotechnicians beginning the installation of the 850 fireworks used in the show.
The pyrotechnic installation concluded at pm, a total of 60 crew members were trained. For work on the show, of which 40 actively participated in each performance, each of the four fountain barges had a driver, while the cart and Belicia barges each had a driver and an observer. This was an awesome show but sadly it was withdrawn on November 13, 2010. to be replaced by fantastic but this show deserves a lot more recognition still prometheus was so imposing and terrifying that it appears as number six on this list number five brickley disney springs it is not possible to talk about some mechanophobia without mentioning two of the most famous underwater sea snakes that have ever existed and if by chance you don't know what we are talking about, watch our submechanophobia video, part one.
However, there is a third sea serpent that no one really talks about, we are talking about Brickley, who we can find in disney springs brickley came to disney springs formerly known as center disney in October 1997, when the center of disney opened lego imagination This enormous sea serpent was built using more than 170 thousand blocks and resided in the center of Disney lagoon. big favorite among Disney Springs guests, but for some other guests it can be quite creepy, although Brickley's design is very cute, it is still a very large semi-submerged snake that goes in and out of the water and gives nightmares to people with mechanophobia .
Brickley is so famous that Lego has released several Lego sets based on it and they can occasionally be found in the Disney Springs store. We are so glad Brickley survived the Disney Springs renovation. It has been around for 20 years and we hope it will be around for many more. We are very surprised that this snake ranked so high on this list number four tic tac fantasmic disneyland again we are talking about fantasmic and there are many changes that we have seen ursula flotsam and jetsam but one of the characters you found was the most terrifying from this list was the ticking alligator in 2008.
Fantasmic received another overhaul, this time the three original 70 millimeter projectors were replaced with high definition digital projectors. The animation also received a new digital transfer and the Peter Pan sequence received a new one. Mechanical Ticking Crocodile Before this review, the ticking appeared in the Peter Pan sequence, but this version looked more like a large crocodile that followed the ship and had limited movement. the new tick-tock was much better. This new mechanical barge could move its neck. He had light up eyes and moving limbs and tail, this gave the character a feeling of being alive and made him a character in the scene, not a prop that followed a ship like he was before, but likeWe said before, Fantasmic has had many remodels and renovations and the last of these remodels was in 2016.
This time, unfortunately, the Peter Pan sequence was removed and replaced by a scene from Pirates of the Caribbean. This means that Tic Toc the crocodile has been completely retired and hopefully now resides in the Walt Disney archives. rumors that the crocodile was removed after the tragic accident that occurred at walt disney world in 2016, but this is not true, this was one of our favorite ghostly sequences and we were sad to see it cited, that tiktok had to be number four on is listed and it makes sense because this huge animatronic looks pretty scary, especially when seen up close and moving along river number three of the disneyland paris ghost cruise line, we've talked about the abandoned disneyland paris mark twain before and if you want check it out To learn about its history, you can watch this video, but today we will mainly focus on two especially creepy aspects of this riverboat's troubled history.
Disney has always been big on their Halloween celebrations and Disneyland Paris is no exception, so back in 2003 and 2004, they created one of the spookiest experiences the ghost cruise line has ever had at the park during these seasons. mark twain's riverboat became the ghost cruise line the imagineers decided to create a huge and terrifying specter brought from our worst nightmares and have him pull the boat through the rivers of the wild west, the design alone of this ghost was scary, but seeing him inside the river pulling the boat added a horror factor that people with submechanophobia couldn't handle.
It would be scary, but it would have been something we would have loved to experience, but unfortunately due to many technical difficulties and even a derailment, which was probably one of the


things guests have ever seen, the ghost cruise line did not return in 2005 and has not been seen since then it still seems to have left a trail of bad luck because mark twain and molly brown have had some accidents after this in 2006 molly brown's engine overheated the smoke damaged the boat and the engines and It remained out of operation for many months, leaving the Mark Twain as the only riverboat in operation.
The Molly Brown continued to go in and out of renovations while the Mark Twain continued to operate; then in 2010 the molly brown had to be rebuilt from scratch so the mark twain was the only boat that was operating but then in 2011 the mark twain was used to break ice on the river and got stuck When trying to free the boat, it was dragged and this caused some damage to the bottom of the boat and everything. The cover was bent, this caused a Mark Twain to be remodeled just after Molly Brown was completed. Unfortunately, this renewal did not come soon enough.
The ship was parked in the dry dock and left there to rot. Some time passed and Disney decided to build. a kind of barn around the Mark Twain so that guests could not see the poor condition of the ship. The Mark Twain had remained in dry dock except when the Molly Brown had to undergo renovations during these periods of time when the ship is taken out. and sometimes covered with a sheet so that no one can see the indicated sin, it is quite sad to see how abandoned the ship has been for a while, there are rumors that the Mark Twain would return this year, but this never happened and unfortunately in September the molly brown had a small fire and had to be temporarily closed we can only hope that these two river ships return to their former glories the ghost cruise line is number three on this list because it is very creepy and watching it move across the river is visually scary.
Maelstrom number two. The Norwegian pavilion was the last to open at Epcot and the new attraction was being planned for this pavilion. This attraction was called Sea Adventure and was supposed to be a journey through mystical lands and trolls that would end. with a rainbow bridge to Valhalla sponsored by Norwegian wanted something different, so the attraction changed and became a whirlwind. This attraction opened on July 5, 1988 It was a mix of canal and dark ride It took visitors through mythological scenes from Norwegian history The attraction had a lot of fun and also scary animatronics, so let's take a look at what makes them part of this list.
In one of the scenes of the trip, the boats took us to a swamp where we would come face to face with two very annoying creatures, one of them was a large three-headed troll who became angry at our intrusion into troll country. and proceeded to cast a spell banishing us from the swamp, while this huge troll was quite intimidating, we discovered that the creepiest animatronic in this scene was a submerged creature that we were able to find in front of the ship. This creature is knocking and this particular hit was huge. What makes this creature more terrifying is its huge eyes that appear to be staring at us and blinking underwater.
This was an amazing scene that used many effects like lighting or aromas to make the guests feel like they were really in a swamp, the trolls then banished us by moving our boat backwards over the falls, but not before we encountered a Biggest, Scariest Animatronic On September 12, 2014, it was announced that the ride would be replaced by Frozen Forever. and after the attraction was closed, these animatronics were removed and unfortunately we don't know where most of them ended up, while the bump may not seem very scary and people may even find the fact that it is submerged and even submerged cute once. at one time makes it so scary for people suffering from submechanophobia and we don't even take into consideration that knockins and Norse mythology are described as water spirits who played enchanted songs on the violin to lure women and children to drown in lakes or streams.
That makes this animatronic that much scarier. Now it's finally time to take a look at your number one pick for the scariest underwater animatronic. Nemo's underwater journey with monkfish number one. In our first submechanophobia video, we talked about 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and the Submarine Voyage, but you didn't participate in the voyage that replaced the Submarine Voyage. On September 7, 1998, the Submarine Voyage closed forever and remained abandoned for seven years. . Several projects were rumored to be planned for the abandoned attraction, but nothing came to fruition; Then, in 2005, the lagoon was drained in 2007, finding Nemo underwater trip was open This attraction is very similar but much friendlier using the latest technology at the moment the characters are projected in the scenes while the attraction is friendlier does not mean That people with sub-mechanophobia will not feel a little uncomfortable, this ride is full of creepy scenes, but the creepiest one is probably the anglerfish scene.
In this scene we go through a submarine surrounded by mines from World War II. Our submarine hits a mine, causing the mine to explode, causing the submarine to shake and temporarily lose power. As the submarine darkens, the marlin and dory are surrounded by small bright lights that turn out to be phosphorescent lights on several huge deep-sea angler fish. This is perhaps one of the scariest scenes in the park, as it mixes darkness with claustrophobia and submechanophobia. This scene is only a few seconds long, but that's enough to give people who have this phobia nightmares, but if you think experiencing these few seconds on the trip is terrifying, imagine having to swim nearby, that's what people do. who work as machinist divers in Disney parks.
This is one of the strangest and most interesting jobs in the parks, most of it is underwater, they have to fix and maintain attractions that are exposed to water, such as underwater trips, splashing of mountainous parts of the Caribbean and equipment of the jungle, some of the daily tasks. What cast members like him have to do is maintain the submarines and


on this attraction. The most intriguing part of this job is that of course it's all underwater and it has to be done at night to do it. This task requires two divers, one of them does all the maintenance work and the other monitors the diver who is doing the maintenance so that he does not run any risk by checking that the oxygen tanks are full or that they do not get trapped.


or other difficulties, while this is a fascinating job, it would be an absolute nightmare for anyone who has submechanophobia, as these divers are exposed daily to submerged animatronics and props and imagine swimming next to that anglerfish, you choose the anglerfish as the scariest fish underwater. accessories on this list and rightly so because it's absolutely terrifying.
What do you think after watching the video? Would you change anything on the list? Let us know in the comments if you want to see some of the animatronics and props on this list. Start planning your next magical vacation with our friends at They will help you plan your perfect vacation at any Disney or Universal park, specifically tailored to your vacation style and budget, and working with a pixie is completely free, so talk to them to make the best for your next vacation. see you next time

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