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Dad Reacts to America's Dumbest Criminals! (Warning)

Jun 01, 2021
Me, what was done? It looks bad. Hey, welcome, I got a breath, man. It's been like 10 years since I worked out. I just finished and your boy can't even breathe, but it was necessary. No that's all. I have to say that I am going to keep trying to go to my gym. Brian, hopefully, will make it. Are you doing that look? Let's look at you man, he won't do anything because he knows I'm going on camera. He knows very well that you are not here. I'm not going to go any further, you guys can comment below on motivation or anything my dad wants to hear to get him to the gym, please comment because I can't do anything, I really can't, but anyway today we are. here with the



in the United States, no, man, how dumb people are, it's the United States.
dad reacts to america s dumbest criminals warning
I love myself. Trump. Trump, of course, no, no, sorry. Yes, it would be stupid. I'm not going to bring politics into this, but yeah, I hope you guys are having a fantastic time. This is the first time we're doing America's Dumbest Criminals, so if you enjoy it or want more, let us know because there are a lot of episodes of this, but yeah, without further ado, we'll just get into this video. but before you do it after me before I ask you for life we ​​have the sponsor of the day today if you don't know I'm starting to make sponsors of the day if you want more information email me at contact manage email comments in the description below, we are doing a 29 second part of the video.
dad reacts to america s dumbest criminals warning

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dad reacts to america s dumbest criminals warning...

If you want to mention your YouTube channel, you want to mention some company that you started, if you want to start, mention anything, music, pretty much anything, just email me at contact Dynegy makan, like I said, business inquiries should only be on the description, but yes, this is the sponsor of the day. I hope you enjoy it so I keep my cash on my clothes so I'm stuck in the montage because everything I do. I need money all I need is gloves all I need is cash only the Lord knows money money money money money here my glasses are gone all I need is money all I need is clothes all I need is cash the Lord knows money money money money money on my chairs let me know what you thought links to the artist would be first thing below make sure y'all go check it out without further ado are you ready I mean like you want Ruby well we were making 6 and we did it. 6 so let's try it 7 okay if we get 7,000 likes in 7,000 you guys hit the like button without further ado let's do this man 2 1 we just received a call to a man sitting inside a vehicle outside of the commercial city that has been sitting for a A couple of hours and a couple of tenants a little worried I fell asleep I stopped them and I fell asleep from the car you have a license, excuse me sir, stay there, keep your hand there, any other Whatever you want, you tried to put it underneath.
dad reacts to america s dumbest criminals warning
He tried, he thinks I know, we just took cocaine, any pills, anything else, bags of cocaine, 12 bags of cocaine, no way they caught 12 bags of cocaine, look, stay well, what are you going to say? It's like sitting on this, it's like sitting right there, yeah, no. but look well, you know how you said: is there something else in the car? He says: I don't know, I don't know the name anymore on the car, I just cut it to 12 bags a little, it's 12 bags of cocaine like you could have been dealing buddy, did you take this too?
dad reacts to america s dumbest criminals warning
You took this along with cocaine and beer. That's probably why you're in the state right now. He says it's for personal use, but who knows, he could be dealing and give it to me to use. personal use, which could be both, one thing is for sure, although he will definitely take the trip today, at least to comply with an outstanding court order on one issue, I believe it is for child support, no, he needs to get out here. I put them on and you come back. Out here, don't sit here two blocks away, why are you trying?
He threw that at you, so we'll set you up with whatever I was driving, not even my car, because you could go to jail for evading in a vehicle. right, what do you want me to do? just do something with me would you like to go to jail for you she put you on a subsidy she works what is she doing she makes cars that doesn't make sense what is she doing oh my god no I don't know what your wife does. I'm not going to sell it, it's a gift and he said, well, sometimes it gets loaded and taken off.
He says he bought it for $200. Why did you take it away? Problems with his truck. He says. Who is the bad lawnmower? He got very low. Jill left for months with the other suspect. Where did you pick up the lawn mower in a driveway? Tell me what you saw, but pick it up right there. How do you know he was outside? I don't. I didn't rob my father coming back robbery accepted on YouTube they were both going to jail what is it to do nothing I didn't say you robbed him I'm telling you this lawyer said the charges against you for death oh he said she said we don't I didn't steal anything first , he was a guy, yeah, well, we didn't steal them, okay?
Do you have our ID with you? Now you grab one from the neighbors or from anywhere with Wi-Fi. How come you don't do it at home just out of curiosity there's someone's driver's license number there's some account numbers here then you have someone's social security number wait it looks like he might be involved in a little identity theft just Quick question man, why do you have so many people's social security cards? I process them in the system they signed up for, they sign over all their numbers and everything is fine, so if I call you right now and they say yes, you are allowed to have my Social Security and they ask you, okay, I will have a A guy here with his Visa credit card number and his name and his address and his birthday and says you gave him that information.
He basically did it at the bank just to notify him in the last few days that someone is making unauthorized transactions on today's account and they changed his account number. These people have no idea who you are. Someone is not giving me the correct information. They are giving me someone else's work. I'll write it down and be honest. You know, in my personal opinion. I think you're lying so that's what we do for a living and Wow he's out there there are still things he was going to say or is it the possibility that the person who gave them the numbers is something that was recorded and They are the Who did the identity theft?
Mmm, there's still a baby, yes, but he's sitting outside your house sucking on your stuff. The owner of this dog in the car right now is a narcotics dog. Will something light up? It's okay, because now he's telling me. I know what's happening. It's good, no. marijuana there, this sounds like he's not for me, which would indicate that there are drugs because that's what the dog has for a moment, okay, drugs, mother, some pills, better. I can't explain Charlie for some, I think they are Very good information, Missy, you don't use it on everything related to the form, yes, you know, yes, he is old, where did you get those on this Rome front, which Frankly, she's an old lady and I'm just giving you that back?
Oh, that's great, Charlie, then you. You are acting like the pharmaceutical doctor in the middle what you are telling me is that you are delivering narcotics to people, do you understand that? And that is against the law in almost every state in the country, including this one. Wow, that's crazy, yeah, he's got a couple of points. Down here, please, you don't even look good. I'm like, who's in the front seat? What are those pills in my pocket? There it reads 61. Now, oh, you 61 friends, put your hands on your heads. That's a big bag of Ecstasy, isn't it?
That's a lot of ecstasy, my friend. Oh, how long have you known these guys in the car? Did they know about ecstasy in your pocket? Nothing to do with that. He already told us that you knew about ecstasy. How much did you know? you put how much money in my game in a game like 250 for him, you gave him 250 and how much was he, you don't know, you think you could have turned around and maybe made a little money off of this, so probably just a little bit a 10 bucks a pill, you'll take 700 ecstasy pills along with it he said to the essence, does he know anything, but no, he doesn't know anything, so he goes to where the cop, Elijah, goes and says, hey, he told me that. oh yeah I only gave him two fifty so now you're going to jail with him if he said no I did oh that would have been nice right he said if you said no he didn't know anything maybe they had hope , OK?
I'm lying, a friend, I was the first, the first guy that said I gave him $100, yeah he's loyal, he tried, he tried, he tried, he tried, they didn't have a history together, yeah, you know what They would make you 700 ecstasy pills. I have no idea he would overheat you like a pot of boiling water and turn your brain to jelly. That's all, but the thing about wood is people, if you don't understand any of this, you know they're going to lie to you, no, yes, you're saying it. the truth telling the truth tell me why you're going to jail anyway they really don't give a damn yeah you're going to go to jail no but uh yeah I mean I guess I was the first video to that we react.
America's Dumbest Criminals, if you guys enjoyed this guy, make sure you like him, what do you think about it? I'll just take them to them, well, I hope they approve. I have more to say men, don't have a wonderful day and please remember. is please give me 15 minutes of your day H and every day and we will try to make you enjoy us in every way don't try it you always try I close

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