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David Spade is the Best Podcast Guest Ever! | Ep 14

Jun 17, 2024
45 minutes one time was when I think your show uh you weren't sure if it was coming back or not and mine wasn't sure if it was coming back or not and you called me and we talked about it and you said something that changed my life. You said bad news travels slowly. Oh yes, that's true. I've n


heard that before because we were waiting to hear and you say that if we haven't heard, the answer is probably no, it's very true about a lot of things and you said that when the grades are good,


yone wants to call you and be the first person to say goodbye. good news and if you don't find out the grades right away, they're not good, that's the What's gross and all, and they and everyone wants to be the one to hook Ed up by always telling you good news so they'll call.
david spade is the best podcast guest ever ep 14


phone calls are when they go well, David, we have uh geritz, Adam venet and Brad Gray on the line. and I said this is good news because everyone wants to leave. Hey, we did good, but if it's bad news, everyone's at IMM. something didn't work I don't know that's hard I uh that's all it's hard Biz you feel like I look at you all the time and I like it I can't believe how nice you are to people well that's weird, uh, yeah, and I think even George Seagull, when I used to do that, just shoot me show, which by the way, can you imagine it being called a show, just shoot me right now in this climate?
david spade is the best podcast guest ever ep 14

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david spade is the best podcast guest ever ep 14...

Yeah, I can't even. He joked once, no, yeah, uh, George, uh, said the number one question he got was that he looks like a jerk, is he a jerk in real life? Because I think on the show I act like a super know-it-all and all that, yeah, but surprisingly he says it's not that bad and I think you're one of the nicest people in comedy. I think I'm nice to you, I like you and we get along, but I'm pretty nice, we're real friends. They are real friends, well not me, I would try not to do this kind of thing if we weren't, but I laugh at you and you, by the way, are always very reliable when you do my show, which is. just a new part of our friendship it's fun to see it in the store it's fun to see it but you're very there's a lot of corn very unstable and you're in a different world and you're in a different headspace and if you say you're doing something, you do it and you're good and you show up, but doing my show is recent, but I've known you for a long time before that and you've always been a solid person, but I know it's always a nightmare to do a show like that because you're booking five times 15 comics a week and you have enough to worry about people canceling at the last minute, that's just how it is, I never want to be like that. for someone because I've been on the other side and it's the worst, yeah, and you don't, and if you do, you're professional about it, but sometimes we get calls at noon, oh, you can't come, that's right. damn improv like you cancel your spot tonight is different if it's a whole TV show and it's all based on you and we might have a little bit for you or questions just for you whatever so we deal with that but I would, I don't.
david spade is the best podcast guest ever ep 14
Like, I mean, unless it's something legit. I don't like hearing that. Do you like doing the program? Yes, I like doing the program. It's harder than I thought and you've really done so many. Yes, it's better than him. The first time I did a Comedy Central show, the showbiz show, it was once a week and it's too hard for me to get momentum once a week. It's also a success, oh, the program, yes, yes, the program is good, it helps that there are four of them. in a row and then there's a push, it's like you see another one, you see another one, you see a clip of it and you cut through the mess, that's right, it's like divided into little memes and Meme and then you go, they have a little YouTube. a little bit and they have this and you know you have to be on Comedy Central to get an app to watch it and you can go to the website but every company you work with or every channel has their own way of doing it and I wish it was a little bit easier for people, just go on YouTube and watch the whole thing, or the next day you can watch it on Comedy Central, I think for free on their website, but to be honest, it's a meal of peace for most people, already You know, I ran.
david spade is the best podcast guest ever ep 14
You told Ted, you know Ted from Netflix. Ted, who runs Netflix, and he and he would sometimes text or say something nice about the show and it was very flattering that he was going to remember that week you were sick, all the shows were good, although you can tell that your voice is bad and you say it and I thought you had seen yourself watching programs when you have 85 programs in production. He's like, yeah, he plays it before you go to bed and blah, so and so, and this is so clever that there's no politics in the show, yeah, everyone loves it, it's something that hooks people or allows more people to come.
People, even when we have people who are political like you, you can have a side that is political, but people leave it at the door they come in. "Oh, and if they're good, they're like, oh. I can be funny and just be funny like always. You know, are you ever in the writer's room and a political joke comes up and you're like, oh, that's such a good joke, but ?" we can't do it of course I wish we could get by with uh and then when impeachment came up there's so many jokes and it's what everyone thinks about and you just make a whole show without it even being mentioned and we're like the only show that He doesn't even act like it's not even happening, but sometimes someone says I'm political.
Oh, you said something last week and I'm like, Whitney, Whitney, did I falter and apologize? You lurched towards Trump or something, but It's even funny that you say Whitney, it just seems more real, yeah, yeah, no, it's true, we try to keep it together. I like it, you make it very conversational and, uh, really fun and it's interesting because it's really hard to get through the mess. Right now it's weird how hard it is and it's going to continue to be hard but you know I'm a white guy and I don't think anyone is rooting for the white guy like he's some rich old white guy, it's like everything is fucking horrible. which goes against me, yes, and I should feel like this shit has been thrown at me.
I mean, I'm close to apologizing, it's like I like it, it's like everyone is saying, did you apologize and I'm like, I don't think so? I'm going to make one. That's just how I was born. I'm just trying to fight so what I'm saying is I don't think you can write an article like Aquafina has a show yeah and she's very. It's funny, she found out in a weird way that it put her in something that was great and then she gets a show and it's funny, she's great at it and I've heard a very sweet person, but it's easier to write if you're a writer. to say this is a great show to watch because it's important, yeah, give it a break, it has an Asian cast, it has writers, you know it was like when Schumer, so it's women, this is an important show for women to watch, we are writing it.
We are doing women's issues, right? um if it's Chris Rock putting something together, that's it, but if you're just a white guy, you're going to go quietly, just look, we're not even, we're not saying anything, I'm just. I just make straight jokes about anything stupid because I don't have anything important to say, which is very true. I don't and don't have an opinion. I do not have it. I mean, look, I know you, you're a fascinating person like me. I love talking to you about things you don't talk about on TV, but I think there's something refreshing about a comedian not telling you how to vote properly.
It's kind of refreshing that an actress doesn't tell you what to think about politics. You know, it's weird because I understand why people do it and I think people are like, oh, you're not brave enough to go on Instagram and say it. I said it's a personal choice. Also, if I have a health problem, I don't do it. I have to go on improv Instagram and tell everyone, I mean, there are personal things, politics can be personal for people, yes, your health is personal, but you decide you want to talk about it, you will also get some criticism, there's something new now that where people say you need to use your platform a certain way and it's like wait, I feel like the


service we can do right now is give people a break from that shit and no I don't love it, You know? reading all day, yeah, it's exhausting and, I don't know, I think sometimes the best way for a lot of people in Hollywood to use their platform right now is to not make the left look like a bunch of idiots who are on the shows from CW and I think they know everything about politics.
What qualifies? I'll say something if I'm educated about it. I'm just not educated enough, right? It's bad enough that I try to push the tea out of my belly like God, you want to be like me, they're like no one else. I'm like oh you're like well, but I agree that everyone has opinions and I don't care when people do it if it's stuck in my throat, it's hard, yeah, to silence people or do you feel horrible when you go? I just have to skip for a while because I can't read it every day, but it's up to each person to decide.
I think people don't want this from me and I don't really want to do it, you don't pursue either. celebrities in a way that is very bad, I don't and we made a conscious effort on the show to kill a lot of jokes and it takes a lot of training in the writers room, some of them are roast writers and they are right. We're going for the jugular, but I said, listen, if we're going to have any longevity here and we're going to stick around for a while, we've got to tone it down and keep it smart, like something's going to happen to someone.
I think we'll get a gift, yeah, but we can't keep hammering for the sake of hammering and it gets too cruel and uh uh, I don't want to do that, I want to keep it and be smart and I also make fun of myself, but we have jokes like the one the other day Which I thought were a little harsh, but it made me laugh. It was the Weinstein trial. The funny things are like Weinstein and people you can joke with and no one can really get mad at them. the safe on the right, on the right, our C or something, so we just took silly pictures, but you know, he brings his walker, yeah, and I said they said their lawyers think this is like the Express franchise and Furious, it's always easier Watch it with a walker, you know, or something like a big joke.
I think it's cool, yeah, put it in, yeah, put it in, so I did it, but there are some that I took back. I did one about Brad and Jen that is very risky, very risky because she is your us. you're friend friend with Jen which sounds weird but friendly with Jen friend with Jen friendly oh you have smart water where's our damn monitor? Look at it now we oh, do you want to see yourself? No, but I'm turning around. You look really good, where are you going, bye, it goes like this, okay, look, so, oh yeah, Brad, I should do that, you should do that and open it up, I just want you to see, although I don't know Brad Pit, so Brad is a dear friend and, um, Brad, Brad can.
Deal with me if I see it, can you hear me? I think they're fine, so I've seen Brad mainly because we have the same management. Oh, that's right, he doesn't own the management of it. No, we are ascending. that your Brad is with Brillstein and I've seen him over the years in things and he did a little bit for me on SNL a long time ago, which was good because he doesn't do much on SNL, but he did. In a way, you know, he seems very calm, very calm, we sound stupid talking about someone like Brad Pit, but just to give him his support, very calm, always friendly, always friendly to people who approach him, yeah, to have that Superstar status, yes, I get nervous. talking to him I don't even know what to say to the damn guy, right, uh, but he's really cool and um, and his speeches lately have been really funny and I like to show that side, he's lighter again because I think when he talks , Jen and that.
The thing about Angelina is that people get so into this and they are the only teams that have women, yes, that's true, they don't have super football, we don't have the Cowboys Redskins, we have Angelina, it's like we have to choose one side, yeah, and it's funny that CU Brad wasn't. I don't think he was allowed to be happy for long as he couldn't show it. Yes, people love Jen, yes, they loved Jen and then Angelene's thing was, of course, letting the guy do it. I know, but when it's funny CU When Jen is involved, she is so loved.
Is there a more beloved person? It's unreal and then Jen, Sandra Bullock, she's so nice anyway and Sandra Bullock, so I get it and I, you have to be a dancer with jokes about them. because I think they understand that they are part of the mix, but I'm going to give them a break. I'm not going to try harder for them, oh I said Brad and Jen were even saying it. It scares me, go, don't worry. Don't think she, everyone was excited because Brad and Jen were backstage chatting uh uh Sparks were flying when they were talking backstage.
I said that Sparks was also flying at Angelina's house when she threw rocks at her TV and people would like to fuck you, Angelina, why? Would you ever say she's a goddess and I was like, I'm not trying to believe me and they went crazy about the way she wasn't looking? I said Sudan Pax, isn't it okay? Shiloh no, no, none of them. Those who have not yet been named, right? They have no name. TBD, she's directing a World War I movie. Somewhere in Slovenia, she is releasing a depressing movieof 2 hours. Most people didn't know that there are 35 hours a year you're in the damn thing. grocery store and hellofresh is going to change that, go to hellofresh .10 well that's 1good use code 10 good for 10 free meals including free shipping 10 well I'm making it sound harder than it is 1g or d don Don't play too simple, just use code 10 valid for 10 free including free shipping.
I felt like I had it very clear. I like on my show schedule not to change it, but when people settled the other day, I asked Josh. I told wolf girl I told him you're baked or you smoke a lot of weed, right? and he says yes and then he started talking about it and then I said at least it's real for a second because yeah I mean our topics are real because I don't know what they're going to say yeah people think we have rehearsal but no It's like that. In rehearsal I just do it to block the camera and I say I have to shoot this video and I get confused because I just feel like I don't know, I feel like not being funny and I panic, well, because comedians weren't like that.
It's funny when we're not on stage. I agree, it's like we were just going on a tour of your house and we were actually pretty normal, yeah, we were talking about your house and moving in and, yeah, we had a really authentic moment there. right, I'm fine with that, I almost fell in love with it, but I think that when people see you on Instagram or everything out there, you're always a little bit turned on because you have to be because that's what you do, yeah and so on. But do I think comedians specifically feel safe being around each other because we know we don't have to be funny, and in fact, trying to be funny with comedians feels corny, you know, because we've all heard it all?
I think that's why I like to hang out, so it's a little against my nature to go on a


and show everyone how boring I am. No, but you're an interesting girl and I think people will really negotiate. I think they like to just watch some real shit just to see what we're like. I'd like to see the hallway of The Comedy Store. I think it's very fascinating to see everyone. You just see a picture of you talking to Rogan or you meet Bobby L and you're like, oh, they're just hanging out, they're talking to each other, it's so weird, two of your favorite comics are suddenly like talking to each other and you're like, did they laugh? each other?
Yeah, I just forget it too, it's so weird that All Our Friends Are Comics like it's the best thing and I think a lot of times, when I understand why I'm so bad, I remember how I had a meltdown. I made this on New Year's Eve, which is when I'm good. At that point, this is abuse, I'll call HR, we have more of this water you call, oh, look here, look at this, yeah, I learned to share in school, um, but when you really hydrate yourself, it seems like you take care of yourself. . Well, I had to stop and pull the weeds out of my grill.
I keep saying how much something that interests me about you is that I feel like you've been through a lot of traumatic things and um. you've handled them very well as best as possible, I mean you just have to move on whether you want to or not, so you just went through a moment, you're just good with pain, well it affects me in strange ways. because it's hard to get too attached because with new people, with new people, obviously my dating history is bad, no, I don't know, why, why, well, I'm dating someone now that I was friends with for a long time, but why.
Is your dating history bad? Because? Because? Why is it that I have a bad reputation, but why is it that everyone dates a lot of your people were only in the news because you're famous, right, and I'm not really? I don't really want it in the news, but there are other people who do it to be in the news and I learned early on that it makes it a lot harder and a lot more pressure, and people like to have an opinion about me and a opinion about me. they whisper to me you know she dated you you know and then you started getting weird like wait what and then I heard she was drawing you know or whatever you and that and it can ruin things faster and forget at the level of these guys like Brad or You know, yeah, they have to try.
How could you have a date? Yeah, that would be so weird, so I've been through some stuff and I think dating, even marriage, doesn't work, so it's not like saying you should be. Married, that's the end of it and being everything, it just makes other people happy, why aren't you married? I'm like, who cares? Well, I find it interesting and I and I'm not here, I mean, it's what it's like if a man is single at a certain age it's like oh he says why isn't he married and if a woman is single they are good for you, You don't need nobody, it's a change 'cause I used to be a poor girl, yeah, you know, 'cause, like weddings, I don't like weddings when they make fucking single girls pay for everything, like you won, you got married like whores girls with something instead of saying it's great, I'm getting married and one like, oh, people would prefer. you've been married and divorced than not married, they would like that for me, sure they'd rather you had been divorced, they wrote about it married forever immediately and divorced immediately and then 25 years, hey, I did that and it was a great scam.
It's very true, but I want to talk about the girl you're currently dating. I always like to ask this, especially to my smart friends, why, oh, just, I mean, I met her, I know why, but I've known her for a long time. years and years ago and then I stayed friends with her and then in the back of my head I thought and then you meet people, you have to meet people because usually people date and date right away and it takes a while to know. what people are like, the general disposition is important to me, they say it takes two years to fully know someone, because look, you've even once broken up with someone or stopped seeing them and you see how they handle it well, that's very interesting and they go crazy and you're like oh, this is the side I didn't see or you do it and they handle it with class and Grace and you're like oh wait, actually yeah, we should stay together, you deliver that breakup really well and you look back and Wow. , I never had any ups or downs, that was it.
You see so many different ways that they handle the pain or they handle this just casually because you're just living your life and you're around them and that somehow makes a better way, but we used to always talk about the general disposition, like sometimes the people I can't even tell what I am because I don't know if they look at me this way, but when I'm around people I like someone who is a medium to optimistic person instead of some who are. So down there, you're always trying to get to even a level where they're sad, like, how is everything okay? and you're trying to put the balls in the air so they have fun and it's very weird and most of the time they say it's been very difficult, you know, I make people a friend like that, it's super depressing, yeah, and then they're a little depressed and it's always like, hey, you're having fun and I know couples like that. one is always trying to lift the other up, that's very interesting and one says, uh, it's really a recreation of the circumstances of your childhood, something that you know, like you're used to entertaining someone and trying to make someone happy.
I mean I did that for the longest time because it was so hard to make my primary caregivers happy that I would just do that in the relationship they are so called parents those parents primary caregivers are primary caregivers yeah I never heard that we are attracted to people with negative feelings Qualities of our primary caregivers Negative qualities Wow, I just call them that because some people aren't the same age. I was raised by my aunts for a long time, but I think when I was 20 I was simply recreating the circumstances of my childhood. with the people I dated because they seemed familiar and then I was like oh no, I don't have to date someone who needs to be rescued all the time, who needs to be entertained and who is a and like I don't have to do it.
I may have dogs that need to be rescued. I have that too, you know, it seems like my dad was a big drinker and he left when we were four, so you have to look back at everything that happened since then and that's how it was. It doesn't affect me, so you do it, it actually did, because then you do it, it manifests itself in ways and then you say, "I like him, I don't like him," which obviously there will be parts of me like my dad and I don't want to. . the bad part, so I have to figure out if there's a way to choose outside of that and not recreate just one p.
I know friends are like my dad is drunk. I'm a drunk, we're all drunks and you know you don't have anything. To be sure, just move on, no, he says, we have addictive families, we're all fat, we all eat it, I go, are you ever addicted, something good for you and no good addictions, just the easy ones, prostitutes and the Coca-Cola, and how's work and? volunteering is quinoa, yes, are you addicted to cleaning up trash on the beach? Yeah, no, those never caught on, but they did go back to the mushrooms, so you have all these people I see recreating.
I know a friend who is kind of recreating his son in a not very good way and you go, that's where he feels comfortable, he's making his last years exactly like that, yes, and for the better, and it's comfortable and you and you can see other people doing it, but there is nothing you can do. I say because many people feel comfortable and what would be painful for us is their comfort zone, right, and people also love adrenaline. I mean, people love adrenaline, they love feeling needed. Some people love. It took me so long to understand that some people.
I want to live in constant drama and Serenity makes them anxious and nervous. I know girls that aren't even girls that I've dated, I'm just friends with them, you just look at them and look at them from a distance and you're so happy. I'm not your boyfriend CU, they're so fucking dramatic and they test their boyfriend so hard and then they're like, uh, you know, then they, the guy they broke up with and then they, you know, the reunion Breakup drives people crazy. Even from the cheap seats you go, I can't look and then you just want to jump up and leave, fuck it, go your separate ways, but it's never worked to tell someone that's never worked, they always go, I've changed, you know all that?
Things were bad for me. They are exactly the same, they just get a new person and have the ex recreate the same pattern. I just see that it doesn't work somehow. I don't know how, but some people love it and I end up not doing it. Don't judge it, you know, the way it used to be, why doesn't everyone want to live the way? And I say, if you want, I did that, I know what that is, you need the distraction, you need the chaos, I don't. I have discovered it? Maybe I don't know, you seem cute together, but you are overthinkers.
This is a good question. It's me? Benton, no comment, is that her? She depends on what she is doing. You seem to think a lot. Yeah, it's exhausting if you're awake, you are, it's exhausting, yeah, I would say you're always, yeah, wait, you're awake a lot, is it hard to shut down and go to sleep really hard? That's it, I think it's a nightmare, do you sleep? I think smart people do that. I sleep well, but I see people when they have a lot and everything about meditation and things. I even got an NA and it's like it's all about turning off your mind and the mind is fine, the lights go off, but other people like it.
They say they are riding a bike, they have some thoughts that go so fast in their head that they can't think about anything else and they can't go to bed, let me ask you something, don't you get scared at home because they didn't? They robbed you or something like that recently 90 million what you asked me about what? Oh I thought you said how much it was um no it's not a shithole but I've been to your house your house is very it's like when I was 20 what I thought a house would be is very there's like marble it's not but it's not like you know what I mean what you mean is that it's a beautiful house I don't know but it is and it's more modern right, no, yes, it's very um, just lacquer, it's very shiny, leave the lacquer.
Yo, that's old Beverly Hill, that's right, dark black lacquer. Look there in front of you, yes, Gabor, no, no, I'm kidding, there are some of my rooms that look alike. hahaha because it's from 1970 closet doors with mirrors like it's not right I haven't gotten everything it's a very sexy house ok you changed it it's a very sexy house listen you can make Coca-Cola on the doors you also have a weird Cliff like in Lo I know it looks like a giant Comedy Store green room, that's the most horrible description. The Comedy Store green room is a piece of shit, it's all marble, like it's very, oh, there's one like I hope you wear shoes with tread in here, this is so horrible.
Do you know when Andy and Katie would come? I would say they have very good taste and I'm going to do this whole damn house and because Andy would like we could start hotels called Spades and I said, let's do a trial with my house and see if you know what the fuck you're doing, but Andy has two storage units filled with art along with everything he had on it, he has every square inch of his walls with stuff. Me too, what is this? I am obsessed with families. who have more than one successful person like Offspringtelevision, so it's a great first time they've done it. done well and then I heard that at least you're supporting comedy and getting a place where people can go see a new comic, yeah, and you like building careers, I mean it's really like you get people to have the ability to work as regular comedians. like you, who come in between tours and show up and do a quick TV commercial and come back out and then people see you, see you again very quickly, have you ever liked it?
Is it ever strange to match people? No, they're not, yeah, we thought about how to do it because some like, if we have you, we don't have to have two people who are, um, get up, say goodbye, I love when, how does this work? Oh, fuck yeah, so we don't have to do it once we know you're a sniper because Whitney is a killer there and generally, and you're going to bring him in, we can put in someone who hasn't been there before. In case you know and they don't understand the program right away, it usually takes once or twice and anyway, but yeah, go ahead, no.
Justin wrote a question for you and I swear to God he answered and wrote a question but people want to know what the most expensive thing you own is I mean my house but that's the dumbest answer I mean it's the answer True, it is my home, so I am fascinated by this because To me you are a strangely down-to-earth person and you don't spend money on stupid things. He drives a Land Rover like 1998 95 Land Cruiser thank you and I drive. I like it. I love it. And what is? which is just that I bought it new well, half the shit is that he killed my neck, so it's whatever.
I don't have leather seats nor do I have cloth seats, but for different reasons, right, wait, why is that? Why do you want them to be? cloth seats is just better on my back I don't know my neck is better so I only buy cars that are like that all my cars suck even though I love cars I would spend all my money on cars if I could because The Comedy The store parking lot right now is Ferrari, wait, have you ever seen this on a comedy where all of a sudden the comedians say you're rich and have cool cars, it was always like some guy was wrapped up in a yellow asson, Martin, who arrived in a Ferrari, the other one? day who was that, I know the store has one, I don't remember who has a red one, I don't remember who drove up in a Ferrari, there are a couple there and there are only good cars, I think Rogan has some cool, very cool cars.
There are a lot of guys who like cars and have money for them. I don't have enough driveway, but I could keep a couple. Here I go. I went to a car auction in Arizona last week. I was trying to get more. in Arizona all the time from there Dumbo, I know, but that's the 14th hour, go on, I know, okay, but I feel like we'll cut part of the top off of this soon, um, I feel like we'll cut part of the top from this. I have to understand it. I'm seeing the wrong Missy after this.
I have to go home and what is it? It's a movie I made and it comes out in May. Oh, the one you did in Hawaii, yeah, oh well, I've never seen it, so, uh. you are marked, although there is music, it is finished, oh, well, totally finished, yes, why did AR invite, I didn't want to see, I go, I don't want to see anything, I just wait until it's finished, who are you watching it with? uh Adam gets Come on, okay, you want to watch it with a group of people, so yeah, oh, okay, Rosie and Bobby, my friend from the show, wait, before you go, we need to decide what you're getting Rosie for.
Yes, we do what we do. You don't buy him a Teddy anymore, no, no, I don't get that corny shit, I get something cool like what I don't do, a gift card, I think the gift card is the best apple, apple, no, I think, I think you should get it. her candles, everyone knows I love candles, give her the vagina candle, I think they should make one for the anus, does she have a new one for the anus that's coming out? No, I don't know, well, what are you going to give him? Let's decide, stop saying it again.
Because? Because Valentine's Day is a fucking scam, it's not a scam. I mean, it's just a made-up party. By the way, this is capitalism, no matter how it came about. Damn, they're so bad at being nice to us that we had to make up a day. to force them to shit or at least in the night this is what happened but I agree that however it happened it's real and they better do something yeah that's it yeah you know what else is made during Super Bowl parties, I don't. I don't even love supermarkets. I also like it all the way because I play the final super cool.
I feel like you play who plays fantasy football. How are you? Isn't it great? The girls love it. I'll go, hey, I'll tell Rosie anything. see, hey, you know that, so today I had Patrick Mahomes, she says, stop, stop, I don't even understand you, no one understands you and you have to watch all the football to know everyone's stats. You have to be fucking smart. You're doing it right? I missed. Your team is doing well. Are you a good fantasy manager? you're your team or whatever, I don't get it, so you have PE players on a lot of different teams and then you create your own team, you select oh this this doesn't count, I broke this, it's uh, you draft whatever, it's so boring that people will tune out what else no, they won't, they'll love this David Spade talking about fantasy football, that's a hot clip, we'll do it. get that Entertainment tonight this one at the fucking bar St I'd like to take credit for being number one for not asking about Chris Farley oh that's right it was a very conscious good choice and I was trying not to ask you anything you normally I ask, I didn't ask you about the bachelor, that's true, yes, I'm going to watch it this week, although I know you're obsessed with it, it's the iron you lost with someone, that's your favorite show, no.
I know it's fun to watch, but I even saw the one about the boy, the girl and all the boys, that's still fun. Still, does everyone watch comedy or not, like television? Well, no, I look at it when I walk into the store and see people like me. means like com like scrip I feel like comedians love to watch reality shows that are funny for us and people get humiliated by the way I've probably seen about four episodes of friends, that's a good take, I've never really seen it. I can say I can say this with maybe. lying, I've never seen five pH epes from a friend, really true, wow, so I like Jen, I like Jen anyway, I'm going to tell her yes, you just love her for her, you just love them for them.
I think it was more blinded jealousy than anything because the show is a monster and we were at the same time just shoot me and we were still maybe in the top 10 15 but you, but how hard was it that we were against, not against, but we were on the same network, but we had friends ER Will and Grace Frasier, all these great shows, so it was hard to single out Seinfeld, they were all on at the same time. Same thing, you know, Ellen was at the time. Ellen, the television show. Sitc. Television program. Yes, I really love that show.
Well she was also in the mix of all that Crossfire because it was very difficult, yeah, no, she made jokes about it on El, that's funny, so every time she had a coffee shop and when people came in, there was this time . jie graa was on the show and was like, “hey, looking for friends,” people were like, can I get some hot chocolate? and Ellen, what do you think this is Central Perk, like she made jokes about it to Ellen, which I thought was really funny, she's always so funny on her show, okay, we gotta get you out of here.
I have to go because I'm breaking down even more. I can't believe you're here. I can't believe you did this, yeah I thought it was really funny. I think we should cut some of the top off because I feel like we were just getting into that. I think people like the shit you think of us sitting around and just talking nonsense about anything. I see that even this people don't care. I would see this. oh there's your thing that you always carry your mler uh liner montler, yes you're montler that's what you actually called him it's the most expensive thing he owns by the way what's that 3000?
My money is invested in cash right now. uh I get up, I love the idea of ​​just like I look at my shoes, although be careful, those are elegant, you have an orange, where did you get those?, I get them from work and I steal them because they give me a new one every time. day, this is the most awkward ending to any


, no it's not, this is where we leave. I love you so much, thank you, thank you for wearing your best lion shirt, look at the Shir.

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