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Destroying Friendships with the Minecraft Gravity Mod

Jun 18, 2024
Alright, gather around guys, we're here to play the biggest mod in Minecraft history. Alright, get together, it's like Pokémon Wilbur, oh, I made a stroke for this. So, for you to know the beginning of Pokémon, you must choose which of these three. that you want to have, congratulations on your choices, Techno Plushies are on sale right now for a limited time. Link in description, get them while they last once they're gone, gone, come on, come on, now this is not recycled. footage, what do you mean? I don't know, don't check the last upload, just take my word, take my word, I'm a trustworthy man, okay, let's get back to the video, I'm gone buddy.
destroying friendships with the minecraft gravity mod
You're bound to hit a mountain eventually Phil, don't worry, it's mind-blowing, this is going to make me feel bad, very soon, what a wrong move and I'm in The Ether. I don't know why you guys are finding this. difficult, actually this is quite easy for me and I also have everything right, so you guys, your first job is to build a house, okay, you guys do that, I'll go get food, okay, you, you build a house , Alright. I'm being a very skeptical techno guy right now, but I'll be honest with you. I'm starting to feel like this isn't stupidly funny and is instead a troll.
destroying friendships with the minecraft gravity mod

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destroying friendships with the minecraft gravity mod...

What attracts me? Please, do not do that. Oh no, this. It's the biggest PvP battle of all time, who will get the other one first? Bubba, come with me, let's form a government 'cause you're in the walls, in the walls, and you're in the walls, just walling in, that's what I say, that's my slogan guys, come on, we gotta beat Minecraft and prove that the ties of friendship are stronger than the ties of


. No, this is not the case. It turns out that


is actually quite strong. Friendship may not be compatible. You're right. Do you want to come? in uh yeah um put a block there and now you get up on this block no no look get up on this block yeah yeah and then get up on this block hey look Tommy look who's come to visit Tommy come down okay here I come wait where is he hello everyone, this is like a mcher painting, an important invention.
destroying friendships with the minecraft gravity mod
I've created the first bed, so set up your spawn. Excuse me, what do you look like when you sleep? Oh, that doesn't work at all. Oh, they just seem to be. Here we go, let's go to the Moon, to the Moon, yes, I need to do some research. I'm going down, oh God, he's going down, oh no. I'm going to walk back a little bit, it's the full counter. Come on, please, yes. Phil is beating the game right now legit man who doesn't age wait guys don't jump don't jump okay guys hey man it's me Rob Lowe okay when I'm face down it doesn't make any sense either. all oh that says snow log snow lock hey Debris with the snow like how you been, how you been good, but I know what I'm going to do, buddy, come here.
destroying friendships with the minecraft gravity mod
I'm going to make all of this applicable for you oh you've added rungs that I've climbed for the big dubs I'll die if oh um oh here we go hey Tommy you know what would be really really annoying for the editors of this video wow yeah you hold the anchor right now, okay, and now press Q at the same time you want to say are you ready? look at me oh my god three two one let's go oh oh no my brain is oh I have to use my own mistakes I called for myself I miss the mistakes I want to try a new travel technique, so I came up with an idea, Technoblade, on how we can reach the final portal.
What's going on? I know how I'll go and explore how wait, where are you? you're going to like this oh no I already know how I'm going to explore the world Wilbur don't do it don't do it Wilbur the next time you hear from me it will be or you'll see me in the chat and he'll say I fell from a high place or I'll have rolled around around the whole house, aren't you going to hit a mountain in it and Techno Blades down there on the plane Mortal, the most beloved of the Jews, no, no? so many things that's gone no, it's gone hey Tommy, can you, can you read this now, what does it say?
I still can't read it. I know I was looking at this like there's no way this would work if you're backwards like there is. without direction where that text makes sense is backwards, not backwards, which says noser Nosa Nosa, what are you not telling us? I reached seven thousand five hundred on the x axis Hello guys, welcome back I have seven thousand five hundred on the x axis and I'm going backwards no no I can't chase it the side store tell me would you like to change the anchors well give me mine wait wait why am I next to it but I don't have anything else are you standing the right way no, yeah how am I walking on this wall?
So if I'm that, that's the floor, that's the normal floor, oh, his perspective is so warped that he doesn't know what normal bike shit looks like, look at this. look at this, I'm going to go down the pole and then I'm going to grab the techno and that's how I'm going to find the Ender Portal, wait, come on, wait, it's running late, now it's frozen in midair, okay, God bless you, Tommy . Good luck grabbing without the loaded bits, so you know how, uh, when you had the anchor that you just gave me, like we're going to heaven, what's different about the lower one?
Here we go, see you all, best friends. right, Phil, the flames are here, we can fight them together, oh, okay, I got this, I got this, I got this oh yeah, I don't think they can hit me oh oh, okay, that was Phil, why are you still killing the Wilbur man first? the s p now this what's wrong with you man? I can't get to you wait there we go there's no one there where is everyone? They all died Hey, gentle sword, I am here to ask if you have met our Lord and savior of the East.
Oh, so I'm thinking you raise this Eastern anchor and I'll pick up your lowered anchor. I don't know about that, no, but this is right. I want to give you salvation through the East, you will find salvation, but you. You would be sacrificing your own East. I could never take that away from you. I have done my part. You know, yeah, it's a good deal and all, but can you get my anchor back? Do you want to join the East? Oh God, oh God. I never expected to get this far, okay, come with me, come with me, come with me, yeah, just grab that and then and then and then I'll take it, I'll take this there we go and you're part of the Eastern Band Yo, Eastern Gang, are you?
How many other people from the East are there? Goodbye, okay, the curse has been inherited. You look at the Moon, the Moon, oh yes, the moon, well, you are my. I have two bows and a pair of arrows. We can have it, oh where is it? He, oh my God, oh my God, there are no bees, what are they doing? Well, I'm going to cast the Eye of Ender and if he goes east, Phil will have to go and if he goes west, Tommy will have to go, okay? I'm doing my idea POG it's me, okay, go Tommy, only you can find the strength, go Tommy, follow my path.
I think I'm going to get pretty low here techno and then throw it away. Yes, you are long. gone oh I found it I found it MLG oh I'm good at this game let's do this techno blade okay I'm ready let's walk the Dragon that was ill advised hello are you okay actually it worked oh it didn't work Wilbur Wilbur you shouldn't have done that no I'm not going to go no way I didn't I didn't put the oh here I go okay well uh I have an ID I can go and destroy all the things yeah, because I can, yeah, that one It's the plan, it's okay, please, if I die, tell my family, it's okay, you can do it, Tommy, break the glass, that was the wrong person to pin their hopes on, and Tommy, I feel like you're the one who needs it. blocks at least no, no, Wilbur, no, oh my god, the Ender Dragon ready, oh my god, it's a clutch, it's a clutch, it's so good at this game, is there any more, oh yeah, the last one, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go? go, go, go, go, go abroad, oh my god, it's okay guys, it's okay, we could do this, but the three of us can stay here and take it down.
Wilbur, he's done, he died, we'll get him, man, this is actually kind of a no. I'm building a path yeah yeah come on we're all here now we can defeat the Ender Dragon I was trying to shoot the Enderman to save Phil oh no okay the three of us have this we can defeat it just the three of us. We're so disoriented, we're doing it guys, yeah, no, I'm walking towards Victory, guys, I'm walking out of this video when I saw myself, here we go.

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